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2019 Spring Newsletter Kappa Deuteron (University of Georgia)
Spring 2019 newsletter of the Kappa Deuteron chapter at the University of Georgia. This newsletter is nine pages in length.
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Kappa Deuteron
University of Georgia
2019 Spring Newsletter Kappa Deuteron (University of Georgia)
Spring Report
Mark Feehan, 2019 Chapter president
The Kappa Deuteron chapter of Phi Gamma Delta has always strived
to be the best fraternity at UGA and one of the best Phi Gam chapters in the
country. We do this by recruiting talented men and putting them to work in
all areas of campus life. Here are a few things the brothers have been up to
this spring:
1. 3.48 GPA for Spring 2019, making us tied for 2nd in GPA for the 2018 2019 academic year;
What’s Inside This Issue
Page 1
President’s Report
Page 2
51st Pig Dinner
2. Strong campus involvement including brothers serving as executive
leaders for the IFC, Freshmen Greek Leaders, Arch Society, UGA
Miracle, Corsair Society, UGA Senate, UGA HEROs, Student Judiciary,
Relay for Life, and SMIF;
Page 3
Purple Garter in the
3. Raised over $51,000 for UGA Miracle, making us the #2 fundraising
chapter on campus; and brothers started the UGA Sustainability Club;
Page 4
1871 Foundation
5. Purple Garter formal took place in the Bahamas;
6. Hosted the 51st Pig Dinner with over 260 attendees; and
7. Hosted our annual Island Party and its continued transition into a week
full of activities including
- Philanthropy crawfish boil
- Brotherhood cornhole tournament
- Community service project
- Date Night
- Best band party on campus
This chapter would not be where it is today without the selflessness
and commitment of both our graduate and undergraduate brothers. It has
been a pleasure to serve as chapter president with my first semester under
my belt. Thank you for your continued support of our great chapter, and I’m
confident that Kappa Deuteron will continue to thrive for many years to
come. Cheers to many more successful years.
Page 5
UGA Miracle
Page 6
Island Party
Pages 7-9
Seen and Heard Around the
Kappa Deuteron’s 51st Pig
Davis Hardell 2021
Kappa Deuteron’s 51st Pig Dinner took place on Saturday, March 30th at the Classic Center in
downtown Athens. This year’s Pig Dinner had 250 brothers in attendance. After a rousing rendition of
“Bringing in the Pig” Wild Bill Bracewell once again kissed the pig; an event he looks forward to every
year. Special thanks to freshman Matt Brown (’22) for joining Bill at the other end of the pig and for filling
in for his pledge brother, Benton Hounshell (’22), who just wasn’t quite up to the challenge.
One of the highlights of the evening was the introduction of the Beta Gold Owl Class, as well as with
the recognition of Kappa Deuteron’s 7th Wilkinson Award winner, Jacob Fucetola (’18). Other award
winners included:
Brother of the Year: Sam Nevers
Pledge of the Year: Conner Carrol
Service Brother of the Year: Jackson Bailey
Senior Scholarship: Daniel Helsing
Athlete of the Year: Pat Maguire
Graduate Brother of the Year: Rob Gordon
The night carried on seamlessly thanks to the master of ceremonies, Barry Fleming (’88). Everyone
also enjoyed his insight into the activities of the undergraduate chapter, specifically those of Jonathan Sweat
(’20). The dinner was then concluded with an inspirational keynote address from brother Philip Hardin (’85).
Thank you again to all who travelled to Athens for the 51 st Pig Dinner.
We look forward to seeing everyone back in Athens on Saturday, March 21 st 2020,
for the 52nd Kappa Deuteron Pig Dinner.
Beta Gold Owl Class / Parliament of Funk
Purple garter in the Bahamas
Josh Bar-Haim 2020
After an incredible Purple Garter Formal in New Orleans, the brothers of Kappa Deuteron asked
each other a simple question. How can we make formal even better? The masses spoke and a decision was
made. This year Purple Garter would take its talents to the Bahamian island of Bimini, only a few miles off
the coast of Miami. The Bahamas did not disappoint as the weekend featured perfect weather, soft white
sand, and crystal clear waters that gave a euphoria to everyone on the trip. After all day on the beach
Saturday and Sunday, the formal event took place at a rooftop pool overlooking the ocean below. A local
reggae band played throughout the night, and their voices sounded better and better as the night wore on.
The only issues with the trip came on the ferry ride back to
Miami. The weather took a turn for the worse and the seas were
unforgiving. The ferry swayed mercilessly as the ocean waves beat
against the hull, causing all but the most hearty to suffer severe motion
sickness. The roller coaster ferry ride was followed by a quick 15-hour
bus ride back to Athens. Despite the rough seas and the length of the
trip, everyone made it back safely. Overall, Purple Garter was a huge
success and, budget willing, formal will again be held in the Bahamas
in 2020.
The 1871 foundation / 2019 Football season
SEP 7 - Murray State
SEP 14 - Arkansas State
SEP 21 - Notre Dame
OCT 12 - South Carolina
OCT 19 - Kentucky
NOV 9 - Missouri
NOV 23 - Texas A&M
The 1871 Foundation, Inc. has given $50,000 to the chapter
for academic awards since 2015. This includes a record setting gift
of $20,000 for Fall 2019. These donations have been made possible by
our stewardship of the fraternity parking lot during football season and,
most importantly, your generosity. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Unfortunately, the parking lot is a finite resource and its spaces
have been sold out for many years. The foundation stands ready to expand its support of undergraduate work well done, but cannot do so
unless we grow beyond football parking revenue.
This year, our goal is to raise $20,000 in new donations for use
in 2020. Please visit our new website at and
consider making a donation today. See below - your $$$ matters.
Brett Grayson, Executive Director
Uga Miracle 2018-19
Casen Conway - 2021
This year, the brothers of Phi Gamma Delta continued their support of UGA Miracle as their
official philanthropy. UGA Miracle is the largest student-led organization at the university and it raises
money for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. UGA Miracle raises over 1 million dollars for pediatric
cancer treatment every year.
In 2019 brothers served in executive and leadership positions to include the Finance Chair and
Greek Relations Chair - two of the most important roles for UGA Miracle. Many brothers also served
the philanthropy by assisting with organizing events, reaching out to corporate sponsors, and spending
time with the families that have benefited from UGA Miracle’s past donations.
At the UGA Miracle Dance Marathon, the culminating event of the fundraising cycle, Greek
organizations donated over $830,000 of the $1,144,453 total raised. Kappa Deuteron raised more than
$51,000 for Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, the second most of any fraternity at UGA.
Brothers donate $51,000+ to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
\r\nP AGE 6
The Island party
Ted Woodsides 2021
For Kappa Deuterons, the Island Party is the crown jewel of spring semester and has been for many
years. The planning began with talks with artists like Red Hot Chili Peppers and Jay-Z. However, we
ultimately decided that Underground Springhouse, CBDB, The Dirty Guvs, and Vanic would put on a better
show than the has-beens previously mentioned. The music was set and the brothers were ready. But there
was something missing. That missing piece was the transformation of the chapter house into a tropical resort.
Luckily, the young bucks of Kappa Deuteron were able to deplete Athens of its bamboo forests just in time
for the big event (don’t tell the Sustainability Club...).
With the basics covered, the brothers got together and concluded that a
party could not be island themed without the inclusion of a massive volcano and
real life walrus. Led by in-house chief engineer Cal Whitworth (’21), a 50-foot
volcano was constructed in the middle of the parking lot. It was an impressive sight and a much needed redemption after brother John Hubbell’s 2018
botch. As for the walrus, it turns out renting a walrus is not something you can
do legally. Luckily for the Kappa Deuterons, brother Matt Brown (’22)
bravely stepped up to wear an inflatable walrus costume for the duration of the
The day started with a set by DJ Maximum (aka brother Max Cummins ‘20). Many argued that Maximum should be the headliner but ultimately he elected to play first to allow other artists to grow their fan
base. Next was Underground Springhouse (USH), an in-house hypechill rockfunk band who many say is
the next big thing in music (great style, great sound, but a very annoying manager). Next was one of the afternoon’s favorite bands, CBDB. They had the honor of being the first band to ever play this party twice; needless to say, they are damn good. Then came the infamous Dirty Guvs who chose Kappa Deuteron as the
place to play only their 3rd concert since 2015. Finally, Vancouver-based DJ Vanic closed the show with a
great performance of which even brother Chase Adams (’19) approved.
In all, the 2019 Islander was a great success and ended with all the brothers exchanging stories and
laughs downtown. All expect brother Ballard Ackaway (’21), who decided to slip off to bed somewhere between USH and CBDB. There’s always next year, Ballard.
\r\nP AGE 7
Seen and Heard
Around the Diamond
Rep. Barry Fleming warms up the Pig Dinner crowd
Dance Marathoners
Hardell Family - GOATs
Brothers stick around for 20-inning
win v. Clemson
Just goats
Seen and Heard
Around the Diamond
Ben Hopkins ‘21 (top left) and Parker Allen ‘21 (top right) show their true colors at
this years Island Party.
Cannon Cecil ‘19: From shy Westminster
lad to Cocktail in 4 years flat.
Brothers Mark Shutley ‘20, Jonathan Sweat ‘20,
and Drew Aspinwall ‘20 welcome Aaron Murray
to the party. Guess which one the girl is with?
Seen and Heard
Around the Diamond
Drew Aspinwall ‘20 and Robbie Powell ‘21 beat Alabama
to take home the 2019 SEC Cornhole Championship
Do not ask. Do not tell.
Asa Smith ’20 (pictured “resting”) helps clean up a local
river with the help of brothers Ryder Sanders ‘20 and
Andrew Sackellares ‘19. Together they started the UGA
Sustainability Club.
The End is Nigh.
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Spring 2019 newsletter of the Kappa Deuteron chapter at the University of Georgia. This newsletter is nine pages in length.