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2019 March Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
March 2019 newsletter for the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Rho Phi
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
2019 March Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
A Publication of the Rho Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, Rose–Hulman Institute of Technology: March 2019 Edition
Upcoming Dates:
50th Anniversary Gala
May 3-5, 2019
Baseball Outing is
May 18, 2019
$150,000 in Donations
Help Establish Six New
Chapter Scholarships
1848 Club Announces Eight Funds Now Endowed and
One Nears Completion; Five New Funds Named
An anonymous brother of Rho Phi has chosen to fund the endowment of four
scholarships leading into our 50th anniversary. This is in addition to five
scholarships already established by brothers such as Dennis Paustenbach and Mike
1848 Club Committee
Wes Bolsen, chair
David Steinbock
Ed Fain
Jake Whitacre
Joe Weist
Rho Phi House
Ed Fain, president
Doug Collier, vice-pres
Andy Horton, secretary
Matt Baber
Wes Bolsen
Chip Bradway
Rob Bunch
Nate Richter
Randy Ridgway
The anonymous brother’s first contribution was to finish the “Rho Phi Charter
Member Endowment”. The brother went on to fund the “Stephen R. Whitesell
Endowed Scholarship”, the “Richard A. Newman Endowed Scholarship”, and the
“Rho Phi Chemical Engineering Scholarship”.
If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation now or split over the next
two years to fund one or more of the below named endowments, please reach out
to 1848 Chairman Wes Bolsen: or 650-387-9962.
For making this contribution, the 1848 Committee would be pleased to offer you a
free suite for the 50th celebration! You can also make a contribution toward any of
these on your credit card as you register for the 50th anniversary celebration
through Eventbrite. You can also visit for more
Phi Gamma Delta
Contributing $11,500 to finish endowing the Joseph A. Weist Endowed
Endow the most outstanding Undergraduate Brother Award (Brandon Couch
Award) - $25,000
Endow the Rho Phi New Brother Award (JJ Boyce award) - $25,000
Bill Miller, Bob Harker, or Frank Guthrie Endowed Scholarship - $25,000 each
Naming your own Endowed Scholarship - $25,000
\r\nWill Byers Named Top Member in Indiana
Chapter president, Will Byers (2019), was named the top member of Phi Gamma Delta at the
recent Indiana State Day. Will was named the top member from the over 600 members in the
state. Will also received the Brandon Dean Couch Award at the recent Parents Dinner as the most
outstanding member of the Rho Phi Chapter.
Will is a Software Engineering major with an Economics and Mathematics minor. In addition to his
chapter president’s role, Will has served as Rho Phi recording secretary, IFC treasurer and IFC
president, studied abroad in Germany during the summer of 2016 and has served as a Big Brother
mentor for Chances and Services for Youth.
Upon graduation, Will has taken a job with Edgile and we wish him the best.
Will Byers (2019) named top member
in Phi Gamma Delta in state of Indiana
President’s Report
My name is Will Byers and I am the current president of the Rho Phi chapter. Over the last year, it has been my absolute
honor to lead this chapter and these men as we prepare and celebrate such a historic milestone. Fifty years of the Rho Phi
chapter is truly a testament to the enduring character and excellence that we have consistently embodied at Rose.
Even though Rose-Hulman admission rates dropped noticeably this year, we took a pledge class of 30 members in the fall,
the largest of any Greek organization on campus. Having just had initiation two weeks ago, we currently sit at 117 brothers
in the chapter, 27 of whom live in the house.
The Rho Phi chapter has stood as a pillar of strength and integrity in the Rose-Hulman community during a time of
increased nationwide scrutiny for Greeks. I am so proud to lead a group of men who exemplify the best qualities of college
men and who can set an example as to how a modern fraternity can transcend the stereotypical image that society has of
The last year has passed just as fast as I had been told it would and I have had an unforgettable experience leading this
chapter. As my responsibilities begin to wind down, a new cabinet will be elected and installed by March 10th who will
lead us into our main celebration for our 50th Anniversary come May. I am excited for the events we have planned to
celebrate our 50th and to get the opportunity to share them with Fiji’s from all different walks of life.
I will definitely still be helping with the festivities we have planned so always feel free to reach out to me with questions or
Rho Phi State Day Results
Best Chapter - 2nd Place
Community Service - 2nd Place
Campus Involvement - 1st Place
Most Outstanding Member
117 Members
3.15 Chapter GPA
1400+ Hours of Community Service
$5250 in money donated to charity
Rho Phi Chapter at Indiana State Day 2019
Phi Gamma Delta
\r\n50th Anniversary
Registration Now
May 3-5, 2019 Event Promises
Weekend of Great
Picture on Right: Archon President, Henry S. Brainard (Case Western
1922) and Legate, J. Kurt Mahrdt (DePauw 1928), presents charter to
President Robert C. Meyer (Rose 1970) on November 22, 1969.
Fall 2017 Pledge Class on Bid Tuesday
Overview of Weekend
Dates are Welcome to Attend all Events
Friday, May 3
Opening Dinner - Classes of 1969-1976 - M. Moggers (908 Poplar
Street; Upstairs Banquet Room) - Contact Dan Jackson
( for more information. Cost is $20/person. Paid
that night. There is room for 55 brothers/guests and 30 spots are taken.
Casino Night and Opening Reception - The Ohio Building (672 Ohio
Street) 7:30 - 10:30 pm - Help recreate the 1974 Casino Party. We are
bringing in a professional company to run the gambling tables. Cash bar
and finger foods available.
1974 Casino Party - Mark Ress (1976)
Saturday, May 4
All Day - Enjoy Casa Urbana (second floor of The Ohio Building) - a 13,000 square foot, turn of the century fully
renovated hotel. Meet up for informal gatherings. Historical Rho Phi displays will be set up.
Graduate Video Interviews - Noon - 6:00 pm - Contact Joe Weist ( for more information.
Rho Phi Open Golf - Hulman Links (990 Chamberlain St) 9:00 am. Teams of four. Limited spots at $25.
Rose-Hulman Campus Tour - 10:30 am - Leave from The Ohio Building
Museum Walking Tour - 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Great for wives and girlfriends. Brothers also welcome. Leave from The
Ohio Building.
Pre-Dinner Reception - 5:00—6:00 pm. Dinner - 6:00 pm. Reception and Semi-formal after dinner. The Ohio
Building for all events.
Sunday, May 5
Sendoff Brunch - 10:00 am - 1:00 pm (location to be announced)
You must register on Eventbrite for all events. Link at:
Phi Gamma Delta
\r\nRho Phi Chapter
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
PO Box 3047
Terre Haute, IN 47803
2019-2020 Cabinet
Logan Kabrich - President
Jacob Geesaman - Treasurer
Andrew Novotny - Rec Secy
Riley Roberts - Corr Secy
Bailey Sheldon - Historian
Gold and Silver Owl Recipients
On the 50th and 25th anniversary of initiation into Phi Gamma Delta, a brother is presented with a Silver or Gold Owl award.
We will be honoring the following brothers at the dinner for these anniversaries.
George J. Butkovich, Jr.
Thomas A. Dehne
Loren C. Doyle
Walter E. Dye
Gary W. Gladish
Steven C. Goble
James H. Graham
Gary L. Groff
Robert H. Harrison
Thomas M. Hendrickson
John B. Hodsden*
Thomas L. Jackson
James M. Lowes
Roger J. Martindell
Robert C. Meyer
Gregory A. Montgomery
Donald G. Morris
Richard A. Newman*
Jay D. O'Sullivan
Richard L. Pace
Daniel J. Phelps
Jöel V. Sanders
Jay E. Sensibaugh
John M. Smith
Ted M. Smith
Sidney L. Stoffer
Albert D. Wernz
Stephen R. Whitesell*
Bruce P. Williams
Dale L. Zeleznik
Karl R. Ammerman
Carl E. Bradway
Jason A. Castor
Christopher M. Chastain
John D. Donaldson
John M. Estes
Timothy W. Grunow, II
Andrew N. Herbert
Craig A. Holder
Andrew E. Horton
Todd R. Hubbell
Matthew V. McGuan
Kent E. Murphy
Joseph T. Phillips
Stuart C. Quay
Carl H. Rempert
Shannon P. Roehrich
Chad W. Schwartz
Matthew G. Steiner
Kostandinos J. Stubos
Nathan W. Warfel
Aaron M. Weishaar
Chad A. Welch
* brother is ad astra
\r\n2019 Renewal (or joining) the Rho Phi 1848 Club
More information found at:
Rose Graduation Year ______________
Address: ________________________________
Phone: __________________________________
Email: ___________________________________
I would like to become/renew my membership into the 1848 Club through a (check one) ____$18.48 Monthly OR ___
$221.76 one-time non-tax deductible contribution. I am authorizing you to charge the below credit card for this
amount monthly or annually as noted above. (NOTE: This can also be accomplished electronically at )
Name on Card: ____________________________
Card Number: _____________________________
Expiration Month/Year: _____________________
CVV Code: _____
Signature: _________________________________
I would like to make a tax deductible contribution to building an endowed scholarship for the undergraduate brothers of
Rho Phi. Please see attached my donation, made out the “PGD Educational Foundation” that will go toward finishing
an Endowed Scholarship at the chapter.
The attached check is for my tax deductible contribution of ________________
Please mail this letter back with your check or card information to: Wes Bolsen, 12470 Bradford Dr., Parker, CO 80134
or Call/Email to discuss larger contributions. or 650-387-9962
\r\nRho Phi 1848 Club Members
2019 Renewals Received are highlighted
Bill Miller (Indiana University 1962, Purdue 1996)
Timothy S. Harlan (Indiana State 1972, Rose 2008)
Gary W. Gladish (Rose 1970)
Jim Lowes (Rose 1970)
Richard Pace (Rose 1970)
Steven C. Goble (Rose 1971)
Ronald R. Andrews (Rose 1974)
Dennis J. Paustenbach (Rose 1974)
James D. Tribble (Rose 1974)
Robert M. Bunch (Rose 1975)
Michael A. Huhnke (Rose 1975)
James D. Myers (Rose 1975)
Michael F. Nisbet (Rose 1975)
David J. Steinbock (Rose 1975)
Bob Carter (Rose 1976)
R. Edwin Fain (Rose 1976)
Randal A. Ridgway (Rose 1977)
Gerry Dail (Rose 1978)
Nathan B. Edwards (Rose 1978)
Paul M. Curtin (Rose 1980)
John P. Foley (Rose 1980)
David B. Jackel (Rose 1980)
Michael J. Schipper (Rose 1982)
Thomas C. Redford (Rose 1983)
Michael A. McKee (Rose 1984)
Chuck Moss (Rose 1984)
Jonathan T. Richardson (Rose 1984)
Brent L. Hendrix (Rose 1987)
Joseph A. Weist (Rose 1987, Evansville 2000)
Evan R. Kokoska (Rose 1989)
Douglas A. Collier (Rose 1990)
Chris Lueking (Rose 1991)
Alan Manche (Rose 1991)
Brian J. Sullivan (Rose 1992)
Mitchel R. Deckard (Rose 1993)
Todd R. Hubbell (Rose 1996)
Andrew E. Horton (Rose 1997)
Aaron M. Weishaar (Rose 1997)
Bill Morphew (Rose 1998)
Wesley J. Bolsen (Rose 2000)
Michael E. Dockins (Rose 2002)
Quintin X. Coppola (Rose 2009)
Nathan P. Richter (Rose 2009)
Shane Boschert (Rose 2013)
Andrew G. Eslinger (Rose 2013)
Michael Hallstein (Rose 2015)
Brian J. Soller (Rose 2015)
Ryan C. Dick (Rose 2016)
Tyler J. Rockwood (Rose 2016)
Mitchell A. Orzech (Rose 2016)
Corey W. Vatter (Rose 2016)
Lucas J. Kopecky (Rose 2017)
Jacob C. Whitacre (Rose 2017)
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March 2019 newsletter for the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The newsletter is six pages in length.