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2000 Newsletter Pi Gamma (University of British Columbia)
2000 newsletter of the Pi Gamma chapter at the University of British Columbia. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Pi Gamma
University of British Colombia
2000 Newsletter Pi Gamma (University of British Columbia)
fPM QajmrnM.^eii^
Purple Legionnaire's Report
Tlic brothers tliis jcar ha\c an excellent new class of neophstes! Tlie new brothers hgve alrcadvdisplayed a strong comniitniciU to tlte
Chapter and will surely prove to pla\' a kev' role in our continuing efforts to keep the Pi Ganima Chapter ofPhi Gamma Delta tlie best fraternity
on the UBC campus. Well-done bo^s and welcome aboard!
I am veiy happv'to announce an extremely successful first meeting of the Board of Chapter Advisors for the Pi Gamma Graduate
Chapter. Tliis has been mv' main concentration since 1 took over as Purple Legionnaire in November 1999. It is my aim to create a non-time
restricting, enjov able BCA that will bring the Graduate Chapter closer togetlier, while assisting the Undergrads where needed.
The meeting saw 17 brothers in attendance from all age groups with Tim Glowa, Section Chief and Nick Altwcis, Executiv e Director
at Inteniational taking part via conference call. We had a great, fun meeting. We managed to set a good structure for the Board, set up the
framework for the eabinet/committees and discussed important topics that must be tackled immediately,such as our House situation.
Brotliers, 1 wish to drive home a point to you all: WE ARE A CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION!!! From a note I received Crom Darren
"Donalions made payable to 'Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada' will qualify for charitable receipts just like any
other charitable donation (e.g. United Way, Cancer Research, etc.). I have forwarded many donations and hav e seen that
receipts arc in fact issued. Norm Dundas sets the money aside specificall>' for our chapter for the new house. Tlie
foundation is not restricted to educational activities (the U.S. foundation is).
Phi Gamma Delta Foundation of Canada
Pi Gamma Chapter Housing Fund
20 Raintrcc Path
Etobicoke, On
M9C 5A9
Attention: Norman Dundas Tel:(416)695-3157
Revenue Canada Charitable Registration Number: 89003 6544 RROOOI
it any broincr vv isnes to -.vaii uniii the aiuiual United vVaj ca-itpatgn itt die fa!!, ihey can kill two birds '.'lith one s'-Onc by
designating their United Way donation to go to the Foundation, as set out above."
Brothers, we have a commitment to raise at least $300,000 for our new house. Tlie House Corp. is working hard on negotiations and
the BCA has started to brainstorm for fund raising ideas; however, we must all make the effort to keep our chapter in a house. Be your pockets
shallow or deep, any donation to the Housing Fund will bring us one step closer to our goal. As well, if you have any ideas for the BCA to pursue
for fund raising please call me at (604)684-9384 or at home(604)925-8323 to let me know.
The next meeting of the BCA is scheduled for May 23'^'' at 5.30pm at my office. Suite 1650 - 1185 West Georgia St., Vancouver, BC.
Tlierc were tiiaiiy brothers wishing to attend the Februaty 22"^ meeting who were unable to attend. We thank you for vour interest and hope to see
vou at the next meeting. Any other brothers interested in getting involved with the BCA,let this be known: beer and chips arc served at every
Brothers I could go on for another two pages, but I will leave you vvitli an open invitation to call me at tlic above numbers any time. I
look forward to the eoming years for Pi Gamma. The energy from both the Undergrads and Grads is on the rise. If we tap into it properly, we can
strengthen our chapter while having a good time doing it!
Krister Kottmeier
Purple Legionnaire
p p JiJ :l
Where And What
Brother Derek Bardon 94' is eurrenlly living in London, England and enjoying lager,
football, and learning to speak with an aceent.
• Brother Aaron Chapman 95' works as a eontributor to CBC Radio, and is still active in
the music industry, touring Europe with his new band this summer and recently appeared as
a celebrity judge at a bikini contest with Brother Marc Charalambous 94'.
• Brother Ken Lum 94' is still living and working in Uganda but returns to
Vancouver frequently.
Brother Ian Morse finished his iaw degree in Nashville and now lives somewhere
in Southern California.
Recently Engaged
Rob Boone is now engaged to Lisa Crossfield. Wedding is June 3.
Norm Taylor is now engaged to Christie Gillespie. Wedding is July 29.
Ian Heini is now engaged to Kirsten Tompkins.
Kendall Ernest: I'm going for a little NG (noisy glory). Getting married on June 24, 2000 and articling at Borden Ladner Gen'ais
beginning late July.
New Family Member
You thought that with 3 daughters 1 was going to have to advocate for women to be allowed as Fijis!'.'! Well, 1 now have a legacy.
Nicholas Vincent Moonen, bom Feb 14, 10:49 a.m., at 3755 g. (That's 8 lb. 4 oz., for you Imperialists.) All of us are very thrilled at having
him in our family and we ask for your prayers and best wishes as we go through the adoption process, which takes about 10 months remember, we live in B.C. which I think must stand for Bureaucracy Capital.
If anyone has my pledge copy of Purple Pilgrim, I'll get Nicholas on the orientation programme right away. He's already a big
fan of the Immortal Six.
Peter Moonen
Other New Arrivals
Anthony Borthw ick and his wife, Michelle, have recently had a baby. Anthony has also recently started a new job with Spectnim United
Mutual Funds.
\r\nPresident's Report
Operations at Pi Gamma arc flowing efficiently and effectively in 2000. Morale is high and for good reasons too. Wejust
completed a Phi Gamma Delta awards report for the first time in 3 years. We applied for the Condon Cup for the most improved chapter and
are confident that we will win it at the Ekklesia in San Antonio this summer.
Brotherhood and morale are at its usual high level. 22 Pi Gamma Fiji's recently completed a 10-day road trip to Califomia and Las
Vegas. We spread our spirit and energy to 5 other Phi Gam chapters in Califomia. It was surely a memorable time for all.
The undergraduates are planning a lot of events for the upcoming school year. One of the goals ofcabinet is to increase the level of
and quality ofcommunication with our Graduate Brothers. We will be improving our Grad e-mail list and mailing list. We will be sending out
a monthly newsletter detailing undergraduate accomplishments and upcoming events that the graduates will be interested in knowing about.
The EC Fiji will still be sent out twice annually. Our goal is to get Grads more involved and connected with the Fraternity so they will help us
in ensuring Pi Gamma has another 70 years ofsuccess to look forward to.
Brothers, next year looks to be a great year to be involved with Pi Gamma. Organization and commimieation will be of the highest
qualit>'. 1 look forward to seeing you at BCA meetings. Pig Dinner, a weekly chapter meeting or any other event you want to attend. Please
feel free to contact me at picsidcni^r^ to address any questions or concerns, or to update your address.
Chapter President
Phi Gamma Delta - For College Days Alone?
By Tim Glowa, University of Calgary '94
Chief of Section XXXVIII(UBC, University of Alberta, University of Calgary)
We have all heard that catch phrase "Phi Gamma Delta is not for college days alone", but is this simply a catch phase or is it
reality? Collecti\el)' as a Fraternity, we often come up short in addressing the needs of our Graduate Brothers. For many older Fiji's, Phi
Gamma Delta is simply a pig dinner (hopefully!) and a subscription to the Phi Gamma Delta magazine. Can we do more? Should we do
Within the Fratemit>', it is important to recognize the incredible importance of our undergraduate Brothers, since they are the lifeblood of our organization, and commit resources (both time-wise and financially) to their continuing development. But shouldn't we as an
organization also commit resources to our Graduate Brothers?
One of my objectives as Section Chief is to see that we do more for our Graduate Brothers. One of our greatest assets is the
informal Fiji-Network. How many times have you heard of a Brother finding a job through the use of his Fiji connection? How many
Brothers use the legal, accounting or other sendees of Fraternity Brothers ?
Our Fiji-network is an incredible tool if used properly. To facilitate greater use and to hopefully open up business development
opportunities among Brothers, a directory of business cards will soon be made available to Brothers across Canada. Looking for a printer in
Toronto? Why not use the sendees of a Fiji?
\r\nStan Cup:
It is that time of the year again. Stan cup will be played on April 20th at 8pm on rink 2 at
Thunderbird Sports Centre. Be ready to have fun and a good time. There will be time after the game to
socialize in the Thunder Bar, until then, sharpen your skates and get ready for a challenge! If you have any
Questions please contact Drew Marr at 221-1965.
Founders Day Golf Tourney:
For all of you golf fans out there, the Founders Day Golf Tournament is just around the comer. It is
a good time to renew old friendships and remember the experiences oftimes gone by. The tournament will
be held around the end of April, so keep your calendar open. We are looking forward to seeing a number of
Grads out this year, so pick up the phone and call Brother Steven Evans at 222-1762 to book your tee time
or for further information.
Pig Dinner 2000:
November 17, University Golf Club. For Further information contact Graduate Brother's:
Mitchell at mitchel 1 rossf?i) or Graham Tutti at grahannt(a)
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2000 newsletter of the Pi Gamma chapter at the University of British Columbia. The newsletter is four pages in length.