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2001 January Newsletter Theta Tau (Tennessee Tech)
January 2001 newsletter of the Theta Tau chapter at Tennessee Tech. This newsletter is eight pages.
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Theta Tau
Tennessee Technological University
2001 January Newsletter Theta Tau (Tennessee Tech)
Greetings once again from
Cookeville! J know that it has been a long
time since the last time you got one of
these, and for that I am truly sorry.
Hopefully we can make it up to you in the
coming year, and hopefully we can make
you proud of your undergraduate chapter at
the same time.
The chapter has elected some great
new officers for the coming year, and we
are all looking forward to the great things
that this new year will bring. Our president
elect, Ryan Fulkerson, is a great Phi Gam,
and I think that you will enjoy working
with him in the coming year. He has
already set the date for Formal, Pig Dinner,
and our annual Lexington trip to IHQ.
These I hope that many of you will come
and celebrate with us at all of these events
this year. This year is our 20" year, and
Pig Dinner should be especially great this
The chapter is also very excited to have
Richard Suttles and Doug Patterson working
with the undergraduate chapter again. Dick will
be working with the graduate relations
committee, and Doug will be working with the
pledge education program. The chapter hopes to
have many more graduates working with them
on a daily basis.
Thank you all for your help this last year.
Thope that each of you will continue to have an
interest in your undergraduate chapter. Merry
Christmas and a happy New Year from your
brothers here in Cookeville!
Jimmy Nelson
Chapter President ‘00
Volume 20 Issue 3
The Golden Eagle Fiji is published
quarterly by the Theta Tau Chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta for its members, both
undergraduate and graduate, family and
Chapter Officers — 2000
President- Jimmy Nelson
Treasurer- Brian Long
Recording Secretary- Ryan Fulkerson
Corresponding Secretary- Todd Weaver
Historian- Sean Vanderwalker
This issue produced by Philip Lutz and Brian Long
This year we had our first
annual car show. The car show was a
fundraiser set up to help raise money
for United Way. Ryan Fulkerson,
Chad Kenney, Jimmy Nelson and
Jeremy Gallagher put in a lot of effort
and time to organize this magnificent
fundraising idea. It went extremely
well for the first year. We had 57 cars
show and we raised around five
hundred dollars that we donated to
United Way.
The show was held at the
Cookeville High School on
September 16", 2000. We plan on the
next one being at the same location
and having more cars there.
So far this year we have had a great turn out in intramural athletics. We took first in the IFC league
softball tournaments and came in second in all campus. We did well in intramural football as well. We lost
to Alpha Tau Omega in the fifth round of overtime. Bowling is the last sport of the semester, Next
semester we will have basketball and wrestling
New Initiates: New Pledges:
Cory Fi , Adam Baxter Ryan Greer Zeke Shaver
aes oa Chris Boles Kenny Hayes Matt Strunk
. ie = Josh Bush Ben Jones Brent Waugh
Ye ~ Logan Cardwell Scott Lochridge
rit a aot Donny Correll Nat Lowe
a a : Justin Cumby Clayton McMillan
Nise Spencer Chris Dautel Stewart Minshew
a T <
Sélinathan* Themes Ross Denny Josh Parker
Mohamad Elbeitam Dave Price
Stephen Frommel Mitch Robinson
Our Theta Tau Chapter was well represented at the 152™ Ekklesia by Jimmy
Nelson-Chapter President, Brian Long-Chapter Treasurer, and Matt Osborne-
delegate. Theta Tau walked away from San Antonio with 7 awards:
Coulter Cup
The Coulter cup went to Robert Lee Wray for a lifetime of outstanding
service to our Theta Tau chapter. —Congratulations Lee!
Crowder Cup
The Crowder cup went to Tony Marable, faculty advisor, for his
excellent service to our Theta Tau chapter. -Congratulations Tony!
Brightmen Trophy
The Brightmen trophy goes to the chapter that maintains and improves
Graduate Relations. Theta Tau received Honorable Mention.
John Templeton McCarty Proficiency Award
This award goes to those chapters who succeed at having all paperwork
and other fraternity matters done i in a proficient manner. Theta Tau has
received this award for the 7™ consecutive time.
Baker Cup
This cup goes to those chapters who succeed at Service. Theta Tau
received honorable mention.
Owen Cup
This cup goes to those chapters that have the greatest improvements in
scholarship. Theta Tau received honorable mention.
Academic Achievement
Theta Tau received an award for having grades that are above the All
Mens Average at Tennessee Technological University.
The 154" Bkklesia will be held in Portland, Oregon on n August ce ie
You can find out more information on the 154” ee at:
ey Ihenvew. os ae :
Written by: Brian Long
\r\nAnother Great Homecoming For Phi Cam
This year’s Homecoming was a special
one, as Dr. Robert Bell was Inaugurated as the
new president of Tennessee Tech. Dr. Bell was
very interested in school spirit, and promoted
Greek involvement in this year’s Homecoming.
He also gave all of the students Friday,
October 5" off to watch his inauguration.
Phi Gamma Delta placed 2™ overall in
Homecoming this year with the ladies of Alpha
Delta Pi. Phi Gam placed 1* in the sandcastle
competition, 2" in float, 1" in field day and 1* eer |
in formal night. Phi Gam and ADPi also raised
over 11,000 canned goods that were donated to
local needy families.
We would also like to thank all the
alumni brothers who helped make this a great
Homecoming. Thank-you to Shannon Nash,
Brian Grooms, Kelly Irvin, and Lee Wray,
whose time and effort was greatly appreciated
by everyone. Also thanks to Ryan Cizmarik
and Chris Weaver for being the Homecoming
committee this year, and motivating the chapter
to excel.
Kage Sigma House
On the night of Friday, October 6, the night
before Homecoming, a small fire started at the Kappa
Sigma fraternity house. The cause of the fire was
believed to be electrical. The fire consumed most of the
interior of the upper level of the house. Unfortunately,
this destroyed most of the belongings of the brothers who
lived in the house. Jay Parker and Jeff McKinley were
around when the fire first started. They both called the
fire department and assisted some of the brothers in
evacuating the house. Presently the Kappa Sigma house
is closed, and awaiting repair, and the brothers are having
to live and meet elsewhere. Let’s hope for the best.
Christmas Party
The Ladies!
\r\nGraduate I lvement
The past few years have seen a huge growth in
our chapter. The undergraduate membership has
surged upward at an unbelievable rate, boasting a
strength of 80+ brothers and pledges. At the same
time, graduate involvement has also begun to increase.
Graduate involvement is proving to be an
important part of the chapter's success in the wake of
this growth. Currently, graduates are helping the
chapter in areas such as Rush, Pledge Education,
Fundraising, and Service. This greater level of
interaction between graduates and undergraduates has
proved to be rewarding for both. This is evidenced by
the continuing success of the chapter.
However, the chapter still needs more graduate
brothers to get involved. Each of you, as graduates,
has important knowledge and experience, which can
benefit the chapter. Whether it be once a week or
once a semester, every minute of your time is of value
to the chapter. Even your simple presence at a meeting
or social event would be appreciated.
The brothers are charting new ground for our
chapter now. As graduates, we owe it to ourselves to
see that the chapter grows to be better than it was when
we left it. Naturally the undergrads will make
mistakes; and they must be allowed to do so. That is
how we learned the best way to lead the chapter, and
that is what made it fraternity life fun! What we need
to do, is show by our example that Phi Gamma Delta is
NOT for College Days Alone!
Your Graduate Brother
Please contact Jimmy Nelson CP or Brian Douglas PL
for questions - or simply drop in. - Thanks!
New House Fund
As many of you know, the chapter has begun
planning for a new house. We have made a rough plan
to accomplish this goal within a 10 year time span. This
plan involves the acquisition of the adjoining lots to
form a half block, and a requirement for the undergrads
to pay off the current house.
We have run into difficulty with the Electronic
Debiting idea as we are being told that the cost per
transaction will be very high. We do have an account set
up with SunTrust bank solely for this task, but is
currently only able to accept normal deposits. If you
have information that will help, please contact Brian
Douglas PL.
Nevertheless, we are driving forward with the
idea of funding a new house. As part of this idea, we are
asking graduates and undergraduates alike to submit
ideas for house plans. Please try to keep in mind the
following requirements:
1) 10-20 Residents
2) Minimum of one bathroom per 4 residents
3) 1 bedroom must be ground floor for HC access.
4) A multipurpose room is desired for use as meeting
room, dining room ete. - think Pig Dinner at house
5) 2 floors with basement is recommended
The rest is up to you! All plans submitted prior to
Pig Dinner will be displayed! Please submit your
plans either in AutoCad R14 or suitable printed
format. The best plan submission gets free Pig
\r\nNon-profit Organization
Graduate Relations USS. Postage Paid
Phi Gamma Delta Permit #241
527 North Peachtree
Cookeville, TN
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January 2001 newsletter of the Theta Tau chapter at Tennessee Tech. This newsletter is eight pages.