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1962 Fall Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
Fall 1962 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is three pages in length.
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Omega Mu
University of Maine Orono
1962 Fall Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
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¥ell, It's that time of the
year again, , And just what time
of the year is that, you might
It's time for the Annual
Why not try to make it back
to the Fiji castle for the 1962
Norris Pig Dinner,
You will be
able to meet our National repre
sentatives, the active brothers,
renew old acquaintances and bring
NorrisPi^ Dinner of course, but
back to mind some fine old mem
we wouldn't expect you, our^
graduate brothers to know this.
ories, Add to this a delicious
meal vrhich would cost you five
You've probably never been to
dollars in any restaurant, and
one since you received your col-^
lege degree.
Last jrear's Pig
Dinner found only two of you
in attendance.
Two years a,go,
however, we had a large turn~
Three of our graduate
brothers were able to break av/ay
from their busy personal lives
to spend a sociable evening with
us here at the Castle,
It really
doesn't take that much time or
effort on your part, does It?
It's only for one night out of
the entire year.
you have an evening which you
will remember for a long time.
Why don't you mark the date on
your calendar right now and plan
to be with us for the Norris
Pig Dinner on Saturday, May 19,
at 6:30 P.M,
. It would be a great help to
us if you would let us know if
you will be on hand for our
Annual Norris Pig Dinner,
This year's Dinner is shap
ing up to be one of the best
The Na.tional Executive
Secretary of Phi Gamma Delta,
Bill Zerman, is goinv to be our
main speaker. At the Head Table
along with Brother Bill will be
Tom Hanson, Chief of Section One,
and our longtime Purple Legion*^
naire, Ted Curtis,
the enclosed card in the mail
with s'-our answer as soon as
\r\nThose of you who have not
returned to the Castle for some
time have not yet seen our new
Dear Brothers:
21" T.V. set, our huge 3' x 5'
First of all, let me saythat this letter is not going
to be a pitch for financial
duplicate of the Phi Gam seal,
our new furniture or enjoyed any
of Woody's beans and franks for
our traditional Wednesday night
Fiji chow.
This Is not my pur*,
pose, I feel as though the
undergraduate chapter and the
graduate chapters and brother
relationship should be some
thing more than one of financial
obligations and support. The
relationship should be a two
way affair. It is my under
standing that in past years
those going out from Omega Mu
have considered their fraternal
associations completed at the
same time as their formal college
education terminated.
If nothing
So much for the message.
Drop us a line and let us know
what is going on, I am hoping
to see many of you at the Norris
Pig Dinner,
It would seem a
shame to have only our two
dependable graduate brothers
here to meet the executives.
have started the ball
rolling, now we depend on you.
There will be no turnstyle at
the door, so don't be afraid.
To you, the welcome mat is
always outi
more, this is a "bad habit,"
Those of us now here at the
tle enjoy hearing from our grad
uate brothers.
In terms of Phi
Jim Goff
Gamma Delta, alumni you are not.
Why not take the time to drop
us a
line once and a
that we might pass yoior news
Phi Gam, again this year,
onto our brothers.
Seven of us ventured to
the civilized vrorld a month ago
for a Section conference held at
the M.I.T, Chapter house in
has more than i t s share of
campus leaders.
Our Past Pres
M.I.T, on Friday night, an open
ident, Scott Tardif, was elect
ed to the Senior Honorary Society
last fall, John Roberts, a Jun
ior, is Co-Captain of the Black
Bears football team, Doug Johns,
the artist in the house, is Art
Editor of the Prism, Jim Goff,
the new President, was recently
meeting of the Archons Saturday
morning, a panel discussion of
chosen to manage the FM radio
station on campus, and hosts the
the "fraternity image" on Sat
University's weekly TV show.
In attendance were
representatives of all the under
graduate Chapters in Sections
I, II, and III,
The weekend's
activities included a
mixer at
urday afternoon and a cocktail
party and banquet that evening,
I express the feelings of all
those who attended v;hen I
that the trip was more than worth
One of our brothers from
Williams summed i t up this way,
"For the first time, I feel Nat
The "Pine Tree Fiji" is
published by the Brothers of
Omega Mu Chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta, Editor is Joe Daggett,
As Spring rolls nround, Phi
Gam la once again fotind on top
of the fraternity social list.
As usual, the hig weekend of the
This year the University
Rushing program changed.
Pall semester was Homecoming
Freshman were allowed into the
various houses a f t e r the f i r s t
two weeks of school.
This ex
Weekend. This year a large turn
out of graduate "brothers were
treated to a "buffet supper after
tended the previous formal
rush period to sixteen weeks of
informal rushing.
The house
the Maine - Conn. foot"ball game.
didn't take full advantage of the
new system, but made up for i t
during the first two weeks of
During the football game it v/as
announced that Phi Gam had won
an Honorable Mention in the
campus wide display contest.
As "./inter hit the campus
and the snow began to fall, the
Castle began preparing for Win
ter Carnival. Despite a short
age of the white stuff, the Fijis
led by Doug Johns and Marty
the second semester.
An a l l -
out effort by the House brought
total of Nineteen new Zobes.
Included are:
Terry Chadbourne, Pittsfield; Ray Cushman. New i.iilford; Carl Eastv/ood,
Rangeley; David Day, Yarmouth;
McHale followed up their Home
Stu Gerald, Cape Elizabeth; Ron
coming display victory with
Graves, Hallowell; Phil Harmon,
Oxford; Chuck Harvey, Augusta;
Scott King, Augusta; Phil Norton,
Bar Harbor, (Brother of Joe
another Honorable Mention in the
snow display. As might be ex
pected the v/eekend did not pass
without a couple of exceptional
After a year's absence due
to \Hiforseen complications, the
Fiji Island Party returned to
campus this year with a bang.
The gameroom of the Castle was
Norton, '63); Fred Paganucci,
Augusta; Leon Pinkham, Bangor;
Stu Rich, Old Town; V/ayn Robbins, Bath; a1 Sawyer, Augusta;
Paul Smith, Gardiner; Marshall
Stern, Bangor; \/infred Stevens,
decorated in the usual way with
straw and colored lights.
Dave Priest was recently
Twice this year the Brothers elected to be Rushing Chair
man for next year. Dave is
of Phi Gam joined with their
currently Pledge Trainer. Joe
sister sorority. Pi Beta Phi,
for a social evening. The first
event came during the Fall when
the Pi Phi's v;ere guests at the
Castle for supper. Just before
the Christmas vacation the Pi
Phi's- joined us in giving a
Christmas Party for the children
of St. Joseph's Home in Bangor.
Brother Ron Allen Performed
well, his task of being Santa.
Spring House Party is just
around the corner and committees
have already been appointed and
are nov\r in the process of making
this another great weekend.
To Promote better campus
relationships the Fijis have
initiated a i^rogram of faculty
the Castle.
Norton will replace Dave as of
the fall as the Zobe trainer.
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Fall 1962 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is three pages in length.