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2001 January Newsletter Beta Chi (Lehigh University)
January 2001 newsletter of the Beta Chi chapter at Lehigh University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Beta Chi
Lehigh University
2001 January Newsletter Beta Chi (Lehigh University)
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Bethlehem, Pa.
January 2001 inpgd/inpgd.htm!
It was a very good year!
By Mike Suozzi '02, Outgoing Chapter President
My term as president
.o\'er the last year has
been a challenging one, but
rewarding nonetheless. My
optimism remains intact. The
witnessed at the 154th
for. We are pleased that the
Ekklesia that took place this
undergraduates of Beta Chi
Run, which benefits the
past summer in San Antonio,
American Cancer Society.
moving toward an alcohol-
have met these requirements
and will be eligible to appl3'
for this exemption in the fall
Texas. Phi Gamma Delta is
Hut is still one oFthe best
free housing initiative for all
of 2001.
fraternities on the Hill and is
undergraduate Fiji chapters.
positioned to remain so,
thanks largely to the interest
Certain requirements, if met,
allow an e.xemption to this
and enthusiasm o( the Beta
policy for a period of two
Man^' other exciting
developments took place at
the Hut this 3'ear. We have
complelely revamped our
Chi Association.
3'ears, at which time the
exemption can be reapplied
Phi Gamma Delta has
Lehigh-LafaA'ette Rivalrj'
We have emphasized the
academic aspect of our lives
with the T^der Morris
Scholarship Fund, as well as
our new team scholarship
competition. Stories about all
these developments are
rush program, and we have
included in this issue of T^e
participated in the annual
B.C. Fiji, so read on!
undergone some changes as
Changing of the Guard
By Sloan Bohlen '02, Incoming Chapter President
Asa new semester approaches. Beta Chi will be experiencing
the changing of the guard in executive positions. The
efforts of last year's board are appreciated; now it is up to our
newly elected executive cabinet to carrj' on.
I will be taking over from outgoing President Michael
Suozzi. Filling the position of treasurer will be sophomore
Josh Baker, son of A1 Baker '69. The new corresponding
historian. Wayne will be replacing senior Peter Fernquist.
The rapid changes in both Lehigh and Phi Gamma Delta
policy will offer a unique challenge to this new board, but we
are optimistic and confident. We as a house have faced
obstacles before, and we look forward to a prosperous new
administration. As members of the Lehigh chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta, we pride ourselves in our ability' to unite and
secretary will be Charles Cassa, and junior Jesse Sugarman
solve problems; it is one of the many facets of our rich tradi
will be the recording secretary'. Wayne Celia will be the
tion, one that we will maintain, always.
Pig Dinner 2000 Attracts a Crowd!
Join us for Pig Dinner 2001 on Saturday, May 5
Scott Peck '80,far
Mr. and Mrs.AI
left, RayTrevisan
Baker '69,left,
'80, Bob Davies and
visited with
Ted Haase '80,far
right, enjoyed the
good company of
their Fiji brothers.
their son
Josh '03 and
Jim Miller '65.
More Photos on Page 6.
\r\nFiji Team Scholarship Competition
developed to help us focus on
as to those members showing
a .5 GPA improvement or
receiving a GPA of over 3.3
has fostered a healthy
competitive atmosphere and
is regarded as an excellent
academics and raise the house
this semester. In true Phi
idea for semesters to come.
GPA,is almost at an end. The
Gam spirit, the teams have
agreed that the winning team
will donate a portion of their
Although evenly matched,
favorites include the teams of
$1,500 prize to a house
improvement project while
GPA last semester), junior
Jesse Sugarman (3.1 GPA)
those who receive the
sophomore Josh Baker (3.8
GPA), and sophomore
Wayne Celia (3.2 GPA). In
continuing support of this
addition to the obvious
he first Fiji Team
TScholarship Competition,
five-team competition has Fijis
throughout the house study
ing feverishly for finals next
week. Certain Fijis were even
rumored to be visiting the
library on a regular basis!
Cash prizes will be awarded
to the winning team, as well
individual cash prizes are also
encouraged to give back to
the house. The competition
senior Josh Gottlieb (3.8
benefits of getting better
grades, achieving a GPA
above the all-fraternity
average is one of the criteria
for receiving a two-year
exemption from the National
Fraternity's dry policy.
We are eagerly awaiting the
results of the competition and
would like to thank the Beta
Chi Association for their
Thank You for Your Support!
We appreciate the generosity of the brothers listed below,who have contributed so all could receive our
communications.Supporting our annual giving program is one way to show that you value the friendships and
experiences provided by our fraternity.Whether your name appears below or not, please be sure to send your
gift for the 2000-2001 giving year today.
Robert Davies
Stephen D. MacFarlan III '53
James D. Mirenda Sr.'68
James R Mayshark *36
Albert L Baker III '69
William F. Hauserman '41
J.Allen Harper '54
George B. Lemmon '54
Richard B. Manning '80
Kevin W.Cortright '81
Gerald E. Frick '69
Steve Alonso '82
Stephen^ D.Smoke '41
Robert H. Barton III '55
John A. Hollingsworth Jr.'55
Andrew D.Eckert'82
William S. Luce '56
Steven G.Joseph '83
Badgley A.Elmes'43
David H.Schaper '43
David F. Gearhart'44
Douglas W.Paige II '71
Michael H. Danjczek '72
PaulV.Guilfoyle '72
David M.Walton '56
William Mosconi '73
Andrew D. Rod '83
William C.Hittinger '44
Brian R Hogan '58
Michael A. Kelly '75
William A.Sutman '83
j i Carl Eisen Jr'45
Charles F.Kindt III '58
James P. Folkes '76
John R. Hershey III '85
Robert E. Myers '58
Todd C.Hansen '76
Timothy A.Jeffers '86
i ; John D.Culleh'48
Max W Rush'59
John H. Long '76
I j H.Gordon Smyth '48
J.Andrew Corcoran '60
Peter C. Martin '60
Frank J. Diana'77
Stephen J. Mock Jr.'78
Aaron R. Frantz '88
I j Biddle A.Whigham '48
Jay A.Anglada '61
William D. Bast '79
Daniel M. Kasun '91
Stuart R. Mclntyre '47
Guy R. Kachel '49
j i David T. Cummings '50
|! Richard M.Allen '51
Albert C.Cooke III '82
David A. Monson '90
Charles G. Moore '62
Lawrence R Folkes '79
David D. Beard '80
A.William Reid Jr '51
James A.Yard '62
James A. Ritz'63
Peter S. Cohen '80
Jevan F.Anderson '92
Ryan W.Wilson '97
Chris A.Story '98
I I William E. Henderson '52
Peter B. Beck '65
RobertT. Haase '80
Keith Wallace '99
Joseph Y.Walton '65
James B. Kingham '53
B.C. Fiji is published for the members and friends of the Beta Chi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at Lehigh University.
Address changes, news items, photos and contributions may be sent in the enclosed envelope or mailed to
Phi Gamma Delta, Graduate Records Office, P.O. Box 2515, Southeastern, PA 19399-2515.
Page 2
January 2001
\r\nBiddle Whigham '48 Earns Lehigh's Highest Award
A familiar face among
work on behalf of the
Tower Society members
and on campus, Biddle
Whigham was the unanimous
choice to receive this year's
James Ward Packard Award.
Presented annually at the
Tower Society meeting, the
Packard Award is presented
to individuals or families who
have championed the educa
tional mission of Lehigh
University and in recognition
Planned Giving Program.
Biddle has been a volunteer
for more than 50 years. Since
his undergraduate days, he
has served regularly as a
phon-a-thon host in the
the Asa Packer Society
(1967) and the Tower Society
(1990) and has been an
enthusiastic recruiter of other
members to both giving
Additionally, Biddle served
scholarship in his name to
perpetuate the academic
excellence he so strongly
believes in at Lehigh.
Biddle is the retired general
manager and design engineer
for Armstrong World Indus
Lancaster, Pa., area, as a
as co-chairman of the 50th
campaign volunteer and
regional chairperson, as a
class agent, class treasurer
and class president. He was a
founding member of the both
Reunion Fund for his class,
wife. Patsy, an equally
which resulted in the largest
50th Reunion Fund gift in
Lehigh history. In 1991, he
familiar face and enthusiastic
established an endowed
tries in Lancaster. He and his
volunteer, are the parents of
two children. Congratulations
— and thank you — Biddle!
of their meritorious volunteer
[Reprintedfrtym the Tower Society Newsletter ^vith pennujion from Lehigh Unmereity.]
Josh Baker '03 represents Beta Chi in the Theta Delta Chi Good Scholar Election
Beta Chi will be represented this year in the Theta Delta
Chi Good Scholar Election by sophomore Josh Baker.
This annual event recognizes the best scholar from each
organization on campus (fraternities, sororities, social clubs,
etc.). All of the money donated through voting by students,
faculty and alumni benefits research in the battle against
cancer. We feel confident about Josh's chances this year
because of his excellent grades and good standing on campus.
He is currently studying mechanical engineering and has a 3.8
cumulative GPA.
Josh has been our junior Interfraternity Council representa
tive since last year, and was recently nominated for V.P.
Judicial of the IFC. He is a member of the tennis club and
outing club and is an avid rock-climber. During The Hut's
recent house elections, he was named treasurer for the next
two semesters. Not only is Josh one of our most enthusiastic
brothers, but he is also a third generation Beta Chi Fiji (fourth
generation nationally). His father, Albert Baker III graduated
from Lehigh in 1969 with a bachelor of science degree in
living in the area. Albert Baker Jr. graduated in 1948 with his
bachelor of arts degree in business, and later received his MBA
from MIT. He came to Lehigh in 1940, playing football for the
Engineers; however, he soon left when he enlisted in the
Marine Corps during World War II. After the war, he came
back to complete his college education and ran varsity track.
"Cab," as his friends knew him, was also here when the Hut
burned down on February 9, 1942, and later saw it rebuilt as
the handsome building it is today.
Josh comes from a long line of dedicated Fiji men and is
continuing the tradition in Lehigh's ever-changing environ
ment. The Hut's survival has recently been questioned as it was
declared to be at an all-time low by several graduate brothers
and associates. On the contrary, we feel Josh is an accurate
model of today's Phi Gamma Delta brother: dedicated to Beta
Chi, to Phi Gamma Delta and to the Lehigh community. We
mechanical engineering and later came back to teach and
are making the transition into the new millennium, putting all
of our efforts into rush, and continuing over 100 years of
tradition. Our standing on campus has risen, and graduate
support has strengthened. We intend to maintain the integrity
receive his MBA. Al also served on the board of the Beta Chi
and brotherhood that Beta Chi and Phi Gamma Delta have
Association during his graduate years at Lehigh and while
symbolized since Beta Chi's inception in 1877.
Sixth Annual Rivalry Run Another Success
The Friday before the 136th Lehigh/Lafayette football game,
the Beta Chi brothers teamed up with the Sigma Deuteron
brothers from Lafayette for the Sixth Annual Rivalry Run, which
is held in honor of two Phi Gamma Delta Brothers, Tom Morgan
(Lafayette '57 and lehigh baseball coach), and Mark Kirschebaum
(Lafayette 80), both of whom lost their battles with cancer. All
proceeds from the event go to support the Lehigh Valley chapter
of the American Cancer Societ\^
By all accounts, this year s event was most successful. Beta Chi
rose to the occasion, with each brother giving his time and effort
B.C. Fiji
to the many aspects of this event that demanded time and energy.
When it came time to run the football to Lafayette, every Beta
Chi brother was present. In addition, many brothers sold Tshirts that commemorated the occasion to students across the
campus and beyond.
This year's Rivalrv^ Run showed what can be accomplished
when the brothers of Beta Chi chapter unite for a charitable
cause. Much of the success of the event was due to the generous
support of our graduate brothers. We thank you for the help and
look forward to an even better showing next year.
Page 3
\r\nE. Tyler Morris '98
Thank You from Tyler's Family
Scholarship Update
Reaching its minimum required balance in 1999, the
scholarship continues to grow and has been awarded to
two of our brothers the last two years. If you would like to
donate, please make checks payable to the E. Tyler Morris
Scholarship Fund and send them to Lehigh University, Office
of Development, Bethlehem, PA 18015.
For further information regarding the scholarship, please
contact Dolores McGovern in Lehigh's Office of Development
at 610.758. 3120 or Zach Morris '95 at 617.852.1789.
Join us for Pig Dinner 2001
Saturday, May 5!
Proven to be a great time
for graduates of all generations!
Watch your mail for details.
Thanks again to Andrew Braham '98 and David
Cherkas '98 for organizing another wonderful fund
raiser to benefit the E. Tyler Morris Scholarship
Fund, which was established to honor Tyler, who
died in fall 1997. This year's event was held on
Saturday, November 4, at the Parlor on the Upper
West Side of Manhattan. Coming from as far away
as Los Angles, Calif., approximately 100 friends and
brothers representing classes 1994 to 2001 came to
celebrate Tyler's life and support the cause. Although
the tally for the fund-raiser is not yet available, by
simple measure of the turnout, we know it was a
great success. We look forward to the event for
many years to come.
Thank you again to those who were there in
person and in spirit.
Hunter and Zach Morris '95
Fiji Rush Features Paintball Games, Ice Skating and Dinners
By Timothy McCabe 01
The Fiji rush program for
2000 and 2001 started on
a positive note. We have
hosted a number of rush
events in our attempt to meet
as many freshmen as possible.
Typical rush events have
included twenty to thirty
rushees. Along with the date
parties, we have sponsored
paintball games, ice skating
and several rush dinners.
Future events include trips to
sporting events where about
lour brothers will accompany
four freshmen. These events
are intended to give us a good
idea of who these gentlemen
are and who we think would
best embody the qualities of a
Phi Gamma Delta brother.
Our goal was to pledge 20
men; we recently extended 23
freshman invitations to join
our chapter.
By January 30, we will
have our pledge class for the
Since the beginning of rush
we have been working closelv
concerning rush. We current
pledge class for the New Year.
We are nearing the end of rush
with the Beta Chi Association
undergraduate brothers
recognize and appreciate
and Bob Davies. They h ave
given us tremendous support
their help greatly and hope to
most important. We believe we
fall. We have worked hard
reward the Association and the
will close them out with a good
and our confidence is high.
and manv excellent ideas
Brotherhood with a promising
showing for Phi Gamma Delta.
Page 4
and these final weeks are our
January 2001
John A. Tifft '41 (2841 Elmwoocl Ln., Mount Dora, FL
32757) has moved to Waterman Village, a retirement
community. Jean and Ralph Moss *42 are also residents
When he's wintering at Hilton Head Island, David H.
Schaper '43(204 Wyndham Ct., Harrisburg, PA 17109; sees Badge Elmes '43."Gus"
enjoyed a few days with Dave Gearhart '44 at Dave's
cottage in Bethany Beach.
Carl Eisen Jr.'45 (30 Labonte Rd., Thompson, CT 06277)
is semi-retired as a manufacturers' representative. He plays
golf at Woodstock Country Club and has a handicap of 12.
Stuart R. Mclntyre '47(6101 E. Miramar Dr., Tucson, AZ
85715) enjoyed a visit from Pat and Harry Brindle '47. The
brothers reminisced about many things, including their years
first to celebrate the New Year in 2000 — he was on a ship
off the coast of Malaysia.
John A. Hollingsworth Jr.'55 (856 Augusta, Waterford,
W1 53185), a motor coach driver and tour guide for Jones
Travel & Tour, tells us: "I tried downhill skiing after a fiveyear layoff. After a few runs, I had my old form back and
had my 15-year-old hot-dogging grandson eating my snow!"
Robert E. Myers '58(130 Dove Dr., Franklin, IN 46131) is
now living in a new ranch house at the Franklin United
Methodist Retirement Community."Someone else does all
the maintenance. Life is good!"
At Parker/Hunter Inc., James A.Yard '62(2425 Berkshire
Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15241; serves as senior
vice president of marketing. His wife, Carol, fondly remem
bers attending many Lehigh house parties at the Fiji Hut.
at Beta Chi.
Pat and John D. Cullen '48 (1611 Lacosta Dr. E., Pem
broke Pines, FL 33027) are now residents of the Sunshine
State. They've cruised on the Mississippi, toured Spain and
visited China. The couple were also on hand to help John's
brother, Robert '42, celebrate his 80th birthday.
Jane and William W. Oskin Jr.'64 (122 Villamoura Way,
Duluth, GA 30136) have two young children. Bill is a sales
and marketing manager for DuPont. He saw classmates Ted
Muendel, Thad Murwin, Dwight Miller and Chuck Wistar
at their 35-year reunion.(We need an address for Chuck.
Can anyone help?)
Biddle A. Whigham '48 (1590 New Holland Pike,
Lancaster, PA 17601) was honored at Lehigh as the "Class
Lawyer Michael A. Kelly '75 (777 Dedham St., Canton,
Agent of the Year" in 1999.(See story on Page 3.)
Gulf Oil. He and classmates Brian Sullivan and David
MA 02021) serves as general counsel at Cumberland Farms/
Hittinger were planning to attend their 25th reunion in 2000.
"Still hoping to get to Pig Dinner one of these years," writes
Guy R. Kachel '49 (78520 Montego Bay Cir., Indio, CA
Frank J. Diana '77(463 Cheshire Dr., Downingtown, PA
92201). He and his wife celebrated their 51st wedding anniver
19335;, a chemist, serves as director of
sary in January 2000. More than half a century ago, they were
married by Reverend Bean in the Lehigh Chapel. These days,
they're enjo3nng retirement and golf in the Palm Springs area.
analytical technology at DuPont Pharmaceuticals. He had
lunch with Robert Currie '77 and was hoping to see many
Charles R. Macauley '49 (10 Hitchcock Rd., Westport, CT
06880) had a great time at his 50-year reunion. Classmates
Harry Goodman and Scott Johns were present for the
In January 2000, William D. Bast '79 (1921 Richfield Ave.,
Highland Park, IL 60035) participated in the Lehigh Alumni
event. "Bob" also saw Don Brownlee '44 and Frank
Lehigh Gammers Steve MacFarlan '53 and Tim Svanson '90.
brothers at Pig Dinner 2000.
Association Outreach Program near Chicago with fellow
Dunigan '44 who had returned to Lehigh for the 55th
anniversary of their graduation.
Steve Alonso '82 (1357 Helford Ln., Carmel, IN 46032) is
CEO of Cresleigh Bancorp, a new banking firm he started.
David T. Cummings'50(100 Cummings Ln., Mansfield, PA
He has three daughters.
16933; sold his business to a local utility
company in 1999 and is happy to be away from all the
Pilot Andrew D. Exkert '82 (4328 Lenmar Dr., Coplay, PA
18037;, a first officer with United
Now that he's been retired for several years, J. Allen
Harper '54 (430 Hacienda Way, Los Altos, CA 94022; gets his intellectual stimulation from
consulting lor a variety of start-up companies in the Silicon
Valley- He also enjoys golf and travel. Allen was one of the
B.C. Fiji
Airlines, has transferred to New York flight operations.
After commuting by air to Chicago for two years, he's happy
to be driving to work. Andy is flying the 727.
More news on next page!
Page 5
\r\nMore Scenes from Pig Dinner 2000
join us on Saturday, May 5,
for the 2001 edition!
Bolger '99,
left, and
Dave Beard
'80 share
Bill Luce '56,oldest Fiji present, kisses the pig.
Since moving to Ohio, Gary J. Grauer '83 (9438 Avemore
Ct., Dublin, OH 43017) has become good friends with
Frank O'Donnell '81 and his family. The brothers have
attended numerous Buckeye games together and play golf
In January 2000, Keith F. McDonald '96 (30 Manning St.,
Apt. 2, iMedford, MA 02155) earned a Ph.D. in electrical
engineering from Lehigh University. He then joined the
MITRE Corp. as a senior signal processing engineer in the
regularly. Gary is a national sales manager for Denison
Sensors and Enabling Technology Division. "1 would like to
thank the brothers of Phi Gamma Delta for making my
seven and a half years at Lehigh both happy and unforget
Hydraulics Inc. He would like to hear from brothers living in
or visiting the Columbus area. You can contact him via
e-mail at gary 12hcp@aol or by voice-mail at 614-799-8917.
Timothy A. Jeffers '86(47 Mile Dr., Chester, NJ 07930; is the owner and president of
table. 1 enjoyed serving as an officer in the fraternity as an
undergraduate, as well as playing the role of Purple Legion
naire and facuIty adviser in m^i later years." Keith is living
with David lannetta '96 in an apartment m the same
The Prosper Group Inc., a management consulting company.
He and Annette have been married 10 years and have two sons.
'96, Tim Bousum '94, Chris Story '98 and Keith Wallace
building with Alike Gerhardt '96. He sees John Soininen
'99 frequently. Keith welcomes visitors to the Boston area.
When David A. Monson '90 and Allyson married in April
2000, Jim Giddon '90, Steve Saul '90, Jacques Rousseau
'90 and Howard Butterman '90 served as groomsmen and
Todd Schanzlin '90 attended. David is a regional manager
Ryan W. Wilson '97 is an investment broker with A.G.
Edwards & Sons Inc. and has moved with his wife, Rena, to
112 Church St., Moscow, PA 18444.
for Enterprise Rent-A-Car. He and his new wife reside at 79
Harbor Dr., Unit 318, Stamford, CT 06902.(Howard is on
In a new position, Chris A. Story '98 is an account manager
our "lost" list. If you have an address for him, please send it
at Bridge Information Systems. He lives with Keith Wallace
our way.)
'99 and Devin Kenney '99 at 29 Bigelow St., Cambridge,
Daniel M. Kasun '91 (12 Shea Ln., Tinton Falls, NJ 07724;
MA 02139. E-mail for Chris can be sent to cstorv@bridge.
com. He sees Mike Gerhardt '96, John Soininen '96, Keith is a senior technology specialist at
McDonald '96, Dave lannetta '96 and Tim Bousum '94
Microsoft. He and his wife welcomed the arrival of a son in
almost eveiy vs-eek.
January 2000.
Due to his new job as an associate at Alliant Partners, Jevan
F. Anderson '92 (134 Waverley St., Palo Alto, CA 94301;
|anderson@ailiantpart. com) has relocated to the West Coast.
He reports that many other Beta Chis, including Mark
Strauch '92, Keith Sutton '93, Mike Lewis '90 and Bill
Graham '94, are also in the San Francisco area. Jevan
welcomes guests.
We regret to inform you of the death of
James P. Mayshark '36 (4/22/00),
Warren P. Fairbanks '37 (1 1/99),
William McD. Lincoln '37 (1/12/00) and
Frederick W. Jacoby '46 (1 1/13/99).
Phi Gamma Delta mourns their passing and extends
condolences to their families and friends.
January 200!
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January 2001 newsletter of the Beta Chi chapter at Lehigh University. The newsletter is six pages in length.