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2014 Summer Newsletter Iota Sigma (Indiana State University)
Summer 2014 newsletter of the Iota Sigma chapter at Indiana State University. This newsletter is six pages.
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Iota Sigma
Indiana State University
2014 Summer Newsletter Iota Sigma (Indiana State University)
Phi Gamma Delta
PO Box 3047
Terre Haute, IN 47803-0047
Summer 2011
Successful Pig Dinner
chapter. The evening, and part of the
morning, concluded with brothers and
significant others engaging in downtown
Terre Haute’s nightlife for some
Congratulations to our Seniors
Billy Allen is graduating with a degree in History and a minor in Public Administration. He plans to walk in
May and finish his last two classes online over the summer. His plans after graduation include finding a job
relating to state government in Indianapolis and marrying his fiancé Beth Cripe on August 30th of this year.
Jon Bott is graduating with a degree in Operations & Supply
Chain Management and a minor in Chemistry. Jon has accepted a
position as a planner with Coca-Cola in Cincinnati, OH.
John-Paul Herber is graduating with a double major - Public
Relations & Electronic Media - and a minor in Psychology. His
plans include seeking employment.
Kris Koll is graduating with a Biology degree. He is returning
to Indiana State as a graduate student, pursuing a degree in
Exercise Science and serving in an assistantship at the university.
Brett Taylor is graduating with a degree in Business
Management. He will be interning with Regional Hospital
Human Resources and marrying his fiancé (and FIJI sweetheart)
Amber Kemp on October 18th.
On April 5th, Iota Sigma held its second Pig Dinner since recolonization.
The weekend started off with undergraduates and graduates attending a
reception on Friday evening at the Copper Bar. The chapter was also
participating in Relay for Life that night, so some graduate brothers
walked down the road to Rec East to show support and join in the fun.
The following morning, brothers attended
the quarterly Tau Iota House Corporation
Meeting which was open to brothers to
attend. Finally, and with great pride, we
would like to acknowledge the following
brothers that have earned Silver Owl
status in Phi Gamma Delta for 25 years as
a brother: Kyle M. Adkins ‘91, Jon E.
Allen ‘90, Kevin S. Borden ‘92, William L.
Cole ‘91, Alan R. Gann Jr. ‘91, Brent A.
Leffel ‘91, Scott A. Mencer ‘91, David H.
Middleton ‘91, Anil V. Patel ‘91, Daniel C.
Robinson ‘91, James R. Twitchell ‘91, and
Corey A. Wodarz ‘91.
The following day, brothers participated in a 3-on-3 basketball
tournament that was ultimately won by the undergraduate team of Brett
Taylor, Josh Cox, Kegan Garrett, and Sebastian Dancler. That evening,
the Frank Norris Pig Dinner was held at the Meadows Banquet Hall
where about fifty brothers attended, joined by three colony brothers
from the new IUPUI colony. Those in attendance were given the
opportunity to purchase raffle tickets, and a variety of Indiana State and
FIJI merchandise was raffled off throughout the evening.
Dustin Ogle ‘02 led us as Master of Ceremonies, followed by William
Allen ‘14 delivering the invocation and Ryan McFarland, Ball State ‘02,
giving the Exile's Toast. Todd Dixon '89 was the keynote speaker,
sharing how his experience with the Fraternity and his persistence carried
him into careers as first a fighter pilot and now an attorney. Tom Barlow
‘88 followed him with a report of the house corporation, and Chapter
Brett Taylor presented the Robert J. Harker
President Anthony Hernandez ‘16 gave a report of the undergraduate
Award for most outstanding member
\r\nPresident’s Letter
Iota Sigma Leadership
Chapter Cabinet
Andrew Jewell
Corresponding Secretary
Dylan Lutz
Matthew Shepard
Board of Chapter Advisors
Purple Legionnaire
Ryan McFarland
Dustin Ogle
Financial Advisor
Tom Barlow
Tony Biggs
Pig Dinner
Paul Lawson & Bo Stout
Robert Stevens
Risk Management
Nick Sturgeon
Iota Sigma has been heavily
involved in the last two
“Archive’s Weekend” events.
The Iota Sigma Chapter has increased its involvement on campus by
excelling at all fraternal values. Former Chapter President Josh Cox was
recently elected Vice President of the Inter-fraternity Council (IFC). From
there, he has started implementing FIJI values and has sought to help try and
create an IFC scholarship much to resemble the White Star Scholarship.
Anthony Hernandez
Recording Secretary
Joe Milkowski
Giving Back—Archive’s Weekend
This multi-day event brings
brothers from around the country
together to scan, record and
preserve pictures and documents
at the International fraternity’s
headquarters. This year brothers
scanned over 1000 pictures as
well as convention minutes from
the late 1800s.
When dealing with service, the Chapter has excelled tremendously over this
past year. In November, we hosted our annual Out of the Darkness Walk
around campus to help increase awareness around suicide and raised over
$7,000.00 for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. At our
spring philanthropy in April, we participated in the annual “Relay for Life”,
which benefited the American Cancer Society. The chapter raised
approximately $2,500, showed tremendous spirit, and was named Most
Outstanding Greek team of the event due to enthusiasm and determination for the cause.
In both 2013 and 2104, Iota Sigma
has sent the largest number of
brothers to this event.
Here we see Ryan Webster and
Matt Shepard scanning pictures
from an Ekklesia from about 100
years ago.
Another area in which the Chapter has excelled was during the Honorary Greek Society Order of
Omega Awards. Chapter Treasurer Andrew Jewell was chosen to serve as an intern with the
university’s office Fraternity and Sorority Life, an honor only awarded to two Greeks here at ISU.
Chapter President Anthony Hernandez was awarded the Emerging Leader award which is reserved
for the most outstanding male and female sophomores. The Chapter itself was honored for
excellence in Academic Development and Alumni Relations.
With this Semester approaching its end, the Chapter has aspirations of growing to a 50 man chapter
by the end of next fall through rigorous recruiting efforts of all members. We also look forward to
seeing graduate brothers this fall at the Golf Outing on August 23rd and during Homecoming on
October 11th.
Purple Legionnaire Report
Archive’s Weekend was awarded
the Laurel Wreath Award for
outstanding programming in the
Greek world by the National
Interfraternity Conference in 2014.
My name is Ryan McFarland, and I have the pleasure of serving as Purple Legionnaire for the
Iota Sigma Chapter. I was installed as PL at the chapter’s chartering on February 16th of last
year, having previously served as the Board of Colony Advisors’ President (a position now held
by Dustin Ogle ‘02). Since many of you likely don’t know me, I want to introduce myself and tell
you a bit about my fraternity experience.
Anthony Hernandez (Indiana State ‘16), Chapter President
Johnathon Allen
I joined the Delta Colony at Ball State in the spring of 2000 as a junior. While I had never
considered joining a fraternity, I was impressed by the brotherhood I saw and wanted to be a
part of it. I attended my first Ekklesia that summer (San Antonio) as a colony member,
accompanied by eleven of my fellow brothers. Our colony chartered the following spring (with
Iota Sigma’s Josh Goldman ‘02 serving on the ritual team that installed our chapter), and I served
as Beta Sigma’s first chapter historian. After my term as historian ended, I was a pledge educator
for a semester before graduating in December 2002.
Kenny Gordan
Joe Weist
Graduate Relations
Paul Lawson
Pledge Education
I was chosen to be Beta Sigma’s PL in 2004, leaving that role in 2005 when a job change moved
my wife and I from Muncie to Indianapolis. Our family moved to Terre Haute in 2007 when my wife was promoted within
her company. In 2009, I went back to school to pursue a degree in nursing, becoming a registered nurse in 2012. I was
hired by Terre Haute Regional Hospital shortly after receiving my license, and working as a staff nurse and charge nurse on
their medical oncology floor.
Membership Development
Donovan Martin
I look forward to helping guide Iota Sigma toward success, and to meeting more of you over the next few years. I would
encourage each of you to attend our upcoming graduate events as you are able and get to know this great group of FIJIs. If
you have any questions or comments, please reach out to me personally at or 812-841-0240.
Also, please let me know if you’re interested in helping the chapter in any way - we can always use graduate brothers who
are passionate about advancing Iota Sigma!
Tau Iota Foundation
Tom Barlow
Robert Stevens
Paul Lawson
Ryan McFarland (Ball State ‘02)
Purple Legionnaire, Iota Sigma Chapter
Brothers and dates prior to Black Diamond Formal
\r\nGraduate Updates
William Briggs married Jeffrey Chinski on September 28 in Cape Cod.
Charlie Brown's son Andy survived a testicular cancer scare last year. He writes, "Men, don't be afraid to get yourself checked
out." Andy is the proud owner of a Pepperidge Farm Bread route, and he and wife Molly now have a one-year-old daughter,
Lillyan. Charlie's other son, Ben, and Ben's wife Mary own a Better Made Chip route in Grand Rapids and have 2 sons, Brady
(3) and Callan (1). Charlie himself works full-time for Advantage Sales and Marketing on behalf of SC Johnson products, and
also still has his DJ business. He has been married to "P. Mint Patti" for 20 years and says that "Life is GOOD!"
Jerry Crisostomo is Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer for NetCare Life & Health Insurance Company in
Hagatna, Guam.
Brian Fisher was elected President of UAW Local 933 in Indianapolis last June, representing 3,000 active members and 5,000
retirees of Allison Transmission and Rolls Royce North America.
Josh Goldman and his wife Emily have returned to Ohio after 2 years in North Carolina to be closer to family. He is taking a
job as the Director of Professional Development for the Ohio Society of CPAs.
Paul Mick and his wife, Lawrie are expecting their first child in August.
Don Mighell wishes to thank to all the brothers for their support, concern and caring during his recent operations and
recovery. He says, "It was so good to be with you at Pig Dinner and House Corporation meeting this spring."
George Moore is currently retired from education after 36 years in the shop and "still [has] all ten fingers." He is currently
driving for the local public transportation for Wells County transporting senior citizens and handicapped personnel.
Joshua Sapp and his wife Christy gave birth to their first son, Jacob David Sapp, on February 11th, 2014.
Bob Shenberger was elected to the ISU Foundation Board of Directors. He was also promoted to Chairman to the
Executive Directors for the College of Technology and Engineering at ISU.
Matt Sontag and his wife Sara gave birth to a son, Jackson, on November 8, 2013. His Unlimited Hydroplane team has won
4 National Championships in the last 5 years, and he was responsible for all propeller maintenance. Matt recently took a
position with the U-9 race team from Seattle Washington, where his responsibilities include propellers, motors and gearboxes.
Edward Vawter has his own business, QD Information Services ( providing training and consulting
in the areas of iOS iPhones and iPads, OS X, social media, and web services. He married Colleen Joy Vawter in June 2012 and
has never been happier.
Josh West and his wife Ashley just had their 3rd baby, Cooper Lee West, on March 15. He was 8 lb 1 oz and 20 3/4" long.
Giving Back—1848 Club
Announcing the 1848 Club
by Andrew Jewell (Indiana State ‘16),
Chapter Treasurer
The Iota Sigma Chapter’s 1848 Club is being launched
in June to provide income for graduate events and
communications. Members will pledge to donate
$18.48 a month, and all money raised will be used
towards graduate events such as Pig Dinner,
Homecoming, and the annual golf outing. The
benefits of being in the club are as follows: free
admission to Pig Dinner ($50 value) with recognition
in the Pig Dinner program, recognition on our website
-, recognition in our semi-annual
newsletter, and other small benefits from the chapter
throughout the year. We would like to thank the
following brothers who have already joined the 1848
Tom Barlow (Indiana State '88)
Paul Lawson (Indiana State '13)
Ryan McFarland (Ball State '02)
Robert Stevens (Indiana State '03)
Joseph A. Weist (Rose-Hulman '87)
Please consider joining the Iota Sigma 1848 Club today! There are two options - a one-time payment of $221.76 (either by
check or online payment) or automatic recurring monthly payments of $18.48 that can be billed to your credit card or PayPal
To pay online (either monthly donation or one-time payment), please visit
To pay by check, send a check for $221.76 to:
Tau Iota Foundation
PO Box 3047
Terre Haute, IN 47803
Thanks in advance for your support!
Ryan Webster, Joe Milkowski and
Josh Cox in attendance at the FIJI
Leadership Academy
\r\nGraduate Spotlight—Donovan Martin
Why did you choose Indiana State?
The size of Indiana State was appealing
as well as having the only Clinical
Psychology program in the state at that
Why did you pledge Phi Gamma
Delta? I pledged Phi Gamma Delta
because I felt there was a strong
brotherhood and I felt Phi Gamma Delta
would provide many opportunities to
grow as a person while at Indiana State.
What is your favorite memory as an
undergraduate? Fiji Island, Ball State
Colony Pinning, Chapter meeting at HQ.
What is your favorite memory as a
graduate so far? I have two graduate
experiences that stand out. The first
would be meeting the Chicago area Graduate Chapter. I was attending Graduate School in Chicago and did not know anyone in
the Chicago area. I went to a Graduate meeting at Dave and Busters where there were over 50 brothers meeting and quickly
made friends. My second experience was when I was meeting with an Attorney for consultation to purchase a business. He told
me his extremely high fees as the start of the meeting. At the end of the meeting he asked about my ring and then told me he
would do the “deal” for a quarter of his hourly rate. I then heard an hour of stories from his undergraduate Fiji experiences while
at Indiana University.
What kind of influence has the Fraternity had on your life? The fraternity has had a very positive influence on my life. I
believe my largest benefit was gaining a more clear vision of my future and knowing that their will always be people to support you
along the way.
What activities were you involved in during college? Intermural Tennis, Rugby, Graduate Relations Chair, and overall
support of social engagements.
What are you famous for doing as an undergraduate? Surprising everyone by getting into grad school, wearing my army
helmet to FIJI island, and some interesting R-&-C’s. I was also known for being the guy with long hair.
What are you famous for outside of PGD? I’m very fortunate to have an excellent reputation as a provider for child and family
psychotherapy. My practice is well known and well respected in the community. I’m also known for providing wilderness team
challenge course experiences at Deer Run Ropes and Teams Course.
With whom do you stay in contact? Mike Arnold (2000), Chris McConnell(1999), and others via facebook.
Tell us about your family. I've been married to Camille for 8 years and have three children, Maggie (7), Tristan (5) and Juniper
What is your nickname and how did you get it? I had a few but most of you all called me Donnie...thanks to Arnold and the
movie the Big Lebowski.
If applicable, Who were your roommates in the FIJI house? Any good stories? I never lived in the house but my favorite
house story would be any pledging, initiation, or a good heated chapter meeting with lots of brothers in attendance.
Tell us about your career. I'm a licensed mental health counselor (LMHC). I own Dunn Associates, P.C. a psychological,
psychiatric, and counseling firm. We have 12 clinical staff, 1 intern, and 3 office staff. Our website is
and we have a facebook page. We provide numerous services to various populations based on each of our specialists areas of
expertise. Dunn Associates also operates the Deer Run Wilderness Ropes and Teams Course. We provide corporate,
Graduate Spotlight—cont.
therapeutic, and recreational activities for different groups, families, and individuals.
Prior to that I was a therapist and director of children and family servics for Northeastern Center and was a clinical
consultant for the state of Indiana to work with the Department of Mental Health and Addictions to design and implement
state wide mental health child and family assessments and clinical programming. I specialize in research assessment and
treatment of AD/HD, Anxiety Disorders, Custody Evaluation, and Ropes/Teams course therapeutic facilitation.
What are your major interests now? I continue to research ADHD and Anxiety in children as well as adults. I work with
courts to perform and improve the methods utilized to perform Child Custody Evaluations. I do research on conditioning
methods for improving delay of impulsivity in adolescents with AD/HD and/or Anxiety disorders by using Challenge
Course Treatment. Personally, I focus on spending time with my wife and children. We enjoy traveling as a family and
enjoying time with family and friends. I continue to obsess over Notre Dame football and enjoy going to the games. I
successfully completed treatment for Kidney Cancer on May 30 2013 and have since focused on weight training and fitness.
What are your goals for the next few years? Continue to expand Dunn Associates P.C. and find more time to spend
with family and friends. I would like to travel more and publish my findings from the Ropes and Teams Course.
How should brother's reach you if they want to get in touch again? Call 260-417-2850 or email
Tau Iota Foundation Update
As most of you are aware, the house corporation (Tau Iota Foundation, Inc.) currently does not
have a dedicated chapter house for our Iota Sigma undergraduate brothers. A few of them are
temporarily renting a house near campus that enables them to hold events and enrich
brotherhood, while focusing on growing our chapter’s membership to a sustainable level.
Tau Iota Foundation, Inc. is currently exploring permanent housing accommodations for our
undergraduates, which we can all refer to as “home”. Over the past two years, brother Bob
Shenberger (‘76), Charlie DeMaio (Lambda Chi Alpha graduate) and I have been meeting
informally with other ISU Greek alumni to discuss the state of (or lack thereof) fraternity housing
at ISU.
A number of options have been discussed, from traditional free standing houses to a fraternity
Greek village. Joining in our discussions have been two highly qualified individuals who are
among the best in the fields of contracting, development, and fraternal fundraising.
The general consensus is that a fraternity Greek village would be appropriate for an institution like ISU. An important
consideration in any endeavor is support of the university administration. Although the potential development will be
from the private sector, the University supports our efforts.
The overall concept is for a Real Estate Investment Trust to build, own, and manage the property, which will mitigate
risks for all parties involved and offer distinguishing attributes for each fraternity. The size and number of occupants will
be decided by the REIT with input from the interested fraternities. It is anticipated that each group will furnish and
accessorize their unit(s).
Recently, Brother Shenberger has contacted a nation-wide student housing developer, which can manage the entire
project and the properties of each Fraternity after development as well as offer financial resources. To ensure our
commitment to due diligence, we have an initial meeting scheduled with the developer on April 29th to see if they are a
viable option prior to introducing them to the ten ISU fraternities that are interested in the ongoing process.
As we move forward, the next logical step is to determine if a fraternity Greek village is economically feasible for each
chapter, since we must offer competitive monthly rental rates that will maximize its undergraduate occupancy rate. Please
stay tuned for more details as they become available.
Tom Barlow (Indiana State ‘89)
President, Tau Iota Foundation, Inc.
\r\nHelp us Celebrate the first Indianapolis
Ekklesia in 102 Years
In 1912 Phi Gamma Delta held the Ekklesia is Indianapolis. It is hard
to believe it took 102 years for Indianapolis to once again host this
important fraternity gathering. We invite you to participate!
The Ekklesia, the biennial convention of Phi Gamma Delta, is a
gathering of Phi Gams from all over North America and provides for
some of the largest social gatherings in our Fraternity. The Ekklesia will
be held at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown from Thursday, July 24
through Saturday evening, July 26. Typically about 600-700 graduates,
undergraduates and family members attend the Ekklesia.
If you would like to participate, there are several opportunities:
Attend the entire Ekklesia. If you would like to attend the entire
Ekklesia, including all luncheons, dinners and the Friday night event at
the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the cost is $425 and you can register
at the link listed below.
Attend the Friday night special event. On Friday night we have a pavilion reserved for the Brickyard Grand
Prix race (remember, this is Brickyard 400 weekend). Included in this event is entrance to the track, entrance to
the Pavilion hospitality area, evening picnic, entrance to the track museum, and pit passes. This event is included
for Ekklesia delegates. If you wish to attend this event separately, you can purchase tickets at the registration link
below. Tickets are $50 per person, and family members are welcome.
Attend either the opening or closing banquet. Both the opening and closing banquets (Thursday and
Saturday evening) are open to brothers and wives. Tickets for either banquet can be purchased at the link
below. The closing banquet is formal - typically business suit - but is black tie optional. Banquet tickets are $100
Just come hang out. If you just want to pay a visit, there will be informal gatherings each evening. You can
contact someone on the host committee or the Beta Graduate Chapter and they can let you know where we will
be each evening.
Family members are welcome as well. There will be a full family program visiting museums and other
downtown sites. They can also attend the Friday night event. Some events are at no cost while others are at
minimal pricing.
More information is at :
We hope you can attend some part of the Ekklesia either in a formal or an informal capacity. It will be a once in a
lifetime opportunity to take part in an Indiana Ekklesia!
For a schedule and to register please visit this link:
Questions can be emailed to
\r\nSave the Date - Upcoming Graduate Events
Indianapolis Indians
Baseball Outing Part of Ekklesia
The Beta Graduate Chapter is hosting an
Indianapolis Indians baseball game on
Wednesday, July 23 as a kickoff for the Ekklesia.
We will depart the lobby of the Downtown
Marriott at 1:15 pm. If you are interested, please
email as soon as possible as we
are only purchasing a limited number of tickets.
Grand Prix Race at IMS Offered as
Part of Ekklesia Programming
On Friday, July 25, Phi Gamma Delta will be
attending the Grand Prix race as part of
Brickyard 400 Weekend. Tickets are $50 and
the event is open to brothers and family
members. Ticket price includes entrance to the
IMS and dinner in the track.
If you are interested in attending, you can
register online at:
Questions, email
Graduate Events for 2014-2015 Year
Indianapolis Indians Outing—July 23, 2014
Indianapolis Ekklesia—July 24—25, 2014
Indianapolis Grand Prix Race—July 25, 2014
FIJI Gathering/Golf Outing—August 23, 2014
Homecoming 2014—October 11, 2014
Frank Norris Pig Dinner—April 11, 2015
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Summer 2014 newsletter of the Iota Sigma chapter at Indiana State University. This newsletter is six pages.