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2014 Spring Newsletter Epsilon Iota (University of Evansville)
Spring 2014 newsletter of the Epsilon Iota chapter at the University of Evansville. This newsletter is four pages.
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Epsilon Iota
University of Evansville
2014 Spring Newsletter Epsilon Iota (University of Evansville)
ace of diamonds
phi gamma delta
New Personnel on Board of Chapter Advisors
By Bryan Hamann (EI 2012)
Chuck Norris’s
March 10th
Bunsen Burner
March 31st
Anniversary of
the Bay of Pigs
April 17th
2014 Epsilon
Iota Open
June 7th
Spring 2014
After many years of dedicating himself to the
service of the Epsilon Iota Chapter, Brother Scott
Gurgol (EI 2003) announced his resignation as
the Chairman of the Board of Chapter Advisors in
August 2013 As the newly appointed Chairman,
I hope that I, like Brother Gurgol, may show our
Chapter that Phi Gamma Delta is “truly not for
college days alone.”
Many of you are aware of the changes that have
been made within the University of Evansville’s
Greek System. These changes have substantially
removed University supervision of the
fraternities. To assist with this issue, as well as the
relative youth of the chapter, I’ve been pushing to
increase the level of graduate involvement within
the chapter. The Purple Legionnaire needs some
help. Local advisors were appointed for all of the
major committees, and all BCA advisors received
a list of expectations that they are required to
meet. Those expectations included a one year
commitment to the Board, required attendance
at one BCA meeting per year and one chapter
meeting per year, at least monthly contact with
their undergraduate committee chair and a
financial contribution to the Chapter or HTOT.
Within a few days of these changes being
implemented, a positive effect on the Chapter’s
recruitment efforts could be observed. In addition
to PL Jeremy Buente (EI 2008), rush BCA
chair Ryan Cramer (EI 2012) and I, numerous
graduate brothers were in attendance at various
recruitment events this fall, contributing to the
phenomenally successful results
the chapter experienced in the fall.
The emphasis has since shifted
to pledge education chair David
Reidford (EI 2011) and brotherhood
development chair Peter Hanscom
(EI 2010) to assimilate the new
recruits into the chapter. They have
both been in close contact with
their undergrad counterparts, and I
have complete faith in their success.
If you have any questions or
suggestions for the undergraduate
committees or would like to assist
the undergraduate chapter in any
way, please let me know by emailing
me at I hope I
can fill the shoes of Brother Gurgol,
and I look forward to working with
all of you in the future.
\r\npage 2
Once More, With Blackack
Despite seven years of strong service
at the Cambridge Country Club, the
drive out to northern Vanderburgh
County proved to be too much for
the Evansville FIJI grads. The 2013
Epsilon Iota Pig Dinner, which took
place on November 2nd, was moved
to its new location at the Tropicana
Casino. This choice has already
paid serious dividends for grads
and undergrads alike. Contributing
to a more event-style weekend, we
can look forward to future years of
successful gatherings in our new digs
overlooking the Ohio River.
As grads filtered into Evansville
from distant locales on the Friday
before the big night, a sizable group
of them and their families met at the
Newburgh Turoni’s to reconnect.
After healthy doses of pizza and beer
and catching up, most of the attendees
called it a night in preparation for
the long day ahead. However, some
grads were happy to peel off and put
in some early gambling time. Many
dozens of blackjack hands later, Joe
Setnor (EI 2007) had learned that
gambling is…just great, while his
brother Shane (EI 2005) learned that
a threat to split 20 is always a bad
The weekend was planned by
Andrew Meyer (EI 2015) around
UE’s fall homecoming, which
provided a full slate of activities for
grads on the day of Pig Dinner. The
university had set up a street festival
around the downtown Ford Center,
where Will Snider (EI 2006) could
be seen devouring funnel cakes and
crooked carnival games. Later that
afternoon, the Purple Aces men’s
basketball team would be playing the
PrairieStars of Illinois-Springfield.
Several FIJI’s were on hand to see
the Aces pull out a victory, and more
importantly, to see Eric Stoessel (EI
2014) be crowned homecoming
king. His first act as the new ruler of
UE was to reduce the length of the
second half, ensuring that all FIJI’s
in attendance made it back to the
Tropicana on time for Pig Dinner.
Tensions were running high that
night in the Tropicana banquet hall.
The new venue was smaller, there
was only one bar, and a button had
come off of my blazer. However,
thanks to the stellar organizational
skills of Brother Meyer and the poise
and talent of the Tropicana staff,
the dinner came off without a hitch.
Master of Ceremonies Jon Kissel (EI
2006) started the night with some
solid jokes, leading into a dinner
universally recognized as delicious.
Keynote speaker and admired Phi
Gam Josh Zars (EI 2006) implored the
assembled masses to remember why
FIJI is worth serving, and what they
can do to serve her. Joe Weist (Rose
Hulman 1987, EI 2001) informed us
of the many goings-on in the Purple
Valley of Indiana, including plans
for the upcoming 166th Ekklesia
to be held in Indianapolis. To close
the night, awards were given to
outstanding FIJI’s. Adam Barga (EI
2014) was given the Geoff Keller
Sweetest Influence award, and Bryan
Hamann (EI 2012) was given the
Grad Brother of the Year award, for
his efforts as new chairman of the
BCA. After we adjourned, some
three dozen brothers swarmed the
casino, where bets were placed and
bones were rolled.
Special thanks go out to brothers
Meyer and Zars for their roles in
making this Pig Dinner one to
remember. The Tropicana was a
tremendous hit, offering a central
location for a spectacular weekend.
The hope is that an increasing
number of grads take part in the
future. We look forward to see you
all again next year.
Graham Paxton (EI 2003) (third from left) and his Greek little
brothers Josh Zars, Sean Riley (EI 2005), and Josh Holland (EI 2006).
\r\npage 3
Have You Heard The Good News?
AJ Lichlyter (EI 2007) and Shannon Williams were married in June.
Graham Paxton (EI 2003) and wife Becca welcomed their second daughter,
Elizabeth, in July.
Nick Seibert (EI 2012) is now employed as the Development Coordinator for
the Florida Orchestra in Tampa.
Brandon Reynolds (EI 2008) received his Master’s degree in Anthropology
and Historical Archaeology from the University of Nevada, Reno. He is now
employed as a field archaeologist for the Louis Berger Group. Over Christmas,
he and Jenny Foster were engaged to be married. Everything’s coming up
Josh Zars (EI 2006) received his Masters degree in Agricultural Economics
from Purdue in August.
Daniel Kinser (EI 2009) and Jessica Carver celebrated their marriage in August.
Wes Bishop (EI 2011) was hired by the Japan Exchange and Teaching
Programme as an Assistant Language Teacher. Since July, he is residing in
Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka, Japan. As of November, he and Julia Rigby are engaged
to be married.
Chris (EI 2002) and Kathy Cook were married in September.
Nate Biondi with his fiancé Taylor Hamilton
Kathryn Hay, wife of Kevin Hay (EI 2006), gave birth to their second daughter, Lillian, in June.
Joe (EI 2007) and Laura Setnor celebrated the birth of their second son, Maverick, in September.
Rance Brown (EI 2006) was named assistant athletic director at Harrison High School in Evansville.
James Will (EI 2010) received his Master’s degree in History and Philosophy of Science from Indiana University in May.
Jordan Chapman (EI 2013) has been hired as an account representative with State Farm Insurance in Evansville.
Tom Topper (EI 2004) graduated from St. Louis University as a Physician’s Assistant in December and was certified in
Nate Biondi (EI 2012) and Taylor Hamilton were engaged to be married in December.
In January, Josh Holland (EI 2004) and wife Erica celebrated the birth of Noah, their third child and first son.
Jason Wallers (EI 2008) and Ryan Treml were engaged to be married in December.
Ryan Ebersole (EI 2010) and Jessie Kemp were married in January.
What’s Distracting FIJI’s?
This issue, the Ace of Diamonds caught up with Chris Childers (EI 2010).
My distractions are all geared toward relieving the stress generated from engineering
grad school. In ascending order of aggression:
Chris Childers (left) with Matt Mueller
(EI 2012)
I recently just finished my first 5k run and have been training for a second. Though
the season has since ended, the high-powered collisions of the NFL were a great
diversion on Sundays. I’m a big Patriots fan. When I can’t find and giant men
smashing into each other, I turn to Battlefield 4. A first-person shooter video game
is great for working out any frustrations. A virtual gun is just not enough for the
most brain-tweaking of engineering projects. The ultimate in stress relief is heading
to a shooting range and pulling off a few dozen rounds with my Ruger SR40. No
foul-mouthed 12-year olds criticizing my aim, either.
\r\nA Letter From The President
My name is Ben Broadhead and I am very pleased and excited to greet you as the newly elected president
of Epsilon Iota. Before I get started, I would like to tell you all a bit about myself. I am a junior accounting
major from nearby Boonville, Indiana and previously served as chairman of Recruitment and Service.
I am extremely optimistic about the future of Epsilon Iota and look forward to building on the solid
foundation that has been laid by the outgoing cabinet.
The fall semester of 2013 was an extremely important one for our chapter. With less than 25 active brothers
coming into the semester, numbers were becoming a legitimate concern. As a result, recruitment was the
primary focus of the chapter from May to September. As chairman (with the help of co-chair and former
president Austin Lauer (EI 2014)), I oversaw a complete reconstruction of the Epsilon Iota recruitment
program, implementing a dynamic system and increasing the goals, expectations, and obligations of all
brothers. All of our hard work paid off when twenty-one men signed their bids to pledge Phi Gamma Delta on Passover Night, becoming
the Kappa Deuteron pledge class. Three weeks later, three more men signed bids, thus creating the Lambda Deuteron pledge class. In
all, our twenty-four fall signings were the second most on campus. Graduate guidance and assistance played an instrumental role in
our recruitment success. Jeremy Buente, Bryan Hamann, and Ryan Cramer ran weekly meetings with brothers to discuss recruitment
tactics/strategies, and were fixtures at the house throughout the entire process. Many other graduate brothers also donated their time
and money to the recruitment effort. We could not have done it without them and are very grateful for their dedication.
In October, Epsilon Iota parlayed its recruitment triumphs into woeful performances in intramurals. JR Peters (EI 2015) was our only
IM champion, becoming the first African-American to win UE’s annual racquetball tournament. However, what we lacked on the
court, we made up for in the classroom, claiming the highest fraternity GPA (3.25) on campus for the second straight semester. We are
also well on our way to achieving our Hot-Tub-A-Thon fundraising goal of $14,000, and hope to see many of you at the actual event in
While we are very pleased with what the chapter was able to accomplish this fall, the new cabinet and I are eager to make some positive
changes this spring. Our primary focus will be to increase the output and efficiency of our committees. Committee heads will receive
checklists that explicitly lay out what they need to accomplish by certain dates. Expectations will be made clear and chairmen will be
held accountable if their committee fails to meet the new standards. Recruitment and scholarship will also continue to be priorities for
the chapter. We intend to expand our base of resources, and put the programs in place to ensure that we have the largest pledge class
and highest GPA on campus year in and year out. By the end of 2015, our goal is to not only be the largest and most active fraternity at
UE, but also to be recognized as one of the best FIJI chapters in the entire country.
Our goals are ambitious, but we are confident that they are both realistic and attainable. The new abinet is highly motivated and ready to
do whatever it takes to elevate Epsilon Iota to the next level and beyond. Please feel free to contact me with any questions as they arise.
I am extremely humbled and honored to have the opportunity to lead this chapter, and will constantly strive to uphold the values that
make Phi Gamma Delta so great.
Ben Broadhead (EI 2015)
Phone: (812) 629-8373
Jon Kissel, Ace of Diamonds editor
Hot-Tub-O-Thon information
Phi Gamma Delta
227 S. Lincoln Park Drive
Evansville, IN 47714
Visit Epsilon Iota on the web at
deepC is the musical alias of brother Geoff Keller.
His music can be found on iTunes, and for exclusive
deepC merchandise check out the new deepC shop:
90% of proceeds will be donated to the Malignant
Hyperthermia Association of the United States
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Spring 2014 newsletter of the Epsilon Iota chapter at the University of Evansville. This newsletter is four pages.