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1968 December Newsletter Zeta Deuteron (Washington & Lee University)
December 1968 newsletter of the Zeta Deuteron chapter at Washington & Lee University. The newsletter is one page in length.
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Zeta Deuteron
Washington & Lee University
1968 December Newsletter Zeta Deuteron (Washington & Lee University)
Zelta Deuteron of Phi Gamma Delt^^
112 Preston Street. Lexington, Va.
December 13, 1968
Chapter letter this year in form we feel you can read
quickly while remaining in touch with the general picture
of Zeta Deuteron
Eighteen freshmen pledged in pre-school rush week . . . .
one more added in deferred rush . . . fifteen of them played
either varsity or freshman football . . . grades are still the
big problem with pledging . . . chapter has just begun twohour study halls in dining room every night for all freshmen
under "C" average . . . has been tried before, but with stricter
rules on behavior we hope to make it more successful . . .
chapter truly sees the importance this year of helping
pledges with their grades rather than encouraging them to
neglect studies with other activities ... it simply makes no
sense to lose a single member of chapter from the class
which represents the future.
Entirely new pledging program initiated this year . . .
absolutely no hazing in any form whatsoever . . . no indi
vidual duties or demands . . . pledges' only requirement is to
farn the fraternity and chapter history, names of all mem
bers, and spend two hours a week working on the fraternity
house and grounds . . . some problem with older members who
miss the "old style", and with the fact that we cannot compel
the pledges to work unless they want to; but these disadvan
tages are completely overshadowed with the improved tone
of friendship which now exists between freshmen and upperclassmen.
Financial situaiinn is gradually reaching the desired
stability . . . poor administration resulted in seven thousand
dollar loss over last two years . . . but second mortgage, al
though terribly expensive, has enabled us to begin the pro
cess of sound financial managem.ent . . . budget made this
year will be strictly adherred to . . .
Scholarship jumped from eighteenth (at first semester)
last year to eleventh in June . . . Kaz Herchold led all broth
ers with straight. A's on his last semester's work at W&L.
Seventeen brothers on varsity football team . . . out
standing performances over season by junior quarterback
Jack Baizley and junior center "Thunder" Thornton . . .
Thornton named as tri-captain of next year's squad . . . intra
mural football wins school championship on November 26 . . .
frosh swimmer John Lawlor looks like he will make a mark
in his sport this year at Washington and Lee.
Washington & Lee
have been trying to find five men and a replaceF®'^' ^
purple legionaire J. D. Humphries who graduates fi""' ^
school in June . . . chapter needs these advisors and tb®
dom of their experience if it is to ever have any sense
tinuity or financial responsibility over a long period "f
. . . we feel sure alumni would contribute to the chap'®^^^
they knew their monej^ would be managed and controlii
this committee of more mature brothers . . .
No chapter newsletter would be complete without aword
of thanks to Miss Virginia Beckner, our housemother, whose
devoted service to the fraternity this past year has been a
source of hospitality and pride to us all . . .
Brother Peter Youngs currently serving in Vietnam . . .
his address:
Lt. Peter E. Youngs
Box 1119
APO 96227
Sincerely yours,
President, Zeta Deuteron
chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
Why Alumni Relations
Considering the last three years, we have had only limit
ed success in alumni relations. The fault was basically our
apathy during the first two years. Last year, however, your
apathy was made apparent. We published expensive news
papers and organized an equally expensive Pig Dinner. The
alumni response was far from a general response and far
from general enthusiasm. We are forced to ask ourselves why
we really have alumni relations.
Is the function for the alumni to give money in return
for our efforts to keep them informed of chapter events and
create for them occasions for return to Le.xington? If such is
the case, then continued efforts on our part similar to those
of last year are financial farces, for we lost money through
alumni relations during this period.
Is the function to continue brotherhood? If such is the
case, then minimal alumni response makes alumni relations
strikingly unimportant.
Is the function to maintain a correspondence center
through which brothers may contact each other? If such is
the case, then we are presently doomed to be ineffective.
Last year's questionnaire sent to all alumni furnished
us with the status and verified address of perhaps fifty
Upcoming social events for those of you planning a visit:
pmpag'nes December 4; Fancy Dress Feb. 2.
Membership now totals 53, 19 freshmen, 8 sophomores,
14 juniors, 12 seniors . . . new initiates this fall were Smith,
Doxey, Blood, Mabaffey, Mescal.
Several changes in physical plant — individuals contri brothers.
buted to buy a pool table which is now in the den beside the
What do you think our function should be? Do you feel
stairs . . . TV was moved to basement, where the bar was we should indeed request money but be more specific about
removed and a rug, through donation from the mothers' club, its use? Should we merely furnish fraternity news and be
was placed on the floor . . . preparations for rush week In content that those irrteves-ted wiL sn~-'w xvspoilse;
cluded paneling of front hall and from the baseboard down renew our efforts of last year and expect response and su...
in the living room . . .
Administration seems to realize that Washington and
Lee may truly need fraternities despite anti-fraternity
faculty feelings for the most part ... yet future of fraternities
'Thr„"wS«ei"wm answer the question for us. We fra
ternally ask that you all reply to our
" j
In this way we oan compile statistics an p
^^|ere will most definitely rest on the final opinion of the possible.
ages which will indicate to us just what our fhnf""
^diversity's administration regardless of what the students
be. If the response is minimal- our reaction will be likewise.
feel . . . rulings on sophomore dorms will come in the If you display a desire for our services, we will furnish them
next year . . . rulings on sophomore dorms will come in the accordingly.
near future and will greatly affect fraternities' status ...
. . . no
To those
of you who respond positively even though y
doubt fraternities will need alumni support in securing not be in the minority, we will do all we can for you. A nega-
merely the status quo, but their proper long-range function tive response will generate just that. We look forward to
at Washington and Lee.
Annual Christmas party for children will be held just
before we leave for vacation . . . should be, as usual, a good
time for children of all ages.
Desperate need for Board of Chapter Advisors here . . .
your letters.
Alumni Relations Chairman
Box 32
Lexington, Virginia 24450
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December 1968 newsletter of the Zeta Deuteron chapter at Washington & Lee University. The newsletter is one page in length.