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2001 February Newsletter Sigma Omicron (Oklahoma State University)
February 2001 newsletter for the Sigma Omicron chapter at Oklahoma State University. The newsletter is 8 pages in length.
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Sigma Omicron
Oklahoma State University
2001 February Newsletter Sigma Omicron (Oklahoma State University)
The Sigma Omicron Ghapter of Phi Gamma Delta
January 16, 2001
Sigma Omicron jt New PL
Inside this issue:
Pig Dinner
Missing Brother List
Secretary for two years.
I had a great time and
My goals in the short
learned much more
about our wonderful Fra
term are few. I want to
ternity and grew to ap
get to know as many un
dergraduates (+100 in
cluding pledges) as best I
preciate it and our be
can as soon as I can.
from Phi Gamma Delta,
I am volunteering for the
Fraternity as Purple Le
gionnaire. I am very
happy to be doing this
loved chapter much
more. I look back very
fondly of my time and
memories as an under
Selfishly, I also want to
engage more graduates
in the Fraternity. This
will only help me. I do
graduate in Stillwater. I
not want to bum out! As
and have looked forward
have been in OKC for
I began spending more
to the opportunity to
serve Sigma Omicron
almost three years now,
time with the under
have established a career
graduates, I heard a cry
and Phi Gamma Delta as
and am ready to give
of help. They want to
back to Phi Gamma
see us, meet us and learn
Delta a portion of what it
continues to give me!
from us. With the help
of some graduates
After a brief hiatus
Presidents Keport
From the Purple
a volunteer. Upon
graduating from OSU in
1995,1 served as a Field
Homecoming 2000.
Fiji and KA team up for
the OSU pep rally
Homecoming 2000
was an awesome experi
ence! We had the privi
lege of working with the
the hardest working girls
and we filled in our own
and we appreciated the
theme with "One Giant
time and effort that they
Leap for OSU." The
put into Homecoming.
house decoration not
Kappa Delta sorority and The overall OSU Home
our houses had a great
coming theme was "In
time. They are some of
Pursuit of Legends..."
only pertained to the
outer space theme we
selected, but it also
\r\nSigma Omicronicie
Page 2
NewPl^^ Continued.
; Wc want to do moi e
than just an annual
!Nonxs Pig Dinner. We
Iwant more graduates to
1be involved.
already, we are estab
lishing a Board of Chap
ter Advisors. Our goals
are few and simple as
I hope you will con
sider giving some of your
of how to preserve the
success and improve fur
time & financial re
ther. I welcome your
comments, questions and
mostly your help. Feel
sources back to Sigma
well. We want to make
Omicron to make our
an effort to be seen indi
outstanding chapter even
better. I hope you take
vidually and collec
tively. We want to get
the time to
to know them. We want
this issue and learn about
spend time with them
socially, not just in a
structured meeting or
chapter meeting. We
the wonderful things
Sigma Omicron has been
doing. In our brief his
tory of 38 years, I am
want to do more than
told and believe we have
just an annual Norris
Pig Dinner. We want
more graduates to be
never been a better chap
free to contact me at any
time by phone (405)
947-5922 or by email at
Ryan Bebee
ter. This is a new frontier
for us. And we are going
to have to learn together
¥iomecoming2000, continued. .
We placed in every event except
one and the results are as foUows:
commemorated OSU's
house deck had an intri
lunar lander and a satel
place in the Football
Frenzy Flag Football tour
Bringing Dreams to Life
cate backdrop with a
lite with spinning panels.
Campaign by way of a
large spinning panel that
three dimensional moon
We look forward to next
coming out of the center
as well as a Big XII solar
system with an OSU sun
year and we hope to see
2"'^ place in Harvest Carni
3rd place in yard sign
was pomped to look like
the campaign's logo. The
4"r in bouse decoration
many more of you dur
ing Homecoming 2001!
as the center, a rocket, a
(tied the AGR's)
2""^ place in spirit banner
I'd place in pep rally cbant
1®' place for blood drive
with the most points out of
all living group pairs
-'jjfffc-(nPut5u?!onfLebpfp^r.j r-
The points helped us to
tie the AGR's for 2"''
place overall in OSU's
Pig Dinner
Saturday, February 17th
\r\nSigma Omicronicle
Page 3
Presidents K.eport
My brothers; I would
like to begin my address
to you by using the
opening line from our
Since you last for
mally heard from the un
dergraduate body, Sigma
Omicron has persisted in
experience of this collec
tive body, but we also
find a source of inspira
esteemed President Coo-
the traditions set before
tion and motivation. The
lidge's inaugural address
us by our predecessors.
Aware of the dynamic
society around us, we
next year could be cru
to the nation on March 4,
do we benefit from the
cial for the establishment
We are at a place that
side out of the house as
of this relationship.
Perhaps the most dif
ficult portion of address
ing this topic has been to
honestly portray the state
of the chapter while try
ing to maintain some
sense of humility. Over
all, the chapter seems to
be moving along the fa
miliar path of excellence.
few have seen before,
in the house. The reality
Each day members forge
yet the potential seems
that exists is simply that
new memories that will
create those cherished
1925. "No one can con
template current condi
tions without finding
much that is satisfying
and still more that is en
strove to be leaders and
innovators. The house
membership is at an alltime high. Unfortu
nately, this comes at a
price. The days of living
couraging." I am de
lighted to have the op
portunity to write regard
ing the state of the
Sigma Omicron chapter
years have disappeared
for most. Today, equal
of Phi Gamma Delta.
amounts of members re
in the house for four
almost electric. This
there is no land available
chapter has achieved
to expand and grow.
much and looks to con
While some note this as
tinue receiving honors in
a disadvantage, it may
the future; however, our
true strength grows from
the common bond of
brotherhood. A force
not be ideal, but it is
simply different than in
the past.
With the addition of
life-long friendships.
Together, we hope to re
alize the potential of this
chapter. I wish to close
iWitti iho iulditi\)n of the
A... .Not OJily ilo we henefit
from Ihc cxpeneiico of ihis
i.collecUve hiHiy, but \\ c afso
find a source of iti.spiruiittii '
1and niolivaiion.--
Phi Gammay f
Delta is Number
1 in grades for
this discourse with an
other line from President
the 2000 school
that only a select few
have the privilege to re
the B.C.A., we have a
Coolidge's inaugural ad
much-needed perspec
dress. "We should not
alize - those men that
tive that will add an ele
let the much that is to do
FIJI = 3.2355 I
can claim the name of
ment of consistency to
our ever-changing face
of leadership. Not only
obscure the much which
FH = 3.211
Phi Gamma Delta.
Pig Dinner
has been done."
Saturday, February 17th
\r\nSigma Omicronicle
Page 4
Graduate Spotlight. . . ]im Keating
Jim Keating '74 is
the President of Pro
Quality Consulting in
Oklahoma City. His
company specializes in
facilitating strategic
planning, improving
processes and personal
tive in school, church
and sports programs.
In July 1999, Libby
was diagnosed with
Huntington's Disease, a
started the Keating Fam
ily Research Fund to
sponsor scientific re
search. The national
Huntington's Society
matches all contributions
genetic neurological dis
order that affects the pa
tient's ability to walk,
dollar for dollar with all
talk and reason. Because
find a cure for this dev
Drew, their older son, is
it is relatively rare, the
family was slow in at
taining a diagnosis. Cur
rently there is no treat
astating disease. If you
are interested in partici
pating, Jim can be
reached at jkeat@swbell.
a senior at Edmond Me
ment or cure for the dis
morial and Zac is a sixth
ease. To find out more,
grader at Cimarron Mid
log on to In
August 2000, the family
developing training for
area businesses. Jim and
Libby, his wife, have one
daughter, Katie, at OSU.
dle School. Both are ac
proceeds used to help
Graduate Spotlight, . . PAatt Wooslej
Did you know?
Matt Woosley is now
the president of the
newly formed Board of
Chapter Advisors (BOA)
I was a member of the
landmark Fpsilon pledge
class of the newly
recolonized Sigma Omicron chapter of Phi
year questioning my de
cision. Part of my dis
median and struck my
car head-on. If not for
my seat-belt and air bag,
I would have died that
day. My injuries in
content probably had
cluded a closed-head in
Gamma Delta. I was ini
much to do with the fail
jury, multiple facial frac
tiated at the beginning of
1990 and graduated in
1994. Immediately after
ure of my engagement at
tures, a shattered patella,
an d a collapsed lung.
the time. In the summer
My pledge brother. Brad
medical school at the
of 1999, during the hia
tus between my first and
second year of residency,
University of Kentucky.
I returned Oklahoma to
I graduated from UK in
visit family and friends.
On the twelfth day of my
suffered a concussion
and some broken ribs.
graduation I attended
not find surgery to be a
fulfilling career choice
and spent most of the
1998 and traveled west
Austin ('93), was my
passenger that day and
Another pledge brother,
to initiate a five-year sur
gical residency at Cedar
visit I was involved in a
Steve Andregg ('92), was
serious auto accident in
in the car ahead of me
Sinai Medical Center in
Tulsa. A speeding mo
torist had jumped the
and was responsible for
keeping my compro-
Beverly Hills, CA. I did
Pig Dinner
Saturday, February 17th
\r\nPage 5
Sigma Omicronicle
Woosley continued. . .
mised airway patent until motivation and strength
the EMTs arrived. I
to overcome my injuries.
spent one week in a
coma and a total of four
weeks as an inpatient at
St. Francis hospital in
Tulsa. The head injury
was significant enough
to put my future as a
physician in question. I
had great difficulty with
short- and
long-term memory, as
Currently, I am six
I am excited about the
teen months out from
opportunity to serve Phi
I was part of an ag
gressive neurorestorative rehab pro
gram and managed to be
gin interviewing for new
residency positions by
December, 1999. Due to
my dissatisfaction with
my accident and feel
that I am virtually fully
recovered. I am glad to
Gamma Delta in a more
be back in Oklahoma
and have reinitiated my
involvement with Sigma
era of graduate involve
ment. I will see you all at
Pig Dinner 2001. God
Omicron. I have re
surgical residency, I de
cided to change special
ties and in February of
tion of chairman of our
well as degenerate physi
2000 I started a new resi
cal stamina. The love
dency program at the OU
and support of family
and friends gave me the
Health Science Center in
the specialty of Anesthesiology.
active role.
I look forward to the new
cently assumed the posi
Matthew M. Woosley
This response form pertains to Pig Dinner2001. please take a momentto fill it out and mail
back to tt>e address listedat the bottomof this page.
Do You Plan To Attend Pig
Dinner 2001?
Yes. with guest
Brothers = $50
Guests = $12
Amount Enclosed:
r~| No, butdonation included
Not attending
SOHA debt retirement plan as of 11/27/00:
Cash Con
Credit Card
Information on Graduate Brother Whereabouts:
Phone Number:
Any questions or comments, contact Jason Turner
TV Guide Networks Director ofFinance work (918)
The Sigma Omicron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
499-6335 fax (918) 488-4594
P/;/ Gamma Delta
Phone: 405-372-1699
112} W.University
Stillwater, OK 74074
Pig Dinner
Saturday, February 17th
\r\nSigma Omicronlcle
Page 6
Missing Brothers
We currently do not have ad
dresses for the following broth
ers. If you have information of
Douglas R. Herrick
their whereabouts, please con
tact us with your reply forni.
Whole Name
Staunton A. Baker
Michael E. Colley
Grad Year
Martin E. Giasser
Daniel L. McCarty
Frederick J. Mostrom
Allen C. Neimeyer
Robert B. Persson
Ra^ord T. Reid
William F. Ross, Jr.
Ralph T. Rogers
Mont A. Smith
James E. Mayden, 111
George E. Melton, Jr. ' 68
Christopher L. Stotts
Thomas A. Varner
Randall L. Whittaker
Max A. Pischel, 111
Michael E. Chieppo
Rickie C. Feddersen
Walter H. Greenwood,
Jay W. Roberts
Gary A. Markus
Stephen F. Pontesso
Steven D. Bell
Victor A. Dodge, Jr.
Ronald L. Harp
John R. Flood
William D. Fowler
David L. Jones
Ronald D. Perkins
David 8. Powers
Jeffrey D. Ruiz
Robert H. Thomas
Scott A. Guysi
Tony D. Swinney
Dennis Collins
Ted K. Allison
R. Mark Dettle
Brian K. Spurrier
'72 Adam F. Sutton
James D. Dyer, Jr.
Timothy E. Brown
Brian R. Danker
'75 Ronald Q. Wilson
'75 John D. Fleeger
'76 Michael S. Mears
Chester Boyd Smith
Speer Gregory Bassett
James M. Watt
Matthew Aaron Walker
Christopher S. Whitfield
Kerry Lee Bowden
Christopher D. Day
Robert Nathan Rose
Charles J. Hill
Aaron L. Hillhouse
Richard L. Adams
Samuel C. Bingaman IV 96
Bryan John Morris
'82 Brian D. Smith
'82 Ricky Lane Torix
'84 Spike C. Henderson
fi O
Pig Dinner
John A. Romano, Jr.
Marc A. Wynn
Brian W. Sheehan
been the key to the indi
ances have lead to a total
vidual success. Phi
fraternity effort in Intra
mural sports this year.
Gamma Delta has found
Steve Foster won the
Ball Billiards while Matt
Austin made it to the
Semi-Finals. In Pitch 'n'
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February 2001 newsletter for the Sigma Omicron chapter at Oklahoma State University. The newsletter is 8 pages in length.