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2019 Spring Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
Spring 2019 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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Lambda Nu
University of Nebraska
2019 Spring Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
Phi Gamma Delta
Lambda Nu Today
Fall 2018-Spring 2019
The newest actives of Lambda Nu carry the responsibility of our
future. Twenty-two fall pledges were activated this year, despite the
difficulties brought on by the university during rush. Among these new
brothers, there is a common will to bring Lambda Nu to the foreground of
our university and bolster the public image of Phi Gamma Delta at
Nebraska-Lincoln. Through strong involvement in the scholarship, rush,
and philanthropy committees; the fall freshmen are working to create a
better Lambda Nu chapter. There is no salary for a chairman, our incentive
comes from brotherhood. Brotherhood asks us to contribute to our
collective future through self-sacrifice. Phi is our first and all powerful rule
of daily action. If the brothers of Lambda Nu are to build this house
greater than they found it, constant service is required of them.
The philanthropy event, "Calzones for a cause", was planned and
directed by Sophomore brother and philanthropy chairman. Jack Simone.
In support of the USO, calzones for a cause raised $1500 and attracted
about 250 guests to the Lambda Nu house. IHQ recommended this
organization, and the turnout was a tremendous success.
Earlier this fall, the freshman were busy painting boxes for the
CEDARS organization. Graduate brother, Jim Blue, suggested this
organization and the link to their website can be found on the last page of
this document along with the USO website. CEDARS is a home for
children to experience the childhood they all deserve while also providing a
platform for potential foster parents to find a child in need.
Community involvement is key for a greek house. Phi Gamma Delta
at Lambda Nu has been hard at work keeping up with the needs of the less
fortunate; a special thank you is in order for Jack Simone and the rest of
the Philanthropy committee for their continued efforts in our community.
Lambda Nu Chapter, Perge!
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Lambda Nu Today
We are here to pursue knowledge and achieve scholarship; for wisdom is
greater than ruhies. In this fall semester, the freshman achieved a mean
GPA of 3.091 while the chapter achieved a 3.309. Both averages are above
the male, non-greek GPA of 2.942 and the all non-greek average of 3.061.
Our house GPA would place Phi Gamma Delta in sixth place of the
twenty-six fraternities in the IFC council. These GPA statistics have all
been gathered from the UNL annual greek report and regard the Fall 2018
semester, the link to which can he found on the last page of this newsletter.
Knowledge and wisdom are among the most prominent values of Phi
Gamma Delta; we look up to our elders and our leaders as models of
academic excellence. Jordan Redler, past president of the Lambda Nu
chapter, has been a highly respected figure in academic regard. Jordan
Redler's future is looking very bright: with a full ride scholarship offer from
Alabama and offers from several other prestigious institutions such as Duke,
UC Berkeley, Columbia, and Cornell.
Among the freshman actives, 3 received a 3.8 GPA or better. Jake
Sykora, Joey Burton, and John Campbell proved their academic prowess
and dedication. Jake Sykora plans to run for the scholarship chair, while
Joey Burton has been selected as a rush chair. Congratulations to our
overachieving freshman and keep up the hard work!
Young Minds of Phi Gamma Delta, Perge!
Chapter House, 1936
Chapter House, Present Day
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Lambda Nu Today
Meet The Freshman Brothers
John Greguska
Ryan Martinez
Actuarial Science
Papillion, NE
Omaha, NE
Omaha, NE
Omaha, NE
Noah Mooseman
JT Olsen
Sean Wells
Jake Sykora
John Campbell
Eric Taylor
Business Admin
Nutrition Sciences
Millard, NE
Omaha, NE
Omaha, NE
Papillion, NE
Joe Burton
Joey Fisher
Jon Trout
Nick Lee
Bennington, NE
Omaha, NE
Omaha, NE
Omaha, NE
Mark Herges*
Jake Maaske
Trevor Thilander
Ethan Kilstrom
Political Science
Kearney, NE
Kearney, NE
Elkhorn, NE
Omaha, NE
Janan Manivannan
Patrick Waldron*
Jadyn Fredrick
Jared Shaw
Papillion, NE
Papillion, NE
Papillion, NE
Omaha, NE
Jared Sweigart
Patrick Wright
Cade Matthes
Josh Kunkel
Denver, CO
Omaha, NE
Omaha, NE
Omaha, NE
♦Denotes a Fall Pledge That Did Not Activate Due To Grades
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Lambda Nu Today
A letter from rush chairman, Trent Brown:
The recruitment team worked diligently this winter to sign a Spring
Pledge class consisting of ten members. They are from such areas as:
Chicago, Denver, Beatrice, and Omaha. The recruitment committee's main
focus right now is branching out of the Omaha area. Courtesy of graduate
brother Mike Cassling, they have teamed up with Lukas Partners-- an
ADPR firm based out of Omaha— to help attract attention from the
Western/Central Nebraska and South Dakota areas this Summer. Potential
members from these demographics will be receiving internet and radio
advertisements that will direct them to our website and social media
platforms. The new Head Recruitment Chairmen are myself and Joe
Heavey. The assistant recruitment chairmen are CJ Wright, Harrison
Smith, and Joe Burton. Our contact information is listed below, so if you
have any potential recruits feel free to contact them with the information!
Trent Brown
Trent Brown - (402) 885-1351 -
Joe Heavey - (402) 889-3694
CJ Wright - (402) 889-1361 -
Harrison Smith - (203) 610-5130 -
Joe Burton - (402) 709-4106 -
To take part in the upward march of humanity: that is the goal of
human endeavor. Many Actives of Lambda Nu are working hard in the
present to secure both a successful and meaningful future. Here's to our
sophomore brothers, whose persistence will surely lead to a desirable future
and glory eternal for Phi Gamma Delta! Here is how our president is setting
the standard and building his future today:
Luke Diego Galvan is the current president of the Lambda Nu
chapter. Diego's ambition has landed him a spot in the UNL UCARE
program. UNL UCARE is a Pepsi Quasi Endowment and Union Bank &
Trust sponsored program. Accepted applicants are provided funding during
a predetermined research period. The application process involves
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Lambda Nu Today
submitting a 1000-word research project description and seeking an advisor
to oversee the project. Diego applied and was accepted for funding during
the 2019 summer. His advisor is a tenured mathematician who has
extensive research experience. According to Diego, his overall goal is to
obtain a publication in a respected math journal. Diego's research project
involves a mathematical model for the continuous motion of a large group of
agents, which can be thought of as birds or flying robots. Using techniques
taught in advanced linear algebra, analysis, and graph theory courses, he
aims to learn about and advance the overall ongoing progress of such a
model. Luke Diego Galvan has goals of attending graduate school and
applying for a PhD program in applied mathematics. Having multiple
publications makes you a strong contender for PhD programs in math,
according to Diego. By nature, Diego thoroughly enjoys learning about
these kinds of mathematics and has excelled in these areas.
A Letter From The President
Dear Brothers,
I can say with a high degree of confidence that the Lambda Nu
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta is something that has always been a source of
pride and joy for me. As the 2019 spring semester approaches its final
stretch, it is important to take note of the chapter's successes
across the 2018-2019 school year and to look forward towards the
2019-2020 school year. This has been a promising and productive year
across all facets of chapter operation. Firstly, last fall our philanthropy
chairman (Jack Simone) along with the philanthropy committee put together
a very successful philanthropy event. The event titled "Calzone's for a
Cause" sparked the interest of 250 attendees and was an overall success.
The committee currently has another philanthropy event planned for
mid-April and for the upcoming fall, we are looking to make any necessary
preparations to host another successful event. Secondly, at the beginning of
this spring we activated twenty-two fine men (for an activation rate of
91.67%) and were both pleased and proud to welcome them as brothers.
The quality of a house is a reflection of the quality of men within it, and I
see a great amount of leadership in the newly initiated brothers as well as
Lambda Nu Today
the upperclassmen in the house. For summer rush our newly elected rush
chairman have already gotten started as they did a great job at greek
preview last weekend collecting 30+ names from potential rushees. Rush is
looking to be a great hit this summer as we have plenty of events already
planned. Last but certainly not least, in Fall 2018 Phi Gamma Delta had a
very successful year scholastically, recording an all-house average GPA of
8.309 and a freshman average GPA of 3.091. Scholarship, as we know, is
of highest priority as a member of Phi Gamma Delta. I commend the
members of this fraternity for their efforts as they deserve credit for doing
such a fine job. We are aiming to maintain this academic momentum into
next school year. In summary, the accomplishments made across the
2018-2019 school year will be followed up on in the 2019-2020 school year
with goals of searching for more opportunities to shine on campus. We hope
to have you at the next Norris' Pig Dinner, scheduled for September 27th ,
2019. See you then and any other time you can make it to the Lambda Nu
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.
Luke D. Galvan
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Lambda Nu Today
Lambda Nu
From the Lambda Nu Chapter to the Graduate Chapter, you have our
sincerest thanks for your efforts. Your hopefulness, your guidance, and your
donations have brought this chapter through perhaps its greatest challenge
in history with the university. Brothers of the Graduate Chapter of PHI
GAMMA DELTA, you have brought new meaning to the word PERGE!
This final toast is to you:
Graduate Brothers,
Save The Date!
The Annual Frank Norris Pig Dinner Is To Be Held:
Friday, September 27, 2019
At The Apothecary (Same Location As Last Year)
With Keynote Speaker:
Clark Robinson '82 S Archon President
The Weekend of Sept. 27:
Open House at Lambda Nu from 4-5pm
Tailgate in lot 12 for the football game (GBR!)
Lambcis Nu uraduate Association
16950 Wright Plaza Ste 127
Omaha, NE 68130
T2**413*ALL FOR AADC 68
LINCOLN NE 68502-5227
Useful Links To Keep Up With Lambda Nn
Using the camera app on your phone, scan over these QR codes for quick
access to useful websites!
Lambda Nu Twitter Account
CEDARS Home for Children
.■f United Service Organizations (
'.H Phi Gamma Delta, Lambda Nu (
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Spring 2019 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. The newsletter is eight pages in length.