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2019 January Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
January 2019 newsletter for the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The newsletter is three pages in length.
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Rho Phi
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
2019 January Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
Phi Gamma Oeita at Rose-Hulman InstituteofTechnology
. .
I 1 H
Phi Chapter
Dennis Paustenbach establishes endowed scholarship with $25,000 gift to
challenge end of year and SO^*" anniversary giving to Rho Phi
Dennis Paustenbach (Rose 1974) has stepped up to challenge the brothers of Rho Phi for a one-time (or multi-year) gift
to establish their own named endowed scholarship,or to contribute to one of the existingendowed scholarships to directly
support our undergraduate brothers. This could be part of your end-of-year giving, or planned for the start of 2019 to
lead into the 50"" anniversary of the chapter, beingheld May3-5,2019.
The generous gift from Brother Paustenbach will endow a $1,000 annual scholarship in his name for an undergraduate
brother of Rho Phi forever. In response to this gift, the Rho Phi 1848Committee said, "It is gifts like this from Dennis that
continue to attract the best men at Rose-Hulman to pledge into Phi Gamma Delta. They see Fiji graduate brothers
supporting the chapter in a way that no other fraternity is doing. This will lead to the long-term health and growth of our
chapter for years to come."
1848 Committee Issues $1,000 Scholarship to sophomore Brother Jacob
Geesaman (Rose 2021) at brotherhood pledge dinner
At a formal brotherhood dinner, held only days before the end of 2018
rush on campus with allof the youngmen considering joiningthe
fraternity in attendance, an 1848scholarship was awarded to Sophomore
Biomedical Engineering major Jacob Geesaman ("Goose"). Jacob is a
legacy, as his father Jeff Geesaman (Rose 1993) was also a brother of Rho
Phi. Jacob comes from Redkey, IN and is the current corresponding
secretary for the chapter. He plays baseball for the Fightin' Engineer and
exhibits academic excellence in the classroom. It is brothers like Jacob
that we look forward to continuing to support through endowed
scholarships. Based on a number of conversations with the undergrads,
the 1848 Committee believes that these endowed scholarships helped
recruit the 30 fantastic men that pledged Fiji in October of 2018, which
was the largest group of any fraternity on campus.
\r\n1848 Club membership: Joining now, or your
renewal for 2019
Many Rho Phi brothers have chosen to give$18.48 per month on a
recurringbasis, or at least $221.76 annually to be members of the 1848 club.
If you are not on the recurring monthly plan, it is time to renewfor 2019,
leading in the 50"" anniversary of the chapter. This can be accomplished in a
number of ways.
1) A check made to the "PGD Educational Foundation" of at least
$221.76 (or more) sent to Wes Bolsen, 12470 Bradford Dr, Parker,
CO 80134 before the end of 2018
2) Going online to and entering your
credit card number for a one-time or monthly contribution to the
Paypal form
3) Submitting the form below with your information to charge your
credit card with the appropriate amount
Individual renewal letters willbe sent in January to brothers that
contributed in 2018, but have not been able to renew for 2019 before the
end of the year.
1848 Club members that have made 2019 contributions will receive a free
ticket to Pig dinner on Saturday, May 4, 2019. This will not include other
contributions that willbe necessary to support the overall 50"" anniversary
celebration from May 3-5, 2019. More information will follow.
Finishing out the ""Rho Phi Charter Member Endowed Scholarship"'
In September of this year, a $25,000 challenge gift was issued by Mike McKee (Rose 1984) and his wife Joanne to raise an
endowed scholarship on behalfof the FoundingMembers of the Rho Phi chapter. As of November 2018, we have not yet
closed out this endowed scholarship with the necessary $25,000. Pleaseconsider a tax-deductible contribution of $500 or
even $2,500 to complete this Rho Phi CharterMemberEndowed Scholarship before the 50* anniversary of our chapter.
Donations should be made out to the "PCD Educational Foundation" and can be mailed with the attached form to 1848
Chair Wes Bolsen. Please feel free to include in the memo line any charter member that you might be honoring.
Phone: _
I would liketo becomea member of the 1848 Club through a (checkone)
$18.48 Monthly OR
$221.76 one-time
non-tax deductible contribution. I am authorizingyou to charge the belowcredit card for this amount monthly or
annually as noted above. (NOTE: This can also be accomplished electronically at
„Name on Card:
Card Number:
Expiration Month/Year:.
CVV Code:
1would like to make a tax deductible contribution to building an endowed scholarship for the undergraduate brothers of
Rho Phi. Please see attached my donation, made out the "PGD Educational Foundation" that will go toward finishing the
Rho Phi Charter Members Endowed Scholarship or a subsequent endowed scholarship at the chapter.
The attached check is for my tax deductible contribution of
($221.76 or more will include you in the 2019membership of the 1848 Club)
This contribution is in honor of:
. Please contact me personally, as 1would like to discuss naming an endowed scholarshipas part of leaving a legacy at
Rho Phi or directing an endowed scholarship at Rose-Hulman to support the chapter
Please mail this letter back with your check or card information to:
Wes Bolsen, 12470 Bradford Dr., Parker, CO 80134
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January 2019 newsletter for the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The newsletter is three pages in length.