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2014 Spring Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Spring 2014 newsletter of the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. This newsletter is four pages.
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Indiana University
2014 Spring Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
The HoosierFIJI
Phi Gamma Delta
Zeta Chapter
Spring 2014 Edition
Bike team looks to improve on last year’s solid Little 500 performance
This years FIJI cycling team returns three of the four
riders from the 2013 Little 500, Charlie “Little Boy” McClary (2014), Michael “Corky” Khamis (2015), and Scott
“Clutch” McClary (2016). The team also added Toby “Real
World” Orme (2017) rounding out the four-man team for
2014. While such a small team might typically leave room
for complacency, with less opportunities for competition
amongst teammates, the team looks at it a different way.
Each of the members holds one another accountable with a
mindset that there is no room for error this year.
The team once again has stepped up its training program. Its focus is to make sure it rides together as a team
at all times, whether that means inside or out at 8 a.m. or
11 p.m. This is where having a smaller number of teammates has been a benefit since it has been much easier to
coordinate schedules. With a more structured schedule for
workouts, the teammates continuously push each other.
While Bloomington has been having one of the worst winters in the recent past, morale has been high knowing that
if the team can push through while other teams may not, it
is gaining a serious advantage.
This winter break, the team went to back to Austin, Texas for the rolling terrain and significantly better
weather than Bloomington. It totaled just over 500 miles
with two century rides (century ride=100 miles). To keep
things interesting, the team brought a local category 1 racer and friend to help push the members and two brothers
as cooks to keep stomachs full and spirits high after a long
day. Austin is starting to become a popular place to train.
Chi Omega and Sigma Phi Epsilon were two other teams
also in Austin to train. Both of these teams are expected to
be strong come race day.
In the spring, the team has quite a racing season to
look forward to. Team members are participating in six
races before qualifications in the spring series with either
IU Cycling Club (IUCC) or on their own at USA Cycling
races. While the white jersey and spring series champion
is a high achievement, team members are considering the
possibility of racing with IUCC for more opportunities to
race against category 1 and 2 racers with 80-plus mile road
races and 1.5 hour crits. These offer significantly harder
competition than what the team would find in the Little
500 field.
This year should be something special for the FIJI cycling team. Once again, they are recognized as a contender team within the Little 500 community. With five years
of Little 500 experience, one category 2 racer, one category
3 racer that is a previous national champion, and a much
tighter team bond than in the past, the team has high
expectations for 2014.
IUDM sets record-breaking total
Three Phi Gam executive members being announced during IUDM 2013
As in years past, the Phi Gams had another strong presence on Indiana University’s largest philanthropy organization. With six members on the executive council, this
year’s Dance Marathon raised an astounding $2.6 million. FIJI was named the top fundraising organization
for the 17th consecutive year. The freshmen alone raised
$48,000, were named the top fundraising organization,
and all 29 danced the entire 36 hours. Earlier this year,
Jack “Stepdad” Dooling (2015) was named President
of IUDM 2014. Ross “Wilbur” Lubbers (2015) was
named VP of Events, and Nick “Neville” Kolar (2015)
was named VP of External. William “LA” Tenbarge
(2016) was selected as the Director of Corporate Relations and Sam “Rabbit” Reed (2015) was selected as the
Director of Entertainment, maintaining the long lineage
of Phi Gams as executive members of IUDM.
\r\nBeechwood Second Century Campaign Progress Update
February 2014
Not For College Days Alone!
The B2CC’s mission is to raise $10MM over the
duration of the next 10 months to fund the design,
construction, and furnishing of an outstanding new
chapter house at 8th & Woodlawn. Graduate Brothers
from across many decades are reuniting in purpose to
“pay it forward”, giving time and funds to ensure that
the unique legacy of the Zeta Chapter continues at this
new address. These funds will help to keep Zeta Fiji at
the top of Indiana University’s fraternal organizations
and a national leader amongst peer Phi Gamma Delta
Preliminary Elevations at 8th & Woodlawn
Pledge Class Campaigns Kicking Off
The B2CC Pledge Class Campaigns are beginning to
ramp up. Class Captains representing five different
decades – 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and 00’s are
volunteering their time, talents, and resources to lead
the correspondence and communication with their
pledge classes. You can expect to hear more about the
Class Campaigns from your Pledge Class Captain in the
coming weeks.
B2CC High Level Goals = $2.5MM per decade or minimum of
$250K per pledge class for 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s Decade
Goal: $10,000, 000
$ 9,000,000
$ 8,000,000
$ 7,000,000
$ 6,000,000
$ 5,000,000
Thank You Brothers!
B2CC has received over $4.3MM in
commitments from donor pledge forms
returned to date! We appreciate your amazing
generosity and stepping forward at a
particularly critical time in Zeta’s history.
$ 4,000,000
$ 3,000,000
$ 2,000,000
$ 1,000,000
As of February 2014
Visit the B2CC website for more news and updates. beechwood
Special thanks to Brother Cleve Skelton – 73 and the team at Axiomport for their
support with the B2CC website & communication materials.
\r\nBeechwood Second Century Campaign Progress Update
Matching Gift Program
Zeta 2000-2010 Pledge Classes
Doug Elmore
Zeta – ‘84
Dave Elmore
Zeta – ‘55
Dave, Zeta-‘55; Doug, Zeta-‘84; DG, Delta Tau-‘80,
Scott, Phi Pi; Carson, Kappa Deuteron
Special thanks to the Elmore Family for their generous donation
of up to $500K to the Beechwood Second Century Fund. Long
recognized for their philanthropic spirit and love of Zeta at
Indiana University, a special Matching Gift Program has been
designed to inspire the next generation of FIJI Philanthropists.
All Zeta Pledge Classes from the 2000-2010 decade now have
the opportunity to participate in this exciting program. Please
contact Brother Adam Gemmer – ’10 and Brother Mike
Sweitzer – ‘05 to learn more about how your donation can
qualify for an Elmore Family matching gift. / 317.748.0708 / 317.294.5569
Plaque honoring Helen Elmore & all FIJI Moms
was dedicated in 1984 and currently resides
in Dining Room at Beechwood
B2CC Pledge Class Captains
Special thanks to all our graduate brothers serving as Pledge Class Captains and making a commitment to
ensure the unique legacy of the “631 Brotherhood” continues at our new address.
60’s Decade
1960 – TBD
1961 – TBD
1962 – Hunt; Miller
1963 – TBD
1964 – Davis
1965 – Lamberson
1966 – Orme
1967 – Whitacre
1968 – TBD
1969 – Ransom
70’s Decade
80’s Decade
90’s Decade
1970 – Frank
1971 – TBD
1972 – TBD
1973 – TBD
1974 – Sechrist
1975 – Graf; Stewart; Mensch
1976 – King; Dunn; Kyle
1977 – Grayson; Light; Turk
1978 – Gray; MacGill; Troutman
1979 – Fettig
1980 – TBD
1981 – Backoff; Wiley
1982 – Morris
1983 – Dickman; Andress
1984 – Lindley, Peterson
1985 – Froehle; Evans
1986 – Dickman; Wharton
1987 – Detherage; Strobel
1988 – Moore; Rowe
1989 – TBD
1990 – Dickman; Hartley
1991 – Mariani; Orme
1992 – Morrison; Pruitt
1993 – TBD
1994 – Johnson
1995 – Kaplan
1996 – Ransom; Kitchell
1997 – Richardson; Akers
1998 – Morehead; Merritt
1999 – Bajpai
Please contact Brother Jeff Andress-‘83 at if you are interested in serving as a Class Captain
\r\n- Undergraduate Update Zeta Maintains Strong Academics
The Zeta Chapter obtained a Fall semester GPA of 3.306,
ranking 3rd among IFC fraternities. In their first semester of college, the freshmen earned a cumulative GPA of
3.323. Freshmen Joe Froehle (2017) and Collin Cambell (2017) both earned a 4.0 along with junior Nick
“Neville” Kolar (2015). We continue to build upon our
tradition of academic success and look for new ways to
improve. A new adjusted system of academic monitoring and support for all brothers is being implemented
that we are confident will yield good results.
Zeta Chapter Recognized at FIJI State Day
At the Annual State Day, the chapter was recognized
as having the Most Outstanding Pledge Education
and Most Outstanding Service. Zeta was also named
runner-up for the Beta Cup, the award for Overall Most
Outstanding Chapter in Indiana.
- Upcoming Dates - March 29: Little 500 Qualifications
- April 12-13: Rush Weekend
- April 25: Women’s Little 500
- April 26: Men’s Little 500
- May 5-9: Finals Week
Do you have a potential rush candidate? Please
send any potential rush candidate’s contact information to Also, please
direct the candidate to the website at
where they can fill out a rush form and learn more
about the chapter.
Questions for the undergraduate chapter? Did
someone you know not receive the newsletter?
Please reach out to Tom Strobel at if you would like to be added to the Zeta
mailing list or have any questions.
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Spring 2014 newsletter of the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. This newsletter is four pages.