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2000 March Newsletter Theta Tau (Tennessee Tech)
March 2000 newsletter of the Theta Tau chapter at Tennessee Tech. This newsletter is eight pages.
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Theta Tau
Tennessee Technological University
2000 March Newsletter Theta Tau (Tennessee Tech)
The Golden Eagle Fiji
A Publication of the Theta Tau Chapter of Volume 20 Issue 2
Sime rn wOLaiC! March 2000
19" Annual Norris Pig Dinner
April 14" and 15"
\r\ntom the Desk of the Preside
Hello once again from Cookeville! In this
issue, | wanted to take a little ime and outline the
Chapter’s goals for this next year. Hopefully, the
Chapter’s goals and aspirations will fire you up for the
upcoming Pig Dinner. When you walk back into the
chapter house this April, you will be retuming toa
proud and upcoming Chapter in our Fraternity.
In the short term, we are looking into improving
our social lives, our scholastic lives, and our
community involvement. Scholastically, our chapter is
striving to achieve a 3.0 GPA. This is a very reachable
goal! After leading the campus in grades this last year,
there is no reason why we shouldn't further distance
ourselyes from everyone else. In the community, we
are looking into service events that will raise into the
hundreds of thousands of dollars. These are just a few
of the improvements that the Chapter is looking into
making. Theta Tau is finally beginning to think on an
international level. We havea lot to be excited about!
Volume 20 Issue 2
The Golden Eagle FUJI is published quarterly by the
Theta Tau Chapter of the fratemity of Phi Gamma
Delta for its members, both undergraduate and
graduate, family and friends.
Chapter Officers — 2000
President — Jimmy Nelson
Treasurer — Brian Long
Recording Secretary — Ryan Fulkerson
Corresponding Secretary — Todd Weaver
Historian — Sean Vandewalker
Grad Related Chairmen
Graduate Relations — Fred Polacek
Pig Dinner — Chad Crocker
This issued produced by Fred E. Polacek, Jr.
and Brad Jenkins
In the long term, we are looking into reviving
the BCA. The undergraduates are truly interested in
increasing graduate support. Our new PL, Brian
Douglas, is working hard with us on this subject.
Furthermore, the graduate relations chairman for the
year, Fred Polacek, really has a drive to give all of our
graduates the recognition and services that they have
earned, Both of these men can be great resources to
you, and I encourage you all to make good use of them.
Any and all ideas on these maters are appreciated. I
hope that you all would feel free to give your input.
Furthermore, we are looking into building a
new house in as little as ten years. We are in the
process of making this a realized dream. I promise that
you will hear more about this soon.
Your Undergraduate Chapter is really at an
exciting place. I've been working on the Cups Reports
for the last two weeks, and I realize that we are not far
from being a Cheney Cup award-winning chapter. |
hope that you will all chose to join us at this exciting
time. Also, I really look forward to seeing all of you at
Pig Dinner on Apnil 15°.
Jimmy Nelson
Chapter President “00
\r\nThe Treasurer’s Pen
So far this semester, the cabinet and I have
been working close together meeting ona weekly basis.
We cover all issues dealing with fundraising, finances,
etc. As alw chapter finances are a bi ue, and an
enormous obstacle that we have overcome this semester
is the dramatic $3,000 increase in the chapter's
insurance rates. Unfortunately, I had to raise dues $100
per year to cover this. However it is for the betterment
of the chapter, and we got that $10,000 bill paid on
time! Despite the increase in some of our bills, the
chapter is doing well and is in good standing with THQ
and Tennessee Tech. The only aspect that we are slow
on is social events and that is hard being a social
fraternity. but we are working on that.
Graduate Spotlight
Our Graduate spotlight is focusing on our
new Purple Legionnaire, Brian Douglas. He is also
known as “General.” Brian began as our PL in
January. As a graduate of the class of 1998, he
currently lives in Hermitage, Tennessee and works
at Bridgestone.
Since Brian became our Purple
Legionnaire, he is has been seen at the house many
times. We know that we can count on him for
advice or anything else that we need him. He has
shown that his Phi Gam Pride has not died.
An area, which the entire cabinet would like to
s our graduate involvement. Whether it is a
house, some kind words of wisdom, or
donations to the chapter, it would be great to have more
graduates coming around, especially at Pig Dinner! We
would like to graciously thank Graduate Brother William
Scott for his donation last semester. If there is anything
that the chapter or I can do for you, contact us and we
will do our best.
see improv
visit to the
Brian Long "02
Chapter Treasurer
\r\nGraduate News Pig Dinner Info.
atte eee wwe errr eee reser eeeeeeereesens
Congratulations to John, Shanna, and DJ Rector
Expecting their Second Child in Early July Date: April 14" and 15"
Place: Cookeville Country Club
Congratulations to Oliver Rick who recently Time: 7:00 P.M.
Other events:
Reception at the Chapter House
6:00 — 10:00 p.m. Friday
Golf Scramble
8:00 — 11:00 am Saturday
Special Graduate Activity
2:00 — 5:00 p.m. Saturday
19 Annual Pig Dinner
6:00-—10:00 p.m. — Saturday
Trey Newby is soon to be married as well
Cece eee ee ee eeeeeaeeeneanenneeeeee
Soe mere eeererereereueeneeseeeese
Pace eee wereeeeerceronseeeesereseseeese
Theta Tau Graduates,
It is an honor for me to be the contact for the
Theta Tau Chapter to its graduates. This semester we
as a chapter have many plans to improve the house,
brotherhood, service, and scholarship. All of these
things can be made better with Graduate Brother's
being involved with us.
There are many opportunities for the graduate
brothers to be involved. These include but are not
limited to visiting, helping with house projects,
coming to functions such as Pig Dinner, Summer
Party, and Homecoming, serving on TFI or BCA
(when it is started up again), or just giving
encouragement to fellow brothers.
I would like to recognize some of the
graduates for services that they have done for the
Chapter recently.
e Lee Wray-TFI treasurer and constant
support with visits and wisdom
¢ Chad Smith-many years of coaching FIJI
¢ Brian “General” Douglas-our new PL and
his constant visits to help out the chapter
© Brent Ellis-Serving on TFI
As always, the rest of the Chapter and I are
willing to help you all with anything that you might
Fred Polacek
Grad Relations Chair
\r\nWe hope that all of the Graduate Brothers of the
Theta Tau Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta areas excited
about Pig Dinner as all of the Undergraduate Brothers.
We hope that you all can join us in an exciting time to
remember old times, chat with old friends, and make
new friends with the undergraduates.
Graduates to Expect at Pig Dinner
Scott Patrick Lee Wray
Tony Ussery Paul Polpanich
Bill Scott Mark Redferrin
Hal Balthrop Joey Czameski
Greg Hamrick Todd Stapleton
Brian Douglas Troy Fairley
Chris Rogers Todd Fairley
Ben Clark Chaz Worsham
John Rector Tom Caldwell
Mark York Scott Stapleton
Jay Banasiak Richard Holt
Jason Holiway
Remember to get in touch with Chad Crocker
(wee426], or Fred Polacek
( to register for Pig Dinner.
The cost is $30 for the dinner and $18 for golf at
the country club. The more graduates that come,
the better time that we all will have.
Lodging in Cookeville
Comfort Suites
1035 Interstate Dr.
Executive Inn
897 S. Jefferson Ave.
Country Inn and Suites
1131S. Jefferson Ave.
Holiday Inn
970 S. Jefferson Ave.
Key West Inn
663 S. Willow Ave.
Alpine Lodge and Suites
2021 E. Spring St,
Ramada Limited Suites
1045 Interstate Dr.
Hampton Inn
1025 Interstate Dr.
Eastwood Inn
1646 E. Spring
Theta Tau Active
Phi Delta Theta All-Sing
Kappa Alpha Old South 1* Place Overall
1" in Grades for 1999!!!
Service Projects
Lot’s and Lots
of Service
e Tutoring Children
© Assisting with M.S. walk >
e Much, much more Hours
As a social fraternity, we enjoy
participating in all of the events on
campus. We have participated in
most of the philanthropic events this
semester and done well in all of them.
Atall of the IFC sporting
events, there is always a large crowd
of Phi Gam’s to cheer on their
winning brothers. We have
participated in basketball and did well
despite getting a late start practicing.
Wrestling was next and we had a great
turnout there winning many matches!
There are still two sports coming up
that Phi Gam can win. Soccer and
golf both are coming up soon, so stop
by and cheer on your undergraduate
\r\nService Report
Brothers and Graduates,
Theta Tau has entered the new millenium with a variety of new service projects that are really making a
difference. The bothers have become involved in numerous projects including a weekly tutoring program for
elementary-aged children living in at-risk housing communities. Another project kept the brothers busy for
three weeks in order to distribute 100 brochures advertising the upcoming Multiple Sclerosis Walk to over 300
businesses in Cookeville. Currently, the chapter is working with the Putnam County United Way to plana
major fundraising event for the fall. This event aims to raise thousands of dollars for much local philanthropy.
As you can see, Phi Gamma Delta at Tennessee Tech is looking to the future and always strives to push the
envelope on campus and internationally.
Clark Denson
Service Chairman
Spring 2000 Theta Tau Pledges
Brandon Black McMinnville TN
Corey Fitzpatrick Lafayette, TN
Chris Gill College Grove, TN
Chad Marshall Lafayette, TN
Van Oldham Westmoreland, TN
Kyle Sircy Lafayette, TN
Jimmy Smith Franklin, TN
Matt Spencer Kingsport, TN
Jesse Stout Greenfield, TN
Jon Thomas Cookeville, TN
\r\nGraduate Relations Chairman
Phi Gamma Delta
527 North Peachtree Permit #241 |
Cookeville, TN 38501
Non-profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Cookeville, TN
Things To Look Forward To
19" Annual Pig Dinner
Fraternity of The Year ? ? ?
Pig Dinner April 14°-15"
The Next Golden Eagle FIJI (June 1)
Pig Dinner
Ekklesia (June 30°-Aug 3°)
In San Antonio, TX
House Improvements
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March 2000 newsletter of the Theta Tau chapter at Tennessee Tech. This newsletter is eight pages.