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2000 January Newsletter Beta Chi (Lehigh University)
January 2000 newsletter of the Beta Chi chapter at Lehigh University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Beta Chi
Lehigh University
2000 January Newsletter Beta Chi (Lehigh University)
Cfr^l^ ♦
. Fii
Cki Ckz^itr oj^ki^amMA ^titcL at
Bethlehem, Pa.
January 2000
http;// ~ inpgd/inpgd.html
Beta Chi
Pig Dinner 1 999 Well Attended
Association Meeting
Another Enjoyable Evening
Saturday, February 5 ~ 10 a.m.
The Chapter House
This most important meeting ofthe
On Alay 1, 1999, our annual reunion was held with our usual fine result. About 90
graduates and undergraduates were on hand for our pre-dinner reception, held in the
chapter house primarily to show off our newly decorated first floor.
Dinner was held at Rathbone Hall and after
a fine prime rib dinner our guest speaker, Jim
Beta Chi Association will be held on
a Saturday in order to allow many of our
Alirenda '68, oflered some well chosen
out-of-town graduates to attend. Our
involvement is vital to the undergraduate
chapter, and with significant changes in
both the University's and National's
social policies, it has become even more
comments regarding how important his
fraternity experience was in helping him
I urge all interested graduates to mark
your calendars and attend this meeting.
Discussions wiU take place regarding
current house operations, changes in the
social policies, behavioral problems
,'] succeed in business.
The evening concluded with man3i Fijis
returning to the Hut for further exchanges of
memories and good times.
Above: Chuck Ahl '40
kisses the pig at
Pig Dinner '99.
within the chapter and any other matters
Pictured from left to
that may come before the Board. If you
have a relevant matter that you would
like placed on the agenda, please contact
right are Bob Davies,
Scott Johns '49,Pete
Mitchell '58, Chuck Ahl
'40 and Doug Paul '40.
me at 1435 Dartmouth Drive,
Bethlehem, PA 18017, or via phone/fax
at 610-691-0710.
Year 2000 Pig Dinner
I have received numerous calls and
letters regarding practically every aspect
of our chapter. Now is your opportunity
Saturday, April 29
to voice your opinion, recommendation
class of 1950 (50 year) and
Class of 1975 (25 year) Reunions
or comment. A well-attended meeting
would go a long way to show the
undergraduates, Lehigh University and
our National fraternity that we do indeed
care about our chapter and will provide
the necessary help and direction needed
to assure its continued existence.
Plan to Join Us!
Bob Maloney '68 (left) and Jim Mirenda '68.
B.C. Fiji is published for the members and friends of the Beta Chi Chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta at Lehigh University. Address changes, news items, photos and contributions may be sent
in the enclosed envelope or mailed to Phi Gamma Delta,Graduate Records Office, P.O.
Box 25 15,Southeastern, PA i 9399-2515.
Robert W. Davies, President
Beta Chi Association
Fill out and return the enclosed form — be sure to include your e-mail address so
\r\nState of the Hut — The Importance of Graduate Involvement
By Tim Shotmeyer 00, Chapter President
Brothers, I am writing this to you at the
I w
dusk of my
mv tenure as president. This
past year has been filled with many ups and
some downs for Phi Gams. I am still proud
to say that the house is filled with the finest
men on the Lehigh campus.
CS-' W
graduate advisers on this campus. However, the brothers in the
house need to see more graduate brothers. We all need to be
reminded that the fraternity is about more than just the brothers
who live in the house now. It is about the 114 years of tradition
All of them will be living in the house next semester. At present we
and. Lord willing, the next 114 years of our existence. You, our
graduate brothers, are our precious endowment;you are the ones
who made the Phi Gam Stronghold the proud place that it is. We,
the undergraduates, are your legacy, ever trying to keep the
tradition proud. 1 encourage you all to try to get involved with the
chapter somehow this year. Your involvement could be as simple as
writing a note of encouragement or criticism to the house that can
be read at a chapter meeting. 1 promise you that if you write, you
will get a response. One of the greatest wa3'S to get involved is to
come to the Norris Pig Dinner in the spring. Take the initiative to
are in the heat of rush. Competition for the finest men on this
organize your pledge class to come back. What a great time of
campus continues to grow harder. Each year there are fewer men
brotherhood and fellowship it could be.
Of all things 1 have done in my short 22 years, none has made me
more proud then having served as president of the Beta Chi
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. 1 have had the privilege of walking
alongside 40 of the finest men God has created; through thick and
thin, we stood strong. May the peace of God be with you through
out the new year! Alwaj^s remember,"Friendship, the sweetest
Our members are academic leaders,
Tim Shotmeyer '00 captains of sport teams, and leaders of
governing councils on campus. Just recently, for the first time in a
number ofyears, one of our brothers, K. Sloan Bohlen 02, was
elected to an Interfraternity Council office; he will be secretary of
the IFC.
Three fall pledges are close to crossing the portal to brotherhood.
on campus, and fewer of them are deciding to rush, let alone
pledge. I have great faith though that we will continue to pull true
men of character.
On a financial note, we are happy to report that at the conclusion
of 1999, Beta Chi chapter will officially be debt-free from the
International Fraternity. For the first time m a number of years, a
new cabinet will take over without debt.
influence!' Perge!
Now for some more sobering issues. This has not been the
smoothest year for the stronghold. During the spring semester we
had an altercation with another fraternity. Due to that incident, the
university has placed our chapter on disciplinary and social
probation, which meant that every brother has had to watch his
'P's and Q's " in personal, as well as aggregate activity. Our men
have stepped up to the task. Through a total team effort, we have
not had any problems this entire semester with the University. This
IS the first semester m quite some time that the house has not been
cited for any violations. We are also nearmg the time when our
National fraternity will be going dry across the country. This
means a total drv house — no alcohol at any parties, or in anv
brothers' rooms, including all graduate events. There is a slight
chance that some of these regulations will be overturned at Ecclesia
this summer. We hope that something in this policy changes, but
we are preparing for its implementation. This change will have a
great effect on the Hut. I can not even begin to speculate as to what
this will mean.
1 would just like to say something briefly about the importance of
graduate involvement. As you all know, we pride ourselves on the
fact that "Fiji is not for college days alone. " That principle is printed
on much of our literature; we speak of it quite a bit. May I be so
bold as to ask, brothers, what does this mean toyou'f How many of
you can look inside yourselves and see this being lived out in your
own life. I am not sa^'ing this to be judgmental, and I hope that I
have not oflended anyone. Our chapter is very lucky to have the
graduate support that it does have; we have one of the most active
Page 2
Graduates Remain Best Resource
Doyou remember saying,"You'll see me around," or "I'll be
back," as you carried your last box of college treasures
from your room at the house?
Once out in the world, you found a job, maybe a wife and
family. Somehow good old Phi Gamma Delta got pushed down
on the priority list.
Lately, though,you've been thinking about how you'd like to
get involved again. But all your brothers have graduated, the
chapter has changed, and there's really no one you feel comfort
able contacting to find out what's happening.
Wait a minute! This is your fraternity and its unique aspect is
that it provides membership for life. You enjoyed your under
graduate experience; there's no reason why you can't enjoy
your graduate experience too.
Graduate support provides a foundation for undergraduate
development. It can take the form of becoming a chapter
adviser, serving as a member of the house corporation, or
something as simple as attending Homecoming or Pig Dinner.
You are a valuable resource to the chapter, and we want to
get you involved again.
Come to the Beta Chi Association meeting on Satiu'day,
February 5, 2000, at 10 a.m.
January 2000
\r\nJoe Gonzales Memorial Update
E. Tyler Morris '98
Memorial Scholarship
By Bob Davies
The E. Tyler Morris '98 Scholarship was begun in the spring of
Beta Chi brothers have donated $3,600 in order to place a
1998 to celebrate the memory of Tyler Mortis. The scholarship
will be presented each year to a deserwing brother from the house.
On Saturday, November 6 , a fund-raiser, organized by Dave
Cherkas '98, was held at the Tally Ho to help raise addrtional
money for the scholarship.
Thanks to the support of many graduate and undergraduate
brothers and friends, nearly $2,000 was raised. The Endowment for
the scholarship is now just shy of $20,000. University policy allows
5 percent of the three-year moving average of the value of the
endowment to be paid each year.
An anonymous donor will match monies raised this year dollar
for dollar. We encourage you to help a needy Phi Gam brother by
giving to this scholarship. All checks should be made payable to
permanent memorial m the chapter house for their classmate,
Joe Gonzales '73. It has been decided to upgrade the living room
fireplace with the monies collected and place a plaque recognizing
this well-liked and remembered brother.
Gas logs have been installed and the hearth has been enlarged
and replaced with tiles. The brick is being repointed and the mantle
will be cleaned, repaired and refinished. We have been promised
that all the work will be completed prior to Pig Dinner. We plan to
have lamily representatives present along with his classmates lor
the dedication.
Lehigii University, with "E. Tyler Morris '98 Scholarship"
written on the memo line. Checks should be mailed to: Loraine
Wiedorn, Office of Development, Alumni Memorial Building,
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015.
Thank you for your continued support of this worthy cause.
New Role for House Steward
This past fall was the beginning of a new chapter in the manage
ment of the Phi Gam kitchen. For a number ofyears the
Fraternity Management Association (F.M.A.) ran our kitchen.
They took care of all aspects of our kitchen. The job of the steward
was relatively easy: just make up the menus and send them to the
F.M.A. office. The contract \\ath the F.M.A. was for a fixed price,
Changing of the Guard
which provided us with food budget insurance. If food costs
exceeded our budget, the F.M.A. would assume the overrun.
It is once again the end ot the semester and as usual, the house
Last year, the F.M.A. was reorganized and no longer provided
held elections tor the incoming house officers. The current
officers ending their one-year terms include President Timothy
this service. This meant that the responsibility of ordering and
budgeting all of our food purchases came back into our hands. This
Shotmeyer, Treasurer Trent Fisher, Corresponding Secrctarv
Douglas Miller, Recording Secretary Timothy AlcCabe as well as
was a massive job to begin without any prior experience. However,
our treasurer, Kevin Whehler, stepped up to the task and has done
an excellent job. He has worked with salesmen from numerous
Historian Christopher Piazza.
Over the course of two days and a couple of lengthy house
meetings, the results were tallied. For the task of President, the
Brothers elected sophomore Michael Suozzi. Michael is currently
on the diving team at I^high and served as his pledge class
purveyors to find the highest quality lood at the lowest prices. At
present, our kitchen is running a budget suiplus, our wonderful
cook Violet Johnson is happy, and so are all the brothers!
president. To fill the role of Treasurer,
junior Mike Liddell was selected. Mike is
Scholarship Update
Fljis Fall from 8th to 1 7th Position Among Fraternities
an accounting major. Sloan Bohlen will be
the next Corresponding Secretary. Sloan is
a sophomore and is currently the Rush
Chairman. Filling this year's Recording
Secretary position will be Todd Fleming,
fodd IS also a sophomore and an engineer
ing major at I^high. The new Historian
will be Peter Fernquist, a junior who is
heavily involved with I^ehigh's rugby team.
Beta Chi
Probation Level
Beta Chi Rank
Among Fraternities
B.C. Fiji
Page 3
\r\nFifth Annual Rivalry Run a Great Success
In Memory
n Friday, November 19, grass-skirt clad Fiji men were seen running
the roads of the Lehigh Valley. No,they were not running for their
own health, but for the health of others. This was the fifth year that the
brothers of Sigma Deuteron chapter at Lafayette and Beta Chi brothers
ran to support cancer research. Our brothers ran the game ball for the
135th Lehigh-Lafayette football game from Easton to Bethlehem relaystyle. Then on game day. Run
Chairman Tim McCabe,Beta Chi
President Tim Shotmeyer and
Lehigh University President Gregory Farington were
on the field for the coin toss, and presented a check for
$6,500 to the American Cancer Society. Lehigh's
Engineers went on to rule the day with a 14-12 victory
over the Leopards of Lafayette.
E. Robert Riter '37 died
September 1, 1999, in Sun
City, Ariz. He is sur\nved by
his wife, iVlary, two sons and
two stepchildren. Bob worked
in Flight Operations for United
Airlines until his retirement in
1979. He retired as Flight
Agreements Manager, which
entailed the negotiation and
administration of flight
personnel labor contracts, and
was called to testify in court
cases by other airlines and their
union representatives after his
retirement. Bob was a longtime
supporter of Beta Chi.
Thank You for Your Continued Support!
As we begin a new operating year for our annual contribution program, we want to thank the graduate brothers listed below who
supported us during 1998-99.Your support enables us to maintain our graduate programs,including the publication of our newsletter.
James B. Kingham 1953
John R. Kingham 1953
Stephen D. MacFarlan ill 1953
David J. Sampson 1968
David W.Hoppock 1936
E. Robert Riter Jr. 1937
Charles E.AhlJr. 1940
Douglas C. Paul 1940
Richard E. Bennerjr. 1954
J.Allen Harper 1954
George B. Lemmon 1954
Donald S. Martin 1941
Stephen D.Smoke 1941
Robert E. Cullen Jr. 1942
John A. Hoilingsworth Jr. 1955
William Marsh Jr. 1955
John K. Musgrave ill 1955
Daniel B. McAfee 1942
H. Carter Strauch 1955
Robert Davies
Kenneth D. Daley 193 I
Samuel T. Procter II 1934
Ralph F. Moss Jr. 1942
John R. Muehiberg 1942
Badgiey A. Elmes 1943
David H. Schaper 1943
Frank J. Dunigan 1944
Robert H. Barton ill 1955
Wayne D. Parker 1956
Thomas W.Stone 1956
Albert Ferrantejr. 1984
Albert L. Baker III 1969
Richard D. Gebhardt 1985
Gerald E. Frick 1969
John R. Hershey III 1985
John H. Graham 1971
Michael H. Danjczek 1972
Gregg B. Deehan 1972
PauiV.Guilfoyle 1972
R. Bryan Moore 1985
Carl W.Solly 1986
F. Paul Lumia
Charles H. Reichenbach 1989
William Mosconi 1973
Michael G. Fisher 1990
Peter M.White 1973
David A. Monson
Brian M. Sullivan 1975
Todd B. Schanzlin
James P. Foikes 1976
Thomas J. Porsch 1976
Stephen J. Mock Jr. 1978
MarkE. Huber 1991
Zachary K. Morris 1995
Christopher H. Cruger 1996
R. Craig Vuikoff 1956
MarkW.Torie 1978
Michael P. Gerhardt 1996
David M.Walton 1956
William D. Bast 1979
David lanietta 1996
C. Keith Rust 1957
Kenneth L. Colangelo Jr. 1979
David F. Gearhart 1944
Charles S. Strauch 1957
Lawrence P. Foikes 1979
Chris D. Moody 1996
Kyle D.Yerk 1996
William C. Hittinger 1944
Richard L. Murray 1944
Brian P. Hogan 1958
James G. Schunck 1979
David L. Pakula 1997
Charles F. Kindt III 1958
Edwin E.Yerdon
Carl Eisen Jr. 1945
Robert E. Myers i 958
Ken Alley 1980
Marshall J.Yeilin 1997
Christopher M. Shahidi 1998
Peter S. Cohen
Alan H, Edwards 1947
Max W. Rush
Stuart R. Mclntyre 1947
William Whigham III 1947
J.Andrew Corcoran I960
Michael J. Connor 1980
Peter C. Martin
RobertT. Haase 1980
The following graduates
contributed through Lehigh
JohnD.Cuilen 1948
George C. Rach I960
JayA.Angiada 1961
Douglas Y. Edwards 1961
Richard B. Manning 1980
University and earmarked a
Richard M.Smith
H. Gordon Smyth 1948
Biddie A.Whigham 1948
Harry Goodman Jr. 1949
W.Scott Johns ill 1949
Guy R. Kachei 1949
David T. Cummings 1950
Gordon J. Gebhardt 1950
Charles P. Wentz 1961
Douglas A. Bailiie 1962
J. Peter Braun 1962
John B.Webber 1962
Alan D.West Jr. 1962
JamesA. Ritz 1963
DwightW. Miller 1964
Robert A. Sukenik
Raymond P.Trevisan 1980
Kevin W. Cortright 1981
portion of their gift to
Beta Chi Chapter.
Steve Aionso 1982
Charles E.AhlJr.'40
Albert C. Cooke III 1982
Donald S. Martin '41
Andrew D. Eckert 1982
Frank J. Dunigan '44
W.Scott Johns III '49
Charles R. Macauley '49
Charles A. Reinhart III 1982
Scott A. Edwards 1983
Stephen D. MacFarlan III '53
James M. Hazeiwood 1951
Robert A.Titlow Jr. 1964
Steven G.Joseph 1983
Robert J. Reynolds 1983
Donald B. Morrison 1951
Peter B. Beck 1965
Andrew D. Rod
A.William Reid Jr. 1951
Joseph V.Walton 1965
Scott A. Schlieger 1983
Joseph V.Walton '65
Donald H. Stires 1951
David D. Rothermei 1966
William A. Sutman
Albert L. Raker III '69
William E. Henderson 1952
J. Douglas Breen 1968
Edward G.Atkinson 1953
James D. Mirenda 1968
Gary R.Trezza 1983
David J. DeStefano 1984
Richard M.Alien 1951
Page 4
C.Allan Rosar '62
James M. Miller III '65
James P. Foikes '76
David D. Beard '80
January 2000
Douglas C. Paul *40(103
"I enjoy hearing about Beta Chi
Concord, 1825 Center St.,
— still the best!" notes Donald
Bethlehem, PA 18017) keeps in
H.Stires '51 (159 Lake Rd.,
Far Hills, NJ 07931), a
close contact with Chuck Ahl
*40f Don Martin *41, and Dan
consulting engineer and
McAfee *42. He is also in touch
contractor with The Stires
with Frank Dunigan *44, Dave
Group. He has seven children
and 19 grfmdchildren. Donald
Gearhart *44, Bill Hittinger
*44, John Tifft *4\, Ralph Moss
*42 and Jim Mayshark '36.
After his wife, Ann, passed
away in February of last year,
John D. Cullen *4S (P.O. Box
957, Mendenhall, PA 19357)
moved back to the Keystone
Rd., Princeton, NJ 08540) had
enjoying golf.
After 34 years as an airline
pilot, David M.Walton '56
planning to retire from United
Airlines in April 1999.
telecast. Max W.Rush '59(487
Sylvania Dr., Bridgeville, PA
Stephen D.MacFarlan III '53
(1171 S. Beverly PI., Lake
15017) ran into Pete Ache '61.
Forest, IL 60045), who was
brothers had met since 1959.
a long-time friend, married
during the Christmas season in
married to Susan. They like to
travel and visited northern
1998. In attendance at the
Europe and China last year.
wedding were a number of
family members, including
When at home, Steve is
It was the fu*st time the two
George C. Rach '60(511
Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach,
CA 92651), a financial consult
ant and first vice president at
involved with several charities.
Salomon Smith Barney, now
has two granddaughters and
John A. Hollingsworth Jr.'55
twin grandsons.
(856 Augusta, Waterford, W1
Indian Trl., Westmont, IL
53185), a motor coach operator
Maiy Lou and Douglas Y.
60559) went skiing in Colorado
last winter and enjoyed a week
each in Keystone and Vail. He
was looking forward to his 50th
reunion this year.
for Jones Travel & Tour,
Exlwards '61 (7873 Clearwater
Charles R. Macauley *49(10
Hitchcock Rd., Westport, CT
reports that he's "doing less
driving and playing more golf
these days. He welcomed the
arrival of a second greatgrandson in 1998.
06880) spent the winter at his
place in Ponte Vedra Beach,
Newly retired, Ann and
William Marsh Jr.'55 (2315
Turk Rd., Doylestown, PA
Fla., and served as parade
18901) are planning to spend
marshall for the reunion of the
Class of 1949 this past June.
the winters in Naples, Fla., and
to visit their daughter in Seattle
and their son in London. A
As chairman of Allen
Datagraph Inc., Richard M. is once
again working full time.
A William Reid Jr.'51 (1864
Ashley Dr., Hudson, OH 44236)
has been a scoutmaster for 25
years. He was elected a Purple
I^egionnaire for Alpha Omicron
at the University of Akron.
B.C. Fiji
Cove Dr., Indianapolis, IN
46240) celebrated their 35th
wedding anniversaiy in March
'99. They have three children
and three grandchildren. Doug
is a CPA and public accountant
with McGee, Rice & Wheat
Inc. He and his wife spend time
in Fort Myers Beach, Fla.
Semi-retired as a management
consultant, J. Peter Braun '62
(P.O. Box 1082, Pocono Pines,
second daughter lives with her
family in nearby Solebury, Pa.
PA 18350) works part time as
consulting executive director of
two consortia of municipal
In August 1998, John K.
Musgrave III '55 (6059
Bunkerhill St., Pittsburgh, PA
and is involved in independent
15206) attended the 150th
executive searches. He also
Allen '51 (28 Pine Ln..
Cumberland, ME 04110;
Ekklesia in Pittsburgh. He
toured the Old Log Cabin in
Canonsburg and visited Alpha
chapter at Washington and
Jefferson College.
lunch with Jim Mirenda Jr.
'93. Each ofthem received the
Lehigh Alumni Association
Award in June 1998.
(135 Nandina Cir., Ponte
Vedra Beach, FL 32082) was
or so Fijis and their wives.
and attends an annual dinner at
widowed in 1995, is now
Hany Goodman Jr. *49 {19
85750) is now retired and
the Lost Tree Club with a dozen
State. He and Patricia McCee,
John's brother, Robert *42.
Breen '68(23 Pheasant Hill
While at the Lehigh Club of
Pittsburgh last fall for the
annual Lehigh-Lafayette game
is in Florida over the winter
Not long ago, J. Douglas
R. Craig Vulkoff'56(6637 E.
Via Algardi, Tucson, AZ
watershed management groups
management studies and
does volunteer work. Pete and
his wife are in Florida during
the winter and spend a lot of
time with their three daughters
and two grandchildren.
We are sad to report that
David J. Sampson '68(57
Sugar Alaple Dr., Newtown
Square, PA 19073; dave@ lost his wife
of 29 years to cancer in
December 1998. We send our
sincere condolences.
Earlier this year, Albert L.
Baker III '69(41 Vespa Ln.,
Nashua, NH 03060) and his
son, Joshua, toured the Lehigh
campus and stopped by the
chapter house. Joshua had
recently been accepted into the
Lehigh engineering program.
Albert appreciated the Fiji
hospitality when they visited
and reports that the house
looked beautiful thanks to the
refurbishing of the first floor.
"We hope our son will decide to
join Phi Gam as a fourthgeneration Fiji and benefit from
the lifelong experience."
Manufacturer William
Mosconi '73(100 Riverside
Dr., #140, New York, NY
10024) IS the founder, president
and OEO of Elgin Technolo
gies. He was integral to the
success of last year's Pig
Dinner, contributing many
hours of work and encouraging
his classmates to return for the
event. Thanks, Wily!
Peter M. White '73(9
Meriyhill Ln., Pittsford, NY
14534), director of interna
tional taxes and senior tax
counsel at Eastman Kodak,
greatly enjoyed Pig Dinner in
the spring of 1998.
Page 5
\r\nGraduate News
Business is going well for Brian
M.Sullivan '75 (Holly Glen,
NJ 07096; sullivanb@, an executive
17815. E-mail for Mark can be
P.O. Box 396, New Vernon,
search consultant and the
president of Sullivan & Co. The
firm has a new office in Boston
and is planning to open an
office in Lxjndon. In April 1998,
Brian and Pam welcomed the
arrival of twin daughters,
Reagan and Devon.
sent to
John R. Hershey III '85(922
The Terrace, Hagerstown, MD
Fieldstone Way, Woodstock,
OA 30189) is vice president of
southeast operations for
Franny Kail *7A was a terrific
big brother, and is amazed at all
Bob Davies has accomplished
for Beta Chi. Jim would like
news of Bob Laderer '76.
Although he couldn't make it to
Pig Dinner 1999, William D.
Bast '79 (1921 Richfield Ave.,
Highland Park, IL 60035; was
hoping to see many Fijis at his
20th reunion in June.
Bear in New York City to
was expecting his first rhild.
Over drinks and stogies, the
brothers exchanged stories
until the place closed down.
In January, F. Paul Lumia'85
(475 W. Center Hill Rd.,
Dallas, PA 18612) joined John
(4328 Lenmar Dr., Coplay, PA
'84 for some duck hunting on
the eastern shore of Maryland.
He and his wife, Jean, have
two sons.
Page b
contact him via e-mail at or give him
Steven Saul, Jacques
a call at 512-481-1848.
At Merrill Lynch & Co., Kyle
Apt. 15, New York, NY 10022)
is a financial analyst in debt
markets. He lives with David
Cherkas'98 and next door to
tive with Edward Jones Invest
John Chianese '96. Kyle
ments. He and his wife, Amy,
are expecting their first child in
reports that both Mike
October 1999. Mark visited
Moody '96 have married.
Anthony Orrico '91 and family
last fall and has enjoyed seeing
Marshall J. Yellin '97(9
Gerhardt'96 and Chris
Linwood Ave., Greenwich, CT
In a new job, Anthony M.
Orrico '91 (169 Young Ave., works in
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009;
with Arthur Andersen. He and
Claudia Moratto were planning
to wed in September 1999.
business assurance/advnsoiy
Raymond L. Mattell '86 and
is a project manager at
his wife, Carla, have two
Faulding Inc. His son, Anthony
11, was born in April 1998.
You can write to James B.
Stanley B. Weiland '94, a
marketing representative with
E^ton Vance Management (24
and reach him on the Internet
children. Their new address: 88
Stonegate Rd., Quakertown,
PA 18951; raylouis@hotmail.
com. Raymond is project
manager with CITX Corpora
Federal St., Boston, MA
tion, an E-commerce/lnternet
02110), wrote to us early in the
year. He was looking forward
Kelly '98 at 1529 Spruce St.,
Apt. C, Philadelphia, PA 19102
at He
is a student at the Temple
University School of Law.
to moving to Columbus, Ohio,
in March and wholesaling
Since publication of our last issue,
When we heard from him in
mutual funds for E^ton Vance
we have learned of the death of
February, Carl W.Solly '86
Mutual Funds. While in New
Reed D. Holt '34 (11/12/98),
(75 Emerson Rd., East
England, Stan lived with Tim
Donald G. Burt Jr.'56 (6/14/98)
Walpole, MA 02032) was
Bousum '94 and saw John
and Joseph P. Hetfield '59
planning to relocate with his
family to Atlanta and looking
forward to golfing in Florida
with Greg Swerdlow '86.
Soininen '96, Mike Gerhardt
(5/16/98). Phi Gamma Delta
'96, Dan Melehan '94, Nick
mourns their passing and extends
Diaconis '94 and Bob
condolences to their families and
Maloney '94.
"Come visit, " invites Michael
David lanietta '96, now a sales
G. Fisher '90 from his new
engineer at Air Products &
address at 12 Robin Hood Rd.,
Chemicals (5341 Industrial
is a first officer with United
Airlines and flying Boeing 737s.
bash last December with
classmates James Giddon,
06878; marshall.j.yellin@ has three
Pilot Andrew D. Ex:kert '82
welcomes visitors. You can
Stan Weiland '94.
Hershey '85 and Paul Moses
4,000 employees and good
entry-level training programs. "
England. He enjoyed a holiday
Huber '91 (250 Biyant Ave.,
Worthington, OH 43085) has
been an investment representa
Scott Lewis'85 at the Bull &
Helford Ln., CarmeL IN 46032;
looking for jobs."We have
tain lion. Brother lanietta
Since his graduation, Mark E.
'84, Brian Parente '85 and
Steve Cirucci'86 this past
welcomes calls from brothers
brief encounter with a moun
moved from Missouri to New
D.Yerk'96(246 E. 51st St.,
company. He visited with
One Consumer Finance, he
a good time on a trip to Big
Bend National Park despite a
21742) met with Paul Moses
Steve Alonso '82(1357
daughters. As CEO of Banc
Dave Pakula '97. The two had
Laidlaw Eklucation Services.
He considers himself part of the
best pledge class, thinks
Seaside Ave., #13, Stamford, CT
06902;, a
Rousseau and Howard
celebrate the news that Scott
James P.Folkes'76(908
frequently with Dallas resident
regional rental manager for
Enterprise Rent-A-Car, has
Mark L. Gardner '83 and Beth
Bloom were wed on July 1,
1999. The couple resides at 458
Market St., Bloomsburg, PA
David A. Monson '90(53
Bedford Hills, NY 10507. He is
Oaks Blvd., Austin, TX
director of Carmel Printing and
has a 1 -year-old daughter, Kayla.
78735), is enjoying life in the
Please join us for the Beta Chi
Association Meeting on
Saturday, February 5,2000,
10 a.m. at the chapter house.
lx)ne Star State. He hangs out
January 2000
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January 2000 newsletter of the Beta Chi chapter at Lehigh University. The newsletter is six pages in length.