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2014 Spring Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
Spring 2014 newsletter of the Theta chapter at the University of Alabama. This newsletter is four pages.
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University of Alabama
2014 Spring Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
Theta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at the University of Alabama s spring 2014
Upgrades to the Capstone Continue
Upcoming Pig Dinner and Historic Marker Events
ecruitment never stops. In recent years Theta
has pledged 40 young men annually, most
pledging before graduation from high school.
That said, it is critically important that all alumni
provide contact information for candidates as
soon as possible. You may do so at www.thetafiji.
net. By the time summer arrives, the pledge class
is essentially complete. While we do not set a
quota, our facilities have a occupancy capacity
and sometimes there is simply no room for an
additional pledge.
In that same light, we are continuing our fundraising
efforts for the construction of a new Chapter Room.
Thanks to each of you who has already made a
pledge or commitment. The proposed plan calls
for a build-up on the existing Band Room. This is
an opportunity for Theta alumni to participate in a
lasting way. Now is the time to help; please contact
Jim Andrews ’81 at or
(205) 910-1282. Jim would love to hear from you.
We recently completed an upgrade to the
laundry room at the Chapter House, which
included multiple new commercial machines. A
very big thank-you to Alan Deer, Auburn ’85,
for his generous donation. Alan is one of our
Auburn brothers who sent his son, Charlie ’14,
to The Capstone. We are all appreciative of the
Deer family.
Theta continues its academic excellence as the
Chapter ranked fourth out of all fraternities with
over 100 members and exceeded the all-men’s
and all-fraternity averages. Nine men achieved
a perfect 4.0!
We are now several years past our major Chapter
House renovation and the addition of the Hall.
Theta has made great progress in retiring our
debt from this construction and we appreciate the
overwhelming participation. That said, please
consider fulfilling your pledge or making a new
pledge. All donations are tax deductible and
will allow Theta to thrive on campus. For more
information on making a pledge or fulfilling an
existing pledge, please contact Clay Morris ’83
Mark your calendars for April 12 for Pig Dinner.
Stephen Collins ’88 will be our speaker and
we will unveil the new historic marker that
commemorates the centennial anniversary of the
first fraternity house on campus at The University
of Alabama. We hope to see you there.
Hughston Nichols ’03
Board of Chapter Advisors,
Alabama State Historic Marker
to Be Unveiled at Pig Dinner
was a watershed year at the University of Alabama.
Many profound changes took place in that year, which
would reverberate for the next 100 years. Some of the events of 100
years ago include the establishment of the UA band, the first football
play on Denny Field, the founding of the Delta Mu Chapter of Delta
Delta Delta, the creation of the Student Government Association, the
creation of Theta Nu Epsilon “The Machine,” and, the most important
to us, Theta Chapter building the first fraternity house on campus,
establishing what was to become known as Old Fraternity Row.
Our Chapter will be unveiling an Alabama state historic marker at Pig
Dinner this year, commemorating that milestone. The marker reflects
the Chapter’s founding on May 11, 1855 (159 years ago), and the
significance of being first on campus. We hope that you will attend the
unveiling, as this is truly a once-in-a-lifetime event.
First Fraternity House on Campus Page 2 • Alumnus Spotlight Page 3 • New Pledges Page 3
\r\nPAGE 2
Theta Fiji
A Strong 2013 Officially in the Books,
Phi Gamma Looks Forward to 2014
s the new year begins, we would like to
reflect on another fantastic year within
the Theta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at the
University of Alabama. By continuing to place
a strong emphasis on scholarship, philanthropy,
and recruitment, the Chapter has maintained
a great reputation among our peers, alumni,
and faculty. We look forward to continuing
our successes in the future but would like to
briefly look back at the accomplishments of
this past fall.
One of the more notable philanthropy events
of the fall was the Rock Out to Knock Out CF
cookout held for the Thomas Plott Foundation.
The event aimed to raise money and awareness
for the foundation and was held on the front
lawn in between the Phi Gam and Sigma Nu
houses. The Phi Gamma Delta pledge class held
a letter-writing campaign and sent letters to
over 400 individuals asking for support for the
foundation. Through the letter-writing campaign
and the cookout, we raised almost $20,000.
Members of the Theta Chapter are also actively
involved in Al’s Pals and the 5th Quarter Program.
Al’s Pals is an initiative started by Theta Chapter
members that pairs college students with local
elementary school children in an attempt to foster
scholarship and build lasting relationships. The
5th Quarter Program is also a service created by
Theta Chapter members that allows unused food
from University sporting events to be donated to
local food banks. This year over 13,352 pounds
was saved, which provided more than 16,000
meals to families in need.
Bradley Bringardner ’15 goofs around
with his little buddy from Al’s Pals.
In addition to our philanthropy efforts, members
thrive in academic organizations here at the
University. Theta Chapter has members in the
University Honor Program, Computer-Based
Honors Program, Order of Omega, Golden Key
Honor Society, ODK, Mortar Board, Lambda
Sigma Honor Society, Cardinal Key Honor
Society, Capstone Men, Campus Crusade, Al’s
Pals, and many other organizations.
With 2013 officially in the books, the Chapter
now turns its attention to the new year. We
will continue to foster growth in the activities
that have made this Chapter strong in 2013.
Through scholarship, philanthropy, and campus
involvement, we will strive to make Theta
Chapter stronger than ever.
Martin Toole ’15
Chapter President
Above: Trace Markwalter ’17, Griffin Arnold ’14,
Joseph Azar ’14, Faulkner Hereford ’17, Yates
Thomas ’17, Karter Smith ’17, Drew Schneider ’14,
Ford Clemons ’15, Taylor Propst ’17, and Carter
Standeffer ’17 work with Alpha Gams to package
leftover food from a home football game for the 5th
Quarter community service program.
\r\nPAGE 3
The University of alabama
Phi Gam Provides Lifelong Lessons for
Will Brooke ’78
Brother Running for Alabama Congress
chairman, and social chairman. His path to
house manager was greatly influenced by John
Kennemer ’77, an active Will had great respect
for. John took Will under his arm, modeled the
need to take responsibility and do a job right, and
taught him how to care for the Chapter House,
later turning the job over to Will.
illiam Brooke ’78 learned many valuable
lessons during his time at the Phi Gam
house, lessons that created a steady foundation
for a successful career and strong family life.
Will strongly believes that “my experiences as
an undergraduate taught me a lot about the value
of tradition, friendships, loyalty, leadership,
responsibility, hard work, risk, and, amazingly
enough, faith. These lessons have been central to
my experiences since college, both professionally
and personally.”
His first day at the Theta Chapter House, Will “felt
an immediate and strong common fellowship
with the brothers at Phi Gamma Delta, which
actually made the pledging decision pretty easy.”
Several of Will’s close friends also decided to
pledge Phi Gam, and as the recruitment process
continued, their “pledge class became very
close, affirming old friendships and adding many
new ones.” Rush chairman Johnny Maxwell ’76
encouraged Will to take responsibility early on
- “The first day I walked into the Theta Chapter
House as a pledge, Johnny encouraged me that
it was time to grow up and do good things, that
he expected me to be a leader.” While in the
Chapter, Will served as house manager, rush
While being a Phi Gam taught him responsibility
and hard work, Will also remembers the fun
times he had at the Chapter House. He has many
special memories, including the fun they had
playing RISK for hours, “really days on end,
in an effort to avoid studying for exams.” The
brothers played lots of jokes and tricks on each
other, Will often coming out on the short end of
the stick. He also remembers “the surprise of
seeing my high school sweetheart, who would
later become my wife, and whom I had not seen
in two years, when she appeared out of the blue
at the Chapter House with a Vandy sorority sister
on an unannounced road trip.”
Will has spent his years since Alabama and Fiji
working on a successful career with Harbert
Management Corporation in Birmingham.
He joined the young management team in the
early 1990s to run Harbert Corporation, then a
large family-owned company operating diverse
businesses around the world. The team later
founded Harbert Management Corporation, an
alternative asset management company that now
manages over $3 billion in assets from offices
and for clients around the world. He has served
as general counsel, chief operating officer, and
now managing partner.
On top of a busy career at Harbert, Will is
running for U.S. Congress, a decision “that took
me by surprise after three decades of saying I
would never run for office. But I can still hear
Johnny Maxwell and John Kennemer telling me
there’s work to do and a problem to be fixed. But,
that’s another story!”
Will has learned a lot over the years, and is
eager to pass on advice to his Theta Chapter
undergraduate brothers. “Don’t begrudge the
tedious work that sometimes comes with being
young—everything is a learning experience and
gives you the opportunity to learn about yourself,
what you like and are good at going, and how to
interrelate with others. Learned correctly, these
are very valuable lessons and skills to build upon
as your career moves ahead. Don’t be afraid of
risk, push yourself to make hard decisions, and
be ready to accept the results.” Will also advises
surrounding yourself with people who are honest
and open and who value “a team attitude, one
that places the needs of the people relying on
their efforts ahead of their own.”
Will and his wife, Maggie, visit Theta Chapter
several times during football season each year
and are impressed with the state of Phi Gam. “We
have a dedicated House Corporation and group of
alumni advisors who have taken great care with
the affairs of the Chapter. We have been favored
with strong pledge classes year after year, and
the Chapter is in very good shape.”
Will and Maggie have three children: Will, Alex,
and Sally, who are all gainfully employed, and
two are married. If Will had more free time,
he would spend it turkey hunting, fishing, and
golfing. E-mail:
Theta Chapter officers
Chapter President
Martin Toole ’15
Corresponding Secretary
Win Knowles ’15
Recording Secretary
Drew Janssen ’15
Jonathon Laufe ’16
Mark Hollenbeck ’16
Philanthropy Chairman
Ford Clemons ’15
Recruitment Chairmen
Reed Loeffel ’16
Spencer Gruber ’16
\r\nJoin Us for Pig Dinner 2014
Saturday, April 12
his year’s Theta Chapter Pig Dinner is on
April 12, one week prior to A-Day weekend.
We are planning several activities for the day,
including the return of a golf tournament for
those who arrive early in the day. Our speaker
will be Stephen R. Collins ’88, who completed
his undergraduate degree at the University of
Alabama and stays involved with the University.
Most recently, he served as chief executive
officer and director for Bazzarvoice (NASDAQ:
BV). He was part of the leadership team during
the start-up and explosive growth phase at
DoubleClick, an online advertising company.
DoubleClick later was sold to Google for a large
sum. Stephen will be speaking on his business
experiences with these tech companies.
Stephen resides in Austin, Texas, with his wife,
Robin, and their three daughters, ages 15, 14,
and 11. He is a member of the University of
Alabama Lifetime Giving Society and a member
of Culverhouse School of Commerce Board of
Visitors. Stephen is also a competitive cyclist,
focusing on junior development through his
support of the USA Cycling Development
Foundation as a member of the Champions Club.
He co-founded TriStar Cycling Team, a nonprofit competitive cycling organization devoted
to the education and training of junior cyclists
in southeast United States. We are excited that
Stephen has agreed to be our keynote speaker
– appealing to both our undergraduate and our
oldest alumni alike. Please mark your calendars
now for Saturday, April 12.
Phi Gamma Delta
Theta Chapter
P.O. Box 131385
Birmingham, AL 35213
Address Service Requested
Attention: This newsletter is intended for Phi Gamma Delta alumni and parents. If your son is
still attending The University of Alabama, he will receive a copy at the Chapter House. If he has
graduated, please send us his permanent address to update our records. Thank you.
Welcome, New Members
Mitchell E. Adams ’17
Charlotte, N.C.
William R. Clements ’17*
Montgomery, Ala.
Hunter A. Hospes ’17
Birmingham, Ala.
Walker L. Purvis’ 17
Huntsville, Ala.
Robert M. Stokes ’17*
Brewton, Ala.
James H. Ash ’17
Birmingham, Ala.
Paxton S. Clemons ’17*
Decatur, Ala.
Leland M. Hosto ’17
Nashville, Tenn.
William J. Ruppel ’17
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Evin C.Talton ’17
Tupelo, Miss.
Joseph C. Attaway ’17
Phoenix, Ariz.
Spencer R. Conti ’17
Fort Worth, Texas
William A.Larry ’17*
Birmingham, Ala.
Dannelly J.Shelton ’17
Birmingham, Ala.
Henry A. Tate IV ’17
Charlotte, N.C.
William J. Baker ’17*
Athens, Ala.
Griffin D. Cooper ’17
Birmingham, Ala.
Peter L. Lowe III ’17 *
Huntsville, Ala.
Hendry L. Shook Jr. ’17
Birmingham, Ala.
Bryan Y. Thomas ’17
Huntsville, Ala.
John P. Buckley ’17
Houston, Texas
Jacob W. Denney ’17
Birmingham, Ala.
Richard E. Markwalter III ’17 Karter M. Smith ’17 *
Huntsville, Ala.
Huntsville, Ala.
Hunter L. Wagner ’17
Huntsville, Ala.
Charles W. Bell ’17
Nashville, Tenn.
Stuart J. Harmon ’17
Birmingham, Ala.
Ralph R. McCoy III ’17
Birmingham, Ala.
John A. Smith ’17
Nashville, Tenn.
Robert P. Wicks ’17
Tuscaloosa, Ala.
John D. Cage ’17
Nashville, Tenn.
Thomas C. Harris ’17
Tupelo, Miss.
Hayden P. Melkerson ’17
Huntsville, Ala.
Clinton G. Smith ’17
Nashville, Tenn.
* Legacy
James W. Caudle ’17
Huntsville, Ala.
Faulkner W. Hereford ’17
Birmingham, Ala.
Mark A. Powers II ’17 *
Athens, Ala.
Charles A. Stakely V ’17*
Augusta, Ga.
Joseph S. Centeno ’17*
Birmingham, Ala.
Charles F. Horton III ’17* Taylor M. Propst ’17
Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Huntsville, Ala.
William C. Standeffer III ’17
Tuscaloosa, Ala.
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Spring 2014 newsletter of the Theta chapter at the University of Alabama. This newsletter is four pages.