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2014 Spring Newsletter Chi Eta (Western Kentucky University)
Spring 2014 newsletter of the Chi Eta chapter at Western Kentucky University. This newsletter is ten pages.
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Chi Eta
Western Kentucky University
2014 Spring Newsletter Chi Eta (Western Kentucky University)
Spring 2014
Volume 5 Issue 1
Chi Eta wins Reed Morgan, Scott
Taylor Awards at Convocation
pg. 2
Meet the Mu
Pg. 3-5
Josh Amos
Pg. 6
Pg. 7-9
Pg. 10
Mark your Calendars!
April 22nd
Big Al’s Dinner Night
April 26th
Pig Dinner
November 1st
Purple Run
Brothers celebrate the winning of the Reed Morgan during Greek Week Convocation on Sunday, April 13. This
is the second time in three years that Chi Eta has won WKU fraternity of the year. (Photo by Evan Pennington)
By Brent Stephens (2016)
For the second time in
three years, the Chi Eta chapter of Phi Gamma Delta was
awarded the Reed Morgan
award, on Sunday, April 13.
The Reed Morgan award
is given to the WKU fraternity that best represents the
university and community
through their scholarship,
philanthropy, community service, campus involvement,
The chapter also won
the Scott Taylor award, given
only three times before in the
history of WKU greek life.
The Scott Taylor award is given to the fraternity who wins
all eight chapter achievement
awards that are calculated
into the Reed Morgan award,
such as service, scholarship,
graduate relations, intramurals, etc.
Including the Reed Morgan and the Scott Taylor,
Chi Eta sophomore Taylor
Bowling was recognized as
the 2014 Order of Omega
Outstanding New Member
of the Year. Bowling (2016)
is a Spirit Master and was a
member of the Kappa pledge
class in the Spring of 2013.
Chi Eta also had five
brothers nominated and inducted into the WKU Greek
Hall of Fame. Seniors Trip
Carpenter (2015), Cody
Hutchins (2014), Griffin Fruge (2014), Will Garcia (2014)
and Spencer Wright (2015)
made up part of the newest
class of the Hall of Fame.
Last day for Pig Dinner registration is Today,
sign up now!
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nFIJI, Farmhouse, pair together in cookoff to raise
money for Tanzanian Orphanage
By Brent Stephens (2016)
The young men of Phi Gamma
Delta paired up with the gentlemen
of FarmHouse to create the first ever
“Chili Cook-off for Africa” on Saturday, March 29.
The two fraternities combined resources and manpower to hold a three
hour long competition where organizations entered their own chili creation
that was judged by a panel of guests,
with the winner receiving a set of customized WKU corn hole boards. And
for $7 people could by a wrist-band
that gave them the chance to try every
team’s chili, and vote on their favorite
as well.
The idea for a chili cook-off was
first brought up by London sophomore
Zach Miller (2016). “I personally
wanted to do this fundraiser after the
experience I had last summer in Tanzania,” said Miller. “I was able to visit
the Kurasini Orphanage through my
study abroad program, and was impacted by what I saw there.”
“When we arrived, the Orphanage was low on funds and did not have
enough money to send every child to
school. However, our personal donations made sure that every kid was
able to attend school that next year.
Immediately after
getting to spend a
day with the children, I contacted
Ryne McMullen to
see if there was any
way that FIJI could
make sure that
they never have to
worry about having the funding to
send their kids to
Just from the
entry fees and money made from the
front gate at the event, over $1,200
was raised and will be able to be donated (not counting money raised
from the Griff’s night, and upcoming Big Al’s night). The money raised
from the Chili Cook-Off will be sent
through Dr. Mkanta, the study abroad
trip leader for Tanzania, and will be directly donated to the orphanage.
This money will be used to help
pay for school and new supplies for
the orphanage. With enough money,
the orphanage can rebuild their workshop where children were taught useful skills such as sewing. Although the
orphanage is government run, they rely
heavily on outside donations and will
receive a large boost in funding due to
the money we could raise.
Phi Mu’s entry won first place,
while the 2012 Bike4Alz’s pot earned
them the fan favorite.
“After the success we had with
this event in its first year, I would love
to make the Chili Cook-Off an annual event,” said Miller. “Doing this
event annually would help us to continually donate to an amazing cause,
and it would also help to continue our
relationship with the fraternity FarmHouse.”
Pictured above is Austin Lanter,
Will Owens and Sam Wells representing the “fan favorite” 2012
Bike4Alz chili.
Pictured below left is Big Al’s
owner Mark Sohn, a guest judge
for the event along with Zack Van
Pictured below is Braden Proffitt
along with Tony Piedmonte representing the Mu pledge Class chili.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nChi Eta Welcomes in the Mu Class
Jonathan Brennan
Brent Harney
Age: 20
Grade: Junior
Hometown: Louisville, KY
Major/Minor: Marketing
College/High School activities: Basketball and Football intramurals; Club Ultimate Frisbee;
Campus Crusade for Christ
Why did you join FIJI? The brothers of FIJI always seemed to be the best guys around campus. Setting the bar high in the classroom, on the playing field/court, and in the community. I
want to be apart of a group of guys that isn’t ashamed of eachother and that wants each brother
to succeed beyond the original goal. And that is what I find in FIJI.
What has been your favorite moment in FIJI? Spring sing and all the practices were off the
chain yo. We were bringing sexy back each and every practice and when we performed.
Age: 18
Grade: Freshman
Hometown: Lexington
Major/Minor: Biology
College/high school activities: Pre dental club, Alpha epsilon delta, H4 counselor, PLD swim
team, Wildcat Aquatics Swim Team, Boy Scouts of America
Why did you join FIJI? I got to know the guys first semester and they are great men that I
want to surround myself with throughout college.
What has been your favorite moment in FIJI? Spring sing.
Vince Lewis
Age: 20
Grade: Sophomore
Hometown: Louisville, Ky
Major/Minor: Sports management
College/High School activities: Played football and baseball in high school and no work as a
student manager with the wku football team.
Why did you join FIJI? I had a whole year to get to know a lot of these guys because I didn’t
rush until my sophomore year and I grew very close with several guys during that year and it
made me want to come out and see what the rest of the fraternity was like, and it didn’t disappoint me. I love how close everyone is, and how involved FIJI was so involved with the community and school. I had no second guesses of which fraternity I wanted to be in.
What has been your favorite moment in FIJI? My favorite memory has to be the weekend
we had a retreat with all the brothers down in Gatlinburg, TN. It was so great getting to know
everyone more than I already did, and I made so many memories that I will never forget.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nChris McKenna
Age: 19
Grade: Sophomore
Hometown: Crestwood, Ky
Major/Minor: Political Science and International Affairs
Why did you join Fiji? Throughout my personal experience in college I have always been
friends with some FIJI’s my age and respected those who are older than me. I decided to join
Fiji to grow closer to those people and be a part of a brotherhood that is greater than myself,
and so far it has been much more than I expected.
What has been your favorite moment in FIJI? My favorite moment in FIJI thus far is
sitting on top of a mountain with a handful of brothers in Gatlinburg. It was very simple and
laid back, but hanging out after we hiked up there together was a really cool experience. It
also helped that the weather and view were both really nice.
Tony Piedmonte
Age: 19
Grade: Freshman
Hometown: Goshen, Kentucky
Major/Minor: Chemistry Pre-med, double major in Spanish, and a minor in biology.
College/High School activities:
High School : Speech Team, Drama Club, and Mustang Mentors Leadership Program.
College: ACS - WKU Relay for Life, Share a Swipe, Campus Crusaders, and CRU International Bridges Ministry.
Why did you join FIJI? Many of the men in FIJI have been such amazing role models to
me in the organizations I’m involved in on campus. It has been such a blessing to be taken in
as a pledge brother from the people who inspire me to be all that I can be.
What has been your favorite moment in FIJI? My favorite moment in FIJI was when my
pledge brothers and I were greeted on bid day by our new brothers on the top of the hill!
Carson Price
Age: 19 and 8/12
Grade: Freshman
Hometown: Paducah, KY
Major/Minor: Double Major in Physics and Math
College/High School Activities: Paducah Swim Team Member, Paducah Marlins Summer League Assistant Coach, High School Foreign Language Club, High School Beta Club,
Eagle Scout of Troop One Paducah Kentucky, Assistant Scout Leader of Troop One Paducah
Why did you join FIJI? To experience brotherhood and lifelong friends, to be active in the
community and on campus.
What has been your favorite moment in FIJI? Bid Night, Vanmeter Hill, and the in campus chapel ceremony.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nBraden Proffitt
Age: 20
Grade: Sophomore
Hometown: Vine Grove, KY
Major/Minor: Elementary Education
College/High School activities: High School- Varsity Tennis Team (5 Years), Varsity
Bowling Team (1 Year), National Honor Society (2 Years), Beta Club (2 Years), Future
Educators of America (1 Year), Fellowship of Christian Athletes (4 years)
College- Honors Club Student Planning Board (2 Years), Honors College Student (2
Years), Member at Living Hope Baptist Church
Why did you join FIJI? I’ve had more and more friends join FIJI every semester,
and have heard nothing but positive things about it. I envied the brotherhood and fun
times that they all talked about, and wanted to be a part of that. It is such a prestigious
organization to be a part of, and I am impressed as to how respected FIJI has become
in their few years here on campus.
What has been your favorite moment in FIJI? The night I signed my bid to finally
be a FIJI was a great one. Our pledge class was handed a letter from the initiated
brothers and told us to wait 10 minutes and head up to the top of the hill towards Van
Meter Hall. Once we were there, our president gave us a short speech, and then all of
the brothers came out from their hiding spots and swarmed us, singing songs, doing chants, and hugging us all and greeting us into the fraternity. I felt so happy to be
there, and am still as confident in my decision to rush FIJI as I was in that awesome
moment over a month ago.
Brandon Pruitt
Age: 19
Grade: Freshman
Hometown: Bowling Green, KY
Major/Minor: International Affairs, Spanish. Minor in Military Science
College/High School activities: Intramural sports, begin ROTC in Fall, Varsity soccer
and basketball
Why did you join FIJI? to be around a wonderful group of guys that can only make
myself better.
What has been your favorite moment in FIJI? The awesome reception at the top of
Van Meter Hall.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nGraduate Spotlight: Joshua Amos
After graduating in the spring of
2013 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil
Engineering, Chi Eta Founding Father
and recent graduate brother Joshua
Amos has jumped right into the workforce in the Bluegrass. Amos is now
working for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, and lives in Bowling
Amos has remained active with the
chapter since graduation and has participated in events such as Chi Eta’s Purple Run last fall, and the first Bowling
Green graduate brothers event earlier in
April. Brent Stephens recently caught
up with Josh to talk with him about his
current endeavors.
is the rewarding part.
Why did you
study civil
anything in
particular or
anyone that
you to do
what you’re
My older
brother is a
civil engineer
and I enjoyed
You recently started working with his passion
the Kentucky Transportation Cabi- for his field of
net, what is your job and what do you study. It also
I’m an Engineer In Training for the that interest
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. I am in myself.
currently transitioning into traffic signal operations. I will be responsible for What are some short and long term
the phase planning and signal timing goals you have for yourself in your
for the district. I feel very blessed for career in Engineering?
the opportunity to step in that role.
Short term, my goal is to come
in everyday, give my best, treat those
What have been some of your favor- I work with with respect, and continue
ite and also most challenging mo- to learn. I try not to let the long term
ments with your current job?
aspect affect my career. I enjoy what I
Learning the standards and the crit- do, but I don’t want to be absorbed in
ical thinking skills necessary to work as my career.
a transportation engineer is an awesome
challenge. There’s always something What have you learned through your
new to learn and there’s always some- time in Chi Eta that has helped you
one to learn from. My favorite aspect of in your post-graduate life?
the job is that I serve the public. HavThe biggest lessons for me came
ing knowledge over a particular field through the actions and personalities of
of study is wonderful, but using those my brothers. Guys like Bryan Hartzell
skills to help benefit the general public and Dylan Ward teach me that strong
people encourage and lift others up to
reach their full potential. Guys like Tyler Jury and Cody Hutchins teach me
that nothing can beat hard work and
Guys like John Whitaker and Erin
Pennington constantly teach me that
even on your worst days, you must always be a loving friend to those around
you because you never know what burdens people are carrying.
The genius behind this fraternity
(and what I believe is our greatest secret to success) is accountability. If
you open yourself to it, your brothers
will teach you so much.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nChi Etas Learning, Serving Across the Globe
Pictured above is Central City senior Kaleb Moore (2014)
during a winter term faculty-led study abroad trip to
Kenya. During the two-week long trip, Moore, along with
Spencer Wright (2014), helped run three local medical
clinics in Kenya. They would triage patients for the doctors.
Pictured above is Louisville senior Will Garcia
(2014) at the Koko Head peak in O’hua Hawaii
during a winter term study abroad trip. During the
trip, the group collected various rock, sand and volcano samples for future testing.
Pictured left are Glasgow freshman Jaytodd
Ritchie (2017) on the left,
and Owensboro freshman Austin Richards
(2017) on the right, in
front a Buddhist Pagoda,
in Xi’an Beijing, China
during their faculty-led
winter term study abroad
Pictured right are Louisvile sophmores Sean
Jacobson (2016), left, and
Hayden Hickey (2016),
right in London, England.
Hickey and Jacobson are
both currently studying in
Harlaxton, England for the
Spring semester.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nPictured above is Elizabethtown junior Evan Pennington (2015)
during an Honors English winter term study abroad trip to Cuba.
There Pennington studied Havana and Cuban history and problems Cuba is facing today, along with studying Cuban literature.
Pictured above is Casey County senior Spencer
Wright (2014) in Kenya on his faculty-led study
abroad program Partners in Caring: Medicine
in Kenya (PiC:MiK). In Kenya, Wright did his
Honors research for his thesis along with the
work that Moore did through the local clinics
and doctors.
Pictured right is Oldham County junior Zack
Van Zant (2015) imitating a new friend during
his three week winter term study abroad trip in
Australia. Offered through the WKU Economics department, Van Zant and the group traveled
throughout Australia and studied the Australian
sports, beer, and wine industries and their impact
on their communities.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nPictured left is Lexington senior Ryan Demuth (2014) in
Australia. Demuth went on a
study abroad trip through the
WKU communications department where they traveled around
Australia studying and seeing
Australian culture and lifestyle.
Demuth is also the first Chi Eta
FIJI to step foot on the island of
Fiji in the Pacific Ocean.
Pictured below is Winchester senior Ben Harris (2014), along
with Kaleb Moore in front of the Rathaus Marienplatz in Munich,
Germany. Moore and Wright came through Munich on their way
home to the states and got to meet up with Harris. Harris traveled
independently and conducted research for his Honors thesis. Harris
stayed in and around Munich during his time there.
Pictured below is Owensboro senior Griffin Fruge
(2014), who also accompanied Van Zant to Australia and was part of the study abroad trip from the
WKU Economics department. Fruge has now been
on three foreign continents, Asia, Europe and Australia, during his four years at WKU, and will be in
South America following graduation in MAy.
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
\r\nGraduate News
Trip Carpenter, your 2014
WKU Coming Home King!
Mitch White (WKU ‘10) married Courtney Yates on March
22nd in Nashville, TN.
Nicholas Serroque (WKU ‘10) got engaged to Ashley Grueter on Dec. 17.
Josh Wiseman (WKU ‘12) accepted a job offer in January
to become the new Assistant Director of Expansion for Phi
Gamma Delta. Wiseman will start in May after finishing two
years serving as a Field Secretary for the Fraternity, where he
traveled to different chapters across the country to monitor
their well-being.
Scott Burch (WKU ‘13) accepted a job offer as a Special
Education Instructional Assistant at W. R. McNeil Elementary School in January.
Corey Johnson (WKU’13) accepted a job offer with Alltech
as part of their Job Development Program on January 13.
Out of the 15 recent graduates selected for this year’s highly
competitive program, Johnson was the only American student selected.
Dylan Ward (WKU ‘13) recieved the Ogden Foundation
Scholar Award in December at commencement, which is the
highest honor given at commencement. Ward also started his
new job as the Engineering Assistant for the City of Henderson, KY in January and will be married on July 5th to Hannah Blair.
Chi Eta By the Numbers
73 Initiated Brothers
2 Brothers Abroad
63 Graduate Brothers
8 Pledge Brothers
2008 Chi Eta founded at WKU
Have any graduate news? Send an email to!
Learn about the WKU Excellence Fund and how you can
support Chi Eta at
Current Supporters
Bob Anderegg (USC `71, WKU GA `10)
Jeff Baynham (WKU `10)
Ray Blankenship (Kentucky `84, WKU GA `10)
Brandon Bowman (WKU `10)
Dr. Craig Cobane (WKU Faculty `10)
George and Jane Pennington (Parents)
Blaine Routt (WKU `11)
Josh Wiseman (WKU `12)
Brad Stephens (WKU’13)
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
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Spring 2014 newsletter of the Chi Eta chapter at Western Kentucky University. This newsletter is ten pages.