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2019 Fall Newsletter Sigma Omicron (Oklahoma State University)
Fall 2019 newsletter of the Sigma Omicron chapter at Oklahoma State University. This newsletter is six pages in length.
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Sigma Omicron
Oklahoma State University
2019 Fall Newsletter Sigma Omicron (Oklahoma State University)
Sigma Omicron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
reetings, Phi Gams! As you all know, we are off
to a new school year here at Oklahoma State,
and we are thrilled about the direction that
our house is headed.
Our rush team did
an incredible job this
summer by bringing
in 47 potential new
members. We are
very pleased and
excited to see what
these young men will
do for our chapter
for years to come.
We returned to the
school year with
the same cabinet that we had second semester last year:
President - Nathan Rodenberg (Engineering, 2021),
Treasurer - Garrett McGregor (Finance & Accounting,
2021), Recording Secretary - Tanner Chancelor (Ag
Business, 2020), Corresponding Secretary - Aaron
McCollough (Finance,
2021), and Historian Drake Short (Engineering,
2020). Recently elected
officers are CP- Brandon
Stephenson, CT- Garrett
McGregor, RS- Sutton
Hess, CS- Aaron
McCollough & CH- Blaze
McMelian. If you ever
have any questions, feel
free to reach out to one
of these brothers at any
time. Their information can be found on our website,
While we did not win homecoming
this year, we were excited to be
paired with the women of Zeta Tau
Alpha. Our head director was senior
Garrett Allan (2020), who is very
experienced and knowledgeable of
all the homecoming festivities. As
always, we several grad brothers
come by the chapter house; we invite
anyone, anytime. As the undergrad
chapter, we would love to meet and
Fall 2019
build relationships with the ones who
have come before us. Our deck looked
great and showed well compared to
the competition as nearly 100,000
witnessed at the Friday night walkaround. We look forward to next year;
the university has announced the
homecoming game to be on Halloween
versus the Red Raiders of Texas Tech. If
you didn’t make it on campus this year,
please come see our efforts next year!
Graduate Spotlight.........5
Pig Dinner.......................6
Our freshman, led by directors Jimmy Crowther
(2020), Zach Tatum (2021), Caden Bruchard
(2021), and Brayden Brown (2022), joined with
women of Kappa Kappa Gamma to put together
a good follies performance. Throughout the last
couple of years we have been very pleased with
our success with freshman follies. The last two
years we have taken second place and third place;
however, this year we finished short of placing.
We’re very proud of the participants and directors!
We wouldn’t be able to function as a chapter without the supervision we have been graciously given in our Board
of Chapter Advisors. We very much appreciate the support and guidance from our advisors. Eric Knam is our
Purple Legionnaire and has been helpful beyond words. Along with him, is Ryan Bebee, who has also helped
us get going in the direction of which we want to see this chapter go. The BCA consist of: Knam, Bebee, Tyler
Konarik, Shane Rasch, Shane Hatfield, and Logan Thomas. We want to thank them for their constant support
and advice. Another graduate brother we are very appreciative for, Kim Cunningham, is constantly working on
things around the house and keeping everything running smoothly. There are many graduates helping behind
the scenes we don’t always get to say thank you to, so we wanted to take this chance to do so and thank all of you
who give your time, financial support, and effort.
We are striving to continue the success that has come before us. As an undergrad chapter, we are one of the
biggest on campus as well as one of the bigger Phi Gamma Delta chapters nationally. We currently have 145
active members. We have men from all different backgrounds with different interests doing life together. We have
a wide range of future careers from doctors to pilots to ranchers and everything in between. We are very proud
of our brothers here at Phi Gamma Delta and how they represent us all on campus and nationally. We have
brothers involved in all sorts of groups throughout all of campus and will continue to do so for years to come.
We are raising up men to be leaders in society once they finish their college years here at Oklahoma State.
The annual NUJI Cup raised almost $3,000 this year! The
coaches this year were Giles Shelton (2021), Garrett
Schwarz (2021) and Logan Stanley (2022). Our coaches
and players worked extremely hard to prepare for the
philanthropy game and we were super excited to see them
in action. We took 15 players, but ultimately came up
short on the scoreboard for 2019. Last year we won the
game by a score of 45-37. The current record is ten wins
for Fiji and six wins for Sigma Nu.
2017 Silver Owls: (L-R) Tommy Horsley, Michael Reyes, Jeff Heget, Joel Wolfe, Mark Lookabough, Gene Sevcik,
Patrick Hadley, Jeff Hogan
2017 Silver Owls: (L-R) FRONT: Reid McHoul,
Michael Morgan, Daniel Freet, Josh Randolph, Scott
Bogie, Ryan Bebee, Ben Evans
BACK: Gregory Wipfli, Eric Knam, Cason Grover,
Kevin Kinder, Eric Lee, Josue Solano, Erik Scott
2018 Silver Owls: Matt Woosley, Ron Woosley, Sr., Les
Smith, Don VanCuren, Chad Niedig, Darren Turner,
Chris Hobza, Steve Myres, Matthew Manfredi, Patrick
Fabian, Jason Battles, Brent Koch, Rob Renfro, Gentry
Parker, David Deberry, Greg Sparks, Zach Overton,
Ryan Vogler & Matt Briscoe
\r\n2017 Gold Owls: (L-R) FRONT:
Steve Smith, Randall Whittaker,
Michael Chieppo, Richard Howell,
Gary Markus
BACK: Fred Ringwald, Ric Jamison,
David Ferraro, Dan Deaver,
Don Boyd, Kelly Killough, Phil
Bowersox, Mike Hopping, Bill
Fowler, David Jensen
2019 Gold Owls: J. Robert Keating, Don Greenamyer. A.L. Bennett &
J. Herschel Beard
2019 Silver Owls:
FRONT: Matt Vassar, Brad
Thompson, James Boggs,
Jay List, Rick Holmes, Ross
Bebee, Mike Hultman,
Bryan Morris
BACK: Mark Strotheide,
Michael Knam, Matthew
Barnes, Jason Jones &
Ryan Schenk
2018 Gold Owl: Mark Lobo & Ryan
Over the last year, one of our talented brothers, John Moss, created an official “Oklahoma State Phi Gam”
website and we would love for you all to become familiar with it. It has options for rush referrals, newsletters,
connections with brothers, etc. Give it a look if you get the chance! This website is a good way to stay in the loop
with what is happening with the undergraduate chapter.
An important announcement that we have for our
graduate brothers is our recent tailgate spot. We now
have an all-welcome alumni and undergrad tailgate,
where we would love to invite you all to come join us on
game days. Our location is in Old Central, right outside
of the Alumni Center. We hang a FIJI flag and have tents
setup. We usually cook up some sort of meal for the
game and would love to see some grad brothers come out
before the games, even if that means stopping in for 10
minutes. For more information on the tailgate, feel free to
reach out to one of the cabinet members listed above or
Mama Rena, and we will be delighted to guide you in the
right direction. Looking forward to seeing you all come
game day! The university is going to allow us to continue
to have this location as long as we respect the space!
The Phi Deuteron (2010) pledge class of Sigma
Omicron has had some remarkable achievements as of
late. Four brothers are pursuing medicine, with three
having graduated this past year and another set to
graduate this coming year.
Campbell Liles (2014) graduated from Vanderbilt
University Medical Center, whose hospital was recently
placed in the top 20 nationally. Campbell is currently
pursuing a residency in neurosurgery.
Matthew Farley (2014) recently graduated from OU
Medical and has been placed as an internal medicine
residency at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Congrats brothers, and keep pursuing excellence!
\r\nSigma Omicron Chapter of
Nonprofit Org
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The annual Pig Dinner will be held Saturday, March 7, 2020. This year we will be doing it in the Student
Union Ballroom. Mark your calendars and bring a brother! Our guest speaker will be Archon President
Clark Robertson (Nebraska 1982). Please join us for another great tradition in Stillwater!
We hope after reading this newsletter you all have a little better understanding of all the exciting things
taking place at Phi Gamma Delta. We look forward to hearing from and seeing you all soon.
Press on!
Aaron McCollough (2021)
Corresponding Secretary
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Fall 2019 newsletter of the Sigma Omicron chapter at Oklahoma State University. This newsletter is six pages in length.