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1968 Fall Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
Fall 1968 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Gamma Phi
Pennsylvania State University
1968 Fall Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Gamma Phi Chapter at Penn State University
State College, Penna. — Fall Term 1968
JAMES R. "BOB" BANKS ('63) — project engineer
for Sun Oil Co. While on assignment in Canada,
enjoyed such activities as curling and dog sled
WALTER L. NORRIS ('23)—a retired engineer,
takes full advantage of his retirement years by
touring Europe and the United States from the
seat of a motorcycle.
WESLEY F. "WES" BLAHA ('52) - a noted clergy
man from McMurray, Pa., was recently cited in
"Who's Who in the Methodist Church," for his
outstanding church and community work.
RALPH L."LARRY" WERT ('64)- while a helicop
Fund Drive Making
improvements Possible
FOR IT." So read the sign which greeted returning
Gamma Phi alumni on Homecoming Weekend as they
entered our new parking lot. But our recently ex
panded and resurfaced parking lot was just part of
the many improvements which have occurred at the
lodge in the last few months, as the graduates and
guests found out.
Touring the grounds each group viewed with
pride and satisfaction the re-seeded front lawn, the
recently installed outdoor lighting, and the newly
paved shrub-lined walkways. Particular attention
was paid to the parking lot, now enclosed by six-foot
high redwood fencing. Inside the house the innova(Continiied on page four)
ter pilot in Viet Nam, received 14 air medals. He
is presently training pilots at the Marine Pilot
Training School in New River, North Carolina.
ROBERT W. "TED" McKUNE ('32) - one of Gam
ma Phi's Ail-American soccer players, is presently
an insurance executive in Gape Town, South
GEORGE S. WILLS ('58)- Public Relations Direc
tor at Johns Hopkins University, while working
for his Ph.D. in Political Science, has found time
to write two books on various aspects of govern
S. G. "CHRIS" MADER, JR. ('64) - working for his
Ph.D. in Applied Economics at the University of
Pennsylvania, was married on Nov. 30, 1968 to
Susan Johnson.
JOSEPH R. "JOE" ELLIGOTT ('39) - Mayor of Al
pine, New Jersey, has been influential in at
tracting graduate brothers J. G. Androski and
S. G. Mader to Corn Products Company, where
he is Director of Community Relations.
Graduates Do "Give a Damn',
This (as of Nov. 15) is the second progress report
to be made to the entire alumni body. (Fund Drive
committee members received a more detailed report
in the interim). Since the summer report the number
of donors has gone from 77 to 182 (12% to 27% of the
membership); total income has increased from $10,926
The Nittany Fijis are indeed fortunate in having
such a dedicated action-oriented group of graduate
brothers which forms Gamma Phi's Advisory Board.
These men and their respective areas of responsibility
to $20,191, most of which is immediately available for
George Pumell ('44) — Purple Legionaire
the repair-refurnishing program. Please keep in mind
Frank Tieman ('66) — Gultural Affairs
Jack Krumrine ('53) — Physical Plant
Bob Miller ('54) — Publications
that this is, as stated, a "progress report," and that the
drive continues, for we feel sure that many more
brothers will want to have their names listed as do
nors, and there is a hope that some who have already
contributed will wish to increase their contributions.
With a few exceptions the class chairmen have been
doing a conscientious job in contacting their class
mates, with varied results, and for this we are grate
A few meaningful statistics will bring you up to
date, and possibly will help you decide to help your
class fund, and, by so doing help the drive at large.
First, the donors are 173 brothers and nine parents
and friends; 28 of this group (about 15%) have given
more than 50% of the money received.
John Geiser (Gettysburg '59) — Legal Affairs
Hum Fishburn ('22) — Scholarship
Bill Wilson (Gettysburg) — Finance
Toby Frymire ('67)—Graduate Relations
F. F. "Duke" Morris ('31) — Pledge Education
Ken Holderman ('31) — Public Relations
Dick Bunnell ('53) — Liaison to Trustees
This group meets with the undergraduate broth
ers once a term at the Ghapter house. In addition,
each board member meets once a month with the
undergraduate chairman in his specific area of respon
Five classes have exceeded the financial goals set
up for them: '68 (with 170%), '49, '66, '67 and '07.
Eleven others have passed the 50% mark towards the
class goal: in a descending order '64, '53, '35, '43, '33,
'58, '65, '10, '38, '08 and '18. Actual class donations
above the $500 mark start with '49 at $1,200, '07 with
$1,000, and are followed by '22, '18, '35, '33, '53, '37,
Brotherhood Expanded;
Eleven in Fall Pledge Class
'32, '44, '43, '46, '10 and '42.
Ten classes have 50% or better in the percentage
of contributors: '00 and '09 with 100%, followed by
'35, '27, '38, '33, '64, '08, '24, and '43. Actual contrib
utors from classes with five or more donating start
with a high of 10 from '64 and continue with nine
from '66, seven from '46, six each from '62, '63, 65
and '67 and five each from '35,'44,'53, '54,'58 and 61.
We would be happy to change these statistics
upwards for the next report, which will be in much
more detail, will name names, and will be sent to you
within the next several months.(We aren't listing the
The brotherhood of Gamma Phi Chapter has wel
comed into brotherhood twenty-one men, with inter
ests as varied as the spectrum of activities itself, and
united in their desire to perpetuate the ideals that
have made Phi Gamma Delta what it is today. The
new brothers are in alphabetical order: Jon Beerer
Norristown, Pa.; Tim Brick, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Ray Car-
inci, Coatesville, Pa.; Tom Cerussi, Wayne, Pa.; Jim
Clawson, Collegeville, Pa.; Dale Comstock, El'mira,
N. Y.; "Chip" Downing, Wayne, Pa.; Greg Edmonds'
Richmond, Va.; Bill Ericsson, Erie, Pa.; John Fadden'
poor-showing classes at the lower end of the gamut
at this time, with the hopes that they will come alive
Scranton, Pa.; Tom Hartzfeld, DuBois, Pa.; Dave
and send in some donations. Suffice it to say that
Alexandria, Pa.; Jim McCreight, Bethel Park,' Pa.;'
Pete Miller, Hanover, Pa.; Jeff Muller, Altoona, Pa.j
nine classes with a total of 29 potential subscribers
have as yet done nothing in the way of contributing.)
To paraphrase a letter sent out by one of the class
agents: We feel you are affluent enough to contribute
your share to the drive, so won't you do your part in
making it possible for the current and oncoming
undergraduate Fijis to enjoy room and board, and
the social life and fraternal brotherhood that you had
when you were in the chapter — and which had been
made possible by other brothers who were alumni
when you were an undergraduate? This is a good
Herzberger, Beaver Falls, Pa.; "Pad" LaPorte, Jr.,
Dan O'Brien, State College, Pa.; "Rob" Speer, Little
Neck, N. Y.; Bruce Taylor, Maple Glen, Pa.; Ray Tiley,
Cheshire, Conn.; and Rudy Vitaro, Pittsburgh, Pa.
The fall-winter pledge class, representing part
of the hope for future Gamma Phi successes, are:
Gary Bretch (Berwick, Pa.), Vic DePallo, Jr. (Conshohocken. Pa.), Dave Freas (Springfield, Pa.), Larry
Huston (DuBois, Pa.), Dave Joyner (State College,
Pa.), Tom Joseph (Springfield, Va.), Jim McGurk
(Pequannock, N. J.), Bill Novak (Kingston, Pa.),
Paul Pasqualoni (Cheshire, Conn.), Dave Smith
Hummel Fishbum '22
(Winstead, Conn.), and Gary Deuel (Oswego, N. Y.).
\r\nScholarship at Gamma Phi
Last spring. Gamma Phi, with a 2.580 house av-
erage, finished in the top 25 social (non-professional)
fraternities of the 56 on campus. Had this score been
a mere .20 of a point higher. Gamma Phi would have
risen a disproportionate sixteen places into the cov
eted "Top Ten."
The surprising source of strength which resulted
in this 2.580 mark, commands high hopes for Gamma
Phi's future scholarship rankings. This unforeseen
hotbed of academic achievement has been the springfall pledge class. The cumulative average for the
twenty-one members of this group was an unusually
high — 2.725. The main contributors were:
Dale Gomstock — 3.80
(1. to r.) Al Hawman (Pig Dinner Chairman), Jim Allspaugh, (Cor
responding Secretary), Dan Kohlhepp (Historian), Ken Thomas (Presi
dent), Hummel Fishburn ("Outstanding Graduate for 1968) and guest
speaker Danner Lee Mahood (Past Archon President).
Dave Herzberger — 3.60
John Fadden — 3.40
Bruce Taylor —3.31
Ray Garinci — 3.00
Robt. Speer — 3.00
Ray Tiley — 3.00
The 1968 Pig Dinner weekend was a house filled
to the eaves with the bellowing of favorite songs
around the piano, the busy chatting of alumni wives
and the pounding of the beat by our own Dappers
in the dining room. It was everyone remembering
Gamma Phi has proven it can be "number one"
in athletics and extra-curricular activities, as evidenced
by the E. G. Bischoff trophy (All-IM Ghampionship
trophy) for 1967 and the only retired Spring Week
trophy on campus. Perhaps this is the year that
Gamma Phi will add this final jewel of Scholarship
to its "triple crown" of achievement. The prospects
certainly look bright.
how fine it is to be back with your oldest and best
friends. And for the undergraduate brothers, it was
realizing the value of the expression "not for college
days alone."
Leaving the better half behind, all Brothers then
retired to the Nittany Lion Inn for the annual festi
Nittany Fijis at Grand Bahamas
The I20th Ekklesia did not find the Gamma Phi
val of the pig." Attendance at this year's dinner was
Ghapter wanting for representatives. Six delegates -
good, and they were well rewarded with a more-thanmoving speech by Danner Lee Mahood, past Archon
President. He found praise for what he called the
two graduate and four undergraduate brothers —
traditional Nittany Fiji hospitality, and reminded
the graduate brothers of the need for their contin
uing allegiance to Gamma Phi. But Brother Mahood s
message was given special significance when the
trustees took time to recognize one of their most
faithful and loyal graduates. Words are scarce to
express all that Hummel Fishbum has given for his
chapter. But, to be certain, he has retumed with
service all that Phi Gamma Delta has meant for him.
made the trip to the Bahamas. They were- Fred M
Selkregg (T3), William T. Morris ('49), Gerald
Schultz ('69), Ronald P. Moehler ('69) Alan M
Hawman HI ('70), and Rocco S. Simonetta ('70).
Brother Selkregg delighted the delegation with
his familiar rendition of the Penn State cheer. Upon
retuming Al Hawman submitted a fifteen-page report
of the proceedings at the Bahama convention, which
aroused chapter interest in and respect for the com
plexity and efficiency of the official law-making organ
of the national organization of Phi Gamma Delta.
If the rest of us were only as earnest with self-sacri
fice as we are with praise for others, the strength of
our brotherhood would be unexcelled.
And so the Brothers returned to the chapter
house, not only with a color photo of the Fiji lodge,
but with a renewed sense of loyalty to that place
where it all happened."
Alan M. Ha\vman
Alumni Relations Ghairman
Sahlberg Visits Nittany Fijis
On October 13, 14 and 15, Garl Sahlberg, re
cently-appointed Field Secretary, visited Gamma Phi.
Dining his stay he attended an advisory board meet
ing, at which time the strengths and weaknesses of
the Ghapter were discussed.
\r\nGo, Fijis, Go
Last year the Nittany Fijis excelled in almost
every intramural endeavor and virtually walked away
with the intramural crown (the E. C. Bischoff Me
morial Trophy). But this is a new year and gradu
ation did hurt. For this reason the other fraternities
thought the Phi Gams could not repeat as champs.
It is now rapidly approaching the end of Fall tenu
and there is no longer a doubt if the Nittany Fijis
are capable of repeating. For it has been a great Fall,
with the Phi Gamma Delta teams again showing their
supremacy. Both Fred Caligiuri and John Feather-
The brotherhood of Gamma Phi Chapter
wishes to express deepest sympathy over the
recent passing of these brothers:
James F. Torrance ('09)
Samuel T. Pollock (TO)
John F. Whitworth, Jr. ('21)
Robert M. Spicer ('23)
John M. Russell ('28)
Stewart H. Burns, Jr. ('44)
John A. Donnal ('53) (Killed in action)
Thomas A. Reich ('66) (Killed in action)
stone placed in the top four of the golf medal compe
tition, and Tom Apple is currently in the semi-finals of
the tennis tournament. However, the big cpiestion this
season has been whether the Fiji football team would
repeat as champions. After an exciting seasoi)
{Continued from page one)
tions primarily consisted of new flooring for the
kitchen and rear foyer, and replacement of the worn
of play, our football team, undefeated and unscored
upon, entered the finals against an upset-minded Delta
Upsilon. The final game was, indeed, a "crowning"
touch to a perfect season. After being tied at the end
of regulation play, and again at the end of the first
overtime period, the Phi Gams finally snatched victory
from DU in the "sudden death" second extra period.
Presently we are ranked "number one" in the
point standings, according to the latest report from
the Intramural Department. In spite of a challenging
IM schedule ahead, it looks as if the 1968-69 intra
mural year will be, once again, "the Year of the Fiji."
Mark Thomas
back stairway.
By the beginning of winter term, the Nittany
Fijis will be enjoying the comforts of a refurbished
club and reception room, complete with furniture,
carpeting and drapes. Over the Christmas vacation,
the projected renovation will primarily consist of a
complete revamping of the present electrical system,
with installation of needed electrical outlets.
Practically all of these improvements which until
recently have been in the planning stage would have
remained so for many years to come had it not been
for the continuing financial support of our loyal grad
uate brothers through the Eightieth Anni\ersaiy
Fund Drive. Many of you men, dispersed through
out the world, with the mounting demands of busi
ness, and many with the added responsibilities of
civic affairs, have paused in your busy schedules to
Ian Charles Osbome ('69) from State College,
reflect upon the worthwhile experiences which you
have gained at Gamma Phi, and have unhesitatingly
and generously responded to the Fund Drive, in the
Pa., has been notified that he has been selected as
hopes of providing that same opportunity for genera
one of the top 2% of the 2,000 applicants to the new
tions of Fijis to come.
It is to you men that the brotherhood of Gamma
Penn State affiliated Hershey Medical School. Ian
will begin class at the Center next fall.
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
1757 N. Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Chapter Mailing Service
Address Correction Requested
Phi wishes to express its sincere debt of gratitude.
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Fall 1968 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.