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2019 Fall Newsletter Mu Upsilon (Miami University)
Fall 2019 newsletter of the Mu Upsilon chapter at Miami University. This newsletter is 10 pages in length.
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Mu Upsilon
Miami University
2019 Fall Newsletter Mu Upsilon (Miami University)
FALL 2019
“New FIJIS” Move into 130 East High!
A big welcome back to the undergrad FIJI Brothers to
130 East Street as they start the 2019-2020 school year.
Miami just announced the largest freshmen class of
4400 who are on campus and ready to start classes on
Monday, August 26. The streets of Oxford are
bustling again. Can you remember those days?
The graduate FIJI brothers of Brian Gravitt, Mike
Bevis, Rick Graeff, Matt Kuchers and Kirk Jones
welcomed the all hands meeting on Sunday, August
25 and grilled more than 150 burgers and hot dogs
for the 60 in attendance. The house was in great
shape and all met the new house director Roosevelt
Jackson. Welcome, Rosie!
It’s always a good day when the Oxford and Miami
police stop by for a social visit. We were honored
to have three of Oxford’s finest visit with us and
provide recommendations for our behavior. All of
the undergrads listened intently as the police shared
stories about how to stay out of trouble. They stayed
for more than 30 minutes and their presentation
while casual was well received.
New House Corporation President Brian Gravitt
headed the meeting as we moved into the White
Star Café for a forty-minute business session. This
meeting followed an undergrad session headed by
the President Jay Jones. Brian introduced Board of
Chapter Advisors Kirk Jones, Matt Kutchers and
Mike Bevis. Also introduced was the new house
director Roosevelt Jackson and Jim O’Donnell, the
man who keeps the house clean and presentable.
Roosevelt did very well in telling the brothers about
how to live in the house. Be smart and pick up after
yourselves. We are here to help you but be smart.
Continued on page 2
\r\nAll Hands Meeting
Our house is a “dry” house meaning no alcohol. So,
do not be walking down the halls with a can of beer
or walking around on the first floor with alcohol.
Having Rosie living in the house will surely assist us
grow and prosper at 130 East High.
Kirk Jones talked about the potential for the new
kitchen. We have hopes to have it up and cooking
before Pig Dinner assuming the fund raising is
successful. He received a great round of clicks.
One of the key issues facing the house is the need
for a large (and smart) pledge class next spring. We
have less than 30 living in the house now and due
to financial constraints, we need to fill the house.
All brothers were asked to start the recruiting
process now so that we are out in front in January
and February.
Thanks to all the undergrads and the graduate
brothers for showing up and participating in the
Sunday afternoon all hands meeting. It was an
excellent kick off to the new school year.
"Alphonse" Allan Payne (1969)
Purple Legionnaire
\r\nBack to School
It is with great joy and excitement that we ring in
yet another great year to be a FIJI. As members of
the newest class move in to 130 E. High Street we
are all reminded of perhaps the greatest year(s) of
our lives. Our new class is smaller in numbers but
strong in character. I am confident that these men
have what it takes to be leaders not only within
our chapter, but on our campus as well.
Each year brings positive changes. Among other
things this includes the welcoming of our new
live-in advisor, Roosevelt Jackson. We are excited
to have him as apart of our team and I believe he
will provide resources to our entire chapter to
ensure the continued success of Phi Gamma Delta
at Miami University.
Additionally, for those that were not able to attend
Pig Dinner 2019, you were deeply missed and we
hope you all can make it in 2020. For those that did
attend, on behalf of the entire undergraduate Mu
Upsilon Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta I wanted to
extend our deep appreciation for your dedication
to this chapter well beyond your college days. I
know that the entire undergraduate chapter had
an amazing weekend and hope you did as well. I
wanted to give special thanks to Al Molina (1980)
and Matt Wynveen (2021) who worked very hard
on making the weekend go smoothly.
Lastly, if you have any questions about the current
undergraduate chapter please do not hesitate to
reach out and I will get back to you as soon as
I can. Again, thank you to all for the continued
support to the undergraduate chapter and I hope
to see you all at pig dinner next year.
Jay Jones
Chapter President
Gratitude and the 2019-20 Outlook
As I begin the term as House Corporation President, I
want to start with some recognition for a few brothers
and men that have given an extraordinary amount
of time, resources, and love to our fraternity chapter.
First among equals is Mike Bevis (1970) who served
for the past 6 years as HC President starting during
the planning for the house rebuild through to the
present. Mike is a great leader who keeps everyone
positive and focused on driving improvement with
Phi Gamma Delta. Mike will continue to share his
talents and passion as he leads the Board of Chapter
Advisor. I would like to thank a number of brothers
who recently rolled off of House Corporation into
Emeritus status including Clay Barnard, Chuck
Goodwill, Joe Takacs, Mike Wagner, Steve Unger,
and Warren Soare. Your contributions have been
enormously impactful and we appreciate your years
of leadership. I would like to express appreciation to
Purple Legionnaire Allan Payne (1969) who has
carried a disproportionate share of the load for many
years and his impact with our undergraduates is
immeasurable. We appreciate that “Alphonse” will
remain in position and we will work to expand our
resource base to enable a more manageable work-life
balance. While Property Manager Jim O’Donnell was
not formally initiated, he has proven to hold every
virtue of a Phi Gam in his service to our chapter.
And finally, thank you to Roosevelt Jackson, our new
House Director, who has taken a leap of faith and
Mike Bevis, Kirk Jones, Matt Kuchers, Brian Gravitt, Roosevelt
Jackson, Rick Graeff
brotherhood to provide leadership and support for
our chapter in this new era.
With the addition of the House Director and the
renewal of the Board of Chapter Advisors, the
chapter will experience more graduate resource
and attention than it has felt in decades and that is
crucial at this time in a fraternity. Miami University
Continued on page 4
\r\nRecruitment Chair
My name is Hugh Meyer and I
am a senior. One of the reasons
I volunteered to be recruitment
chair was that I felt supported
and involved here when I was a
freshman being recruited by FIJI.
I am extremely excited about the
prospect of PNMs and starting my
One of the main problems we’ve
had in the past few years is
participation in the recruitment
process as a whole fraternity. In
the past, much of the recruitment
has been brought upon the
members of the recruitment board
and the executive committee. This
year, we are pushing actives to
become more active by organizing
houses and groups together to take
turns in spending time and
engaging with potential new
As the semester begins we will
have daily communication
with the entire fraternity about
gentlemen that they’ve met who
exemplify a potential man of Phi
Gamma Delta. These names will be
added to a list and communicated
with as soon as possible and
brought around to the fraternity
house and annex homes to engage
with the members of the fraternity
and build bonds before the second
semester. This engagement will
leave us in a great spot come the
start of recruitment in the second
That said, we plan on hosting
multiple recruitment focused
events where active participation
will be required in an effort to
bond and share experiences with
PNMs. Some of these invents
include a golf outing, paint ball,
a recruitment cookout, bowling,
and a shooting outing. As the
recruitment chair looking back at
being recruited myself, I feel that
these events went a long way for
landing me at FIJI and I hope to
share my experience with PNMs.
I look forward to the rest of the
semester and year.
Hugh Meyer
Proud to be
Continued from page 3
has initiated its “Honoring Fraternity” strategy which
aims to:
• Create a fraternity culture which develops and
rewards student leadership
• Insures academic excellence and student success
through the undergraduate experience
• Holds chapters and student accountable in facing
the challenges and risks of hazing, alcohol and
drug use, sexual violence, and general conduct
In collaboration with our undergraduate cabinet
officers and the chapter at large, the graduate brothers
have aligned on the strategies and drive execution on
the Miami plan, we have additional priorities:
• Build sustainable capabilities in the execution of
housing leases and operation fund stewardship
• Grow membership with the highest quality of new
members through strong recruitment plans
• Raise funding to invest in house upgrades and
enhancements to deliver best-in-class
undergraduate experience
• Communicate and build our brand by promoting
the many positive aspects of Mu Upsilon life with
all of our key constituents (MU, City of Oxford,
parents, IHQ, graduate brothers, etc)
We will provide updates at regular and frequent
intervals throughout this important school year.
Meanwhile, let me close by thanking you, our graduate
brothers, for your enduring support and interest. It is
clear that you truly believe in the FIJI mantra “not for
college days alone” and your sustained commitment
will remain vital to our success. Perge!
Brian Gravitt (1990)
House Corporation President
\r\n“Back to School”
In 1986, Rodney
Dangerfield starred
in a film titled BACK
that comedic gem,
Dangerfield’s character,
a late middle aged father,
finds himself living and
interacting daily with
typical college aged
students. How could I
not draw parallels to his
situation and the role I
have taken as House Director?
As I watched the Brothers move into the house,
most of whom had spent the prior 2 semesters
in the university managed dormitories, I sensed
their anticipation for a less strict environment. I
quickly discovered that I was having an intensified
awareness of the importance of my role in helping
them manage their new found freedom.
As a former athletics coach, I am confident
in my abilities in that regard. Therefore, I am
comfortable, pledging my commitment to leading
this group of young men.
I, in conjunction with other members of the
leadership team, will be implementing some new
personal development strategies that will to be an
extension of the education our young men receive
on campus. Collectively, we feel there has been a
gap in that space and we intend to fill it with an
organized and at times intensive program.
Ultimately, the goal must be for our brothers to
learn leadership, accept responsibility, and create
lifelong friends with lasting memories.
This will be fun!
Roosevelt Jackson, Jr.
House Director
Please check out the
new Miami FIJI website
designed and developed
by Brother Matt Deevers
(and House Corporation
Trustee.) This new site is to
serve as a communication
hub for stronger chapter
Graduate and
undergraduate brothers
are working on a new
website for Phi Gamma
Delta at Miami University.
The site,, will
eventually become a place
where anyone connected
with FIJI at Miami can find
valuable information about
what’s happening with the current
chapter, and how they can support
the success of undergrads and the
house at 130 East High Street.
The current mufiji home page
shares basic information about Phi
Beyond keeping graduate
brothers informed, we
want the site to showcase
the contributions our
undergraduates make
in the community.
Parents of current and
prospective brothers
will also be able to
access information about
informal and formal
recruitment, pledge
education, active brother
expectations and rental
agreements on the site.
Gamma Delta’s values and
leaders in the undergraduate
chapter. There is also a section
reminding brothers about Pig
Dinner 2020.
Over time, the site will
also incorporate feeds
from Instagram, Twitter,
Facebook and LinkedIn,
so that everything you need to
know about the Miami FIJIS can be
found in one place.
\r\nPhi Gam Parents,
Greetings & welcome from the Mu Upsilon Graduate
and Undergraduate Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. For
some of you this may be your first connection to Greek
life and for others you may have been involved as a
college student. Please know that you are not in this
alone. We want to be a resource for you and your son(s)
as they are involved in fraternity life with Phi Gamma
Delta at Miami University.
Our number one priority is to keep your student SAFE
while providing a great experience of personal growth
and academic success. Phi Gamma Delta is aligned with
Miami University’s “Honoring Fraternity” strategies to:
• Develop student leadership for the future by
providing leadership experiences
• Focus on academic excellence and student success
• Work to mitigate the challenges of hazing,
alcohol and drug use through a positive culture
of accountability
We are off to a great new year. I am enclosing some
resources for your review and use.
• A copy of the housing agreement for living in the
fraternity house.
• A list of Undergraduates, Graduates and
University contacts related to Phi Gamma Delta.
• A copy of the most recent Phi Gamma Delta
Newsletter, “The End Of The Slant”
We are excited about the new year and some significant
changes that have taken place and are planned. Here is
a quick list:
• We now have a full time, live-in, house director,
Roosevelt Jackson. Yes, he will live in the house
and add a real sense of direction for those brothers
residing there. He is an employee of Miami in the
Farmer School of Business. He has been the
assistant track coach and has real business
experience at Dow Chemical and James River since
he graduated from Miami.
• We are finalizing plans to add a House Director
Suite, and a full service kitchen and food
service provider so that the young men can take
meals in the house. When the house was rebuilt
in 2014 and 2015, we did not finish a kitchen
or a House Director Suite. Now we realize
that there is a real need to do both. Brothers
living in the house currently have to eat uptown
or within the university’s food plan. We
think we can offer better food at very competitive
pricing while increasing brotherhood at each meal.
Plans are underway and fundraising efforts have
started, and we hope to have both of these projects
underway very soon.
• We are planning to offer some leadership
development programs to aid the men in
developing as leaders and help them to identify
and develop future leaders.
As a whole, Miami University’s Greek System is very
strong with 47 fraternity and sorority organizations
and more than 5,100 students involved (30%
participation). The overall GPA of Fraternity men is
a robust 3.16 cumulative grade point average which
is higher than the all male
average (3.04) and the non-affiliated men’s average
(3.01). The Greek system raised $257,955.99 last
year alone for various philanthropic ventures and
contributed 25,140 hours in community service.
(Reports compiled from data obtained from
chapters and Miami University)
One of our great mottos with Phi Gamma Delta, is
that it is “Not For College Days Alone”. We have a
large number of graduate brothers that are actively
involved in the Undergraduate Chapters, Graduate
Chapters and Miami University as a whole. We
believe that your son has set off on an adventure that
has the potential to truly impact his life for many
years to come.
While we have a large number of graduates involved,
we are ALWAYS looking for more, we welcome FIJI
and non FIJI alums, Miami University graduates and
others to contribute and get involved. If you have an
interest in helping out, just let us know.
If you have any questions, concerns or just want to
talk, we are available and we always have an open
door – we believe that our goals are the same as
yours. You can reach us via our contact information
(attached), Please view our website at MUFIJI.
com and check us out on Facebook at Phi Gamma
Delta Mu Upsilon Chapter - Miami University or on
Instagram at miami_FIJI.
We are looking forward to an amazing year.
Brian Gravitt – President, House Corporation
(Miami University 1990)
Mike Bevis – President, Board of Chapter Advisors
(Miami University 1970)
Allan Payne – Purple Legionnaire
(Miami University 1969)
Kirk Jones – Board of Chapter Advisors
(William Jewell 1989)
\r\nLetter from FIJI Parent
Thanks Kirk for the nice letter from your
FIJI Board of Chapter Advisors.
I can say with confidence that our son is having
an awesome experience with Phi Gamma Delta...
one that he, his mother, and I all hoped he would
have. He’s made some great friends, and Phi
Gamma Delta is giving him great opportunities to
develop his leadership skills and demonstrates a
strong commitment to service.
His Mother had a wonderful time last spring
at Mom’s weekend, and I am certainly looking
forward to Dad’s weekend.
During the move in, our son introduced us to
Roosevelt Jackson (your house director) and we
were immediately impressed. Great addition.
His mother and I also strongly support the idea of
a kitchen and food service at the house. I believe
most other parents would support the idea as well.
Have a great day and thanks again for the
A concerned but happy FIJI Father
Fund Raising
Marching Toward 2028–Two Hundred Years Old at the End of the Slant
Mu Upsilon is launching a new campaign to
raise capital in support of major upgrades and
enhancement projects (kitchen, House Director suite)
and other needs for the long term competitiveness
of the chapter. Our house is only a few years from
being 200 years old. Our campaign will begin
soon and the graduate brother team leading the
campaign, including campaign chair Al Molina
(1980), is finalizing the scope of projects, planning
outreach and communications, and working through
giving options and other logistical aspects of the
campaign. The campaign will operate in two phases
including Phase 1 to secure funding to begin kitchen
construction before early November and Phase
2 to drive participation, target attainment, and
completion ahead of Pig Dinner in April, 2020.
While our first step of the campaign will be to
raise $200,000 to install a much needed kitchen for
the undergrads and to make many other needed
improvements. Class leaders are being solicited
at this time and your involvement would be
appreciated. Initially the classes of 1978, 1979, 1980
and 1981 have pledged more than $50,000 to get us
started. The kitchen will be in the name of David B.
Bowen. If you are ready to pay it forward, please
contact Al Molina class of 1990.
All graduate brothers know the impact and value of
their Phi Gamma Delta experience on their personal
and professional lives. Our chapter is thriving right
now with a great membership of undergraduate
brothers living in a new chapter house in the best
location on campus. With additionally investment,
we can secure our future atop the Greek organization
roster and provide the best fraternity experience at
Miami University or anywhere else. Thank you to
all who have participated and put us in this enviable
position and thank you to all who will continue to
“Pay It Forward” with their gifts in the upcoming
months. Look forward to further communications or
reach out to anyone on House Corporation or Board
of Chapter Advisors to start the process.
We look forward to securing our future at the end of
the slant as we move towards 200 years in Oxford.
Thank you for your generosity and involvement.
Alan Molina
House Corporation Board of Trustees
\r\nThe Return of the Kitchen
Brothers, many of you have fond
memories of breaking bread
together with your brothers in
the house. The camaraderie, the
brotherhood, tales told and yarns
spun at dinner time. We are
excited to be moving toward the
option for the brothers to enjoy
meals in the house once again.
We believe that it is not only a
time of bonding but it will be a
great enticement to encourage
the undergraduates to live in the
house. It appears that we can
provide daily quality meals for less
than what the men would pay on
campus or when eating out.
We have developed the first round
of design and layouts. Initial
estimates for equipment and
dinnerware have been gathered,
and initial discussion have been
had with a quality food service
provider. We are now in the
process of seeking preliminary
approval from the City of
Oxford Historical and Zoning
The biggest hurdle is still ahead,
raising the necessary funds to see
the Return of the Kitchen!
Kirk Jones
William Jewell College FIJI (1989)
\r\n“FIJI Mountain”
The brothers from the class of (1971)
decided it was high time to get
together. They traveled from Maine,
San Diego, Oregon and various
locations in between to meet in
Breckenridge, Colorado for a “FIJI
Mountain” reunion on August 2831. This was truly “not for college
days alone” as they hiked, biked and
drank a few brews together as they
endured the 9400 feet of elevation.
Brothers shared pictures of FIJI
Island, Purple Garter and numerous
other eclectic moments as they
reminisced via digitized photos and
a classic video (which will remain
hermetically sealed in a mayonnaise
jar by brothers Seger and Steiner).
Tom “Kals” Kaloupek, Marc “Dief” Diefenberger, Tom “Forbsie” Forbes
(1970), Craig “Augie” Augsburger, Dick “Olies” Olinger, Greg “Keels”
Keeley, Brent “Brento” Steiner (1970), Dewey “Dudley” Harris, Fred “Seegs”
Seger, Jeff Torrence (1973), Jim “Rosie” Rosel and Chip Barton.
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta Fraternity
Mu Upsilon at Miami University
1201 Red Mile Road
P.O. Box 4599
Lexington, KY 40544
Nonprofit Org
US Postage Paid
Lexington, KY
Permit # 540
Frank Norris Annual Pig Dinner
Plan on the weekend of April 24, 25 & 26, 2020
Book rooms now at the Elms Hotel in Oxford, 513-524-2002
Special 50 Year Anniversary
for the Graduating Class of 1970
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Fall 2019 newsletter of the Mu Upsilon chapter at Miami University. This newsletter is 10 pages in length.