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1968 October Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
October 1968 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Indiana University
1968 October Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta Fratemity at Indiana University
Standing, Ieft to right: Doug FinlaJson, Mike Baugh重言ah, Ål Kamradt, and Jay Mathi云S: ̄ K五 ̄e虞ing,一
1eft to高ght: Jim Teter, Dave Reider, and Tom Fleming.
工ndiana,s football success this
game, is at split end, and working The Hoosiers are off to a 5‑2
year will depend highly on the per‑
formances of the seven men pictur‑
at defensive halfback is Dave Rei‑
Chores in the Baylor game.
S七art, and it is through no small
der, Who also handled the punting efforts of the 〃Fiji 7
that I. U. is
now a football power.
counting on top efforts from these
Fijis in order to retain the Big
Ten crown.
Mike Baughman is again start‑
ing at safety, With Jay Mathias and
Jim Teter both backing him up,
making it an all‑Phi Gam position.
Tom Fleming, just a sophomore,
has cracked the starting lineup at
fullback, While AI Kamradt is back
for his third year as a letter win‑
ner at tight end. Doug FinIayson,
the outstanding offensive lineman
in last year
s Cream and Crimson
Date Team Last Year,s Score This Year,s Score
\r\nⅢE HOOS陪席拙さ
丁20富h Ekk岳esia in Bahamas
The 120th Ekklesia met in the
tion behind SMU.
the enjoyment of the participants.
agree that the Ekklesia was not all
Zeta sent three undergraduates,
WOrk, eSPeCia11y in the Bahamas,
and they enjoyed the trip thorough‑
s committee, Broth‑
The forces that have been great‑
er Schatzlein was assigned to a‑
est in my life have been God and
mendments and laws, and Brother
Haynie was a member of the uni‑
VerSity relations committee.
ed me.
̲冒homas R. Marshall
Events of interest included the
loss of chapters at Brown and
A fratemity is an association of
Berkley, and the chartering of
men, Se]ected in their college days
of their adherence to common
chapters at Kansas State, CoIorado
State, and the University of Texas
at Arlington. Of particular inter‑
ideals and aspirations. Out of
est to Zeta was the recommenda‑
their association arises a personal
tion for immediate coIonization at
relation which makes them unself‑
Rose Poly and the future coIoniza‑
ishly seek to advahce one another
tion at Indiana State.
by democratic processes
1ege curriculum, the culture and
Brother Henry S. Brainard was
selected as the new Archon Presi̲
dent, SuCCeeding Danner L. Ma‑
character which men acquire by
in the areas of life and to add, tO
the formal instruction of the coL
contact with great personalities, Or
Due to the neglect of the univer‑
when admitted to partnership in
Sity registrar, Zeta was unable to
great traditions.
A fraternity, tOO, is of such
character that after men have left
college they delight to renew their
COmPete for the Jordan Bowl de‑
SPite our outstanding
scholastic achievements.
fore, We had to settle for second
own youth by continued associa‑
tion with it and to bring their rich‑
est experiences back to the young‑
er generation in part payment of
the debt which they feel themselv‑
The attending∴Zeta brothers
Dennis Smith, Mike Schatzlein, and
Gil Haynie. Brother Smith worked
On the charter
the Couege Fratemity that mould‑
Place in the Cheney Cup competi‑
Grand Bahamas last summer to the
benefit of the fratemity, and also
Tragedy struck Phi Gamma
Delta this year when two brothers,
es to owe to the fraternity for
Mark Rogge and Chris Wooling,
What it gave them in their form‑
1ost their lives in separate car ac‑
ative years.
Cidents during the summer.
was a bike rider for the
Fijis last year as a freshman, and
, a tranSfer student from
Wabash, Organized Fiji Isle. Their
COntributions to the house were
more than just material, though.
Both were great brothers, and they
Will be missed dearly by a11 of us
It lasted
days, from August
21 to 28. As awhole our brothers
Were muCh impressed with the Ek‑
klesia, but did have one com‑
Plaint. This was in reference to
the scholastic s七andings. We point‑
ed out that about 50% of the chap‑
ters were not in the running for the
Jordan Bowl because their univer̲
Si七ies did not supply the informa‑
tion needed.冒his wi11 be studied
further by the National Headquar‑
菖o且ey Named
Founda†ion HecId
Z. G. C」EVENGER ‑ MR. I. U. A丁H」臣丁営CS
Every year the Z. G. Clevenger
Can Sti11 remember the rivalry
each area against the other. (The
Award is presented to買the living
against P. U., and also can tell you
East won the first game.)
men who, aS alumni, have
Wi七hout a moment
s delay how the
made outstanding contributions to
Hoosiers capped two of the three
events he played in.
For 24 years Mr. Clevenger im‑
PrOVed the I. U. athletic program.
His biggest moment came when
the football team took the Big lO
letic program.,,冒his is but a small
tribute to the man who is probably
title in 1945, the year before he
the greatest influence on Indiana
retired. In between there were
athletics in the history of the
many fond memories, many friend‑
SChool. Mr. Clevenger is Zeta
Ships, many thrilling moments.
Oldest living alum, at least as far
Just what did Z. G. Clevenger
as he knows, and his contributions
mean to Indiana University athlet‑
far outnumber his 86 years of age.
宅cs? 〃Billy,, Hayes said he came
Brother Clevenger pledged Phi
G畜m痛を甘言晴オ証 ̄1 gUO二瓶 ̄i手薄五百滴 ̄
McMillan never would have left
Our reSidence was on Kirkwood
for the pros if Clev had not re輸
Avenue, When a large crowd at a
football game was
2,500, When
President Starr invited him to join
there were a mere l,000 students in
the Presidential party to the Rose
the school, and when the athletic
Bow工Iast year. Mr. Clevenger has
events were played on Jordan
attended no less than six Rose
Field, Which is now the Union
Building parking lot. While here
at I. U., Clev lettered in football
and baseball, and his greatest thrill
as an undergraduate was a 70 yard
Punt return, 1eading Indiana to a
17‑O victory over Illinois.
BowIs at the invitation of other
Z. G. CIevenger in 1933 ‥.
But it is since this inauspICIOuS
beginning that Z. G. Clevenger has
left his mark. After short stays
as either coach or athletic director
at Nebraska Wesleyan, the Univer‑
Sity of Tennessee, Kansas S七ate,
Do you have any news you want
the brothers to know?
Send it to
and Missouri, he came back home
to stay in 1923, aS athIetic director.
His first order of business was
reCruiting coaches
that is. Mr. Clevenger did a good
us, We Welcome a工l news of interest
job: E. C. 〃Billy,, Hayes for track,
about the graduate brothers.
Everett Dean for baseball, W. H.
While on the topic, We aPOlogize
Thom for wrest,1ing, Bo McMillan
Big lO schooIs in the past. These
are just a few examples of the es‑
teem in which Mr. Clevenger is
And now, 22 years after his re‑
tirement, Brother Clevenger re‑
Sides by himself here in BIooming‑
ton. Every winter he travels south
to Shreveport, Louisiana, tO Visit
He still attends home
games in the nicer weather, and he
keeps abreast of campus and na‑
tional news by subscribing to sev‑
eral newspapers.
Listening to Mr. Clevenger is
listening to the history of I. U.
en ̄ for baske岡「間町ath±高士es.  ̄̀ It is ̄租gre討 ̄experience÷ ̲̄̀ ̄
became President of the NCAA
Rotary, a member of the National
Basketball Rules Committee, and a
full professor at Indiana. I. U.
athletics won as many as eight Big
Ten titles in 1932 alone, and we
CaPtured two NCAA basketball
championships under Mr. Cleven‑
ger. In 1936, aS amember ofthe
United States Olympic Committee,
Yes, alums, Harper B. Miller,
Brother Clevenger was instrumen‑
coming all the way from Durban,
South Africa, Will attend the 1969
tal in naming two Indiana men‑
Pig Dinner on May 3. How about
as∴COaChes of the Olympic track
it?∴This is a great opportunity to
and wrestling teams respectively.
tors, Bi11y Hayes and W. H. Thom,
meet the brothers you have not
Clev also helped inaugurate the
Seen in years, Start making plans
annual East‑West Shrine game, aC‑
now. It is a most enjoyable time,
CePting a challenge from the Pa‑
do not miss it.
Cific Coast to match冊、e best from
1927 ‑ Charles Frederick BenzeI,
WreStled for I. U. in his under̲
Sr., a Fiji who participated in
graduate days. Brother Wylie has
1949 ‑ John M. Taylor has join‑
ed Brother NichoIs in making his
track, basketball, and the Union
received honorary doctorates at
home in FIorida. Mr.冒aylor is a
Board while here at Zeta, nOW
the Universite de Montpe11ier and
radio news director for WGTO in
deals with investments and is di‑
Indiana, and he is a fellow in the
rector for several stock companies,
Cyprus Gardens. He is also owner
Of the King of Clubs Bridge Club.
including Sigma Capital Shares,
Inc., a neW mutual fund. Brother
Sciences and the American An‑
thropoIogy Association. Brother
WaS a member of Delta Zeta soror̲
Benzel lives in Greenville, Dela‑
Wylie and his wife
ity. They have four children.
Am, have two
s wife also attended I. U. and
Ware, With his wife, Janet, Who
WaS a DG here at I. U.バCharlie,,
1954葛Robert Van Bierhaus, Jr.
is staying in shape by golfing and
1933 ‑ Robert Morris Cavanaugh
SWlmmmg, and belongs to the
Wall St. Club, the Wilmington
Currently is living in Greenvi11e,
Delaware, Same aS Brother Ben̲
Country Club, and University
Zel.バBob,,went to work for E. I.
He has two married sons
DuPont Company after he receiv‑
Vincennes? Indiana) after eaming
and two brothers who were also
ed his Ph.D. at Yale in Organic
his bachelors degree in marketing
Zeta Fijis.
1929葛Harper B. Miller, nOW di‑
Visional vice president of Sterling
Products Intemational Inc., mak‑
es his home in Durban, Natal,
South Africa, Of a11 places.
member of the I. U. golf team in
his college days, 〃Hap,, is still
Playing the game down south. He
also joined the Daily News while
in school, and was selected to
Blade. His stay in
has become a wholesale grocer for
the firm of E. Bierhaus & Sons
Inc., Who supply Red
grocery stores. Bob is living in
Chemistry. In fact, he met his
here. His wife, Cynthia
Wife, Mary, at Yale while she was
eaming her Masters degree. Dur‑
AIpha Phi at I. U., and they have
ing his undergraduate days, Bro‑
and uncle were Zeta Phi Gams, and
WaS an
two children. Both Bob,s father
ther Cavanaugh was a Blue Key
Bob was treasurer of the house
While in his undergraduate days.
managed the track team,
and was a
Bob enjoys outdoor sports, and
member of Phi Beta Kappa, a‑
has served on the Vincennes city
Played in the band
mong other things. As of now
COunCil・ Meanwhile, he is a mem‑
Bob has registered 19 patents and
ber of the National Rifle Associa̲
tion, the Elks, Moose, and Ameri‑
Can Trap Shooting Association.
WÌitten five scientific publications
While working as planning man‑
ager of the expIosives department
at DuPont. Brother Cavanaugh is
1957 ‑ George M. Ginn has be‑
a member of the American Chem̲
COme the marketing plans manager
is returning Sta七eside sometime
this year. Meanwhile,
istry Society, and has one daugh‑
South Africa is temporary, for he
is a
member of the American Man‑
agement Association and the
American Institute of Manage‑
1931 ‑ As a Professor of the
ter, Elizabeth, 22, and a son, Gor‑
While at Indiana, George was a
1946 ‑ Thomas Howard NichoIs,
Foundation, P工us historian and
now practicing medicine in Cler‑
PreSident of Phi Gamma Delta.
member of Blue Key and I. U.
mont, Florida, invites the brothers
down to the sunny south for a visit
anytime. It comes as no surprise
University while living in Cam‑
that his favori七e hobby is golf.
bridge, Massachusetts.バRed
While at Indiana, 〃Nick
, played
ed up his masters degree in French,
On the frosh basketba11 team and
and has written several publica‑
ran varsity track, besides being
tions about French civilization. For
Selec七ed to Phi Beta Kappa. Bro‑
two years Brother Wylie acted as
ther NichoIs has two bro七hers who
Cultural Attache at the U. S. Em‑
Were Zetas and another a Fiji at
bassy in Paris. Both his father
Arizona. Nick and his wife, Lily,
and brother were Zeta Fijis, and
have six children, five of them
played in the band and
gie, have a daughter and a son.
don, 16.
Civilization of France, Laurence
Company in In‑
dianapolis. He and his wife
William Wylie teaches at Harvard
for Eli Lilly &
His current in七erests include ath‑
1etics and reading, While he is a
member of the Indianapolis Ath‑
1etic Club) the Masonic Lodge, and
the Scottish Rite.
Brother Ginn
received a B. S. degree in market‑
ing while at Indiana.
\r\nZE丁A 8N園丁菓A丁ES 2;
Phi Gamma Delta welcomed two
tering pre‑med; and Donald An‑
field, Ohio; Sco七t Kenton冒eagar‑
more men as brothers when Wil‑
derson Lesch, Who hails from
den, an Indianapolis produc七; Ules
1iam Woods Deems,
Chesterton and is studying busin‑
71, and冒im‑
othy Morris Gehrig, also
initiated on September
Samuel Wade, an OCeanOgraPhy
major from Springfield, Ohio;
71, Were
Joseph AIoyisius Walsh, a SOCial
30, 1968.
Willie hails from Evansville, and
Reed Paul Miller, a business ma‑
science student from Evansville;
is currently in the Arts and Scien‑
jor from Ft. Wayne, joins this
Robert S七ephen Warfel, from
ces school.冒im comes from Leo,
group as does Doug Kent Moore,
Richmond, majoring in business;
Indiana, is∴Studying the pre‑den七
a chemistry major from Spring一
Bruce Wa11ace White, a Pre‑med
student from Montice11o; and
program, and plays ca七cher for the
Warren Howitt WooIcott from
baseball team.
Newburgh, a Pre‑dent major.
 ̄〈臆A七the same time, Zeta picked
one¥ SOPhomore and
Scha†ziein New
as its fall pledge class. The soph
is Mark Frederick Wheeler from
AIso pledged were: Gordon Dar‑
rell Byers from Noblesville, Who is
majoring in business; James Wil‑
Mt. Vernon, Illinois. Mark is ma‑
1iams Huff, a local boy from
JOrlng m muSic.
BIoomington, also majoring in bus‑
iness, and Thomas Jay Templin,
who hails from Milwaukee.
甲he freshmen are: Peter Kohnl
Bartell from Richmond and major‑
ing in business;冒ed Ross Bartley
men were formally
Pledged on October 24, 1968.
who hails from Palatine, Illinois,
and is a pre‑med student; William
Frederick Biuman from BIooming‑
ton; James Wallace Campbell, a
pre‑dent major from Fredonia,
New York; Kenneth Walsh Coch‑
ran, a business major from Rock‑
Ville; John David Diekmann, a Pre‑
dent major from Evansville; and
Wi11iam Byers Drury, a Pre‑med
Here is a list of the important
major from Tell City.
future events for the remainder of
七he school year in which the bro七h‑
AIso pledged were: Thomas
冒he 1968 cabinet took on a new
James Finnegan and William Stev一
Iook when Michael Hoover Schatz‑
七百 ̄F工で汚す「面積 ̄子平研町「肝既七五afay‑
ette and majoring in business;
Steven Kent Gudeman, a Pre‑dent
major from Frankfort; John Mark
Hinata, a business student hailing
from冒okyo, Japan; Robert Mark
Hinds, a Noblesville produce in
business; Steven William Hocket七,
in pre‑den七
from Terre Haute;
1ein was一珊reas敵手er‑of七he
SuCCeeding John Robert
Who is attending Chapman
College afloat for a semester.
ers might be in七erested (at least
the ones for which we know the
へも云品s) :
〃Slingshot,,, 18, is a second se‑
mester junior in the pre‑med pro‑
Apr. 12
Apr. 19
May 17
gram. He was voted one ofthe 25
most outstanding sophomores last
year. The recipient of several aca‑
Reggie W. George, a Pre‑1aw stu‑
demic scholarships, Mike also plays
dent from Anderson; Greg Gayle
in the faculty orchestra. His fath‑
Kamp, an Indianapolis native en‑
Mar. 23
er is a Zeta Fiji graduate. Al‑
though he is the newest member of
the cabinet, Brother Schatzlein has
May lO
We urge the alumni brothers to
notice particularly the schedule of
help in maintaining the high stand‑
already es七ablished himself as the
ards of our chapter. Please let us
most liberal levier of fines the
know of any prospects you think
house seen in recen七years.
would make a good Fiji brother.
\r\nPage 6
THE HOOSIER FIJI, November, 1968
Dad,s Day, Home‑
Fijis A「ound Ihe Wo富8d
Com!ng Fun,
‑ Kroehler Manufacturing
Co., the world
s largest fumiture
maker, has announced that Edward
H. Stegman recently became its
Paul William EIsea is
now making his home in Memphis,
Tennessee as a surgeon at Baptist
Memorial HospitaI. Once the his‑
torian at Zeta, Brother EIsea serv‑
ed two years as a lieutenant in the
U. S. Navy in Beaufort, North Car‑
Olina, uP tO 1966. To keep in
Shape, Brother EIsea plays tennis,
fishes, and hunts. His wife, Lee,
received her bachelor
s degree in
music at Indiana and was a mem‑
ber of Pi Beta Phi.∴They have
the campus for a weekend of foot‑
ball and frolic. After a successfu1
20‑7 Indiana decision over Illinois,
the Dads and their sons split their
time between the John Davidson
POP COnCert, mOVies, bowling, Cam‑
pus sightseeing, Parties, and the
Regulator. Sunday
One daughter.
beautiful as the Fiji Dads invaded
s dinner was
its usual best, and George Schatz‑
1ein was named president of the
1961 ‑ David John Chizek is now
a physician in Iowa City, Iowa,
SPeCializing in ophthalmoIogy,
Which is the study of diseases of
the eye. Brother Chizek is a play‑
ing member of the Iowa City PoIo
Club, and also enjoys motorcycling,
Edward H. Stegman
Sailing, and sports cars. Dave, Who
marketing administrator. Brother
Stegman now lives in Naperville)
WaS SOCial chairman for the house,
is still single.
children. Mr. Stegman is a membeT
of the American Management As‑
sociation, and serves on the board
1963 ‑ Alvin Louis Koestring ap‑
an 18‑mOnth hitch wi七h the
Kroehler in 1956 after two years
With the army.
fold, nOW. ̀̀Hartspring BIows His
Mind,, was written by Emest Hugh
Who has been an assisもー
Brother Koestring eamed a BS
degree in transportation at I. U.
and served as treasurer of the
the Founda七ion and Blue Key. Last
word from AI shows him attending
the Transporta七ion Officer Ad‑
丁he S†aff
丁he Hoosier F串
vance course at Ft. Eustia, Vir‑
ginia. Al is∴Sti11 a bachelor? and
enjoys playing golf.
Brother Lockridge
and his wife, Rebecca, have two
house. He was also a member of
バErnie,, was a member of Phi Beta
diana, and now lives in Orange,
Bronze Star medal and the Army
ant professor at Yale since 1963.
Kappa and Phi Eta Sigma at In‑
During this stay, Al received the
Commendation medal.
1960 ̲ We have a novelist in our
display took second place for the
SeCOnd consecutive year. A dance
leader and company commander.
COming festivities, aS the Fiji lawn
PearS tO be making the army a ca‑
of Directors of the Naperville
Short end of a 27‑22 score.冒here
Were Still most of the usual home‑
reer. Al retumed last year from
ful, but this time I. U. was on the
back at the house and several par‑
Infantry Division at Cu Chi, Viet
Nam, Where he served as a platoon
October 19 was a little different.
It too dawned brigh七and beauti‑
I11inois, a Suburb of Chicago, With
Fa七hers) Club.
Gamma Delta here at I. U. His
1965 ‑ Charles Leon Fichter, a
varsity tennis player at I. U. just a
few years ago, has settled down in
novel is described as fast, funny,
Rockford, Imnois, tO become the
SeXy, and good by none other than
pro at the Rockford Indoor Tennis
Club. 〃Chill" and his wife, Nad‑
Brother Lockridge himself.
ean, Were Wed in 1965) and now
failed to mention whether or not
have two sons. While at I. U.,
he has made the book required
Bro七her Fichter earned a BS de‑
reading for his English classes.
gree in education.
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October 1968 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is six pages in length.