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1999 Winter Newsletter Mu Iota (University of Idaho)
Winter 1999 newsletter of the Mu Iota chapter at the University of Idaho. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Mu Iota
University of Idaho
1999 Winter Newsletter Mu Iota (University of Idaho)
lainill lll*ii"*ll
THE Gem State FIJI
Mu IOTA Chapter
Winter 1999
Homecoming 99
Mu Iota Brings on the Millennium in Homecoming Week '99
It has been a while since
Homecoming Week this year saw a full regalia of activities in which stu
dents showed their support ofthe university. The theme,"Bring on the Millen
nium," led to many creative interpretations of the various events. And of course,
Mu Iota took the opportunity to flaimt the purple and white with the silver and
gold, participating in every event and taking fourth place overall.
Events included an ice cream social, a recycling and food drive, the Van
dal Jingles competition, living group decorations, a serpentine and bonfire, and,
of course, the parade. Posters and banners were created by each living group and
displayed on campus and around Moscow. Points were awarded to living groups
based on both their participation in the events and the quality oftheir creative
the last alumni update
and we apologize for the
delay. We at 600 U still
like to hear from you.
—John Holland ('42)
met up with Ken Kofmehl('41) and his wife
when his tour ofthe
western states brought
them through the Denver
One ofthe most popular Homecoming Week events was the Vandal Jin
gles competition, in which each house and hall wrote and performed skits or
songs based on the Homecoming theme. Teaming with the Kappas, Mu Iota per
formed a Latin-style dance that earned second place.
Another great success was the ever entertaining Homecoming Parade.
—Greg Jensen ('79)is
managing a new real es
tate office in Nampa,ID
as a result ofthe newly
formed Prudential Jensen
The Fiji/Kappa float was a giant "sparkling cider" bottle (quotes inserted for a
Real Estate.
tongue-in-cheek effect) that was complemented by six elegantly dressed ladies.
—Clyde Culp ('41)Is
It was escorted by the usual Secret Service detachment — four dark suited Fijis
that walked along side the float. The parade was followed by a wonderful Home
coming Brunch in the house, attended by many alumnus and parents.
"I thought the week went very well," said co-Homecoming Chair Nick
Smith."Everyone in the house participated. It was a great way to show the
school and the community our support."
—Chris Ritter ('02), Co-Homecoming Chair
turning 80 and watching
the Mississippi River
flow by. Even though he
might be 80, he says he
can still whack the golf
ball and he hopes to
make it to Pigger in
—^Brad Schafer('90)
welcomed his first child.
Bailey Clare Schafer,
into the world on June
Fall PR Dinner/ 600 Entrance Remodel
15, 1999. Congratula
tions, Brad!
Letter from the Editor
\r\nFall Intramurals
season ofthis century
and our volleyball team
enters the playoffs this
for the Phi Gams is
week. We also had two
nearing its end with the
separate teams compete
The last intramural
the top contenders in
the event.
Another spring sport
where we are predicted
to be a strong force is
conclusion ofthe fall
in the 3-on-3-basketball
semester. There are no
tournament, both mak
definite point standings
ing it to the playoffs.
That was a non-point
sport, but the participa
tion in that help to get
sport last year, and sev
everybody excited for
the first sport ofthe
spring semester: 5-on-5
basketball. That sport
steamroll through the
to base our success on
as of now, but with our
strong showing to this
point, we should be one
of the front contenders
heading into the spring
semester. Our soccer
team made an impres
sive showing in the
playoffs last month.
is worth 200 points,
and Phi Gamma Delta
is expected to be one of
IPG Officers
Once again the men
at Phi Gamma Delta
because of the PR it
take a lead role in cam
provides during Rush
pus life by heading up
the Interfratemity
and academic events
Council. Brian Post
('02) was nominated
and elected in late No
hosted by the IFC. In
this capacity Brother
Post will be showing
that being a Fiji means
planning to be on top for
the first semester of a
new millennium. Seeya
in 2000...
Softball. We had a very
strong showing in that
—TroyBraga ('02),
Intramural Chair
eral freshmen will team
up with our retuming
players to make us
competition once again.
It has been a great se
mester for Fiji intramu
ral sports, and looking
men of600 University
into the future we are
Social Service
Participation in the
community is a top pri
ority for members and
pledges this year. As
mentioned in last issue,
haunted house at the
Moscow American Le
gion Hall.
The upcoming spring
semester should pro
vide ample opportuni
men are volunteering at
a local elementary
ties for the men at 600
school to serve as role
U to become further in
models for the city's
volved in the commu
nity. Our participation
is yet another example
dealing with the cash
and budgeting of the
council and organiza
to send faculty, admini
stration, and possible
youth. Our idea has
caught on. The women
of Kappa Kappa
Gamma have recently
begun helping at the
tion of events for the
Brian, and let us all do
school with volimteers
entire Greek system at
the University of
our part to show that
of their own.
Phi Gamma Delta is so
This past Halloween,
a group from the house
helped a local Cub
vember to the treasurer
position of the council.
His duties involve
being involved on cam
pus, a positive message
much more than a mere
This position is espe
cially important for the
place to live.
—P.J. McDaniel('02)
Scout troop set up a
of how Mu Iota sets a
standard of excellence
not only within our
walls, but throughout
the entire campus.
—^Brian Post('02)
\r\nThe Gem State Fiji
Fall PR dinner
Once again, the Pub
lic Relations faculty
dinner was a success.
As most of you know,
to spend part of an eve
ning with the alwayspolite men of600 Uni
versity Avenue.
dinner gives us a
to be an extremely pro
ductive way to get to
chance to show them
know our instructors
how we live and also
dispel any incorrect
that we hold for our
consisted of chicken
professors and instruc
tors every semester.
cordon bleu served on a
and professors on a
more personal level.
Since the majority of us
are currently taking
bed of rice with a side
courses with 100-200
of vegetables. This dish
was prepared by our
other students in class,
Greek system. Even
more importantly, how
ever, is the chance the
it is often difficult to
dinner offers us to
wonderful cook, Rose-
meet our educators.
score some extra
Many times, our in
structors have never
"brownie points" when
grading time rolls
been introduced to the
this is the formal dinner
This year, the dinner
was held on November
10. We had a com
pletely full table of
guests, many of which
The dinner this year
anna, and was enjoyed
by all.
We have found the
have attended in the
past and always look
forward to the chance
importance of the PR
fraternity lifestyle or
dinner to be immeasur
even set foot inside a
able. It has turned out
fraternity house. The
Important Dates
Remember to put these
important upcoming dates in your
(see insert for details)
Pigger 2000
April 15,2000
600 University Avenue
Boise Graduate Dinner:
January 5, 2000
Noodles, Downtown Boise
ideas that so often seem
to surface about the
—Curtis Neill('01)
600 U Facelift
The brick drive con
mately 360 bricks left.
tinues at Mu Iota. We
If interested in reserv
are moving forward
with plans to remodel
ing your personalized
brick, please send $50
the entrance at 600
along with your name
University Avenue in
the Spring of2000 with
replica half-moon style
and class year to:
bricks that once
Phi Gamma Delta
adorned the entrance.
600 University Ave.
For only $50, these
Moscow,ID 83843
bricks will be specially
made in Seattle with
your name and class
year engraved in the
brick. Take this oppor
tunity to have your
name inscribed in Mu
Iota history forever.
There are approxi
\r\nNon-Profit Org.
Permit #193
Phi Gamma Delta
600 University AvE.
Moscow,ID 83843
PGD International Headquarters
1201 Red MileRd.
Lexington,, Ky 40544
Letter From the Editor
In the previous GSF
issue, Michael Bradley
ing from all of you. 1
at Mu lota when 1 wish
encourage you to send
shared with us the time
or e-mail me tales of
you and your families
best wishes for the up
honored tradition of
your fraternity days.
hurling rotten fruit at
the Kappa house. It is
As the editor, 1 also
value any comments,
coming holiday season.
If your situation seems
a little hectic,just think
stories like his that
ideas, or criticisms you
might have for or
back to your days try
ing to get into the
about the GSF itself.
Christmas spirit while
cramming for finals!
make the Gem State
Fiji a success. While it
is good to hear about
what goes on here at
600 U,80 percent of
We publish four times
a year, more than any
other fratemity on
the newsletter should
campus. 1 want to en
you and seeing you at
serve as a forum for
sure the quality of each
issue. This just goes to
show the superiority of
Pigger 2000.1 will say
again, don't be afraid
with other alumni. Do
our organization and
not hesitate to share
the strength of our
graduate support.
1 speak for all of us
Doing What?" insert
and drop us a line here
sharing graduate news,
stories, and memories
your memories with
us. We enjoying hear
1 look forward to
hearing from many of
to fill out the "Who's
at the house.
—Brian W.Post('02)
Keeping you and your classmates informed
Please write legibly
Please be sure to check out Phi Gamma
Delta on the Internet! On the World Wide
Web, point your browser to:
If you would like to reach us by email,
contact Will Omdorff:
OmdS 3 71 @uidaho. edu
Please send correspondence to:
□ Check here if new address
Personal News or Message to Anyone:
600 University Ave.
Moscow, ID 83843
If possible, send us a photo
Engagement/Marriage/Births, Etc.:
and a personal biography so
we can highlight you in our
Alumni Spotlight
New Job/Promotions/Awards/Honors/
Achievements/Transfer/Retirement, Etc.:
Thanks for replying to the Gem State Fiji!
Any and all support is appreciated. We
always look forward to hearing from our
valuable alumni.
—Brian W. Post, current
GSF Editor. or (208) 885-7051
Please Help Support the Gem State Fiji
Without your generous contributions, the regular publication of this newsletter
would not be possible.
To help, my check is enclosed: EUlOO IZZbsO I
Please make checks payable to the Gem State Fiji
Celebrate the New Year
Please join us for an Informal gathering of Phi
cam Brothers, we will share stories from the
past of 600 u. as well as Ideas for the future!
• January 5,2000-6:30 P.M.
• Noodles - Downtown Boise
• No host bar and pizza
• Ultra-Casual!!!!!!
crab your pledge brothers and come celebrate being a Fiji
In the new millennium!
Pia Diniitr aeeo
The first Norrls Pig Dinner of the Miilennium
wiii be heid at 600 university this spring. A
great time to see the house, meet the
brothers and taik of coiiege days!
• Saturday April 15, 2000
We iove to see as many Graduate Brothers at
these events as possibie...come join in the
giory of Phi Gamma Deita and show that
being a Fiji is not for coiiege days alone.
For information or comments please contact Will Omdorffat(208)885-4258 or om(
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Winter 1999 newsletter of the Mu Iota chapter at the University of Idaho. The newsletter is six pages in length.