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2000 January Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology)
January 2000 newsletter of the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Rho Phi
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
2000 January Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology)
Winter 2000
January 20, 2000
The Graduate Association
Adopts New Structure
Recently at the House CorpOTation's annual meeting
held at HcMnecoming, amimittees for the upcoming year were
nominated. One of those committees, the Graduate
Rho Phi Chapter
Earns Many Accolades
The Rho Hii chapter excelled this past summer by
being recognized by the Fraternity fw outstanding
scholarship and overall improvement The chapter plac^ed 9th
Association, saw some minor structural dianges. The largest of
m the JordanCup which recognizes the chapter with the
which was the removal of Todd Hubbell as co-chairman,
highest cumulative GPA.
leaving Aaron Weishaar as the sole chairman of the association.
Todd recently acc^ted the undergraduate's chapter
nomination to be the new Purple Legionnaire, whidi will
require a majority of his attention. While Todd is no longer a
co-chairman, he is still a committee member.
Other members of the committee include Chip
Bradway (Newsletter Chair), Chris Riley (Activities Chair), Joe
Weist, Andy Morton, Ryan Walke, Andy Tochterman (Former
Chapter President), and Justin Blomenberg (Undergraduate
Graduate Relatiwis Chair). If you are interested in participating
in the committee please contact Aaron Weishaar or Joe Weist at
any time.
Excellence in scholarship also earned the chapter a
5th place finish in the Owen Cup. The Owen Cup is given to
the chapter that experienc^es the best overall improvement in
grade point average.
The chapter also received an hcmcHable mration
finish in the Condcm Cup given aimually to the most
improved chapters.
The Chapter finished second this past quarta" in
GPA on campus and is still tiiird overall. The awartis were
prized by the chapter while also serving as inspiraticm to
improve for next year.
Graduate Brothers:
Graduate Association to Host
Annual Pledge Dinner
The Graduate Association is currently ptaiming fw
If you have any ideas, comments, or would like to submit
any information or articles for the next newsletter contact:
Todd Hubbel
Aaron Weishaar
the 3*^ annual pledge apiM^eciatiOT dinner. Asin years past^
Chip Bradway
the dinner will be held at the student union at Rtwo-
Joe Weist
Hulman. This year's dinnerwill be held March 17th^ the
Friday of Brotherhood Weekend at 6i30 p.m.
Among other activities at the dinner, the most
witstanding pledge, voted rmby the pledge class, is
awarded with a framed activation certificate. All graduates
are encouraged to attend and share your manories of
pledgeship with the currait pledges.
Brotherhood Weekend will begin on Friday and
run frirough Sunday, die 2()th. Pig Diimer will be held «i
March 18,2000.
Joe Weist
Section Chief
Todd Hubbell
Purple Legionnaire
Aaron Weishaar
Chip Bradway
Andy Tochterman
Justin Blomenburg
Newsletter Editor
Pledge Educator
Grad Relations Chairan
Rho Phi Grad Association
Page 2
Recruitment in the Fall of '99
Over the past four years, tiie Rho Phi chapter has succeeded inrecruiting quality men. Recruitment isa stren™ ofthis
chapte •year in and year out As alcohol free housing quickly approaches, new concerns arise over recruiting quality^en.
Led by stroifc Rush organization ofPete Myers ('02) and Matt LeVora ('01), these rumored-Concerns had no"eflfe6t-,^e
cha^^CT pledged 23oi the best men Rose-Hulman has to offer. Every pledge attained above a2^and therefore qualified for
formaTplwlgjuig. Tluee pledges earned 4.0 and many more earned above a 3.0 toqualify for tnqEducational Foundations $250
On top of being academically gifted, thepledge class contains mai of outstanding sa^ace, campus involvement, and
fraternity interest. This class has the freshman class president, numerous athletes, and men from all overthe United States.
Formal pledgingwas held at PaintBall Valley in Nashville, IN on December 11, 1999. Sixty-onebrothers were in
attendance at one ofthe most successful Pledge Retreats inrecent years. Thanks is given to Brennan McReynolds for hishelp in
making this year such a success.
Football, Baseball Squads Led by FIJI'S
1999 was yet anotho" very successful year for several Phi Gam athletes. The baseball team had yet another30 win
season, due largely in partto several FIJI baseball players. Senior Andy Cain was named SCAC Pitcher ofthe year. First Team
All-Midwest Regimi, 2nd Team Ail-American, and 3rd Team Academic All-American. Seniws Eric Baerand RobNichols also
hadstellar seasons fortheEngineers. Baer played exceptionally well forthe Engineers at Second Base, earning him2ndTeam
Academic All-District Honors. RobNichols becameRose-Hulman's Home Run kingby hitting 8 homeruns in the '99 season.
He also ledtlie team in batting with a .400 average.
Phi-Gam glory was not limited to these seniors, though. Chapter President Andy Toditerman contributed greatly to the
team, as well as several otho* Fiji's, including Maceo Lewis, Zach Miller, Mike Krueger, Phil Munser, Jason Fox, Robert
"Happy" Chandler, MattKing, Marc McCullough, Travis Soyer, EricNiec, Ted Volkman, BradBrosmer, andNateMeyers.
Although the RoseFootball Teamrecord was only 2-8, the season went well for several FIJI football players.
Defensively, FIJI'S claimed 7 out ofthe top 9 positions in total tackles, including 4 out ofthe top 5. Graduate Bryan Hagelskamp
returned for one more season as an engineer and did not disappoint. Hagelskamp earned first-team all-conference honors for the
second time inhis career after finishing second in theSCAC with 98 tackles this season despite missing sixquarters ofaction due
toinjury. Those 98tackles lead the Engineers' defense. Hagelskamp received GTE/CoSlDA first-team academic all-district
honors, and advances to the national ballot. He ranks second on Rose-Hulman's career tackles list with 378 stops. Earning
second team all-SCAChonors were Jon Hulsman,and Adam Knoll. Hulsman finished fifth on the Engineerswith 54 tackles,
including eight tackles-for-loss. He added 2.5 sacksand one fumble recovery this season. In his four years at Rose-Hulman,
Hulsman compiled 231 tackles and 48tackles-fcw-loss in starting all40 games ofhis career. Knoll averaged a career-best 35.6
yards per punt and placed 11 punts insidethe opponent's 20-yard-line.
Also playing crucial roles onthe defense wereShawn Stafford, whoplayed exceptionally well at comer, and Jason
Lanie, who played at defensive end. Stafford fmished theseason 7"" intackles. Jimiors Jeremy Sewell and Justin Blomenberg
started for the their 3"* consecutive season attiie safety positions. Sewell fmished 4'*' in tackles, and also had a game clinching
interception vs. Kalamazoo. Blomenberg earned second-team all-district honors after finishing second on the team in tackles this
season. He received first-team preseason All-Ama"ican recognition from three national publications and earned AU-American
awards frran Don Hansen's Gazette and Hewlett-Packard last season.
Offraisively, several FIJI pledges showed great potential asthey saw ccmsiderable varsity minutes. Tim Swan proved to
bea tough runner out ofthe backfield, and scored his first collegiate touch down using his very own "Swan-Dive" leap across the
goal line. Jasm Short also showed great quickness and agility in the Engineerbackfield,and played very well in the season
finale against Centre College. Receivers Raymond Chin and Josh Reed caught several passes in varsityaction. GraduateRyan
Boone and soiior Tom Shaw anchored the offensive line, and provided leadership to the offense.
\r\nClass of 72
Tom Jackson
Class of 90
Corbett Knll started an engineering consulting firm named 911
E-Mail: tiackson.koakland@woridnet.attnet
Consulting, that has ofiQces in
Florida, Illinois, and Arizona.
Class of 75
Steve Panndee was recently promoted to Vice-President and
Director of PortfolioManagement in Motorola's Law Department
Fred Queary and his wife welcomed the birth ofthier 2nd daughter,
Jcnna Rose Queaiy on 3/14/97.
Class of 91
Class of 76
Mike Cherbak has decided to leave Thompson/GE/RCA after 24
years, and will work for Harman Motive, a division of Harman
Doaid Crkman now works as a Project Engineer for Matrix
Toebnok^cs^lnc. inIndianapolis.
F.-Maii: djrrisman@indy.matrixtLcom
Class of 77
Don Pickens was recently promoted to Vice IVesident Of Project
Development for HBE Financial Facilities, a division of HBE
Corporation. HBE Financial Facilities designs and builds banks
and credit unions all over the United States.
Class of 79
Michael Peterson has Retired from the US Navy and taken ajob
with St. Edward's University as the Director of Physical Plant.
Class of 80
Steve Wilson
Class of 84
Steve Proflitt has left Silicon Graphics to Join an internet music
startup called
Class of 92
Mark Bocake has moved to Wytheville, VA.
His loawid daughter was bom, 9/29/99.
JcIT Fetters was married to wife, Kris, on April 24, 1999. JeflF was promoted in May to Regional Sales Manager for Delco Remy
tntcmatiunal's Aftermaricet Division having respcmsibility for sales in
the Indiana. Ohio, Kerrtucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia Regwi.
Damoa Crouch has returned to Louisville, accepting ajob at GE in
their IT group.
Jerrod Potee and wife Julie welcomed the birth of their daughter,
Hannah. Jarrod received a promotion to Production Manager for
Class of 93
Jeff Rafter has moved to Selma, IN.
He and wife Deborah welcomed the birth oftheir daughter, Madison
on 2/22/99
Chad Powers and wife, Tish have moved to Mason, OH.
Class of 86
Bill Lindstaedt has accepted a position as the Executive Director
for The Co-op Connection, a non-proGt partnership between
Associated Western Universities, Inc. and The California Co
Class of 95
Phil Stolz has been accepted to Cornell Univ., in Ithaca, NY.
operative Education Assodation.
Craig Kaster works at Daimler Chrysler Corporation, in Kokomo as
a Product Engineer.
Class of 87
Fred Krick works in the Visteon Division at Ford Motor Company,
as a Quality Engineer.
Class of 96
Rob Wallace has taken a new job as a Six Sigma Quality Leader with
GE Engine Service's Sales Division.
Dave "Scooter" Plantz
Class of 99
Sean Valentine recently placed 67th in the US National Swim Meet,
placing him as one of the "100 Fastest in the World".
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Pig Dinner 2000
March 18, 2000
Hulman Memorial Union on the R.H.i.T. Campus
7:00 P.M.
To R.S.V.P. or for more information, contact:
Justin Blomenberg
Box 979 5500 Wabash Ave.
Terre Haute, IN 47803
Z-fX. •
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January 2000 newsletter of the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The newsletter is four pages in length.