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2019 January Newsletter Pi Sigma (University of Pittsburgh)
January 2019 newsletter for the Pi Sigma chapter at University of Pittsburgh. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Pi Sigma
University of Pittsburgh
2019 January Newsletter Pi Sigma (University of Pittsburgh)
The Pi Sigma
Phi Gamma Delta News
Pig Dinner/Chartering
Phi Gamma Delta News
Rush Week
From September 10-15, the University of
Pittsburgh held their fall semester rush
week. Starting with Meet the Greeks,
we had many events throughout the
week to get to know interested potential
members. These events included a pizza
dinner at Lotsa, a pickup football game
on the Cathedral Lawn, meeting with
graduate brothers at the Thirsty Scholar
and watching Pitt football play against
Georgia Tech from Brother George’s
family box at Heinz Field. A big thank
you to Brother Brock for planning a
successful week.
Delta Class
Scholarship Recognition
In the Fall 2018 semester, Brother Albert
On September 29, six men took the
Tanjaya was inducted into Pitt’s Order
pledge to become brothers of the Pi
Omega, which is a society for those in
Sigma Colony. After 7 weeks of pledge
Life who are recognized for their
education, these men joined the ranks
outstanding achievement in leadership
and became colony brothers of Phi
academics. Congratulations Albert!
Gamma Delta on November 16. These
new brothers are highly dedicated
individuals and are excited to contribute
Getting Together
to our Colony in the coming future.
With The Grads
On September 22, our brothers went
to the house of Ken Boben (1984) to
spend some time with the graduate
brothers. The day consisted of a cookout,
watching Pitt football and quality time
reconnecting with brothers.
Ed Graf’s Birthday
On September 23, some of our brothers
went to visit our Pi Sigma graduate
brother, Ed Graf (1960), who was
celebrating his 80th birthday. Our
president, John Coyle, presented him
with his Gold Owl in honor of being a
Phi Gam for 50 years.
Service and Philanthropy
Pi Sigma Association Annual Report
Pi Sigma by the Numbers:
Colony Undergraduates: 28
Colony Graduates: 3
Overall Colony GPA: 3.0
Philanthropy hours: 1,739
Philanthropy donations: $2,821.00
Greek Week 2018:
1st Place Greek Sing, 2nd Place Overall
Campus Involvement:
Two Student Government Board Members
· Lambda Sigma Honors Fraternity ·
Pitt Golf Team · Pi Sigma Alpha Honors
Society · Persian Table · Kappa Theta PiOutreach Chairman, Judicial Chairman ·
Quidditch Club · Alpha Omega · Habitat
for Humanity · Psychology Club · College
Republicans · Behavioral Economics ·
Semper Fi · Pitt Sports Analysis Club ·
Panther Taekwondo · Make Your Space
Mentor · Design Hub Club · Asian Student
Alliance- Advocacy Chairman · Math Club
· Pitt Water Polo · American Chemical
Society · Nepalese Student Organization
· Pitt Attacks Cancer Together · Design
for America- President, Project Manager
· Arabic Club · Phi Alpha Delta PreLaw Fraternity · President of the Mighty
Penguins Student Group · Psi Chi · College
Democrats · Controlled Chaos Hip Hop
Dance Crew · Pitt Finance Club · Active
Minds · Pitt Band · Pitt Engineering
Student Council · Humans of Pitt: Logistics
Coordinator · Pitt Sailing · Pitt GeoClub ·
Honors Geology · Newman Club · Black
Action Society- Programming Committee ·
Political Science Student Association- Vice
President · Pitt Sangeet: Indian Classical
Music Club - President · William Pitt
Student Union Employee · Alpha Kappa
Psi · Enactus · Outside the Classroom
Curriculum Brand Ambassador · Pitt Club
Handball · Panther Wrestling Club · Alpha
Pi Mu · Engineering for a Sustainable
World · IISE
\r\nService and Philanthropy
Fiji ran their first Oakland Cleanup in September, where we partnered with other
student organizations to pick up trash along the streets of South Oakland. Also
in September, some of our brothers participated in the IFC Day of Service where
they helped knit and sew reusable clothing for low income families in Pittsburgh.
In October, Pitt’s Student Government Board hosted events throughout Mental
Health Awareness Week, and several brothers participated in these events to
remind students that they can always get the help that they need. Shout out to
brothers Albert and Zech for their hard work in planning these events as SGB
members. On October 20, our brothers took part in Pitt Make A Difference Day,
where we worked with Friends of North Park repairing trails and completing park
maintenance in North Park. Other brothers participated in PMADD with other
organizations, such as Asian Student Alliance and Student Government Board. Big
thanks to Brothers Sam and Bobby for being volunteer leaders during the day.
In September, Fiji hosted their first annual
Tug of War competition between other
members of Greek Life. The proceeds went to
the American Cancer Society. In October,
Fiji held their second annual sorority
Instagram Challenge, which ended with
Delta Phi Epsilon winning and donating
the prize money to the Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation. In Delta Phi Epsilon’s annual
Deepher Dude Competition, Brother Brock
was Fiji’s representative as he sang and played
the guitar. The proceeds from the event also
went to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. In
November, some of the brothers participated
in Tri Sigma’s Twister Tournament. Also in
November, brothers participated in Kappa
Delta’s Shamrock Event, where they participated in a men’s cheerleading competition and won second place. The money
raised was donated to Prevent Child Abuse America. Following the horrific events in the Squirrel Hill community at
the end of October, Fiji tabled inside the William Pitt Union to raise money for the Tree of Life Synagogue and spread
awareness throughout our campus that Pittsburgh is stronger than hate.
Pi Sigma Association Annual Report
I am pleased to report that the Pi Sigma Chapter is being successfully re-chartered at the University of Pittsburgh! The
effort began back in 2014 when John Armour (1984), a trustee of our association, and other active brothers put together
a fund-raising campaign that generated nearly $90,000.00 for the dual purpose of IHQ recolonization expenditures
and future scholarship funding. A special “Thanks” goes to Bill Wallander (1981), who gave a very generous matching
gift of all donations. Of the amount raised, we have spent $25,000.00 on the initial IHQ RUSH effort and continued
recolonization effort. To date, we have a total of 31 colonists, with three colonist graduates. We have spent $6,000.00
($500 each) on scholarship awards for the last three semesters. This year’s scholarship recipients were: Rob Montgomery
Award (STEM): Wesley Keck (spring) & Max Johnson (fall), John Sheppard Award (chapter leadership): Kyle Jennings
(spring) & John Coyle (fall), Gary Hirsch Award (chapter service): Albert Tanjaya (spring & fall) and Roy Walters Award
(chapter spirit): Nathan Barnes (spring) & Alec Mertz (fall).
\r\nSpring 2018
Pi Sigma
Wesley Keck,
Nathan Barnes,
Albert Tanjaya,
Kyle Jennings
Fall 2018
Pi Sigma
Alex Mertz,
John Coyle,
Albert Tanjaya,
Max Johnson
Minutes from the Pi Sigma Association ANNUAL MEETING, April 7, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm at the Wyndham Hotel in Oakland prior to the Pig Dinner. Old Business:
Treasurer George Keiser (1981) presented the Association’s current financials. We have $101K in an account from the
sale of 4725 Wallingford Street. We also have $238K in IHQ “Pi Sigma specific” scholarship accounts and $26K in the
PSA/recolonization effort account. New Business: The Association called for the election/confirmation of new officers
and trustees. Chris DeLuca (1989), president, resigned his position to become a trustee. Ben Wallander (1989) was
elected president. Tim Reitmeyer (1972) will remain vice president. George Keiser (1981) will remain treasurer. Scot
Jennings (1986) was elected secretary. The Association trustees are: John Armour (1984) (confirmed), Chris DeLuca
(1989) (elected), David Fisher (1986) (elected), Mark Jennings (1981) (confirmed), Paul Keelan (1985) (elected), Tim
Moriarity (1988) (elected), Larry Pansino (1974) (confirmed), Steve Strzepek (1992) (elected), Mark Uminski (1980)
(elected), Jim Wallander (1982) (elected), David Wissinger (1989) (Purple Legionnaire – ex-officio trustee), Paul Zane
(1986) (elected), and Eli Rebich (1972) (TBD). A motion was passed to continue to fund the four Association scholarships
awarded in $500 amounts each for next year’s two semesters at PITT. A motion was passed to use email as the primary
means of communication. The trustees have tasked Ben Wallander with researching possible accommodations for our
future Pi Sigma chapter facilities at PITT. He has been in contact with Matt Waalan, Director of Housing at PITT. As
of now, there is no available housing option for us. The current “fraternity complex” houses on the hill are either
occupied or under contract with PITT, with no openings in the foreseeable future. PITT’s Greek System will not
recognize any fraternity who maintains an independent house off-campus. We will continue to work with PITT
to resolve this situation.
To continue to receive reports from the Pi Sigma Association,
Please update your email with IHQ!
We have amended our by-laws to now use email as our primary method of communication. This will be the
last “postage” Annual Report to be sent due to the high cost of printing and mailing. We will be using the IHQ’s
“Find A Brother” database to keep accurate email and brother contact information.
Please go to and log into the “Find A Brother” page located on the bottom left side of the
home page to verify/update your contact information. If you don’t already have an account, PLEASE create one
using the “Register” on the top of the home page. The plan is to email correspondence to keep you informed
of what’s happening with our chapter. If you don’t verify your information, you won’t receive future
correspondence directly from the Pi Sigma Association.
These are exciting times for our new chapter at PITT and the Pi Sigma Association is committed to doing
everything we can help our new brothers succeed!
Bennett T. Wallander, Sr. (1989)
Nonprofit Org
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Come celebrate the re-chartering of our chapter on
FEBRUARY 9, 2019.
To register for the Pig Dinner and/or Chartering, go to the
following URL and select the “Register Now” link for the Pig
Dinner under events or the home page:
We have a block of 75 rooms at the Hilton Garden Inn,
Pittsburgh University Place.
To book a hotel room, go to URL: or
call (412)-683-2040 and ask for the Phi Gamma Delta room rate.
Brothers attending will receive a commemorative lapel pin!
Deadline to register for the dinner is January 31.
Deadline to reserve a hotel room is January 25.
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January 2019 newsletter for the Pi Sigma chapter at University of Pittsburgh. The newsletter is four pages in length.