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1968 Fall Newsletter Upsilon Sigma (Utah State University)
Fall 1968 newsletter of the Upsilon Sigma chapter at Utah State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Upsilon Sigma
Utah State University
1968 Fall Newsletter Upsilon Sigma (Utah State University)
FRATERNI^^^HI gamma delta
Upsilon Sigma Takes
Third In Baker Cup
A strong program of religious, ethi
cal, and social service brought a great
honor to the Upsilon Sigma delegates
to the 120th Grand Bahama Ekkles-
ia when they were presented the
certificate for achieving third place
in Baker Cup competition after having
been a chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
for only five months. Our delegates
returned' to a chapter with renewed
dedication to continue striving toward
the coveted Baker Cup.
Competition was especially heavy
this year with a new high in Baker
Cups reports having been submitted.
The Baker Cup went to the deserving
Kappa Tau Chapter at the University
of Tennessee. Second place honors
went to Lambda Tau Chapter at Texas
Technological College. These chapters
deserve congratulations for their fine
service programs.
At Upsilon Sigma weekly Baker
Cup activities range from attending
church as a group to major work
Through the concerted efforts of
every brother on campus and in the
community we are attempting to pro
ve that "True education discloses and
developes our capacities for service."
Fiji's participation in a work project at a
church helped them win Baker Cup honors
Another New House
For those of you who knew and
last four years. Our new house has
loved our old house of 1967-68 we
six bedrooms varying in sizes from
have sad news. Immediately upon
two men to four men and three baths.
returning from summer vacation the
brothers of Upsilon Sigma found that
It is larger than the houses we have
our old house had been condemned as
with the sounds of brotherhood.
a fire trap leaving us less than a
week to move all our belongings to
a new location and prepare a new
Our goal this year is to raise enough
money to make a down payment on
some property close to campus and
then to start building a new house
previously occupied and the halls echo
that we can call our own. With grad
of days we had moved into a larger
uate support, national backing, and
but imfortunately much
a lot of hard work on the part of
the brothers of Upsilon Sigma we
more ex
pensive house. We moved tons of
furnishings and personal belongings,
painted most of the rooms, completely
cleaned the building inside and out,
improved the large groimds, took
inventory of all of our possesions,
and successfuly rushed and pledged
twelve top quality men.
.1. (X.
service calendar.
house for Rush. Faced with a seem
Fijis raise the flag for the first time over their
projects in the community. Support
ing an orphan child, working at the
Cache Training Center for Handicap
ped Children, collecting clothing and
food for needy families, inviting dis
tinguished speakers on religious and
moral topics to Fiji Firesides, co
operating with university officials,
and supporting local service organ
izations all figure prominently in our
ingly impossible task our famous
Fiji spirit did not fail us. In a matter
JAN 14-1969
This new house makes the fourth
house belonging to the Fijis in the
can make our dream of our own house
come true.
If you are in the vicinity stop in
and say "Hello." Purple Power is
running strong and our door is always
open to any Fiji. Our new address
is 636 East Fifth North and we're
looking forward to seeing you.
\r\nPage 2
Fall 1968
Fourteen Take
White Star
Fourteen new pledges were added
to Upsilon Sigma Chapter during
Fall Quarter this year. Early this
fall Upsilon Sigma conducted the most
successful rush in the history of Phi
delburg, Germany.
Harvey Webb as Scholarship Chair
Returning spring quarter pledges
include Joe Armstrong, Jim Mackey,
and Tom Price. Pat Fagen of Boun
tiful, Utah and Mike Sullivan of Ro
chester, New York complete the 1968
fall quarter pledge class.
The pledges have elected Tom Price
as Pledge Class President, Alan Lichty
as Vice President, Jim Mackey
as Treasurer, Brad Bell as Secretary,
man, Kim Schaneveldt as Social Chair
man, and Joe Armstrong as Parlimentarian.
Much of the credit for our success
ful rush goes to Pete Cooke, our
capable rush chairman. However, only
a united effort of all members could
have brought such rewarding results.
Upsilon Sigma is continuing to work
to make this the best year ever.
Gamma Delta at Utah State Univers
ity. Every Fiji bid that was extended
during formal rush was accepted and
twelve of the finest men on campus
were pledged. They were initiated'
October 8, 1968. These twelve men
plus three spring quarter and two
post-rush pledges comprize the lar
gest pledge class of Upsilon Sigma
since chartering.
The new pledges include: Brad Bell,
Bethesda, Maryland; Dean Buhler,
Kaysville, Utah; Bob Bullion, Denver,
Colorado; Brian Bush, Bumey, Cal
ifornia; Jack Crookshanks, Woodland
Hills, California; Donald Kyker,
Vienna, Virginia; Alan Lichty, Scottsdale, Arizona; Rick Mclnturff, Dom
Four Earn Black Diamond
Kent Barnes, Charles Windham,
Gary Guernsey, and Judson Wiebe
earned the black diamond this faU
and were initiated as brothers of Phi
Gamma Delta. They bring with them
a wide variety of talents and interests.
Kent Jennings Barnes '71 came to
Utah State after a year at Weber
State College. His major interest in
college is theater. Kent was a member
of the Old Lyric Repertory Theatre
last summer where he appeared in
"Barefoot in the Park" and "A Doctor
in Spite of Himself." He was technical
director of the highly successful
ing, New Mexico; Hugh Newberry,
Las Vegas, Nevada; Mike Robinson,
Bountiful, Utah; Kim Schaneveldt,
"Charley's Aunt" which recently went
Roy, Utah; and Harvey Webb, Hei-
for "Playboy of the Western World."
Kent is currently the lighting designer
on tour and head of the stage crew
for "Wind in the Willows."
Float Takes Second
Gary Guernsey is a senior from
Kaysville, Utah. Last spring quarter
The first float to ever be construc
Gary journeyed south to Mexico City
ted by Upsilon Sigma as a chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta took second place
honors in the fraternity division dur
ing the 1968 Homecoming Parade.
Much credit must be given to Roy
Irwin, float chairman, and' the band
of tireless Fijis who worked around
the clock the night before the parade
to assemble the float. The huge float
and the University of the Americas
where he tells us he was a big hit
with the senoritas. A big wheel in
Alpha Kappa Psi, a professional bus
iness fraternity, Gary has served as
rush chairman, pledge trainer, and
scholarship chairman. Gary was re
cently appointed to a seat on the
Utah State Student Court.
Jud Wiebe '70 is the Jean-Claude
Killy of the chapter. Jud comes to us
after a year at Bakersfield Junior
College where he was president of
the Ski Club. A regular outdoorsman
Jud is majoring in Forest Recreation,
enjoys hiking, mountain climbing, and
frequently attends Forestry Club par
ties. He serves as a member of the
National Ski Patrol and occasionally
drags wounded Fijis off of the slopes.
Charles "Jingles" Windham belongs
to Alpha Eta Rho the aviation fra
ternity and is also a member of the
Arnold Air Society. 'While a pledge
Jingles served as Pledge Class Pres
ident and treasurer. He has served
also as house manager and is cur
rently chairman of the housing com
mittee. Chuck earned the Outstanding
Pledge of the Quarter award for his
fine work with the pledges before
he went active.
towered almost twenty feet in the
air and barely made it imder the
overhead wires on the way to the
judging area. The float featured a
fifteen foot replica of Old Main Tower
in gold and two white Greek pillars
representing...the changing campus
Published Quarterly
by Upsilon Sigma of
Phi Gamma Delta
from the days^f'l3hi^,old Greek schools
Editor .... Tennent 70
to the modemfuJuversity. Beautiful
Toy Tsuya of Alpna Chi Omega rode
the float represpntipg a Greek scholar
and Jack Croo%hahks rode as a mod
ern graduate of tJtah State.
Prize winning float
Contributors: Mackey,
Berry, Hadaway, Pa
lumbo, Reid Ropelato, Williams
\r\nFall 19B8
Page 3
Babiti WtUtam ^cott
Eugene Tobey: Our Creative Fiji
In this issue of the Golden Spike
Fiji Upsilon Sigma is honoring a
man who has not only been a driving
possesses talent in painting, ceramics,
force in the establishment of Phi
Gamma Delta at Utah State Univers
and sculpture. He is presently using
the theme of the relationship of hu
man and bird forms to produce a
series of sculptures in metal. When
this is completed Gene plans to do
ity but has also developed his own
talents to gain regional recognition
in the field of art. Clinton Eugene
Tobey (Utah State University '67)
work in ceramics. Gene also has a
is a leader and an artist. As second
special talent in the handling of gold
and silver in the designing of rings
in new and unique styles. Placing
high at the Utah State Fair two sep
arate years with his paintings and
sculptures, having his own art show
at the Utah State Library, and using
president of Delta Colony he planned
and worked to reach the goal of
chartering a Phi Gamma Delta chap
ter on the Utah State campus. Gene
has been in step with the chapter
since his graduation. During the time
'he has been working on his Masters
Gene displays "Art Work"
gal, Mexico in an artists' colony persuing a further knowledge of art. He
his special skills to produce items en
Degree "Tobe" has been advising,
joyed by the public in churches and
teaching, and speaking for the chapter
in the position of acting Purple Legionaire.
Brother Tobey has been to San Mi-
museums provide Gene only part of
the recognition he deserves. Upsilon
Sigma is proud of Gene's work in art
and in the fraternity.
Social Life At Upsilon Sigma
Under the guidance of Harry Hadaway, social chairman, Upsilon Sigma
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta will
have a major party almost every
month of this college year. Rush
Week got the social ball rolling with
a pajama party and a swimming
party at the Logan Municipal Pool.
Rush Week was followed immediately
by a "woodsie" up Logan Canyon
where the brothers and new pledges
became better acquainted. November
16 a joint party with the brothers
of Sigma Phi Epsilon, the Spodi Odi,
was held at the American Legion Hall.
April 17, 1969 will see these two
fraternities united again for the tra
ditional Dynamic Duel.
The Black
Formal was
December 7 at the Old MiU in Ogden.
This event was the highlight of our
fall social calendar. After returning
from Christmas vacation the brothers
will be looking forward to our annual
Tubing Party at Beaver Mountain
Ski Lodge and the Purple Garter
Party when they relive the exciting
days of the Roaring 20's for a night.
We will roun(%
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Fall 1968 newsletter of the Upsilon Sigma chapter at Utah State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.