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2000 December Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
December 2000 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. This newsletter is nine pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Gamma Phi
Pennsylvania State University
2000 December Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
Gamma Phi of Phi Gamma Delta at The Pennsylvania State University
State College, Pa.• December 2000
Welcome Bock to the Lodge!
By Mark Delaney'02, Outgoing President of Gamma Phi
s outgoing president, this is the last
opportuinty that 1 will have to directly
report to the graduate brothers of
Gamma Phi before I hand over the reins to Max
Pipman '02, our newly elected chapter president.
Th e year 2000 has been ay€ar of changes, not
only within our house, but also within the
national fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta and the
entire Penn State Greek system as well. As
always. Gamma Phi has maintained a leadership role regarding
Nof for College Days Alone...
class of '69 Meets at the Lodge One More Time
By Eric L.Johnson '69
During the weekend of September 22, 15 of 21 members
from the pledge class ol 1966 returned to "Dear Old
State" for our first reunion since graduating in 1969. It
was good to see all of the returning brothers. We renewed old
friendships, caught up on where our lives and travels have taken
us over the past thirty-plus years, visited the Fiii Lodge, met the
undergraduate brothers and pledges of Gamma Phi and remi
nisced of times gone by!
these changes.
Class members attending included:
As you can see, the Nittany Fiji has undergone drastic
improvements under the leadership of Brian Stone 03. It has
expanded to better illustrate the advances we have made as a
chapter. For example, we have made tremendous strides in our
philanthropic and community service activities. We have contin
ued our participation in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program and
recently volunteered to help at a local Special Olympics event.
This is also Gamma Phi's first year in joining the rest of the
Greek community in the battle against cancer for the largest
student philanthropy in the world. Dance Marathon.
Bob Abraham
Bob Absalom
Scott Frymire
Dave Sebastian
Eric Johnson
Tom Steriopulos
Jim Beerer
Dan Kohlhepp
Ken Thomas
Fred Caligiuri
Rob Lee
Mark Thomas
Gerry Curtin
Ned McFarland
Mac Heebner
Over the years that have passed, some of us have had the
opportunity to return to Penn State for business or with our
families and friends to attend a football game at Beaver Stadium
or a basketball game at the new Brvce Jordan Center. Upon
stopping by the fraternity during these visits, we were unpleas
antly surprised and disappointed to find a house that had been
We are making a significant push to communicate with you,
our graduate brothers. Ifyou have a computer, the Gamma Phi
Web page allows you to visit the lodge at any time through the
Internet. This issue of
Nittany Fiji introduces a new section,
several of us approached the house on Saturday morning, we saw
the "Graduate Forum," where you can find not only the "Gradu
a building that was well-maintained on the outside and clean, neat
ate Voices of previous issues, but articles specifically pertaining
to you. On the right, you can read about the class of 1969. They
and nicely furnished on the inside. We met a group of young men
got together one more time at the lodge in September, and Eric L.
Johnson '69 sent us an article about the experience.
The brothers of Gamma Phi worked hard in the year 2000,
and you can only expect more success to come from the young
leaders who will be stepping up this semester, leading us into
The Nittany Fiji is published for the members and friends of
the Gamma Phi Chapter of The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
at The Pennsylvania State University. Address changes, news
items, photographs and contributions are always welcome
and may be sent in the enclosed envelope or mailed to The
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, Graduate Records Office,
P.O. Box 296,State College,PA 16804-0296.
badly abused and a brotherhood that didn't seem to care.
Well, I am pleased to report that is not the case loda\ I .\s
who impressed us with their hospitality, warmth and demeanor.
We were instantly made to feel at home during our visit. We
talked about fraternity life then and now and shared pledging and
"Hell week" stories. We learned about efforts that the current
brothers are engaged in to showcase some of the history associ
ated with Phi Gam and to reintroduce some of the positive
traditions that make membership in a fraternity like Phi Gam a
memorable and lasting experience.
To the undergraduate brothers and pledges of Gamma Phi,
we offer a big "thank you " from the pledge class of 1966! You
guys did a super job in hosting us during our reunion; you helped
to give us a weekend we won't soon forget and truly e-xemplified
the meaning of the old saying "not for college days alone.
We encourage an^mne who will be visiting Penn State in the
near future to stop by the Fiji Lodge, have a look around and
meet the brothers and pledges who live there. We know that vou
will be as impressed with what you find as we were. Thanks
again! Perge!
\r\nPage 2
December 2000
Gamma Phi Serves the
ABOVE: Steve Archut '02 oversees a young visitor's shot.
ABOVE LEFT: Brothers and pledges join in Greek Sweep to purge
State College streets of litter.
LEFT: Fiji and Theta bobbed for apples with kids of the
Big Brother/Big Sister program when they came in early November.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Fiji and Kappa Alpha Theta Team Up to Help Underprivileged Kids
By Brian Lace,'02, Philanthropy Chair
On Sunday afternoons last spring, the voices of children
could be heard ringing in the halls of the Hummel
Fishburn Lodge. This is due to Phi Gamma Delta's
participation in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program. Joined by
Its sister sorority Kappa Alpha Theta, once a month for two hours
the brotherhood extended the comforts of the house to youth from
around the community who need positive role models.
Gamma Phi entered the program in the spring of 1999, and it
has gained momentum as the brotherhood has become more
accustomed to hosting activities at the lodge. Brothers plan
programs that range from outdoor games such as whitfleball and
lootball to events with holiday themes. Last December, the
brotherhood sponsored a tubing trip to the local Tussey Mountain
ski resort. The change of scenery proved to be a success and the
lun-lilled day was enjoyable lor the kids and the brothers alike.
Everyone left the slopes with smiles.
With the help of Theta, we are currently trying to expand the
program so that we can hold more trips like the one to Tussey.
We feel that by taking the kids to more activities outside the
house like tubing, bowling, laser tag or visits to the park, we can
give the kids a more worthwhile experience. Measures to raise
the money to finance such outings are underway with the
possibility ot a lund-raiser on the horizon.
We once again hosted children in early November. Children
participated in face painting, bobbing for apples, and trjdng to
knock down a pinata. Every time the kids visit, we are reminded
of how lucky we are, and we are indeed thankful. We donate only
a short time with our visitors, but we are well-rewarded by the
happiness shining in each child s eyes.
\r\nPage 3
Nittany Fiji
The undergraduates ofGamma Phi are constantly reminded ofhow
blessed we are. In the last year, we have expanded our philanthropies
to better serve the community. Whether raising funds for cancer
research through participation in Thon or spending time with
children from broken homes, we give to repay our debt ofgratitude.
Spring 2000 Initiates
lason T. Gahres
Lebanon, Pa.
Ryan A. Zepp
Gettysburg, Pa.
Fall 2000 Pledges
Gregory M. Chrest
Havertown, Pa.
Daniel W. Flounders
Marpie, Pa.
Andrew Lieberman
Sunbury, Pa.
Film and Video
Patrick I. Lynch
Havertown, Pa.
-4 ■
« »
lames M. Morris
Morton, Pa.
Edward C. Partridge IV
Newtown Square, Pa.
Michael Sobczak
Warminster, Pa.
Political Science
TOP: Steve Oechslein '03 helps award winners of the Special Olympics Volleyball Tournament
held at State College Area High School. Brothers and pledges volunteered as referees, line judges,
and scorekeepers. We also helped raise nets and set up chairs for spectators.
Ryan M. Stokes
Williamstown, N.J.
Hotel, Restaurant and
Institutional Management
ABOVE RIGHT: ]eff Kulbeida '03 and Doug Freidley '02 take donations on the
streets of Pittsburgh during a recent canning trip.
Matthew T. Walsh
Havertown, Pa.
ABOVE LEFT: Mark Delaney '01 (left) and Derek Holt '01 pose with Penn State University
President Graham Spanier during the Mutual Road to Success dinner held at our own lodge.
Craig A. Young
The event brought Spanier, other Penn State officials and representatives from other Greek
organizations together for an open discussion concerning the Greek system at Penn State.
Wexford, Pa.
Computer Science
\r\nPage 4
December 2000
Fall 1999 Initiates
''Everything Is Big in Texas"
Thomas J. Arnica
Gamma Phi Brothers Attend 152nd Ekkiesia
Dallas, Pa.
By Max Pipman '02, Incoming President
Nicholas L. Chiappetta
Bethel Park, Pa.
Michael I. DeMaye
New Brighton, Pa.
lonathon E. Dornblaser
Bethlehem, Pa.
Computer Science
Douglas I. Freidley
Electrical Engineering
Brandon P. Hibschman
Lebanon, Pa.
Mechanical Engineering
Nicholas A. Hower
Lebanon, Pa.
Mechanical Engineering
Asthe saying goes,"Everything is big in Te.xas." Three undergraduate Gamma Phi brothers
discovered that tor themselves when the3' represented our chapter at the 152nd Ekkiesia this
summer in San Antonio. Steve Archut '02, Seth Rothey '01 and I were treated to a great
time and were amazed at just how our national Fraternity operates.
It was great to be surrounded by so many brothers from all across the country and to share our
fraternal experience with them. We were thrilled to meet Robert Baney III, a 1984 graduate ol our
own Gamma Phi, who is now the Executive Director of Phi Gamma Delta. He was eager to remi
nisce about his days at the lodge, and we enjoyed meeting a graduate brother from our own chapter
who holds a powerful position within the national organization.
The hot topic at Ekkiesia this year was the mandatory enforcement of alcohol-free housing, or
AFH. This policy, which is has already been adopted b^' many chapters across the country, would
prohibit bringing any alcoholic substance into our house. However, the national fraternity has
granted us an extension because we have met some strict guidelines, such as meeting the minimum
2.7 GPA and completing a responsible alcohoI-use seminar. We must also be in good standing with
the Greek governing body at Penn State — the Interfraternity Council — and owe no outstanding
dues to national. The extension will last for two years. At the time of Ekkiesia, 12 chapters had
earned the extension. We will strive to meet these standards when our own extension comes up for
review in 2002.
Everything really U' big in Te.xas, and Ekkiesia was no different. It was an honor for us to see
how our national organization works, and we are eager to journey to Portland, Ore., in two years to
be part of it again. If you would like to attend the 154th Ekkiesia in Portland, give us a call at the
lodge, or log on to, where you can make hotel reservations or direct questions to
Director of Programs Jerry Golden.
leffrey M. Kulbeida
From the Collegian:
"Jon Whltenlght '01 of Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity hits
his golf ball onto the green
during this fall's intramural
competition. Whltenlght has
participated in numerous
intramural sports through
out his college career
Including football, volleyball,
Bethel Park, Pa.
Ryan Eric Lizardi
Sunbury, Pa.
Film and Video
Michael B. McQuesten
Danvers, Mass.
Finance/lntl. Business
Div.of Undergrad.Studies
cross-country, and tennis.
He sees intramural sports as
'an opportunity to play
Sarasota, Fla.
sports and not be commit
Paul W. Nailer
ted to a team.'"
David A. Oechslein
Bethel Park, Pa.
Aerospace Engineering
Stephen M. Oechslein
Bethel Park, Pa.
Incoming Chapter Officers
Aerospace Engineering
Nathan /. Ramsden
Blairsville, Pa.
Industrial Engineering
Brian M. Stone
Lewistown, Pa.
Film and Video
Heath M. Wike
Civil Engineering
Ryan Lizardi '03
Michael Zboray '02
Max Pipman'02
Michael DeMaye'03
Brian Stone '03
\r\nPage 5
Nittany Fiji
Recruitment 2000: The Quest for
Quality Men Continues
Fiji Falls Short...
/ 999-2000 Intramural Wrap-Up
By Scott Simko '01, Intramural Chairman
By Max Pipman '02, Incoming President
Another successful recruitment period concluded at the end Despite coming up short to win the BischoFF Trophy,
oF September, and we have selected 14 pledges For
Gamma Phi. Initially 200 students showed an interest in
our house at some point during the fall rush, but we Feel we have
harvested the best oFthe Freshman crop.
Michael Zboray 02, Ma.x Pipman '02, Michael Demaye '03
and Nick Chiapetta 03 were the overall rush chairmen this Fall,
and they were supported by the entire house. E\'eryone awaited
the arrival oF prospects during our open houses and jumped at the
chance to give a tour of the lodge. It was truly a brotherhood
Gamma Phi is proud of our valiant eFFort. We may have
finished 13th overall, but we made our presence known.
The first sport of the year was soFtball. By coupling a
dominating offense with a stifling deFense, the Phi Gams pro
duced an unblemished 6-0 record in the regular season,
outscoring opponents 87-20. However, we hit a brick wall in the
opening round of playoFfs, losing via the 10-run rule to ATO.
Ne.xt, the fearless Phi Gams bounced back to post a 4-1
record in volleyball, but missed the playotFs on tie-breaker
criteria. Football was less successful, as we Found the end zone
only once in the season in a hard-Fought 7-6 victorv over Beta
We have chosen a well-rounded crop oFmen this Fall. Our
last two pledge classes have had over a 3.0 CPA, and we will
continue to emphasize scholarship to find the most academic-
minded Freshmen. Ovei' hall'oF the new pledge class was in the
National Honor Society in high school, seven graduated in the
Theta Pi.
The next order of business was to deFend our 1998-99
basketball championship. The cagers posted a perfect 4-0 record,
involved m their student councils or participated in community
service. Almost all were athletes: lacrosse plavers, wrestlers,
golfers and two who competed in cross-countrv state champion
increasing the intramural basketball winning-streak to 13 games.
The team Faced an undefeated Pi Kappa Phi in the final contest.
When the dust cleared Following the overtime period, the Phi
Gams came up one point short of ending the season with a repeat.
We had mixed success in tennis, racquetball doubles, and
wrestling. Our soccer team suffered a losing season, and we had a
ships. One oF those runners is a member of the Penn State cross
poor showing on the track.
top 10 percent oF their classes. In other arenas, several were
But the Phi Gams Press On: Success Early This Season
country team.
The pledges embarked on iheir journey in early October.
They have already begun to learn our history and enthusiastically
embrace our values. We as broihers are thrilled to introduce a
great new pledge class to the traditions oF Phi Gamma Delta.
Log On to the Lodge
By Sujoy Kundu '01, Gamma Phi Web Master
Gamma Phi has taken many strides this year to better
deliver chapter news to our graduate brothers. One step
was to introduce our chapter to cyberspace with the
It is still earl3i in the intramural season, but Fiji athletes are
already' enjo3dng some great victories this Fall.
Sadly, Softball was eliminated From the intramural schedule
this year, but the Gamma Phi Football team took advantage of the
e.xtra time in the preseason to prepare. Practice paid off in the
form of a 4-1 record. The season kicked off with a 28-8 victory'
over Alpha Zeta and a narrow 8-6 win over Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
onl3' to be concluded with 24-14 defeat by Delta Sigma Phi, who
went on become the intramural Football champions.
Fiji has performed well on the links as well, led bv John
Whitenight 01 and Mark Delaney 02. Our volleyball team
served up three wins thus far, knocking down the likes of Phi
construction of our own Web site on the Internet in 1999. The
Delta Theta, 3-0, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 2-1. The momentum
from these wins will drive us to victor3' when we hit the basket
site has undergone extensive renovations this semester.
ball courts in earl\' December.
The site includes several Features that mav interest Fiji
graduates, such as back issues of the NitUiny Fi/i and current news
concerning intramural sports and philanthropic actu'ities.
Because it will provide students interested in our organization
Phi can leave For the winter break knowing that the BischoFF
Trophy is well within our reach. As of November 9, Phi Gamma
with an excellent opportunity to learn about us From the conve
page as we climb the standings in our quest for the Bischoff.
As the fall semester comes to a close, the brothers of Gamma
Delta was ranked 13th, but be sure to check the Gamma Phi Web
nience of their own computers, the site also will ser\ e as a
valuable tool during the recruitment season.
One oF the most useFul sections of the site is the Bivthciv area,
where visitors will be able to view a listing oFall current under
graduate brothers as well as their majors, e-mail addresses, and
positions within the house. Some companies have alreadv made
use ol this area when hiring newly graduated brothers lor
verification that they were members of our Iraternit\'.
IFyou have yet to stop by Gamma Phi on the Web, visit us at
the address below. Check Irequentiy for the latest postings of
news. E-mail one of the brothers and let us know what you think
about it. Because it is still in the initial stages of development, any
advice or suggestions for improvement would be greatK' appreciated.
Our address is:
Heath Wike
drives the
ball through
his oppo
defenses ina recent
\r\nPage 6
December 2000
Sign On Now to Receive
To whom it may concern;
Monthly E-Newsletter!
If you would like to join the 170 graduate brothers who
Last October, Grace and I made a trip to State
College for Homecoming weekend. The autumn colors
currently receive our monthly e-mail newsletter, please send
your e-mail address to Justin Dunkleberger at, or Brian Stone at This
were beautiful, and the football team came up with a
victory over Illinois. A perfect couple of days!
However, something came up that had not been on
our agenda for the weekend. In lieu of going shopping with
Grace, I decided to attend the Board of Tnrstees meeting
at Gamma Phi, where I had an unexpected but pleasant
I saw a fraternity house filled to capacity with the
neatest bunch of young men that I have seen in our house
in forty-five years. This year's pledge class numbers 10.
Last year's class was 16. In addition, the house was in
outstanding physical condition. That's telling you some
I must confess that over the years, I did a lot of
complaining about the conditions at Gamma Phi, but "I
ain't anymore!" Brothers, we have turned the corner, and
electronic newsletter allows us to deliver more Gamma Phi news
to you more frequently, so you will be up to date with the latest
from the lodge all year long.
Thanks 1999-2000 Contributors!
things have changed for the better.
I encourage you to visit the house the next time you
are in State College to see for yourself what outstanding
progress has been made at your fraternity.
I guarantee that it will be more rewarding than going
shopping with your wife!
Roy D. Bertolet '44
Tuesday, October 31, 2000
Thanks to Thurman C.Tejan '36, George S. Wills '58, Robert
L. Githens'59, Harold J. Heffner Jr.'61 and Raymond H.
McCune'67 for their contributions they made last year
during the 1999-2000 giving program. Contributions like
these keep our graduate relations program, which includes
this newsletter, going.
If you haven't given yet for 2000-01, please do so today!
2000 Kickoff Classic Reunites
Many Grads
Several recent graduates were able to reconnect at the 2000
Kickoff Classic at the Giants Stadium in the Meadowlands. Al
Malone'98 wrote in, saying that he met up with Ralston Merchant
Mark Your Calendars for
'98,James Pauciello '98, Mike Bohan '98, Dave Sobolak '99, Gary
The Norris Pig Dinner
Generose'97,Todd Moyer'99,Jeremy Askin '99,John McGrath '00,
April 2C 2000
Planning a Reunion? We can help
Matthew Nee, Richard Flounders and Sean O'Hara '99.
Brian Long '96 sent this photo(below)from the event,featuring
(L-R) Brian, Johnnie Holmes,Jeremy Askin '98, Matt Nee '99, Mike
Bohan '98, Ridley Tim, Dave Sobolak '99, Todd Moyer '99, Rick
Flounders'99 and Ralston Merchant'98. Seated:John McGraff'00
Before the reunion we can supply you with:
• A list of graduate brothers from your class or era.
• A set of mailing labels for the above list.
• Publicity in our newsletter, if you let us know far enough
in advance.
After the reunion we can publish:
• Your write-up of the event.
• Some of the many photos that you took at the reunion.
(Your photos will be reproduced without alteration and returned
to you upon request. Please be sure to identify those in photo
from left to right.)
Just mail your reunion information and photos to the
iiddress on page 1. Make sure to let the lodge know what you are
planning too! The phone number is 814-238-9292.
\r\nPage 7
Nittony Fiji
Graduate Uoices
In February 2000, George T. Faulkner '28 (2128 Van Ness
Ave., #302, San Francisco, CA 94109) entered his 75th year
with Phi Gamma Delta.
This past August, Jean and Donald F. Lightner '52(201
Camellia Way, Hendersonville, NC 28739; donlightner® celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
Pictured at the
At Freedom Village, a life-care community, Robert M. Yahres
'39 (143 Freedom Blvd., West Brand^'\vine, PA 19320) has
enjoyed a variety' of programs, including bridge, computers,
singing and gardening.
event are Carl
Rebele '51,
Doug Huber
'51, Don and
Fred Rodgers
An article in a iMa^' 1999 issue ol The Dalla.t /llornimj Ne»',i
featured Donald S. Newbury '40 (427 River Oakes Ln.,
Richardson, TX 75081) and his recollections from WWII. As
Edward O.
Rapp '56 (206
a 25-3'ear-old second lieutenant, he helped lead M Company in
Carissa Dr.,
the D-Day invasion on the beaches of Normandt', France.
Satellite Beach, FL 32937;, a retired Air
Force major, is an active member of the local VFW Post.
John W. Harkins '42(6 Easy St., Selinsgrove, PA 17870) is
an interim Lutheran pastor. This lall, he enjoyed a visit from
William M. Detterer '57(308 Charleston Ln., Wyomissing,
Gazexter Green '-(3 and also Irom Berne Cramer '41 and his
PA 19610; is president of The
wife, Jean. John notes that he and Berne were both seriously
injured in an automobile accident during break in February
1940."Were we glad to see one another, after many years!"
Cardinal Group Inc., an environmental services company. He
and his wife, Bette, have been enjo^nng Nittany Lion football
for many years. At Beaver Stadium, they sit next to Alaria and
Bob Murrer
"Congratulations on the strides vou have all made to bring
Gamma Phi back to hie," writes Edgar D. AlcKean Jr.'43
(302 Fox Chapel Rd., #200, Pittsburgh, PA 15238). "Keep up
George S.
Wills '58
the effort!"
Our condolences to Russell L. Dotts '46 on the loss of his
Ave., Ruxton,
wife in June 1999. To be closer to his son and family, he has
moved to 354 Liberty Ter., Newark, DE
MD 21204;
17902. Russ had spinal surgery earlier this
year and has been in physical therapy to
gswills@, a
public affairs
regain his mobilitt'.
counsel, serves as chairman and CEO of Wills & Associates.
In December 1999, he and Suzanne celebrated their 40th
H. Alfred Eberhardt III '48 (1100 S.
Collier Blvd., iMarco Island, FL 34145)
received the Distinguished Alumnus
wedding anniversary at a surprise party given by their three
children and their families.
Award m June 1999 and saw Ross
In the spring of 2000, Joni
and W. John Soost '62 (22
Pillsbury '49 for the first time
since graduation. Ross was
attending his 50th class
Egret Cir., Denver, PA
17517) visited Sue and Bill
Snow '62 at their new
home in Nokomis, Fla.
In June 2000, Ray C. Noll
Jr.'50 (307 Spencer Rd..
Devon, PA 19333; returned
to Penn State for his 50th
class reunion. At the event, he,
"We learned that 'not for
college days alone' is really
true, " Jack writes, "as
Robert Furtney '62 and
wife Betty are in the
process of building a
Robert Bour '51, Carl Rebele '51 and Robert
retirement home on a lot
Allen '50 received their Pioneer Awards. While in
next to the Snows. "
town. Brothers Bour, Allen and Noll made a "50-
year inspection" of the front walk outside the Fiji
Lodge. The three, who built the walk during the summer of
1949, proclaimed it "recertified."
''^ v :
Charles R. Harte 111 '64
now resides at 1 145 Kathrvn St., Boalsburg, PA 16827. E-mail
for him can be sent to "Chick socializes
\r\nPage 8
December 2000
Anthony is building a new house at 28854 N. Half Moon PI.,
Saugus, CA 91350. He notes that Matt Bell '87 has joined his
theater company.
Attorney Glenn W. Boisbrun '86 (5703 Southampton Dr.,
Richardson, TX 75082; is now a share
with John '64 and Bill '68 First, sees Andy Androski '69 on a
regular basis and was looking forward to visiting with class
mate Don Caum during Homecoming.
Robert H. Brust '65(7 St. Davids Rd., St. Davids, PA
19087) has been named CFO of Eastman Kodak Co. Previ
ously, he served as senior vice president and CFO at Unisys
Working in the field of investment management, Thomas M.
Lewry IV '67(70 Park Ave., Manchester, NH 03104; is president of Curbstone Financial
Management Corp. He is also vice president of Century
Exploration Co."Mott" sees Bill Lenkaitis'68 regularly in
the Boston area.
Rajrmond H. McCune '67(553 Hickory Hollow Dr.,
Canfield, OH 44406) is vice president of investments at Paine
holder in Hitt Gaines & Boisbrun, a national intellectual-
property law firm. At the Kickoff Classic, he saw John Loia
'86, Trevor Lauer '86, Bill Doyle '86, Bob Guiney '86, Bill
Schoonmaker '85, Marty Adelman '85 and Mark Karch '86.
Police officer Thomas R. Spell III '86(2 Weathervane Ln.,
Landenberg, PA 19350; is a sergeant with
the City of Wilmington, Del. He and his wife, Ellen, have two
young children.
Kelly and Randall T. Geist '87(13938 Stonefield Dr., Clifton,
VA 20124; are the parents of a 2-year-old
daughter, Emil^'. Rand3' is an account executive with AT&T.
Stephen H. Graves '89 would like to hear from the graduate
brothers. You can drop him a line at 15 Gregory Rd., Cos
Cob, CT 06807; Steve and his wife,
Caroline, have two children.
Webber. He and his wife visited Marie and Frank Caroselli
'67 in Fort Myers, Fla., and reminisced about the good times
at the Fiji house.
With a new assignment at CB Richard Ellis, A. Bennett
When he last wrote, Carl E. Donalti dr.'97(24 Hillson Ave.,
Pittsburgh, PA 15227) had completed his first year as a letter
carrier for the U.S. Postal Ser\ ice and was looking forward to
beginning work on a master's degree in special education.
Orme Jr.'67 relocated to 703 Sharview Cir., Apt. 1527,
Gary L. Generose '97 moved to a townhouse last \'ear. His
Charlotte, NC 28217. He is now managing director of the
company's Charlotte office. You can reach Ben on the Internet
new address is 1302 Black Walnut Dr., Phoeni.wille, PA
19460. The night before the wedding ol A.J. Bohrer '97 to
Beverly, a group of Fijis gathered lor a photo. The\' are (L-R)
We heard from Robert A. Absalom '69 (7023 Clubview Dr.,
Matthew Shefcik '98, A.J. Bohrer '97, Dominic Giordano
Bridgeville, PA 15017) this fall. "I recently visited the house
with my pledge class and was impressed with the condition of
the house and, more importantly, the attitude and hospitality
shown to us by the brotherhood. Keep up the good work."
'96, Gaity Generose '97 and Phil Morabito '98. Also at the
wedding, but not in the photo were Jim Bognet '97 and
David Sobolak '99.
Peter S. Miller '71 (3307 Greene Countrie Dr., Newtown
Square, PA 19073) has been elected president of Marshall,
Dennehey, Warner, Coleman & Goggin. The law firm has 265
attorneys in five states.
Thomas H. Stewart '72(20 Nina PI., Randolph, NJ 07869; is COO of Meridien Associates Inc. His
son. Brad, is a sophomore at Syracuse University and has
joined the Phi Gamma Delta chapter there. "I guess you can
say my son is also my brother!"
Serving in the Navy, Richard D. Roth '80(PSC 473, Box 13,
FPO AP 96349-1103; completed a
tour of duty at the Pentagon last year and was reassigned to
Japan as the executive officer of the Public Works Center,
Yokosuka. "1 am extremely proud of the many successes the
house has had and the outstanding caliber of young men the
fraternity has enjoyed in recent years. I'd like to extend a
special thanks to Mike Mische '76 who has been doing a
superb job."
Anthony L. Savant '85 is a writer, director, actor and pro
ducer. He has completed directing his first feature film,
"Letter From Home," and is working on its distribution.
Ryan T. Black '99 (5602 Hunters Glen Dr., Plainsboro, NJ
08536;, now a logistics manager at
Topdeq Corp., traveled to Germany on business. He had
dinner in Fort Washington with rlas-;mafps David Sobolak
and Matthew Hogay
3ince publication of our last issue,
we have learned of the death of
Frederick Haas III '40 (4/14/00), Frederick F. Swingle III'
i (3/31/99), Donald L. Swanson '47 (6/6/00), Blair G.
Ousted '49 (7/28/99), Richard M. Buck '54 (3/9/00), James
1. McGurk '72 (1/6/00) and Peter J. Ververelli (9/22/99).
Phi Gamma Delta mourns their passing and
.extends condolences to their families and (nends.
\r\nGamma Phi Presses 'THON:
Brothers join Penn State Philanthropy
By Nicholas Chiapetta '03
or over twenty-five years, the Greek community
at Penn State has held the largest student-run
philanthropy in the nation, Dance Marathon, or
'THON. From mid-October to February, Penn State
Greeks and other student organizations earn money through
"canning" in the streets of their hometowns, sponsorship by
friends and family, donations from local businesses and
through other fundraising activities. All of the money is given
to the Four Diamonds Fund, which focuses the proceeds on
medical care for children with cancer.
The magic really happens on one Friday night in
February, when 700 students begin dancing for 48 straight
This is Gamma Phi's first year of involvement with
'THON,and we are making great strides with our efforts
already. Last spring, the brothers each made a personal
promise to raise a prescribed amount for'THON,and many
have already begun to fulfill that promise. On the weekend of
October 27-29, over one third of the brotherhood went
canning in the streets of Pittsburgh and successfully raised
over $1,000. Many have mentioned how fun the trip was.
Brothers Max Pipman '02, Nathan Ramsden'03, and I
provided the hospitality of our homes for those exhausted
from a long day of canning. My mother even prepared an
awesome Italian dinner for the crew, putting the finishing
marathon funds in the past encourage the dancers to press
on. It is quite an emotional event, and the courage and
strength that the students put forth is what makes the Dance
touches on an already fun-filled weekend.
Aside from raising money for the Dance Marathon, over
2,000 student volunteers organize the event. This year, Fiji is
represented well in the volunteer force. Nine brothers passed
a rather selective interview process to become a member on
Marathon at Penn State so awesome.
one of those committees:
hours. There is no sitting, no sleeping, no breaks — just 48
hours on their feet! Families that have benefited from
Steve Archut '02:
Rules and Regulations
Nick Chiapetta '03: Finance
Jonathan Dornbalser '02:
Ryan Lizardi '03: Communications
Nick Mahoney '02:
Rules and Regulations
Aaron Mares '02: Operations
Mike McQuesten '03: Operations
Max Pipman '02: Communications
Brian Stone '03: Communications
Those who missed the first canning weekend were
anxious to make the next canning trip in December.
The brothers have also started to make contacts with
over 40 corporations. As alumni, you can help us in
our efforts to raise the largest amount of money
possible. If you are interested in making a donation to
help us out, either e-mail me at, or
call me at 814-321-0238. No donation is too small.
penn state IFC-pantiellenic
dance marathon 2001
Every little bit help adds to one great reward: know
ing that we offered a little light to someone in dark
Watch younnailbox for more information about Parents' Weekend on March 31, 2001!
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December 2000 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. This newsletter is nine pages in length.