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2019 Spring Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
Spring 2019 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. This newsletter is six pages in length.
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Gamma Phi
Pennsylvania State University
2019 Spring Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
Dear Fiji Penn State Alumni,
Gamma Phi was very fortunate this spring semester to secure 22 new pledges during recruitment. The
backlash of the unfortunate death at Beta and the restrictions placed on fraternities and sororities by the
university made this process very difficult. Another matter that hinders the excitement of fraternities is
the ever-growing influx of new apartments. Their advertising and lease contracts reach sophomores before
recruitment is even a thought on their minds!
Our 22 new pledges are as follows:
James Peterson
Phoenixville, PA, Business, Undecided
Alex Bowman
Phoenixville, PA, Electrical Engineering
Brendan Ferraioli
Long Island, NY, Supply Chain Management
Brett Richardson
McLean, VA, Entrepreneurship
Brian Hufnagle
Richmond, VA, Finance
Chris Crimi
New City, NY, Finance
Dan Barnes
Buffalo, NY, PGM
Gage Frye
Ashburn, VA, Marketing
\r\nGarrett Pumilia
Collegeville, PA, Computer Engineering
Harrison Pierno
Long Island, NY, Finance
Jason Silverman
North Potomac, MD, Finance
Josh Heffner
Reading, PA, Criminology, Spanish Minor
Marcos Saquicela
Mount Olive, NJ, Mechanical Engineering
Mark Gallagher
Ashburn, VA, Mechanical Engineering
Matt Morgan
Ashburn, VA, Film
Matt Schierling
Ashburn, VA, Industrial Engineering
Matthew Schwartz
Washington Township, NJ, Mechanical Engineering
Noah Rothernberger
Reading, PA, Finance
Owen Dubble
Bernville, PA, Economics
Tom Miller
West Chester, PA, Finance
Will Becker
Basing Ridge, NJ, Finance
Will VanRuler
Monterey, CA, Communications
Many of you have kept up with the fall-out of the unfortunate death of Beta Tim Piazza. His parents are
now suing 28 Beta brothers individually and new legislation has been passed in Pennsylvania addressing
penalties designed to prevent fraternity and sorority hazing.
This past fall we filled the house with 45 brothers, more than I can remember in years past! This spring
it fell to 28 due mainly to internships and study abroad programs. We continue to compete with many
apartments being built around campus and the pressure they put on the sophomores to sign leases before
recruitment takes place. The apartment scene is advertising that new students want single rooms and to
socially interact with their Play Stations and computers more than other students. Several houses help new
pledges financially by getting them out of apartment leases once they accept a bid and commit to moving
into a house. The House Corporation is considering this move but has made no final plans to do so yet.
We have been fortunate to be able to keep our fees just under the university’s cost for a standard dorm
with a mid-level meal plan. Though the university is raising their fees about 2.6% for 2019, we now have
to compete with their new and the newly renovated single or double room dorms with private bathrooms.
To this extent, we we forced to fine 5 members this year for breaking their contracts with the chapter
and moving out in between semesters. For those brothers who have not paid the initial fine, the fine is
increased and if not paid, are placed for collection.
2020 will be a challenge for Gamma Phi as approximately 40 brothers graduate in the spring and their
places must be filled with new members!
With the aid of Brother C.J. Wagner (1980), the House Corporation has filed its Exempt Organization
IRS tax forms. Total revenue for the year ending Aug. 31, 2018: $175,372; total expenses: $118,157;
income $57,218; net assets excluding house and property: $378,034. Our purpose is to provide housing
for approximately 40 students at Penn State. Anyone who would like a complete copy of the return should
contact Bill Oliver,
Earlier in the year we have had some problems
with our new boiler heating system. For about a
month one of the brothers had to reset the unit
every hour or so to keep the heat on. We had
our plumber troubleshoot the boiler to solve
the problem. It ended up being an electronic
device built into the burner that we replaced;
problem solved, almost! A few weeks later the
boiler shut down on a high-water alarm! This
then filled our steam pipes with water instead
of steam and we had leaks flow from a third
floor radiator, down through the second floor,
through the kitchen, and into the party room.
We were lucky, as the damage did not cause
any real damage to the rooms that made them
uninhabitable! We did some repairs in the
kitchen and party room and will repair the
other areas over the summer. Our insurance
company has reimbursed us $4,329 after our
deductible to make the repairs.
Pres. Eric Barron with FIJI alumni Karl Fink
(1963), Dick Stover (1963), Dr. Barron, and Harry
Streamer (1963) attending an alumni reception in
Naples, Florida in February.
Gerry Curtin, with help from others, is putting together a class of 1969 reunion over the weekend of
September 28 & 29. He has many great responses (more than 20) with hopes of more joining. If you are a
FIJI brother available around the graduating years of 1969, let Gerry know and he can give you the details
( Rooms have been reserved at the Nittany Lion Inn and most functions will be held
there. The group code is PHIG19F for a room reservation, and the number is 800-233-7505. There is no
home football game that weekend, only a well-planned weekend of brotherhood fun to get together after
many years! The classes of 1963 and 1967 have done this in the past and they were very successful. Come
enjoy seeing your brothers of the past.
Our chapter GPA is 3.36, all-men’s is 3.14 and all-fraternity is 3.13. Gamma Phi is in the top 5 of all
fraternities and #1 of the IFC members (not all fraternities belong to IFC). While 14 fraternities are on
some sort of suspension for violations, Gamma Phi is not one of them!
PSU now keeps a Greek Chapter Scorecard which can be viewed on the IFC web site. We should be proud
of the academic achievements of our Undergraduates during a time when several fraternities have shut
down and houses are for sale. (Believe it or not, several sororities are considering purchasing houses!)
THON along with Delta Phi Epsilon Soroity, raised $95,724 and $51,995 alone for the children’s cancer
fund! Way to go guys, and thank you to all who contributed.
The homecoming float was a snowy, Aspen, CO ‘80s theme and they worked with Phi Sigma Sigma
FIJI joined with Acacia, ADPi in the fall Greek Sing. Also, in the fall they held a Puppy Jam on the front
lawn with Delta Zeta.
Additional philanthropy projects include: a Fiji Islander with Delta Zeta, Phi Sigma Sigma and Delta
Gamma. A Burrowes Street Bash with Alpha Zeta and West Halls.
Brothers participating in campus leadership positions include:
Tyler Fuller: VP of New Membership for IFC, and Board of Directors of Nittany Co-Op
Tom Thorley: IFC Director of Recruitment
Jim Anderson: Community Service Chair East Halls
Jackson Brown: Public Relations THON
San Corazza: Army ROTC First Sergeant in charge of 60+ cadets
Brandon Falzon: Fresh Start Day of Service and Dance Relations Chair at THON
Bradley Harris: Fitwell personal trainer and President of Microfinance Initiative
Charles Hastings: PSU Ski Team
Fred Hayton: Lion Scouts, Pi Sigma Alpha and Life@State
Conner Hulslander: Pitcher Penn State Baseball Club
Wes Hoffer: Student and IFC Sustainability Councils
Sam Roberts: Ad Sales for the Collegian and works at telemarketing
Dylan Rich: Fresh Start Day of Service
Ryan Okuniewski: Football Student Manager
Alex Pichi: Chemical Engr. Undergraduate Research Leader
Hasan Nadeem: Photojournalist for the underground newspaper, Eclipse, and Phi Beta Sigma Honor
Nick Lopez: Sec. Multicultural Undergraduate Law Assoc. and a student conduct advisor!
Congress will address the Collegiate Housing & Infrastructure Act (CHIA) once again this year. CHIA
will provide our fraternity and sorority houses with equal access to facility upgrades under the law. We
are the second largest provider of college student housing, and we provide both housing and one-of-akind experiences for more than 370,000 of the most active students on campuses. Yet donations toward
building and maintaining our houses are still restricted from receiving full tax deductions. Please contact
your congressmen and congresswomen and urge support for CHIA!
Many of you with invalid emails did not receive our request for your Chapter Annual Donations sent out
in February. Don’t be fooled by our tax return because our net assets are not cash on hand!
Your donations are needed to maintain your fraternity house, and to keep it in the best livable condition
possible. We all know how old our roof is, and how the grout between our bricks continues to deteriorate.
These major items are being closely watched by your House Corporation and soon our patching and
repairs will not be sufficient! Though the inside of the house is what most people see, those that help
maintain The Lodge must evaluate the entire structure.
We have completed the project of replacing the waste and water lines throughout the house and have
successfully replaced the heating and hot water systems. As mentioned earlier, there are other major items
that need attention. Your contributions make it possible to preserve our Lodge!
There are many ways that you can give back to FIJI. Remember, we are not for college days alone!
1. Donations can be made online by visiting our Give page,
2. Alternatively, you can use the Annual Fund Contribution Form on the last page of this newsletter
and mail a check, payable to “Phi Gamma Delta – Gamma Phi” to:
Penn State Fiji
P.O. Box 953
State College, PA 16804
3. If you are looking for other ways to help Penn State Fiji, we are always looking for volunteers. Visit
our Get Involved page ( to sign up!
\r\nGamma Phi Chapter of
Nonprofit Org
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1201 Red Mile Rd
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Please accept my contribution of:
___ $100
___ $500
___ $Other
___ $250
___ $1000
Please Note: Monthly donations
may be made using our secure
online donation page at
Grad Year:
To complete your donation:
Please enclose your check, payable to the Gamma Phi
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta and mail to:
Penn State FIJI| P.O. Box 953 | State College, PA 16804
Donate securely online at FIJIPSU.ORG/GIVE
Contributions to the Annual Fund are not tax deductible.
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Spring 2019 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. This newsletter is six pages in length.