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1969 April Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
April 1969 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is five pages in length.
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Omega Mu
University of Maine Orono
1969 April Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
Vol. LXII, No. 1
University of Maine, Orono, Maine
April, 1969
Best Graduate Publications in Fijiland
O'Keefe '69, John Collins '70, and
Dave Goode '71 heard much praise of
the fine all-round job Maine had done
The 1967-1968 academic year cul
minated a strong growth period at
Omega Mu, and the Maine chapter
emerged as a first-rate fraternity. The
reward for our efforts came in August
for the year. In addition Maine placed
an honorable mention in the Frater
nity's second most coveted award, the
at the 120th Ekklesia in the Grand Ba
Herbert T. Condon Cup. This is given
hamas. Maine was the only New Eng
land chapter to garner any fraternity
trophies as her three delegates brought
annually to the undergraduate chapter
showing the greatest improvement in
back to the "Castle" an honorable men
scholarship, and extra-curricular activi
ties. Expecting to win the Condon Cup,
Maine's delegates were somewhat dis
appointed, because our improvement
had been phenomenal. We went from
tion in the Condon Cup competition
and walked away strongly with the
Coon Plaque.
To most of our graduates we don't
need to explain why we won the Coon
Plaque for the best graduate publica
tions. You told us all last year how
much you enjoyed them. The chapter
produced four very fine newspapers
which were journalistically excellent
Mitchell, Fred '00 and Robie '07, who
had been life-loyal Fijis and had ex
pressed a great deal of interest in our
chapter. We are sorry to report they
have now both passed "ad astra."
There were stories about Bob Parks '29
and Bob Haskell '25, and many of their
' classmates and Fiji friends reported
how much they enjoyed the features.
the bottom to the top three scholas-
Ray O'Keefe, Omega Mu's first dele
gate to the 120th Ekklesia, receives the
Coon Plaque from Archon President
Danner Lee Mahood.
and filled with news about our alumni.
There were stories about the brothers
All told some 200 graduates corres
ponded with the chapter informing the
brothers of their activities. Finally the
last edition was a special on Pig Dinner
—the most successful graduate dinner
in Omega Mu's history—and was en
thusiastically received by all those grad
uates who attended and by the many
more who wished they had come.
And at the 120th Grand Bahamas
tically, from last to sixth in intramurals,
and generally improved in every area
of fraternity life. Graduate relations
and the Norris Pig Dinner spoke for
themselves. To us it was "in the bag
to them it was an honorable mention.
Shortage of funds has prevented the
brothers from publishing as many edi
tions of the Pine Tree Fiji as they
would like. However, to those graduate
brothers who sent checks last summer
so that this newspaper could continue,
we give our sincere thanks. (.'\ list ol
donors is on back page.) With your in
terest our only sure reward, we hope to
carry on.
\r\nPage 2
April, 1969
Sophomores Dave Goode from Bethesda, Maryland, and John Duffy of
Winchester, Mass., were both tapped as
Maine Day last year was a joyous
occasion for the brothers of Omega Mu.
Ray O'Keefe was tapped as a Senior
Skull (the first since Terry Chadburne
in 1965) and four Fiji pledges (more
than any other house) were tapped as
elected to the offices of corresponding
and recording secretary respectfully.
Sophomore Owls.
Another Owl, Fred Galella from North
senior from
Owls and shortly after initiation were
Tarrytown, N. Y., was elected as assist
ant corresponding secretary and last but
not least Owl Andrew "Bill" Soloby
Maine, was elected to the presidency of
his class and was also elected vice-presi
from Bangor, Maine, is heading the
dent of the student body. He headed
Maine Karate Glub as he is a holder of
the Freshman Orientation program
during the summer of 1967 (the first
and only underclassman ever to hold
that particular position). Fie also was a
the black belt.
Sophomore Owl and is now serving as
As you can see the Fijis are well rep
resented on the Maine Honor Society
a member of the ROTC Brigade Staff.
only score was a safety late in the game.
A small, but enthusiastic gathering
was in attendance at the game and wit
nessed the fired-up Fijis dominate their
next door neighbors throughout the
game. After the game Fijis, alumni, and
guests enjoyed the Flomecoming foot
ball game and then enjoyed an open
house at The Gastle.
New Cabinet Elect
Newly elected cabinet officers include
president Michael O'Leary, a junior
from Arlington, Mass.; treasurer, John
L. Gollins, a junior from Burlington,
Iowa; recording secretary, John G.
Duffy, a sophomore from Winchester,
ning track in all phases of campus ac
tivities this year and in years to come.
Mass.; corresponding secretary, David
W. Goode, a sophomore from Bethesda,
Maryland; and historian, Leigh H.
Morrill, a junior from Augusta, Maine.
ness Administration major and a two
year letterman in football. This is
It is hoped that the brothers of Phi
Gamma Delta can continue on the win
President Mike O'Leary is a Busi
Fijis Win Traditional
Mike's first cabinet office.
Vol. LXII, No. 4
Treasurer John Collins now holds
The mud bowl trophy remained in
the Fiji Gastle after the Fijis defeated
traditional rival Alpha Tau Omega
20-2. This year the game was played
during Homecoming in the hopes of
entertaining alumni and also to attract
Ireshmen to both houses. Under cold,
gray skies and in a foot of mud the
this office for his second year. John is a
Biology major and also a two year let
terman in football.
Our new Recording Secretary is John
Duffy, a Business Administration ma
jor. John played Freshman football and
is a Sophomore Owl. This is John's first
cabinet position.
Jim Chaplin '71
Glenn Smith '70
A1 Sypniewski '70
year by
Dave floode is this year's Corres
Fijis ran away with their second
straight mud bowl win since the games
have been lesumcd Starring for The
Gastle were junior Glenn Smith, who
caught two touchdown passes and a
Gamma Delta for its brothers
and friends.
stalwart defense that thwarted A.T.O.
dress listed on the back.
thioughout the entire game. A.T.O.'s
If this newsletter is being for
changing address, please notify
Headquarters at the return ad
ponding Secretary. Dave is a member
of Maine's new wrestling team and is
also a Sophomore Owl.
Our Historian this year is "Fliram"
Morrill. Hiram is a Chemical Engineer-^
ing major and an asset to the Fiji intra-l
mural football team.
The Cabinet is a strong one and has
the unified support of the brotherhood.
Page 3
ter. The only way we can accomplish
this goal is by having as many graduate
brothers as possible return to their old
college home and socialize with some
old and dear friends. Try and make it
back to the Pig Dinner on Saturday,
May 10, to hear Henry S. Brainard
speak, discuss old times, meet a few un
dergraduate brothers and see what the
castle is like now. But, most of all, to
make the dinner a tremendous success.
Remember, May 10. 1969 is the Pig
Dinner date.
'I'hc Nonis Pig Dinner this year will
mark the seventy-first meeting of the
Omega Mu Fijis, both graduate and
Anyone who has visited the castle re
cently knows its poor physical condi
undergraduate brothers. .Again, as last
tion. . . we need refinancing.
year, it \\ill be held at the Pilots Orill
in Bangor, Maine. This year, on May
10, the Omega Mu brothers will be
(-s|5ecially honored by Archon President
Henry S. Brainard, who will be our dis
tinguished guest speaker.
In an attempt to determine the best
way to raise money, the Graduate
Board of Advisors, Tom Larkin, Roland
MacLeod, and Ted Sherwood have met
April, 1969
Fijis Lead Black Bears
To Homecoming Victory
When the University of Rhode Island
returned the opening kickoff to their
47 yard line and scored on a touchdown
pass four plays later, it looked as if the
Black Bears were going to be thorough
ly routed in their 1968 Homecoming
game. And the outlook was made no
brighter when Maine was forced to
punt soon after receiving the kickoff
following the touchdown.
However, Maine was sparked to life
when safety John Collins made a diving
interception of an overthrown Ram
pass at the Rhode Island 42. Seven
plays later Maine was at the Rams' 11.
The pass play which was called next
found halfback Chris Eaton all alone
under the goal posts, and Chris gath
ered in the pigskin to put Maine on
the scoreboard. Maine scored again in
the second period after a blocked field
goal attempt was carried to the Rhode
island 20, and Rhody was unable to
with local alumni, the Flousing Cor
score again in the first half.
The second half began very much
poration and with professional fund
like the first. With very little time gone
in the third period, Rhody completed a
79 yard pass play to the Black Bear
three yard line. A touchdown two plays
After graduation from Case Western
raisers. They have come up with two
Reserve in 1922, where he served as
|30ssibilities; a refinancing program with
Chapter President for two years, Brain
the national fraternity and/or an alum
ni graduate dues program.
score at 14 points apiece.
The Graduate Board will present the
fund raising program at Pig Dinner this
fourth quarter and eventually worked
ard was involved in public law, when in
1941 he received a job with Firestone
Tire and Rubber Co., where he was an
counsel until his retirement in 1964.
s])ring, along with some ideas for the
consideration of the brothers.
later and the conversion knotted the
Maine began to drive early in the
the ball to the Rams' 15. This time the
call was to Eaton again, and the stands
•'Hank" has been active in fraternity
erupted when he dove between two de
matters for a long time. Serving on the
1980 Committee, Secretary and Presi
dent of the Cleveland Graduate Chap
pass of the afternoon tying the Univer
sity of Maine record for touchdown
passes caught in a game. The defense
fenders to snare his second touchdown
ter. Trustee and President of the Akron
held for the remainder of the game giv
(iraduate Chapter and has attended 9
Ekklesias. Then in 1964 he was elected
to his first general fraternity position
and named General Counsel. In March
of 1968 he was appointed to Archon
\4ce President to fill the unexpired
term of the late Herbert A. Erf (Wittenburg '241. Brainard is now Archon
l.ust yeai's dinner was what Maine
ing the Black Bears a 21-14 upset vic
Collins, Dulac, and O'Leary are ju
niors who have been key personnel in
the Black Bears' defense all year long
and promise to lead the Maine defense
to a great season next year. Sophomore
Orono from Simsbury, Conn., to watch
his suijerb performance, earned a start
ing berth part way through the season.
Chris should be an integral ]jart of the
Fijis called an unheralded success, but
Black Bears' offense which has most of
this year we hope to make it even bet-
its starters returning next year.
\r\ni'agu 4
April, 1969
Edward "Ned" Hilliard, 'oj. For
track, football. Masque, as well as
Last summer we requested a small
mer Maine resident and is now living
Owls and Senior Skulls. Bob now lives
in Peoria, III. Ned is now retired from
the Hartford Insurance Group and
resides at 26^"] N. Missouri Ave. He
at Revolutionary Rd., Concord, Mass.,
is an active member of the Masons.
of Omega Mu chapter. Al is noxu real
Edward K. Hilliard '05
estate consultant located at 920^ Briar
Cliff Ave., Vestal, N. Y. Al is active in
Fernando T. Norcross '14
the All New York Rite Masonic
Bodies and while at Maine he was an
George Penwick '23
"Count" is president of the Associated
Engineers Inc. of Washington, D. C.
He was Treasurer of the fraternity
and was active in the rifle team and
Maine Masque. Count now lives at
qq2o Hawthorne St., N. W., WashingIon, D. C.
Victor H. Shields,
Victor is a
practicing physician in North Haven,
Maine. He played baseball for the
Maine Bears and lived at the house
for three years before going on to
School in i9ij-
Walter "Skip" Perro, '22. Skip is a
retired Consultant for the Scott Paper
Co., and now resides at 268 Siena
Vista, Mobile, Ala. While at Maine
he was active in varsity basketball and
Alpha Chi Sigma (Engineering Honor
George is a teacher at Gould Acad
emy, Bethel, Maine. While George
xuas at Maine he had the privilege to
live in the "old" house where he en
joyed gathering the brothers around,
the table after dinner and lending
them in some of those good old Fiji
and Maine songs. He now lives on the
Bonnie Brae Farm
Bar Harbor,
Robert I). Parks, '29, Executive
Vice-President of the Hoxuard Johnson
Co. While at Maine Bob luas active in
The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Chapter Mailing Serviee
1757 N Street N. W.
Washintgon, D. C. 20036
Return Requested
luith his wife, Katherine.
Allen W. Bratton, 'j2, past historian
actwe member of the Maine Outing
Club and the Maine Masque as well
as enjoying the many intramural
Franklin "Deck" Dexter, 'qi, mana
ger of the New Polymers Div. of
Union Carbide Corp. While living at
the house "Deck" was active m track,
Maine Masque, as well as being the
house recording secretary. Deck likes
to recall "Hungry" George Jewitt and
his love for the "eternal fruit" during
pledging in 1938.
James Girdwood, './j. Jim, a former
jnesident of Omega Mu now works as
publisher for hiformalion Handling
Service of Denver Colo. Jim spends
jyart of his time working on his hob
bies, a 1918 Dodge Roadster and a
Buick Century conx/ertible. While at
Maine Jim remembers the Homecom
ing Weekend he and Dud Utterback
placed a highway sized billboard at
the entrance to campus. The billboard
represented a sign offering the campus
and its 39 buildings for sale.
Robert J. Buck, '44. Bob, a Forestry
major at Maine, is now General Agent
for the Mass. Indemnity and Life. In
surance Co. Bob now lives at 12300
S. W. 80th Ave., Miami, Fla., axid is
now director of the Bay Gladis Youth
contribution from the graduates to help
keep the "Pine Tree Fiji" solvent. We
appreciate your support.
Walter L. Perro '22
Elston F. Cooper '29
Kenneth W. Downing '29
Robert D. Parker '29
Allen W. Bratton '32
Paul A .Young '33
Kent B. Bradbury '34
Franklyn L. Jones '40
Franklin D. Dexter '41
Robert J. Buek '44
Hugh W. Hunter '50
Riehard B. Preble '50
George H. Ames '52
Eugene F. Sturgeon '52
Hans M. Thoma '55
John E. Symons "56
Peter H. Werner '56
Thomas R. Cashmen '57
Harold F. Hutchinson '57
Robert E. Nadeau '57
Donald L. Movers '60
Donald E. MacLauchlan '61
Allen W. McLeod '62
Paul F. McCarron '63
David S. Watts '63
Philip B. Norton '65
John H. Lee '66
Class LInknown
Leo E. Fitzgerald
Keith R. Foster
Edward H. Keith
C. Neal Merrill
Philip D. Miller
Please Complete and Return to Uc
please print
Name in full
( ) Business Address
( ) Home Address
(check preferred mailing address)
Years in school (Dates ).
Did you live in the House?
Did you attend any other colleges?
In what campus activities did you take part?
rJhat fraternity offices did you hold?
Date of marriage,
fife's maiden name.
fife s college,,...
....,Sorority. .
Names and ages of children
Previous occupations, (give dates)
»fha,t civic or elective offices have you held?,
Special honors
Do you see any Pijis often?
Fiji relatives and their chapter,
On the reverse side it would be appreciated if you would indicate
brothers to whom you were closest in college and any interesting
stories about life when you were a Fiji. (Important)
Place and Date of Birth
Date filled out,
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April 1969 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is five pages in length.