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1981 Fall Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
Fall 1981 newsletter for the Omega Mu University of Maine. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Omega Mu
University of Maine Orono
1981 Fall Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
r-^ 1^1 yr. A
. '^Tr^hu-S^c OLONO, UE-.
Maine wins,
Homecoming weekend here at
Phi Gam was an eventful occation
The house took a big step
forward on homecoming with its first
Board of ChapterAdvisors meeting
on Saturday morning(see separate
article) .Formation of the comni-ttee
for all to enjoy. The Maine Black
Bears beat New Hampshire in an
smd some goals were outlined, and
it looks promising for the future.
awsome battle, 26-16 at Alumni
Field. UNH was previously undefeated.
At Fiji's Mud Bowl field, it was
also a festive occasion, as the
brothers and pledges battled SIGMA
with much satisfaction, on the
appearance of the house and the
present brotherhood residing here.
PHI FPSILON to a 0-0 tie. Once
again Fiji goes unbeaten in mud
bowl play.
On the social side, John
Thomas, our house chef, came throu^
once again with his wonderful chicken
barbecue, which was enjoyed by all.
Many graduate brothers commented
They were happy to see the house
in such great shape both physically
'and administratively. Hopefully, the
goals for the will be reached
with the help of the "BCA".
We would like to thank all the
Brothers who attended, and we look
forward to seeing you again.
\r\nPage 2
The f a l l semester is well under
way at Omega Mu where we have a
rent brotherhood of ^
and a pledge
class membership of 12. The semester
began with 6 brothers attending the 17th
annual Fiji Academy and coming back to
Orono packed with ideas, enthusiasm, auid
a few winning wax stories. This was fol
lowed in September by a fabulous Parents
Weekend Affair which included a
hour, a superb' buffet prepared by our
chef, J.T., and eui evening of dancing.
The following weekend was hi^li^ted
by a visit from Executive Secretary,
Bill Zerman. Bill mentioned his pleasure
with the progress that Omega Mu has made
over the past few yeatrs and the general
feeling by many on campus that Phi Gamma
Delta is the number one fraternity on
campus. Homecoming was hi^li^ted with
a Black Bear upset over UNH, a mudbowl
stalemate vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon played
in 50 degree weather auid a good number
of graduates both young aind not -so-young
enjoying the activities. The
bathroom, toilets(circa 1924) were repla
kicker and passer. During his
senior year, the Houlton native
was the squad's leading ball carrier.
Shortly after his graduation
In 1939»he joined the military. He
rapidly moved up throu;di the ranks
until he reached Second Lieutenant
Brother Dow was patroitic in
spirit, in service, in gallentry
and loyalty to country from the
day he first knew what the axmy
stood for. His career was cut short
on June 17, 1940 in a mid-air
collision of two army bombers. That
fateful crash over New York wiped
years of study, sacrifice and amb
itions from the sky. Ten other
airmen fell to their firery death
that afternoon; they too, I am
siire were all "Jim Dows" in their
own nei^borhoods,
Jim Dow is remembered by his
brothers as a quiet auid reserve
person who worked hard for his
achievements both on the football
field and in the sky. Yet to those
who knew him intimately, the threelettered word 'Dow* means'well done*.
ced and the pledges extended the drive
way with gravel and railroad ties, three
car lengths wider. Talk is now under way
for the next cabinet, in conjunction
with the BCA, to begin a project which
would effectively cut down on our astro
nomical heat bilis. We would appreciate
any information or ideas the gCaduates
can supply us with on this matter.
John Wallace(*81)
Jim Goff ('64)
Fraternally Yours,
In the early 60's we had an active
Fiji in Jim Goff. While at the University
Thomas C* Hicks
of Maine he worked at the campus radio
station, which was the stepping stone to
his career. His junior year was a hectic
one as he was president of the Interfrat-
The acreage occupied by today's
Bangor International Airport and
the present day Bangor Community
College was known from 1942 until
1968 as Dow Field. The army air
base was named in memory of one
of our Omega Mu brothers, James F.
Dow (*39).
ernity Conference on campus in addition
to being president of Fiji. During his
senior year he was involved in the Senior
Skull Society on campus.
He remembers the original mudbowl at
Omega Mu which took place in 1959 >rtiile
he was a pledge. Back then, it was played
in the ATO parking lot. The chef was
always perturbed, to say the least, when
they left a blanket of mud through the
kitchen. He also mentioned that in "those
As an undergraduate, Broiher
Dow was well known for his athletic
abilities. He possessed natural
days" the pledges really learned the con
talent, especially on the grid
iron. Outstanding performances we
constantly turned in by the stellar
general manager of WPBC radio station in
tour of the paddle during fun week.
Currently Jim is the president and
Bangor. He is happily married and has
three ch ildren.
\r\nPage 3
Jim Kane (76)
Due to the haxd work of many
of the undergraduates auid Purple
Legionaire David Rsmd, Omega Mu
has formed a working Boaxd of Chapter
bringing the house together, after being
closed in the Spring of *74, was Jim Kaine
Advisors this semester. Well over
twenty interested graduates were
present at the first orginization
meeting held on homecoming, October
10. From this group we have chosen
One brother most instrumental in
(76). Jim was nat involved in the house
until his junior year at U.M.O., vhen the
chapter was being r«c©gdized and recruit
ment of pledges was in progress .
was one of the first thirteen pledges
and soon to be brothers of the new colony.
the following brothers to serve on
Jim served as president of the first
the boaxd
pledge class and continued his leadership
Rob Leatherbee('76)
John Oakes('77)
Jack Macfirayne('69)
Paul McCarron(*63)
Steve Strand('77)
Cliff Abbott('77)
Jim Kane(*76)
Dave Sposato(* 7^)
Tim Ames ('80)
David Smith(*61)
Bruce Verrill(*77)
by acting as president of the new brother
He did not have a simple task
ahead of him.
Ibe new brothers and pledges
had a house to move into, but there was
no furniture, no cook, and the house was
in shambles. After many ri^t decisions,
many wrong ones and much effort and det
ermination the house was reopened in the
Fall of *74. Jim told me this feat was
'due to the strength of the members -
their pirsistance." After serving as
The BCA is an essential ingred
ient to the continuity and the
long term success of Omega Mu.
These brothers will be advising
board, as a senior skull, and in student
us in important areas such as
chapter management, finances,
graduate relations, pledge educa
tion, and rush. We feel that these
graduates can offer the personal
president of the house, he continued
hjd involvement on campus, in his senior
year, as president of the U.M.O. fraternity
Jim is presentl:/ working as senior
salesman, in New England# for Burlington
Industries. He has been taking ni^t
courses, at Babson Oollege for two years,
experience and objective evalvlatlon
and hopes to get his M.B.A. shortly.
that the
anyone would like to contact Brother
chapter needs In dealing
with certain problems.
The first official meeting
will be held in Portland, Me. on
Saturday, January 9 where we will
also be attending a Maine Mariners
hockey game that evening. If you
would like to attend or just
Kane, he lives at the Charles River
Apartments,in Boston. His phone
number is 6l7-367 2238
find out more about the BQTA,
The continuance of a great
please write or call Tom Hicks,
chapter is its new blood. We pledged
the chapter president at the
house. Our phone number is
men this fall under the direction
a fine and ambitious group of young
of Dennis Mulherin('82). The 12
Christopher Skillman-Whitehouse
Peter Tirschwell
James Rizzitello
Dean Kaufman
Bill Cote
Tom Hicks
Ken Bartlett
Published through the school year
by Omega Mu of Phi Gamma
Delia for its brothers and friends.
John Wallace
. Station, NJ
Robert McDougall-Weyland,Mass
Matthew Sraith-Readfield,ME
Steve Wilson-Eastport,ME
James Fassett-Pittsbur^,PA
Etienne Emmons-Kennebunkport,ME
James Boulette-Waterville,ME
Todd Thibeault-Fort Kent,ME
Bruce Roderick-Fairfield,ME
John Lefebvre-Bangor,ME
Tom Anaire-Bangor,ME
Kent Thalacker-Coventry, Conn
\r\nEase ^
Chancellor Ineffective
It seems as If the trustees and
and the chsmcllor of the imiver-
slty are missing the p#int. Do
the 13,000 students , faculty and
staff mean anything to them?
Apparently not. A good administra
tion should always strive for
excellence in every aspect of the
system. That's not what is happen
ing. As it is now, the university
is understaffed, overcrowded and
the faculty are severly underi)aid,
resulting low morale and thus a
handicapped educational community.
All of this stems from budget
problems. There is just not enou^
puessure being put on the state
for more money, so the university
is suffering. The Associated Fac
ulty of the University of Maine
O^FUM)for instance, has been work
ing without a contract since June
30 of this year. The first contract
offer came in the form of no increace
and after much press;jre put on the
trustees(ineluding a student rally
on the mall earlier this year), the
contract offer has been raised to
an 8^ increase, althou^ there is
still a 10^ rise in the cost of
son for this is that he and the
living. Also, the five other unions
representing staff, security and
trustees are ignorant to many of
the basic problems of the univer
maintenaince workers have had alot
of difficulty negotiating fair
contracts . The low budget has
taken its toll in other areas as
well. All freshmen, for example
must live in a triple room that
is designed as a double, and many
must live at the Bangor campus
they need money. Maybe this insensitivety is a result of the
just because there is no room.,
The various dei)artments are teaching
a far greater amount of students
then in the past, yet the sizes
of the staffs have remained constant.
inactive in lobbying the legis
lature for money.Part of the rea
they don't think that
fact the fact that there is one
alvimnus on the entire board.
Whatever the case, the pro
blem is real. Relatively speaking,
University of Maine faculty saleries rank 50th out of the 51 state
university systems in the United
States. This is a disgrace. Many
limited in its study space and
faculty are getting to the point
that they don't even care about
their courses or the students who
they are teaching,and who can
resources. For instance, it
blame them?
currently subscribes to 3,000
of 25,000 journals published.
I think you see the point.
Brothers, the house seeks
your comments and criticisms on
this most serious matter. I am
The obvious reason for all
this is that there is not enough
the alumni exert 01 the trustees
The Fogler Library also is very
sure that any pressure that you,
money in the state. Tiiis is not
will resxilt in positive measures
so. The state is currently operat
being taken.
ing on a 35m dollar surplus,so
money does exist. The problem is
that the chancellor is very
\r\nPage 5
Summer days filled with the sovinds
of ball
The crack of the bat and the thrill
of i t a l l .
And towns across America were nervously
That come • October they'd be cheering
not moping.
You see baseball's an institution
like apple pie
Or Chevrolet and hot dogs and Nellie
We just can't live without our pastoral
And watching those destined for the
Hall Of Fane.
But over the years some dreadful
Has stricken our pastime to its knees.
It all started in the front offices and
spread to the field
And malignant or not» would baseball
be healed?
Renember the headlines of honeruns and
no hitters?
Well they'd been replaced by the court
room jitters.
'Cause for the third time in history,
baseball was on strike
From the Los Angeles freeways to the
Mass Pike.
The word of the day was called compensation
And the players got into the cage to
practice arbitration.
Now the heck with it all,let's get on with
the show!
Who cares about thier saleries and thier
status quo?
The stars will be back, the Schmidts and
the Bretts?
Instead of Moffett and Grebey aund the
player reps.
Again we can watch Pete Rose passing
Forget money and greed had messed it up
as usual.
The fans had turned to something less
than the majors
To catdi baseball fever without Benches
or Yeagers.
But the minors certainly had some
stellar beginnings
When Rodiester and Pawtucket played
33 innings.
Towns like Paintsville received national
While the big league cities got hardly
a mention.
Wasn't it great that despite all the
The i>apers printed stories from the days
of Carl Hubbell?
Songs were being written> Willie
Mickey and the Duke.
Yes the spirit of baseball is
44. !just wasn't faif
But it
if all we can do
is remember
How much fum it was to root in September.
So no longer here I sit, having a leg
in traction
Watching movie reruns instead of
u..., Abbot, Who's on
first and What's
on second?
•Well at last Lou, Somebody's on
first,'Bud reckoned.
Chris ' Antman" Larson('80), renowned
poet of Omega Mu, now lives in
Rochester, NY, and works as a
computer consultant for Kodak.
He had this to say concerning
the recent baseball strike.
\r\nPage 6
As graduation comes and goes
we all go our separate ways; best
friends sometimes never seeing each-
other again, thus being deprived of
a true virtue in life, lasting friend
ship. Coming from a setting such as
th s, we are luckey in that we have
the opportunity to preserve and even
rekindle old friendships throu^
(Maine '81) has assumed the role of
Both Field Secretary for the In
that one tififcrtant thing which we
have in common, the fraternity. Many
college alumni publications are
published for hundreds of thousands
ternational Headquarters of the
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta. He
served Omega Mu as his pledge
have never even heard of the people
listed in the alumni notes under our
class President, Chapter President,
in that we are a small group and we
of people and most of the time, we
year of graduation. We are fortunate
IFG Representative, and as a
delegate to the 132nd Ekklesia,
graduated magna cum
laude from
the honors program here at the
University. His new responsibilities
roclude visiting and advising
chapters that range from as far
north as British Columbigt down
to California.
We all wish
can easily let our friends know of
our doings throu^ the chapter pub
lication. So please, 1 urge you to
let ae know what you are up ta so
that 1 may pass it on to your brothers.
Also if you would like a list of the
present addresses of all the brothers
who were in the house when you were,
1 would be more than happy to send
it to you.
Buddy the best of luck in his
Peter Tirschwell
new endeavors.
Nonprofit Crg;
1LM.O. FIATDmrr igaid
Mrial Umm
MaiM 0447S
OronD, Main®
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Fall 1981 newsletter for the Omega Mu University of Maine. The newsletter is six pages in length.