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2019 Fall Newsletter Omega Chi (Chapman University)
Fall 2019 newsletter of the Omega Chi chapter at Chapman University. This newsletter is seven pages in length.
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Omega Chi
Chapman University
2019 Fall Newsletter Omega Chi (Chapman University)
Hello friends, families, and brothers. My name is Ben
Wasserman, and I am the current chapter president for
the Omega Chi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at Chapman
University. In this edition of the Omega Chronicle, I am
excited to share all of the amazing things that have happened
for our chapter in our tenth year at Chapman University.
On April 13 this year we held our 10th annual Purple Tie
Affair and raised well over double the amount we have ever
raised. We ended the night donating $88,000 dollars to The
Make-A-Wish Foundation. This donation easily eclipsed our
previous record of $30,000 and was also a Chapman fraternity
record by a wide margin. Thank you to all the parents and
graduate brothers that attended the event. To show further
appreciation, we have listed Black Diamond donors at the
end of the program. The Purple Tie Affair was organized by
Kyle Marshall (2020), Jordan Greenhall (2020) and Sean
Gallagher (2021).
In another philanthropic endeavor, Keahi Favela (2021)
spearheaded our first ever “Coasters for Consent”. With
this event, we partnered with CARES (Creating a Rape Free
Environment for Students) to raise money and generate
awareness around issues of consent. Students on campus
were asked to donate and decorate coasters that highlighted
consensual behavior. The money was donated to SAVS (Sexual
Assault Victim Service), and the coasters were donated to a
local bar. We were extremely excited with the creativity and
Purple Tie................................................................................2
Parents' Weekend.................................................................3
Senior Spotlight.....................................................................3
Graduate Brother Spotlight.................................................4
Greek Awards.........................................................................4
CARES and Coasters for Consent......................................5
Pig Dinner................................................................................5
Our First Initiate.....................................................................6
Pledge Education..................................................................6
Alpha Alpha Pledge Class...................................................7
Omega Pledge Class............................................................7
Black Diamond Donors.......................................................7
Fall 2019
success of this event, and hope
to continue to improve upon it
in future years.
In November, we held our
10th annual Pig Dinner. We
were pleased to have graduate
brothers attend not only from
Chapman University, but also
from other universities in the
area and all around the United States. At this Pig Dinner, we
had the privilege of having Jeff Downey (UCLA 1983) give
the Exile’s Toast once again (a FIJI tradition that we all greatly
enjoy). We also honored the Omega Chi Chapter’s Purple
Legionnaire, Steve Caine (New Mexico 1997). Steve has been
an incredible leader in his role since he became involved
with the chapter 10 years ago, and we couldn’t ask for a better
advisor. Since I’ve been a member of Omega Chi, Steve has
won “Advisor of the Year” at Chapman’s Greek Awards twice,
in addition to the Durrance Award, given to the best Purple
Legionnaire out of all 146 FIJI chapters.
Furthermore, we would like to thank Dave Todd (USC 1967).
Dave has been crucial to the success of this chapter since its
inception, and this year has been no different. We joke that
if we meet an involved FIJI brother from another school or
part of the country, they are likely to know Dave! It is truly
incredible the amount of meaningful FIJI connections Dave
has nurtured over the years, and we couldn’t be more grateful
for his generous support.
continued on page 2
Instagram: @chapman_fiji
Twitter: @ChapmanFIJI
In the fall, we welcomed the Alpha Alpha pledge class.
As the name of their pledge class suggests, they are a great
group who will continue to push our legacy forward. We also
welcomed the Alpha Beta pledge class in the spring; another
well-rounded group of gentlemen. I can’t wait to see what both
groups accomplish personally, academically, fraternally and
As a member of this chapter and now as the president, I
couldn’t more assuredly say that I am exceptionally proud
to be an Omega Chi FIJI. This chapter is made up of an
incredibly talented group of men who have pushed boundaries
at this school and in their respective interests. Thank you to
everyone who supports us, and makes this possible. Please feel
free to reach out if you have any questions. Enjoy!
Ben Wasserman
Chapter President
This year we held our 10th annual Purple Tie Fundraiser,
benefiting the Make-A-Wish Foundation. This year's
dinner was held at the Harborside Restaurant and Grand
Ballroom in Newport Beach, featuring an inspirational story
embodying persistence by previous Make-A-Wish recipient,
Matthew Borja, silent and live auctions, and a live band.
The night ended with our chapter raising $88,000, which
will grant 12 wishes to children with critical illnesses. This
donation broke the Chapman fraternity record, surpassing
our previous record raised last year by $50,000. We are
incredibly proud of our chapter’s ability to bring about a
positive impact in the community and we can’t wait for next
year’s Purple Tie Fundraiser! Thank you once again to all
of those who donated at this event and to all of those who
generously provided auction items. It is with your help that
we have been able to generate such a positive impact.
“Make-A-Wish is honored to work with such outstanding
young men who give back to their community and we
thank them for supporting our mission.” - Rossana Powell
(Corporate and Community Engagement Manager for MakeA-Wish Orange County)
“Our 10th annual Purple Tie serves as a prime example of
what to expect from the brothers of the Omega Chi Chapter
when we come together and collaborate for the greater good of
our community.” - Kyle Marshall (Purple Tie Co-Chair)
“The generous and charitable donations from family and
friends made this event more special than we could have ever
imagined. The impact will go beyond monetary value, giving
these kids a joyous and lasting memory that they will never
forget.” - Sean Gallagher (Purple Tie Co-Chair)
“Thank you to all the current brothers, alumni, and family
members for their amazing commitment to this year’s event.
This event would not have been possible without the amazing
help of the entire Make-A-Wish Orange County team,
especially Rossana Powell. Also, our auctioneer, Nick Di Nieri,
had an incredible impact on the event’s success. I am amazed
with what can be accomplished when everyone is committed to
a single cause, and am so grateful to have been a part of it.”
- Jordan Greenhall (Purple Tie Co-Chair)
On October 12, 2018 we held our first ever Parents’ Weekend event,
and it was a huge success. We had over 50 parents in attendance for
the weekend. The gatherings included a meet and greet cocktail hour, a
cup pong tournament, a day spent at a beach house in Newport Beach
and a Sunday brunch. Each parent that attended also got to leave with
a custom engraved FIJI pint glass. Fran Bonadies (2022) and Nico
Houser (2019) hosted the inaugural weekend. Everyone that attended
had an amazing time and we encourage all parents to attend our 2019
Parents’ Weekend.
Where: Orange County
When: October 18–20, 2019
What to Expect: Parents' Weekend will be packed with fun and leisurely events! Come to beautiful Orange County expecting to
meet great people and have a great time.
Written by: Joe Pera (2021)
This past year our chapter graduated 32 seniors who have dedicated countless hours of
energy, devotion, and ideas that have helped our chapter grow to the heights it has achieved
today. With the graduation of this year’s senior class, our chapter would like to cast a spotlight
on a brother who has made valuable contributions throughout his four years of membership.
It would be unfair to Sebastian Barahal (2019) and his accomplishments if we did not take
the time to highlight some of his greatest feats and contributions throughout his four years at
Chapman University. Since the beginning of his time as a brother of the Omega Chi Chapter,
Sebastian has been eager to become a leader and help this chapter grow.
One of Sebastian’s largest contributions to our chapter came during his sophomore and junior year, when he was the assistant
and head pledge educator, respectively. Out of the jobs you can hold within the fraternity, the position of pledge educator
likely requires the most immense amount of time and energy. Sebastian was up for the job and he worked tirelessly to shape
the new members into becoming FIJI gentleman. Sebastian, in his time as a pledge educator, secured two pledge classes
that would not only make an immediate impact on our chapter, but would become a part of the lifelong brotherhood of Phi
Gamma Delta.
Another large contribution that Sebastian made to Chapman FIJI came throughout his time as chapter president. Sebastian’s
first goal as a brother was to become pledge educator, and once he got that, his next was to become president. Sebastian fought
hard for the position of president because he believed his ambitious attitude could help lead the chapter to new heights. He
dedicated his term as president to increase chapter involvement on and off campus, strengthen brotherhood, improve graduate
relations and enhance the importance of studies in school within the chapter. Sebastian not only brought the chapter to new
heights, but also helped improve the chapter’s reputation on campus.
Due to all these wonderful contributions and accomplishments, Sebastian Barahal was recently awarded the 2018-2019 Todd
Washington Award. This award is dedicated to graduating senior whose devotion, service, dignity and impact on the chapter
during his undergraduate tenure is unmatched. Sebastian is more than deserving of the award and our chapter can’t wait to see
what is in store for Sebastian’s bright future!
Sebastian will be continuing his journey in Los Angeles where he will be working for ADP as an associate district manager.
While Sebastian might be leaving Chapman and entering the professional world, his legacy and impact on the Omega Chi
Chapter will always be everlasting.
AMIN ANJEDANI (2017) Given Amin’s determination, he was not nearly done
Written by: Joe Pera (2021)
One of the many things that makes the Omega Chi Chapter
special is that it prides itself on the slogan “Not for college
days alone”. This quote symbolizes our dedication to the
lifelong friendships that we build. Even though a brother
may graduate, he will always be a part of the Omega Chi
brotherhood. Many of our graduate brothers are doing
amazing things outside of Chapman University, and this
man epitomizes that notion. This year we would like to
recognize Amin Anjedani (2017) for our Graduate Brother
Amin, who hails from Orinda, California, joined FIJI
during the fall semester of his freshman year. He quickly
fell in love with the chapter and had immense passion to get
involved. Upon initiation, Amin was immediately elected
to one of our most important positions—recruitment chair.
This position meant a lot to Amin because it meant that
he would be in charge of building and growing the future
of our chapter. In his time as recruitment chairman, Amin
innovated the process to make it what it is today.
contributing to our chapter. In the fall of his junior year,
he became the President of the Omega Chi Chapter. Amin
was seen as a leader by his fellow brothers and was a no
brainer to lead the chapter. During his time as President,
Amin brought our chapter to new incredible heights where
we increased chapter involvement, enhanced chapter
transparency and improved graduate relations. Upon his
graduation, Amin was awarded the Todd Washington
award, which we give to the senior who shows the most
dedication to our core values. This award was well deserved
and exemplified the amazing things he did for our chapter
in his time at Chapman. Needless to say, our chapter would
not be where it is today without the effort and passion that
Amin has brought to the Omega Chi Chapter.
After graduation, Amin was hired at BlackRock in New
York City as a financial analyst; he was the first Chapman
graduate to gain a full-time job at this prestigious firm.
People who know Amin, recognize that he is a very
ambitious person who is always looking to continue his
success. After almost two years of working at BlackRock,
Amin sent in his resignation papers to pursue an innovative
business idea. Amin and two of his peers came up with a
new product - alcohol infused cold brew. Their company
is called Bomani, which means “to have purpose” in Farsi.
Bomani has gotten off to an incredible start, and everyday
they continue to innovate and grow. The company has
been featured as a start-up to look out for in many articles,
including the following: https://www.marketwatch.
While Amin has already made the Omega Chi Chapter
proud, he is just scratching the surface in his career, and we
are extremely excited to see what him and his new company
has in store. To keep up with Amin and Bomani, visit their
This year we were awarded Best Fraternity Philanthropy for our
2018 Purple Tie event. At this event we raised $30,000 for the
Make-A-Wish Foundation. This was a huge honor, and the first
time we have won the award. As we mentioned in our Purple
Tie section, we easily doubled that number this year and hope
to win the award for the second year in a row in the coming
This year, FIJI brothers worked with Chapman C.A.R.E.S. (Creating A Rape-free
Environment for Students) to organize the first ever Coasters for Consent campus
awareness event. The goal of this event was to create awareness around issues of
consent on college campuses. Throughout the week brothers tabled in the campus
piazza, where other students could come and pay to design a pro-consent coaster.
All of the proceeds were then donated to our local SAVS (Sexual Assault Victims
Services), an organization that is open 24 hours to help any victim of sexual
assault. In total, Chapman C.A.R.E.S. and Chapman FIJI donated over $1,000 to
our local SAVS.
In addition, many FIJI brothers took part in other C.A.R.E.S. events such as the “Clothesline Project” and “Walk a Mile
in Her Shoes”. The Clothesline Project is another on campus event that helps to spread awareness against sexual assault.
During the Clothesline Project, people are able to write messages on t-shirts, which are then hung around campus. Many
FIJI brothers showed up early in the morning to help hang up these shirts throughout campus. In addition, FIJI brothers
participated in the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event, which aimed to spread awareness about sexual assault and gender
violence. During this event, brothers walked one mile in various types of high heels along with other Chapman Greek
organizations. This is an international walk that is done on other campuses as well.
On November 4, 2018 we held our annual Norris Pig Dinner at SeaCliff Country Club in Huntington Beach. This event is
the longest standing annual graduate event in all of Greek life. We were proud to host our 10th annual Norris Pig Dinner
this year. The event was organized by Grayson Clemmer (2021) and hosted by our Purple Legionnaire, Steve Caine, who
was officially made a brother of the Omega Chi chapter (and granted his honorary purple tie). In attendance were 60
graduate brothers and 76 undergraduate brothers.
In our tradition, Jeff Downey read the Exile’s Toast from memory. We were also pleased to have our field secretary, Ian
Campbell, and our new section chief, Loren Paige, in attendance. We would like to invite all graduate brothers to attend the
2019 Pig Dinner on the first weekend of November.
Where: Orange County, CA, Venue TBD
When: Saturday, November 2, 2019
Attire: Formal
This year we had four undergraduate brothers and our purple
legionnaire attend Ekklesia, the biennial convention of the Fraternity
where governing decisions are made. It’s always an honor to have
members of our chapter play a role in the decision making of the
International Fraternity, and in July of 2018 we had more than the
minimum amount of delegates from our chapter in attendance. We can’t
wait to send members to contribute to the 2020 Ekklesia in Phoenix,
Each year, the Greek Life Office at Chapman puts on a skit competition
among all the fraternities and sororities. This year, Matthew Palomino
(2021) led the chapter in a brilliant rendition of Pinocchio. Nearly every
brother either participated or watched the Saturday night show, which was a
huge success. A video of the skit can be seen at the following link:
Alphabetically, Jerome Alexander (2008) was the first Omega Chi FIJI. He was one of the brothers who colonized our chapter
and we are extremely grateful for that. Jerome was a double major in Dance and PR/Advertising.
For FIJI, he was the head of risk management. Jerome remembers holding chapter meetings in Argyros Forum and his initiation
at UCI. He credits FIJI in helping him with some of his initial successes. In fact, another FIJI brother was a jumping board into
industry for Jerome, and helped him land one of his first jobs: consulting and choreographing for Simon Cowell and his company
Syco. As proof that one of our favorite slogans, “Not For College Days Alone”, rings true, Jerome still gets legal advice from one of
his FIJI brothers who is now a lawyer. He consistently stays in contact with his FIJI brothers from Chapman.
Since college, Jerome has danced, choreographed, and consulted for a variety of companies and ventures on the international
stage. He now works as a creative director and show designer, and he runs his own management company. In the last few years
Jerome has worked with Ralph Lauren, Adidas, NBA, Maserati, Omega Boutique, Cartier and many other well known companies.
He is constantly traveling all over the world to direct large scale shows and events, but he currently uses Shanghai, China as
a home base. In the coming years, he claims that his company is “going to expand and try to take over markets everywhere.”
Checkout some of his work, and it’s not hard to believe!
To keep up with Jerome and his endeavors, check out his social media accounts below:
Facebook: Jerome Alexander
Instagram: @jerome_dances
Twitter: @jerome_danceapp
Omega Chi has entered the second rotation through the Greek alphabet with the initiation of this year’s Alpha Alpha and Alpha
Beta pledge classes. The 2018-2019 school year was a great year for recruitment and pledge education as the chapter has brought in
34 new brothers between the two classes.
The Alpha Alpha pledge class lead by pledge educators Jack Powell (2019) and Tom LaHourge (2020) persisted through a great
semester of hard work and brotherhood bonding. Philanthropic highlights of the semester include collecting donations in support
of Woolsey Fire victims where the boys raising over $600 for those in need.
The Alpha Beta pledge class lead by pledge educators Tom LaHourge (2020) and Trent Beck (2021) truly exemplified the values
of the fraternity during their Spring pledgeship. The Alpha Betas hosted a basketball tournament that raised over $300 in support
of Kwentyn Wiggins. Two Alpha Betas were honored on this year’s Provost List for academic excellence.
Both pledge classes excelled through the pledging semester by finding deeper meaning in friendship, knowledge, service, morality
and excellence. As a chapter, we could not be any more proud in the result of the pledging process and in our pursuit to build
better men.
Alex Bonakdar (2021), Huntington Beach, CA
Aron Ecoff (2021), Palo Alto, CA
Ben Chestler (2022), Chicago, IL
Ben Stoddard (2022) , Lafayette, CA
Cade Peplinski (2022), Spokane, WA
Chad Vasquez (2022), San Anselmo, CA
Chris Brugger (2022), Woodside, CA
Clay Cranston (2022), Bend, OR
Dakota Chaplin (2020), El Dorado Hills, CA
David Howren (2021), San Clemente, CA
Eli Leibow (2022), Seattle, WA
Eric Wasserman (2021), Bend, OR
Jack Duboff (2022), San Francisco, CA
Kevin Kim (2021), Bronx, NY
Lucas Speciale (2022), Singapore, Singapore
Luke Carson (2021), New York City, NY
Matthew Quamina (2022), Oakland, CA
Nate Lopes (2022), San Francisco, CA
Omeed Farhadi (2021), San Clemente, CA
Samuel Adams (2022), Essex fells, NJ
Scott Cooke (2022), Denver, CO
Seamus O'Brien (2022), Westlake Village, CA
Shawn Lockhart (2021), San Diego, CA
Spencer Carlson (2021), Sacramento, CA
Tyler West (2021), San Rafael, CA
Wiley Bonham (2020), Alamo, CA
Zachary Fanch (2022), Denver, Colorado
Matthew Skier (2020), Santa Clarita, CA
Paul Gutierrez (2021), Denver, CO
James Knight (2021), Atlanta, GA
Pranav Bhojwani (2022), Hong Kong, SAR
Elliot Foad (2021), Sunnyvale, CA
Riley Hoefert (2022), Santa Clarita, CA
Jaxson Thorton (2021), Austin, TX
The Fanch Family
The Greenhall Family
The Buchanan Family
The Newton Family
The Downs Family
The Tafreshi Family
The Deskus Family
The Engbring Family
The Georgio Family
The Williamson Family
The LaHorgue Family
The Clemmer Family
The Kline Family
The Gallagher Family
The Hall Family
The Beck Family
The Strawbridge Family
The Cooke Family
The Luberski Family
The Revere Family
The Todd Family
Joe Pera
Jordan Greenhall
Kyle Marshall
Keahi Favela
Beau Bryant
Angus Strawbridge
Ben Wasserman
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Fall 2019 newsletter of the Omega Chi chapter at Chapman University. This newsletter is seven pages in length.