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2019 Summer Newsletter Beta Rho (Louisiana State University)
Summer 2019 newsletter of the Beta Rho chapter at Louisiana State University. This newsletter is five pages in length.
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Beta Rho
Louisiana State University
2019 Summer Newsletter Beta Rho (Louisiana State University)
It has been several years since our chapter has produced a chapter newsletter, and as a cabinet, we decided that
it was something we wanted to bring back. We feel that it is of the utmost importance that we create a strong
relationship with our graduate brothers and we believe that this is a
great way to keep everyone informed and aware of chapter events.
With the fall semester right around the corner, we hope to increase
alumni support, attendance and involvement for future events that we
Frank Norris Pig Dinner.............................2
Garrett Frey (2020)
Corresponding Secretary
Philanthropy Updates..............................3
Grad Relations..........................................3
Alumni of the Year...................................4
Letter from the President........................5
Social Media..............................................5
Hello brothers,
My name is Andres Amador and I am the Vice President/Treasurer of Beta Rho Fiji. I will be
graduating May 2020 with a Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering. After graduating, I plan on moving to
Texas and pursuing a career in land development. Before this position, I served as house manager.
Outside of Fiji, I serve as Vice President for the American Society of Civil Engineers student branch
at LSU. I have also been involved in student government and TEDxLSU. Our cabinet is working on
improving our finances, so we can elevate LSU Fiji to the organization it should be. Alumni relations
have been underlooked for too long and restoring them is one of our top priorities. I am looking
forward to the progress that will be made this year and the years to come. I strongly urge all alumni to make an attempt
to attend Pig Dinner next spring. Information will be out soon.
My name is Eric Beraud, and I am the Recording Secretary for the BP Chapter of FIJI at LSU.
I was born and raised in Lafayette, Louisiana and will be graduating in May 2020 with a Bachelor’s
degree in Information Systems and Decision Sciences with a minor in Analytics. I pride myself
on maintaining above a 3.2 GPA as well as staying involved on campus in multiple organizations,
such as the Future Business Leaders of America and the Association of Information Technology
Professionals. Over the past semester, I believe our cabinet has accomplished a lot; we have raised
our chapter GPA tremendously, increased our campus and community involvement, created a
chapter website and have revived the graduate newsletter. I know that we have plenty more to accomplish this fall,
and we hope that our graduate brothers support us in our efforts to ensure that Fiji remains the best chapter on LSU’s
Hello brothers; I am the Beta Rho Corresponding Secretary, Garrett Frey. This summer I have been
interning in my hometown of New Orleans, but am excited to return to LSU for my senior year. I
am pursuing a major in Civil Engineering, and will be returning for my fourth and final season of
playing on the LSU Lacrosse team. I pledged Fiji as a sophomore, and immediately became more
confident in myself, as well as more ambitious in all aspects of my life. My brothers have pushed
me to work hard academically, while also pushing me to play my hardest on the field. In only my
second year as part of the chapter, I decided that I had to run for a cabinet-level leadership position,
so that I could have the chance to give back to the organization that had done so much for me. I am
extremely grateful for the opportunity that I have not only been given, but also worked hard for. In my remaining time
on cabinet, I aim to greatly improve the relationship with our chapter’s graduate brothers. One of my major projects to
enhance that relationship was this newsletter. It has been several years since our last one, and seemed like a great way
to keep everyone in the loop about how our chapter is doing.
My name is Johnny Crouere and I am the Beta Rho Fiji Historian. I pledged Fiji in the fall
of 2016, and am part of the Xi pledge class. I am currently a senior at LSU, where I am pursuing a
Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering with plans to get a Master’s in Ecology. My time
as the chapter Historian has allowed me to fully immerse myself the unique story of Phi Gamma
Delta, which gave me a deeper appreciation for the history of our own Beta Rho Chapter. The role
of Historian has enriched my experience as a Fiji because I have the privilege to teach the younger
guys about what separates our fraternity from every other chapter on campus. I hope to leave a
positive, permanent mark on the way LSU perceives our chapter and the great guys that are in it. I also vow to have a
functioning grill in the courtyard at all times.
The 2019 Pig Dinner was a great success. This year, the
event was held at The Chicory in downtown New Orleans.
Afterwards, both grads and undergrads explored the Big
Easy together and had a blast. We
had over 40 undergraduate brothers
and 25 alumni in attendance. As
the organizer of the event, I can say
that I was extremely proud of, and
encouraged by, the support that I
received while planning the event.
However, it made me realize how
many things need to be addressed
and improved in order to make Pig
Dinner the huge, memorable event that it is for many
other Fiji chapters. On our end, we realized that we need
to plan it much earlier. Planning Pig Dinner helped me to
realize that in order to maximize attendance, especially
from the graduate brothers, the date of the event
must be decided several months before. Being college
students, we often just take things one day at a time and
can quickly forget how hard it can be for alumni to make
last-minute plans. To all the graduate
brothers, we ask that you guys
consider coming to future Beta Rho
Pig Dinners. While having just over
60 brothers was an amazing turnout
compared to previous years, we all
know that it could be a much bigger
gathering. Pig Dinner information
was a key reason that we decided to
restart this newsletter, because we
felt that efficient and established communication between
the undergraduate and graduate brothers will improve
attendance and planning. Again, we ask you all to strongly
consider attending next year as we plan to host the
biggest Pig Dinner our chapter has ever had.
Last fall, our chapter hosted our third annual “FIJI Lip-Sync”.
Several teams from different sororities, and even some Fiji
brothers, compete for the trophy. This year we held the
event at Fred’s and had an awesome turnout. There were
over ten sorority teams and three Fiji teams that competed
in the Lip-Sync Battles. While the Fijis aren’t allowed to win,
the soulful duet performed by the Beta Rho President and
Corresponding Secretary was the show of a lifetime.
This event alone raised over $5,000 for our charity, “Live
2 Serve.” Live 2 Serve is a Baton Rouge Ministry which
provides programs, such as tutoring and after-school
care for children in low-income areas. Our chapter has
worked closely with them over the past year, and we hope
to continue to help the program more for years to come.
In addition to our philanthropy, all our brothers volunteer
several hours with Live 2 Serve and other organizations to
help and give back to the Baton Rouge community that we
all love. This past spring semester we partnered with Delta
Zeta to host a blood drive. It was a huge success and we
had over one hundred donors. We look forward to hosting
another drive next semester.
This year, Fiji teamed up with Delta Zeta in the annual dance
competition, “Songfest.” It is an incredible event, and several
notable LSU alumni and administrators are in attendance every
year. Sororities and fraternities are nominated for several different
awards that are decided by the PHC and IFC. We are proud
to announce that we took home two major awards; Matthew
Palmer (2022) won “IFC Outstanding New Member” and our
House Mom, Gayle Ward, won “Outstanding Fraternity House
Congratulations to both of them for representing our chapter
This year we introduced a Graduate Relations committee
to our chapter. Evan Olsen (2021) and Alek Zaeff (2021)
were appointed as co-committee heads. The focus is to have
a group specifically devoted to planning alumni events and
projects. We hope to continue to see growth in this area. One
of our first ideas as a cabinet and committee was to build a
counter space in the corner of the main room right across
from the front door. This addition would be an awesome
centerpiece for the room and would serve as a gathering
area for brothers. We would greatly appreciate any financial
support to accomplish this project, and we plan to have
the names of all alumni donors visible on it. The piece was
designed by a graduate brother and would be built by him
if we are able to raise the money. This is going to be the first
thing people see when they walk into our house, as it shares
the space with our pool table and beautiful back courtyard.
We are very excited about it and our graduates are too.
Special thanks to William E Cruikshank II and Thomas
Williamson for
being the first of
hopefully many
donors. If you
would like to
donate to this
project and have
your name on
the bar, visit our
This year we are happy to honor Jeff Gahn (2015) as our
Alumni of the Year. Jeff has done great things for our chapter
in his relatively short time as a graduate brother. Most
importantly, last year he served as our Purple Legionnaire
and did an outstanding job. He was great to work with and
helped make cabinet’s jobs a lot easier. After an excellent
year, Jeff has decided to step down to prepare for his first
child. Congratulations to Jeff for a great accomplishment!
We would also like to introduce and congratulate Nick
Nuccio for being selected as our new Purple Legionnaire for
the upcoming year. This year is filled with potential and we
believe that Nick is a great choice to take on the new role and
keep us going in the right direction!
This last year, all of our Fiji intramural teams competed at the highest
level. We excelled in sports such as flag football, basketball and softball.
We also competed in several philanthropy tournaments. LSU’s Campus
Ministry hosted a basketball tournament that a team of our members
competed in, where we took home the first-place trophy, as well as $500
towards our philanthropy. We also competed in other events such as: Kappa
Alpha Theta’s ultimate-frisbee tournament, Zeta Tau Alpha’s Dodgeball
Tournament and Alpha Delta Pi’s 3v3 basketball tournament.
Additionally, several of our members enjoyed successful seasons with
different athletic teams at LSU. Congratulations to Brandon McQuen (2021)
on a great season with the LSU football team. Our members Matthew
Palmer (2022), Jack Gab (2021) and Patrick Gallagher (2022) enjoyed a solid
season with the LSU rugby team. And lastly, congrats to Garrett Frey
(2020) and Rob Hinyub (2020) for a monumental season with the lacrosse
team. Both enjoyed starting positions for the Tigers, where they won their
conference for the first time in 40 years, sending them to the national
This year we graduated a great group of seniors. Congratulations to Joseph Impastato, Andrew Amedee, Drake
Pierce, David Hunt, Micheal Niedermair, Zach Anderson, Cade
Bourgeois, Chandler Lemons, Matthew Cedro, Dale Miller, Daniel
Bufkin, David Trepagnier and Paul Veazey for finishing their LSU
careers and all four undergraduate years in our chapter. All of these
men did great things on campus and within Beta Rho. The group
together held leadership positions within our chapter. Among those
include president, treasurer, recording secretary, corresponding
secretary, historian, recruitment chair, pledge education, scholarship
chair and many other roles. This was an amazing group of seniors
and we are grateful to have such a large and influential group setting
the example for our younger members.
My name is Dominic Berthelot, and I consider it a great honor and privilege to be
writing to you as the current President of the Beta Rho Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
at Louisiana State University. I grew up in Lafayette, Louisiana, where I attended the
Episcopal School of Acadiana. I am entering my junior year as a Political Science major
with a minor in Public Policy, and I plan to attend law school upon completion of my
undergraduate degree.
When I arrived on LSU’s campus two years ago, I could have never predicted the
experiences, challenges and opportunities that I would encounter. Leaving my small high
school, I had little context of what Greek Life was like, especially at an SEC powerhouse
like LSU. The lack of understanding made me hesitant to go through recruitment, but I
decided to go with my gut and apply. I can say now with total confidence that I made the
right decision.
From the night I received my bid, I have been fortunate enough to be around people who have bought into
the Fiji fraternity experience. I jumped at the opportunities to be my pledge-class Historian, an IFC Delegate, a
Pledge Educator and now Chapter President.
I am proud to report that the Beta Rho Chapter currently has a competitive size of 96 men. We accepted the
Rho pledge class of 36 new members last fall, and 6 men in the Sigma pledge class this past spring.
I also want to address the intense criticism and scrutiny that LSU Greek Life has faced since the tragic
hazing death of Max Gruver, someone I knew personally. Since his death, four chapters have been removed from
campus due to hazing-related incidents. I want to emphasize to our graduate brothers that the Beta Rho Chapter
is firmly committed to being a non-hazing fraternity at LSU, and we strive to be an example for other chapters. It
saddens me that some parents and families of LSU students interested in a Greek experience are deeply afraid of
“what could happen” to their child. If your brother, son, grandson, nephew or anyone you know accepts a bid from
Fiji, his experience will be a positive and beneficial one. We fully believe that incoming students should never have
to worry about their personal safety or well-being when considering a Greek Life experience.
Since we assumed our cabinet positions last fall, all 5 of us have shared several common goals and priorities
for our time in leadership, but one theme specifically seemed to be the foundation for all of our objectives: building
a stronger relationship with our graduate brothers. We created a new committee titled “Graduate Relations,”
which assists the Corresponding Secretary in all matters that include graduate contact and correspondence. This is
intended to make communication more efficient and consistent from the undergraduate chapter.
Any time undergraduates are able to gather and connect with our Beta Rho alums, we are reminded how
much we are able to relate to their college experiences, regardless of the difference in years. Whether it is sharing
stories about tailgates, looking at pictures from past Islander parties or just talking about how disgusting Gulch
can get, those conversations confirm the brotherhood that Fiji is. We ask all of our graduate brothers to get more
involved in the chapter. Speak at chapter meetings. Come to graduate tailgates. Join us at Pig Dinner. Make a
donation to Beta Rho.
As I enter the second half of my term as President, I am extremely proud of the improvements that we have
made as a chapter since last fall, and I sincerely hope that these chapter newsletters provide a glimpse of what we are
about at Beta Rho.
This year our chapter has taken great strides to improve our social media presence. Social media has become
one of the best outlets to share accomplishments of our chapter, as well as connect with other Fiji chapters across
North America. We utilize our platform to show followers all of the positive impacts that Greek Life can have in
communities. It is a great way to show some of the reasons why our chapter is the best on campus!
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Summer 2019 newsletter of the Beta Rho chapter at Louisiana State University. This newsletter is five pages in length.