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2014 Spring Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
Spring 2014 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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2014 Spring Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
C hi I ota C hronicle
University of Illinois - Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity - Spring 2014 Edition
By: Davis Born (2015) - Awards and IGI Chairman
Chi Iota was very successful at
this year’s Greek Oscars. We
were finalists in several categories, and at the end of the
night we had five new pieces
of hardware to put up on the
FIJI took third in Scholarship, second in New Member
Programming, and a repeat
first-place finish in Philanthropy. Kudos to Zach
Turner (2015), Andrew
Farver (2014), Michael
Passaro (2015), and Erik
Sproat (2015)— last year’s
committee chairs in Scholarship, Pledge Education, and
Internal Philanthropy—for
doing such exceptional jobs.
The chapter was also
awarded an “Exceptional”
recognition by the Illinois
Greek Initiative (IGI), so
snaps for the chapter and
thanks to Robert Nystrom
(2015), the previous IGI/
Awards Chair.
ing of this award which recognizes extraordinary commitment to the founding values
of one’s fraternity. Congratulations Andrew!
Lastly, the chapter could not
be more proud to announce
that Andrew Farver
(2014) was chosen as this
year’s recipient of the Living
Your Values award at the
2014 Greek Oscars. We feel
that no one is more deserv-
Inside this issue:
Introducing the New
Lost Brothers
Philanthropy Update
By: Jon Mengel (2015) and Kevin Carter (2017) - Recruitment Chairmen
I am Jon Mengel, and my cochairman is Kevin Carter, and
as recruitment chairmen we
recruit potential brothers to
join FIJI. We look for potential brothers who not only
show our 5 values, but are
also the best gentlemen that
are on our campus. This past
spring, we pledged 13 new
members. For the next fall,
we are shooting to get up to
30 men pledged into our fraternity. With that being said,
we are not looking to gain
numbers but instead we are
trying to take the best of the
best. We want to cap ourselves at 30 because that
number leaves our chapter at
a number that still allows
everyone in the fraternity to
have strong brotherhood.
Our biggest goal as recruitment chairmen is to pledge
the best individuals on campus into the best fraternity on
Brothers taking shifts during quad day earlier this year.
\r\nChi Iota Chronicle
Page 2
Business Council President – Trent Houdek - Junior
Business Council is a professional organization that is focused on giving
back to the College of Business. We
concentrate on providing our members
with a connection between the professional and social aspects of the business world while building genuine
friendships. It is an honor to have been
8. I am proud to see incredibly strong
elected President of the organization
leaders from our chapter gaining prothat has made such a large impact on
fessional experience on campus.
my professional career. Focusing on a
platform of alumni relations, strengthI have so much pride for our fraternity
ening recruitment, and appropriate
and often think about the values in my
structural changes I am enjoying the
leadership outside of
opportunity to lead an
FJII. At the end of my
organization of over
“I have so much
term, I want to be able
130 members.
pride for our fraterto say as an executive
nity and often think
board we excelled and
I rushed the Chi Iota
about the values in
did so by making deciChapter the fall of my
sions backed by our
sophomore year. I was
my leadership
own morals. Also that
in search of a social
outside of FIJI.”
I created new and decomplement to Busiveloped old friendness Council; what I
ships while serving the community and
received instead was a completely difthe College of Business. I know for a
ferent experience. I gained a brotherfact I will have learned a thing or two
hood, friends I can count on and peoabout myself and leadership.
ple I look up to. At the time of my initiation, I was the only brother of FIJI
also in Business Council, there are now
Interfraternity Council (IFC) President – Kurt Zellner - Junior
I credit a lot of my success to FIJI. I
cannot believe that I would be where I
am today without FIJI. Many of the
skills that I use on a daily basis in my
job as Interfraternity President were
first developed within FIJI. Similarly,
had it not been for the image
that FIJI has on campus I do
not believe I would be in the
position I am in today.
Through my experiences in
FIJI, as a pledge, the chore
coordinator, and the president, I learned many things.
Perhaps the two most important things I learned were
respect and leadership. I believe too often people never
learn to respect other people;
FIJI has really taught me how to respect my brothers and support them.
As far as leadership, FIJI has provided
me with multiple leadership opportunities. These opportunities have helped
me develop as a leader and understand
how to be responsible in seeing things
accomplished. Likewise, these skills
are the ones that carry over to my role
on IFC. Lastly, the role of FIJI in my
successes is undoubted. People across
“I cannot believe
that I would be
where I am today
without FIJI.”
campus know Fijis and I believe it
would be fair to say the general consensus is that we possess members of
outstanding character.
\r\nPage 3
Chapter President - Joe Martinelli - Sophomore
I am the newly elected president of the Chi Iota Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. I am currently studying in the
College of Business, but I have yet to choose a concentration. Aside from FIJI, I am actively involved in
Business Council, which is the premier business organization on campus. Thus far, the cabinet has made
steps to formalize the committee chair application process as well as greatly expand the scale of our spring
philanthropy. Over the course of my term, I hope to lead the brothers in a successful transition to our new
chapter home and make FIJI a permanent fixture on campus. The future of FIJI is extremely bright and I
look forward to repaying the fraternity for all it has given me. P!
Chapter Treasurer - Eric Izzo - Sophomore
I am a sophomore here at the University studying finance. Besides being treasurer, I have had a great first
year living in the house and I participate in intramural football and basketball for FIJI. To this point, I have
just been working on keeping the brothers' strong commitment to their financial obligations. The most work
that has been done has been the time and effort that I and the current House Manager, Sam Homer (2016),
have put in to keeping our house in shape for our last semester. Going forward, I speak for the whole chapter when I say that we are very excited for our spring philanthropy this year. We have scheduled our annual
24-hour run and a volleyball tournament to raise money for the chapter, and everything looks promising
thus far.
Recording Secretary - Patrick Kandalepas - Sophomore
I am from Elk Grove Village, IL, and I am currently a sophomore here at the University of Illinois. My major
is finance/marketing. I am also involved in Illinois Business Council and OCF (Orthodox Christian Fellowship). I pledged FIJI as a freshman in 2012, and it was definitely one of the most rewarding decisions I have
ever made. FIJI has helped me grow in leadership, social, and scholarship aspects. Some of the positions I
have previously held are recording secretary of my pledge class and composite chair. One of the things I
have accomplished so far is making email accounts for cabinet members to separate fraternal and personal
matters. I was also able to move the point system for the house online. Eventually, I hope to increase chapter communication via an online calendar that everyone can access.
Corresponding Secretary - Joseph Nowakowski - Sophomore
I am a sophomore majoring in actuarial science from Palatine, IL. On campus I am involved Actuarial Science Club and I am the new Corresponding Secretary. My goals for this position include expanding and
strengthening graduate relations, improving campus relations in a way that positively reflect our fraternity,
increasing attendance for Pig Dinner, increasing membership to the 1848 Club, and making sure that all
chapter files are organized and recorded as necessary. In terms of the chapter as a whole, my goals are to
continue our positive growth on campus as we continue to establish ourselves as a stable presence and work
exceptionally with other cabinet members and all committee chairmen I am responsible for overseeing.
Chapter Historian - Daniel Mirabelli - Sophomore
I am a sophomore studying mechanical engineering, and previously held the position of Recruitment Chairman for the Chi Iota Chapter. I also write for the satirical newspaper on campus, The Black
Sheep. My goals as historian over the next semester are to have a pledge class of 30 for the fall semester,
increase the amount and variety of brotherhood events, and to increase focus on the Ritual.
\r\nChi Iota Chronicle
Page 4
We currently do not have a valid address for the brothers listed below. If you have address information for any
of the below members, please send it to so we can update his record
and keep him in touch with Chi Iota happenings.
Alan W. Fisk 1950
Stephen J. Henderson 1971
David S. Abbene 1986
Christopher J. Kirin 1992
Robert B. Sullan 1950
Bradley W. Krieger 1971
Thomas J. Quinn 1986
John H. Novak 1992
Stuart H. Zuck 1950
James S. Moore 1971
Jeffrey W. Slavish 1986
Derek J. Robinson 1992
Tom L. Sullan 1951
Dennis M. Mullen 1971
Thomas R. Bolduc 1987
Gerald J. Uhrine 1992
C. Donald Caughey 1952
Steven R. Salzman 1971
David A. Dressel 1987
Matthew D. Baumann 1993
Norton W. Compton 1952
Michael G. Smith 1971
Donald R. Glyman, II 1987
Brett R. Camden 1993
James L. Gernant 1952
Douglas J. McGrady 1972
John C. O'Connor 1987
Jason L. Elias 1993
Robert D. Johnson 1952
Kenneth R. Brocker 1973
Daniel E. Oliver 1987
John R. Hammerton 1993
Richard L. McCarthy 1953
John R. Fulton, Jr. 1973
Gerald M. Saballus 1987
Paul Huynh 1993
Jeffrey M. Austin 1955
Michael R. Page 1973
Charles E. Schofield 1987
Yuthama Kusumpa 1993
Don R. Brown 1955
Conard J. Stynchula 1973
Thomas M. Adler 1988
Eric I. Long 1993
Robert E. DeMeritt 1955
Scott R. Barnes 1974
James M. Eade 1988
John W. Morrison 1993
Corliss D. Anderson, Jr. 1956
John T. Farmer 1974
Daniel G. Fischer 1988
Mark C. Oliver 1993
Richard J. Hill 1958
Mark M. Inman 1974
Martin A. Henehan 1988
Michael J. Phelps 1993
Robert J. Madix 1960
Scott F. Leonard 1974
Joseph E. Huffhines 1988
Robert E. Smith 1993
Vernon E. Wascher 1961
Thomas A. Lidholm 1974
William J. Lange 1988
Kevin M. Young 1993
John O. Bell 1962
Gregory W. Christianson 1975
Keith A. Luther 1988
Mario A. Bear 1994
Lewis L. Bateman 1963
Stephen W. Balow 1976
Daniel P. Murphy 1988
Eric J. Grieser 1994
J. Christopher Hastings 1964
Paul N. Plechavicius 1976
Thomas A. Zimmerman 1988
Timothy P. Holderer 1994
D. Scott Johnston 1964
Bill M. Amacher 1977
Scott Benson 1989
Michael D. Keeney 1994
Raymond J. Bodnar 1965
Steven H. Dohl, USN(Ret) 1977
Kurt D. Deimer 1989
Louis J. Parks 1994
Robert W. Watson 1965
Douglas W. Glasson 1977
Gregory L. Goleash 1989
Christopher S. Reczek 1994
Dennis P. Flynn 1966
John L. Calcaterra 1978
Kevin L. Jacobson 1989
Guy Sharfman 1994
John M. LeFrere 1966
Thomas E. Jennings 1978
Richard J. Mariner 1989
Ryan M. Clark 1995
Robert D. Nutt 1966
Kevin N. McDermott 1978
Brian A. O'Gallagher 1989
P. Corey Cullinan 1995
William A. Owen , III 1966
John M. Hoffman 1979
Louis A. Plzak 1989
Andrew S. Keefe 1995
Richard H. Brown 1967
Patrick A. Pedersen 1979
Scott A. Richter 1989
Miguel Morales 1995
Scott R. Jacobs 1967
Carey J. Quigley 1979
Michael J. Sedivy 1989
Christopher A. Mote 1995
Robert T. Johnson 1967
Matthew Mosetick 1980
Randall J. Stephens 1989
Koruel N. Nejat 1995
Richard H. Ristau 1967
Thomas A. Hussey 1981
Travis L. Dodd 1990
Robb M. Plemons 1995
James J. Sisul 1967
James T. Hayn 1982
James F. Keane 1990
Peeramet Simpliphant 1995
Allan R. Wilhelmi 1967
Larry R. Thompson 1982
Kevin P. Morrow 1990
Thomas G. Skallas 1995
James L. Coleman , Jr. 1968
Dean F. Bartolone 1983
Michael E. Sands 1990
Bryan J. Gelushia 1996
Lee A. Neher 1968
Gregory A. Bishop 1983
Peter J. Schmeda 1990
Dallas D. Miller 1996
John L. Westermann, II 1968
Tory L. Daughtery 1983
Timothy R. Whiting 1990
Michael P. Zymantis 1997
William S. Fiorio, Jr. 1969
Charles W. Coughlin 1984
John C. Willis 1990
James P. Montalvo 1998
Michael M. Murphy 1969
Donald S. Graham 1984
Kurt H. Bodenbender 1991
Manuel A. Sanchez 1998
Ross C. Swain 1969
John T. Hagerty 1984
Gregory C. Danek 1991
Jason C. Dieckhoff 2000
Robert W. Baumer 1970
Thomas J. McNulty , III 1984
Keith A. Karraker 1991
Brian W. Panek 2000
John B. Kuney , III 1970
John P. O'Malley , Jr. 1984
Daniel Kim 1991
Ronak Desai 2011
James W. Lateer 1970
James E. Graham 1985
Scott R. Moorehouse 1991
Robert L. Hertig 2011
William H. Crook, Jr. 1971
Paul Kawiecki 1985
Richard S. Ramos 1991
Nicolas F. Parilo 2011
Michael J. Dailey 1971
Joseph P. McGivney , Jr. 1985
Patrick J. Bolan 1992
Octavio Patino 2011
Richard H. Goldstein 1971
John S. Willian 1985
Daniel R. Diversey 1992
Jordan R. Shevell 2011
\r\nChi Iota Chronicle
Page 5
By: John Rouck (2016) - Philanthropy Chairman
This spring we will once again be supporting Keep On Keeping On, a charity
dedicated to raising funds and awareness for diseases such as Muscular Dystrophy and Cerebral Palsy. We are currently organizing FIJIs Annual 24 Hour Run,
the first Phi Slamma Delta Beach Volleyball Tournament, and our annual Philanthropy Dinner. This year we have also implemented a pledge per mile system
for the 24-hour run and are seeking out local businesses to sponsor our philanthropy. For more information regarding our philanthropy and how to donate,
please visit the following link:
Philanthropy Chairman Bio - John Rouck
I am a sophomore from Naperville, Illinois, majoring in molecular and cellular biology and plan to attend medical school after
college. On campus I work as an undergraduate researcher in a biochemistry lab and spent the spring break of my freshman year
volunteering in a medical clinic in Costa Rica with a club called FIMRC. As FIJI’s philanthropy chair, my goal is to create a strong
FIJI Philanthropy brand while increasing the amount of money raised for our charities. Additionally, I am going to stress the
importance of our philanthropy to the chapter.
Members of cabinet and recruitment attend Fiji
Academy in January. From left to right: Joseph
Nowakowski (2016), Eric Izzo (2016), Joe Martinelli (2016), Kevin Carter (2017), and Jon Mengel
Spring 2014 Pledges (Tau Class)
Questions or suggestions about the newsletter can be directed to the current
Graduate Relations Chair, Brendon Rose at
I am pleased to make a contribution to the Chi Iota Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta of :
Other $_______
I would like my donation to be used in the following area: ________________________
Donations can be made with checks payable to Phi Gamma Delta and mailed to:
Graduate Relations - Phi Gamma Delta, 902 S. 2nd St. Champaign IL, 61820 and include this
Design services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Spring 2014 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. The newsletter is six pages in length.