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1968 April Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
April 1968 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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Omega Mu
University of Maine Orono
1968 April Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
Phi Gamma Delta, Omega Mu, University of Maine, Orono, Maine
Vol. LXI, No. 3
April, 1968
to become New England Industrial
manager for Howard Johnson's.
Editor's Note: This is the third in a series
of articles about successful FIJIS who have
been affiliated with Omega Mu Chapter. An
outstanding Phi Gamma Delta in college
often becomes an outstanding Phi Gamma
In 1945 he formed his own company.
Parks Restaurants, Inc., which operates
two Howard Johnson's Restaurants,
Delta in the business world. Bob Parks is one
such outstanding FIJI. He is presently serv
ing a one year term as President of the Na
one in Concord and the other in Leo-
tional Restaurant Association.
volved with the National Restaurant
Association and served as President of
minster, Mass. Mr, Parks became in
Bob Parks was born in Duxbury,
the Massachusetts NRA for two years.
Massachusetts, and was educated at
He is the past president of his local
Boston Latin School. In the fall of 1925
Chamber of Commerce and local Ro
he came to the University of Maine
and soon joined the ranks of the
FIJIS. Bob's freshman delegation were
tary Club, and was past vice president
of the Emerson Hospital Corporation.
Last June Bob became the 48th
the first Zobes to be initiated into the
President of the National Restaurant
impressive new brick chapter house at
Association. During his present one
the South end of College Avenue. (See
Parks in 1925 jncture of brotherhood
on page 2.)
year term, he has been visiting practi
cally every state in the Union covering
over 150,000 miles. The NRA has
13,000 members and relates to all state
associations representing 110,000 res
Bob's four years at Phi Gamma Delta
were active ones, and his hard work
taurants. In addition to these executive
earned him many friends. He was a let
ter man
duties, he serves as a consultant to
Howard Johnson's.
showing special
prowess in the 45 yard high hurdles.
No less capable on the stage. Bob was
active in Maine Masque productions.
Many remember his leading roles in
"What Every Woman Knows" and "In
the Next Room." During the fall of
1928 Bob Parks played a major role in
the Memorial Drive through which the
student body raised $25,000.00 for the
finishing of the Armory Gymnasium.
Among Bob's other activities at
'Maine', the most notable were Alpha
Zeta and Psi Sigma Psi, scholastic honoraries, secrctarv of the IFC, member
of Scabbard and Blade, Sophomore
Gwl, and, of course, Senior Skull. Bob
was termed one of the most outstand
ing members of the senior class and one
of the mainstays of the student body.
Bob Parks resides on Revolutionary
Road in Concord, Mass. He and his
wife, Catherine, have three daughters
and five grandchildren.
tem, Inc., in 1930 and became division
Ability and hard work have made
the success story of Bob Parks. His col
lege years and Fraternity experience
were a training ground for his leader
ship post in the business world today.
Bob Parks" story is another page in the
manager in Rochester in 1939. In 1942
Brother Parks left the Waldorf System
The undergraduate brothers salute him.
-After graduation, he served as Alum
ni President of the class of 1929, a po
sition he held until 1938. He began his
business career with the Waldorf Sys
glorious history of Phi Gamma Delta.
\r\nPage 2
Cecil J. Cutts, associate director of
student aid and advisor to foreign stu
dents at the University of Maine, re
tired from the University of Maine staff
this past February. He and Mrs. Cutts
were honored at the Peabody Lounge
in the Memorial Union.
Mr. Robert Worrick, director of stu
dent aid, arranged the party for Broth
er Cutts. At the ceremony Mr. Cutts
was presented an inscribed football as
memento of his football days at
\Iaine when he was a star quarterback
in the early 20's. Over 75 people at
tended the social event. The guests in
cluded colleagues of Cutts at the Uni
versity of Maine and former associates
in the secondary school field through
out the state.
Cecil graduated in the class of 1925
and was fortunate enough to enjoy his
Senior year in the new house. After
graduation he became a teacher-coach
.\t a retirement party in February, Cecil Cutts receives gifts from Charles
Crossland, Dean Emeritus (right). Mrs. Cutts stands at the left.
lieutenant. Following his armed services
assignment, he served as superintendent
of schools for three years at Oakland,
Mr. Cutts' retirement plans haven't
been made known. He and his wife,
the former Helen Drisko of Harring
ton, plan an extended trip to the South
at Brewer tligh School. In 1927 he
went to Morse High School in Bath,
Maine, and became headmaster at
Hartland Academy in 1932.
and for 11 years, until his retirement
from public school work, he served as
and Southwest, Mr. and Mrs. Cutts
Mr. Cutts entered the U. S. Air
Force in 1943 where he served as a first
superintendent of schools at Saco. He
joined the University of Maine faculty
have one daughter and three grand
children. (See picture of Cutts in 1925
in September of 1959.
Brothers Of Phi Gamma
Delta -
Fall 1925
Sitting (Row 1): Hopkins, Wagg, Phillips, Whittier, Bunder, Parks, Conners, Clapp, Cooper and Turner.
Row 2: Damon, Hale, Swickett, Waldron, Wheeler, Newhall, NUson, Baker, Baker, Williams.
Row 3: Plummer, MacSooley, Buker, Dyer, Morrison, Hart, Gryant, De Costa, Frost.
Row 4: Cutts, Everett, Eaton, Cheney, Keene, Harvey, Kehoe, Martin, Switzer, Preble and Porter.
Gene Clapp Will Be Pig Dinner Speaker May 4th
Dinner is a tremendous experience—a
chance to renew bonds of friendship
and to talk over old times.
We are working our hearts out—
meet us half way, brothers. Think
about it. Sizzling steaks, good wine, old
friends, beautiful girls. . . well, we can't
promise everything—but do come.
That's Norris Pig Dinner at the Pilots
Chill Restaurant in Bangor, Maine. It
will be a swinging soiree on the fourth
day of May.
Page Three
When the fraternity system first
emerged on the horizon of academia,
there were those who called it radical.
And surely it did contain some lively
revolutionary ideals. Men were insti
tutionalized into a fraternity, incorpor
ated its prestige values, and learned
to live in a contemporary world re
moved from the dry classroom classics.
Establishment# was
shaken and preferred to ignore it.
But it was not to be ignored. And as
time progressed. Fraternities became
subject to new criticism by new critics
—the independents or self defined in
tellectuals. They charged, and not with
out some provocation, that fraternities
were '"mindless havens" of social de
light and of no consequence in the af
fluent society of today. Sparked by cri
ticism from within as well as without,
fraternities began a reevaluation proc
Eugene Clapp II, Lafayette '36
Plans for Norris Pig Dinner are shap
ing up fast and the festive occasion is
only a month away. The feature
speaker of the evening will be Eugene
Cla])p II, a Lafayette Fiji and a mem
ber of the Board of Trustees of the
Fraternity of
Mr. Cla])]3 graduated from Lafayette
in '36 and then s])ent a year at Har
vard Business school. For the next four
years he was in the accounting and
research de]5artment of the Penobscot
Chemical Fibre C.o. of Boston (now the
Penobscot C:ompany'). The U. S. Air
Force enlisted his services from 1942 to
Discharged in 1946, he returned to
director and
and four years later, he became Presi
dent. lie is currently the company's
chairman of the board and general
manager, as well as serving as a direc
tor for the New Jersey Rubber Co.,
Mutual Insurance Co., U. S. Pulp Pro
ducers Association, and the Ainerican
Cancer Society, just to name a few.
1 he Pig Dinner will be held on Sat
urday, May 4th. at the Pilots Grill Res-
tamant m Bangor. We arc getting
many favorable responses to our bulle
tin, and we hojie you will join us for
the great occasion.
1hose lijis who were initiated 25
years ago will receive their Silver Ow l
Certificates, and all Fijis who were ini
tiated 50 years ago and over will be
presented (iolden Owl Certificates. We
are making a special jilea to c\-cry Fiji
who li\('s in the Stale of Maine to come
to the .Norris Pig Dinner. Phi Gamma
Delta is not lor college da\s alone: Pig
From the Editors: There is no state law
which forbids the consumption of alcoholic
beverages on University of Maine property
by those of legal age (over 21). The policy
is one established by the Board of Trustees.
The existing regulations have been coming
under fire as of late, and Fijis are in the
thick of the struggle to change them. We
welcome your comments on this editorial.
the Steins
to Dear Old
And this reevaluation is the mood
today. Greeks are realizing that they
must offer a dynamic balance between
academic and social existence. They
must not only live together, but learn
together. The trend toward tomorrow
has begun. Fraternities may no longer
-Maine. . .'" the most paradoxical college
be considered the being of the Estab
song in the nation. Maine students sing
lishment or a '"mindless haven" as the
of drinking, but their Trustees tell them
they are not permitted to heed the
words of their song. The Trustees for
bid drinking for all members of the
University community. We all must
recognize that it is the University's ob
ligation to enforce the existing lavvs of
the state and work vvithin that legal
framework. But is it the University's
responsibility to s]3onsor prohibition?
We think not. That great social experiment failed miserably in the 1920's,
and it is etiually as uinvorkable and un
palatable at the University of Maine.
The ])rospcct of a wet camptis is not
independents have charged. They must
be an experiment in creative living that
will encourage both academic and so
cial leadership.
/\nd this reevaluation is the secret to
the continued jjrosperity of the frater
nity system. Let this mood continue to
be the hallmark of the Fraternity of
Phi Gamma Delta, for those fraternities
which don't reevaluate will die.
one to be feared. The harmful efl'ects
ol alcohol to a University community
lie not in the drink, btit in the anti
social actions that can, if used irre
sponsibly, result afterwards. We have
disciplinary jtrocedures to handle these
situations. Do we have a right to ]nm-
ish the resjjonsible drinker by denying
him his legal ]n-ivileges?
W(- feel that total education is only
acciuired through the acce]jtance of in
dividual resj)onsibility. In view of the
fact that drinking is self-evidently a
cpiestion of individual responsibility, it
is our o]jinion that the administration
cf)m])letely and realistically reexamine
the cam|)us liquor regulations with the
abov e jjoints in mind.
Eel Smith '68
lurnci '68
Published through the school year
by Omega Mu ol Phi Gamma
Delta for its brothers and friends.
Ed Keith
Bill Oliver
T reasurer
Danlortfi VVesi
Rolierl Haskell
|ohu Hallou
Merrill Bradford
\r\nAs The President Leaves To Accept Wisconsin Post
In the summer of 1965 six thousand
Maine students left the Orono campus
and prepared for a long summer. Slow
ly the news leaked out, and soon most
of us knew that President Lloyd Elliott
was leaving Maine to accept the com
mand post at George Washington Uni
versity. The news signaled the end of
the Elliott era—a time during which
the University of Maine experienced
immense growing pains. Lloyd Elliott
had shocked us from complacency, and
his seven year Presidency witnessed the
finest moments in the University's cen
tury of existence.
He joined the faculty of the Univer
sity of Wisconsin in 1947 and eventu
ally became a full professor and chair
man of the department of economics.
In 1961 he came back from a leave in
Pakistan, where he was a member of
Commission, to become Dean of the
College of Letters and Science at the
University of Wisconsin. In October
1965, he assumed his duties as Presi
dent of the University of Maine.
When Ed Young came to Maine,
there wasn't a great deal of pomp and
pageantry. The new president just sort
of quietly went about the tremendous
will leave Orono, forever, and return
to Wisconsin to assume the position as
job of directing a University which
seemed to be struggling through a diffi
cult period of adolescence—a period
when the campus was stretching out
with tentacle-like arms eating up the
University Forest and creeping down
College Avenue. The transition was
But what of this new President, Ed
win Young? Last month he announced
his resignation; and in June Ed Young
for .Academic Affairs.
The President will be gone in three
months and in time he will be forgot
ten. Years from now people will look
A few months passed; the emphasis
was changing. The time to reassess the
goals of the future had come. If Maine
back at our University and wonder
what those three evanescent years un
der Young were like. Let me try to re
capture a little of the man who was
was to be an "emerging University",
the quality had to keep pace with the
quantity. It was Ed Young's job to
Alaine's 10th President.
begin. He did it well.
President Young was born in New
foundland, grew up in \Iaine, gradu
Graduate work and research pro
University of Maine and has a Ph. D.
grams were pushed. These were not
totally neglected areas in the Elliott
years, but they were areas of lesser
in Economics from the L'niversity of
priority. Undergraduate academic pro
ated from Bangor Lligh School, the
grams were now getting hard looks and
change was starting to come; pass-fail
courses in the College of Arts and Sci
ences was one of the many new devel
The most noticeable change to us
was the decision making process. Lloyd
Elliott passed the decisions down; many
of thern came up to Edwin Young. Stu
tions, much increased student-faculty
relations, and more faculty decisions
have been a few of the new things with
Young. The beginnings of meaningful
tri-partite student-faculty-administra
tion decision making are no longer over
the rainbow; they are now on the
horizon. Some may decry this new free
Jim Turner chats with President
Young in his office.
dom; most have welcomed it as a fresh
breath of vitality.
He kept his cool.,.,
Sometimes the Young years were
times of crisis or near crisis. The State
Legislature cut back the budget figures;
students sat in the hallway to his office
protesting Do\v Chemical; the newly
created University of the State of
Maine left some serious questions. Each
time Ed Young kept his cool; he was
a quiet man in unquiet times.
Many students met the President as
he walked incognito about the campus
assuming any role from janitor to pro
fessor. Lie often found it amusing to
talk with students, get their honest im]5ression of the University, and then tell
them he was their President. Ed 5'oung
enjoyed these kind of things, and we
did too.
This was Ed Young, .'kn educator, a
man dedicated to the development of
academic programs, and a very humble
person. He has not overly enjoyed his
role as President, as spokesman for the
Lniversity. I he \'ice-prcsident's job at
Wisconsin will give Ed 'V'oung the op
portunity to develop his real talents.
We don t think he was interested in
more salary or the Chancellor s posi
tion. 1hat s what the newsj)apers said;
they didn't know Ed Young.
President \ oung's three years here
have gone quickly; the good he has
done cannot be meastircd out in cupftils. But it has been a new emphasis
in (juality of education, encouragement
of research, and freedom of exjU'ession.
For these things we thank Ed 5"oung;
and as he departs, we wish him well.
May fiis direction lead our new Presi
Orono is a long way from Washing
ton, D. C. For important national po
litical figures it might as well be as far
away as Hong Kong. Except for Pres.
Kennedy's historic visit in October of
1963, no nationally known, out-of-state
political figure had visited the campus
for years.
Jim Turner, President of the Gen
eral Student Senate, and Playes Gahagan, chairman of the Senate's Political
Lyceum Committee, tvent to Washing
ton to make contacts for speakers,
made phone calls, sent telegrams, and
wrote hundreds of letters. Their efforts
were rewarded with former Republican
Presidential candidate, Barry Goldwater, stojjping in Orono for the first
leg of a whirlwind tour of Eastern col
leges and universities.
In our hearts we couldn't help but
feel he was wrong, but it pro\ed to be
an interesting e\-ening. Students packed
the gymnasium, and everyone roared
to their feet with thunderous applause
as Ray O'kccfc '69 introduced the GOP
Less than a week later a teleo'ram
with over 500 signatures con\Tnced Re
publican Senator Mark Hatfield to
coine to Maine at the last minute.
Left to Right: Senator Edmund Muskie; Jim Turner, President of the Stu
Without much acKance notice, 600
dent Body; Dr. Lawrence Cutler, Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Dean
Franklin Eggert; President Edwin Young, Austin Peck, Vice-President for Aca
to hear Ilatfield's speech. The student
demic Affairs; and Senator Mansfield at the podium.
group was held
In one of
came to the
.Another full
students filled the Hauck -A.uditorium
in rapt attention,
charmed by the young, articulate Sena
tor from CTregon. Hatfield was greeted
with warm applause; when he finished,
the students were standing and shout
ing with enthusiasm.
his few trips away from
Senator Mike Mansfield
University in February.
house at the gymnasium
greeted the majority leader as he gave
a major policy talk on A'ietnam. .Also
an alternative.
in attendance was Maine's Senator Ed
Muskie, a great personal friend of
Senator Mansfield and probably his
e\entual successor as majority leader.
.After his speech Mansfield was given
an honorary Doctor of Laws Degree.
The First-in-The-Nation Primary re
turns shocked New Hampshire and the
country; and Senator Eugene McCar
thy came breezing into Orono six days
later on the crest of victory with a
dozen re]5orters hot on his tail. The
Senator landed at Old Town Airport,
was greeted bv se\eral hundred cheer
ing students, and was follot\'ed to cam]rus by a long car parade.
That evening the gym looked more
like a ]tolitical convention than a gath
ering of college students as 3500
jammed in and rung the rafters for
Gene McCarthy. Hayes Gahagan '70
did the introductions, and Bob Duetsch
a Fiji ])ledge and President of the class
of 1971. presented McCarthy with a
Presidential ho|)eful an honorary class
On March 19, 1968, Eugene McCarthy delivered an inspirational speech
to the student body. The stage party is left to right: Mr. Stan C'owan, Senator
McCarthy, Hayes Gahagan "70, Chairman of the Political Lyceum Committee,
and Bob Duetsch '71, President of the Freshman Class.
The cam]jus won't soon forget this
exciting vear. and they can thank Fijis
for it. Political Lyceum is only one of
the inanv facets of Maine student life
iit which Phi Gamma Deltas play an
outstanding and leading role.
\r\nPage Six
Not For College Days Alone .
to graduate in 1920. Ernest worked for
Fred Mitchell has just turned 93 years
On March 5, 1968, Fred C. Mitchell
celebrated his 93rd birthday in Wolfe-
young! See the story in this month's
in Wakefield, Rhode Island. He has
two children.
Guy B. Fitz was so kind to send along
the older brother of Robie Mitchell, a
several Phi Gamma Delta pins and pic
tures of Fraternity life around the turn
Brother \Iitchell was born in West
Newfield, Maine, and graduated from
the University in 1900. In the summer
after graduation he married Grace Da
vis, a teacher in Newfield. Fred Mitch
ell took his first post graduate job as
Principal of Fort Fairfield High School
and later took the top spot at Camden
High School.
Moving to Massachusetts, Mr.
Mitchell became principal at Danvers
H igh School and later \\ent to .Arling
ton High School. In 1926 he became
Headmaster of Lynn Classical High
School, where he stayed for 28 years
until his retirement in 1944. During his
service, Lynn Classical was ranked
among the to]; college preparatoiy
schools in Massachusetts.
It seems that the brothers Mitchell
arc shar]j guys indeed! Fred taught
public school and was superintendent
of the Newfield schools w hile still a Se
nior at '.Maine'! Fred, along with his
brother Robie. was among the tweke
Ka]j|ra when the distinguished hon
orary was started on the 'Maine" camjms in 1923.
In addition to Fred Mitchell's IP'/^
years of service as a high sch(x>l piinci|)al. he has been a ])ast president of the
Massachusetts Secondary School Princiljal's .Association and of the Lynn
of the century. He especially recalls the
house chef, Nick, who would wash his
shirts in the same pail he used for Sat
urday night beans. Mr. Fitz, who lives
in .Auburn, Maine, tells us he is now
children, a son Fred and a daughter,
Diana. Fred spent four years at the
house when he was in college. Fie joins
the ranks of our many graduates
])lcascd with-Omega Mu's progress
'Vaughn Everett writes us from Augus
Some of you may remember William E.
ta, Maine, where he lies in retirement.
Gill back in those early years. Bill spent
Fie formerly worked on the Bridge Di
two years at the University of Maine
before transferring to Harvard. Fie and
his wife Caroline live on Springvale
Road at Croton-On-Hudson, New
Warren McDonald writes how much he
enjoyed the December issue of the Pine
Tree Fiji. Mr. McDonald will be re
ceiving a Golden Owl Certificate at the
Pig Dinner on May 4. We ho]3e he can
be there for the preesntation.
.Another mate of the class of 1912,
Charles Cleaves has just retired in New
Providence. New Jersey. "Doc"' Cleaves
says for the present he is "just being
Elwood Clapp, who commuted from
Brewer during the years just ]n'ior to
the war (the first one!, writes us from
vision of the .Maine State Flighway
.After graduating from Maine, Gerald
Wheeler went to Work for the U S
Forest Service. .A resident of the Grai'iitc State in Laconia, fierald now super
vises the White .VIountain National
Forest m both New Hampshire and
L. Burbank Keen and his wife Gladys
are enjoying the leisure of retirement L
Brook Street in Sherborn, Their
son Alan is completing his Senior year
at the Univcrsitv of Miami
Ken Downing informs us that he has
several snapshots of some of the guys
Highlands. .Mass.
Elwood. Jr.. graduated from the Uni
versity in 1944. We were very sorry to
learn that Brother Clapp's wife Hazel
pas.sed away last fall.
Hunting, fishing, gardening, and min
eral collecting are .Sam Hitchings' fa
vorite pastimes. Sam resides over in
.Skowliegan and summers at Ins camp
on Cilcarwater Lake. .Sam will be an
other l iji receiving a Golden Owl Cer
tificate at Pig Dinner.
ernor of the N
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April 1968 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is eight pages in length.