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1982 Fall Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
Fall 1982 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Omega Mu
University of Maine Orono
1982 Fall Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
oy EGA.Jfitis
FALL 1982
Homecoming Weekend, held on October
Alumni Field for an enjoyable afternoon of
football which was followed by a social hour
and Paul McCarron ('63) would share the
the exquisite buffet dinner served by our resi
dent gourmet chef, John Thomas, It was very
tranquil atmosphere for the reminiscence of
duties of Purple Legionnaire. Dave Rand ('59)
retired early in September. We thank Dave
for his many years of loyal service to the
Chapter as Purple Legionnaire and especially
for his vital role in bringing the Chapter back
to life in 1974. We are looking forward to
Phi Gamm days past.
developing a close relationship with Paul and
enjoyable for us to meet and chat with the
men who, over the years, have contributed
V7hen the announcements were being
made, a much deserved round of applause
was given to Ted Curtis ('23) who for so
15-17, turned out to be a festive occasion for
undergraduates and graduates alike. Over
the course of the weekend, over forty grad
uate brothers dropped by the castle to say
hello, although not all could stay around for
so much to our beloved chapter.
The highlight of the weekend was the foot
ball game Saturday afternoon in which before
10,000 screaming, intoxicated fans, the UNO
Black Bears romped the UMass Minutemen,
at the Castle and then dinner. The buffet din
ner, which was a superb array of ham, tur
key, roast beef, and assorted pastries, and
served in the candlelit living room, provided a
many years has given so much of his time and
talents to the chapter. The highlight of the
evening was when Dave Smith, the BCA Pres
ident, announced that Marshall Stern ('64)
We greatly appreciate all the attention and
support that our graduate brothers have
given us in recent years and we hope that fu
ture graduate reunions will be as successful as
this one. See you all at Pig Dinner!
42-24. Not only did the fine performance
please the fans, but it also pleased the old
timers, who have not seen UMO defeat
UMass since 1965, nor seen them score this
many points against UMass since 1909. UMO
is now 6 and 3 with 2 games left in the season.
The weekend activities at the Castle began
with a party on Friday night. Being the social
butterflies that FIjIS always are, we invited two
sororities and their alumnae down to the prehomecoming bash. The recent grad brothers
showed up in numbers, and as expected the
party turned out to be a great success, "One
of the best of the semester", according to
Bob McDougal ('84), an authority on social
events. After a continental breakfast the next
morning, Dave Smith ('61) convened the
Board of Chapter Advisors for their fall meet
ing in which much of the discussion centered
around our fund raising effort for new win
dows. Most then made their way over to
hJew Purple Legionnaires (L to R), Marshall Stem ('64) and Paul McCarron ('63) enjoy the Homecoming '82 festivities.
oy £G A
^^nyrnti '^c ohoho, we ,
Dear Graduate Brothers,
Published throughout the school year by
Omega Mu of Phi Gamma Delta for its
brothers and friends.
Peter Tirschwell ('84)
Brad Gould ('83)
John Lefebvre ('84)
Jeff Smith ('84)
Chris Skillman ('83)
Brad Gould ('83)
David Smith ('61)
The Fall pledge class
Chapter Officers
Greetings from the Brothers here at "the
Castle." I hope this issue of the PINETREE FIJI
finds you and your families in good health and
enjoying life. As this issue goes to press, we
are in the midst of a very busy and exciting fall
semester. I would like to fill you in briefly on
what has been happening here at Omega Mu.
As usual, the semester started off on a hec
tic note when forty-one men moved into the
Castle. I'm sure that you all remember those
bureaus, couches, chairs, and suitcases filling
the hallways until everyone got their room
Joel Gardiner ('83)
"Just the way they wanted it."
Andy Files ('83)
Steven Swan ('83)
The next step was to develop a realistic
and workable budget and to elect committee
chairmen. Remember those budget meetings
when considerable debate was given to "how
much social would get"? When the budget
was finally passed and the committee chair
men elected, we were ready to go.
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Sec.
House Corporation
Kenneth Jagolta ('83)
Thomas Ladd ('83)
Ed Keith ('49)
Bill Oliver ('55)
The house has been actively involved in in-
January 8
Black Bear Basketball vs. Northeastern
January 10
Black Bear Hockey vs. Clarkson
January 15
Black Bear Hockey vs. Dartmouth
January 25
Black Bear Hockey vs. Yale
February 4. 5. 7, 9, II, 12
UMO Music/Theatre Opera production
February 7
Black Bear Basketball vs. UNH
February 20
Black Bear Hockey vs. Cornell
Fraternally yours,
Joel P. Gardiner
on campus and we're hoping to repeat or
Omega Mu's Board of Chapter Advisors
better that performance this semester.
The highlights of the semester so far have
met in formal session on Saturday, October
been Parents Weekend and Homecoming. On
Parents Weekend (Oct. 9-11) the Brothers
end. Board members were hosted to coffee
entertained more than eighty parents and
friends. Following tradition, the parents were
16th, as part of the 1982 Homecoming week
and danish by the undergraduate brothers at
the Castle before the meeting which was held
at the Memorial Union. David Smith ('61),
and dancing. Our chef, John Thomas, prepared
B.C.A. Chairman, presided at the get-together.
The excellent turnout of graduate brothers,
our guests for a cocktail hour, buffet dinner
a delicious meal and even did a bit of tinkling
from far and wide, for the session is testimony
of the ivories for us after dinner.
to the deep commitment that B.C.A. mem
Homecoming was also a great success. More
than forty graduates stopped in to say hior to
bers have for the Chapter. Section Chief,Jack
Orr (Ohio Wesleyan '53), was on hand to
lend input from the point of view of Phi Gam
have dinner with us Saturday night. To those
of you who came by, it was great seeing you
and we look forward to seeing all of you again
ma Delta International.
at Pig Dinner.
relative to the functioning of the Chapter. Ac
tion was taken by the Board to provide fund
ing for material to insulatethe "Ram Pasture"
floor. The labor for this Job will be provided
fraternity just as it was when you were an un
dergraduate—and just as it will still be our fra
ternity long after we have graduated.
Pig Dinner '83
Finally, I would like to thank all the under
graduates and my cabinet for a lot of hard
work, dedication, and persistence over the
past year. For me, it has truly been a learning
experience and I have thoroughly enjoyed
every moment of it throughout the past four
years. It is certainly great to be a Fiji.
the above events, give us a call at the Cas
tle and we willgladly hold tickets for you in
April 16
government, while also maintaining a high
standard of scholarship. Last fall we had the
second highest CPA of all sixteen fraternities
Note — If you would like to attend any of
Maine Masque Theatre Production
"Tobacco Road" — Pavilion Theatre
us to maintain our present level, we ask for
your continued input and ideas regarding any
or all aspects of our house operation.
Looking ahead, this year's Pig Dinner is
scheduled for April 16. I cordially invite you to
attend as we hope it will be one of the finest
tramurals, rush, social service, and student
As you all know. Omega Mu has experi
enced its ups and downs over the years. Cur
rently, we undergraduatesfeel that we have a
verystrongchapter both locally and nationally.
Our continued success in the future depends
upon your continued participation and sup
port of the chapter. After all, it is still your
March 1-6
Continuity, of course, is one of the greatest
challenges we face as a chapter. In order for
The Board discussed a wide range of topics
by undergraduates and pledges. Fuel savings
as a result of this first step of a long range plan
to make the Castle more fuel efficient are ex
pected to run as high as 20-25% of the 5000
plus gallons of oil consumed each year for
(Continued on p. 3)
BCA (cont.)
Plans for the soon to be announced capital
improvement drive were presented by Proj
ect Chairman, Dave Sposato (74). Dave ad
vised us that "things are happening". An
alumni directory will be published by the
B.C.A. as a key ingredient of the campaign. If
all goes according to plan, the drive will kick
off at the 1983 Norns Pig Dinner.
Your B.C.A. wants you to know that all is
well at your fraternity. We have a fine group
This semester's scholarship dinner, held on
November 2. was one of the most successful
faculty gatherings held at Omega Mu. Each
semester we invite several of our professors
down to the house for an evening of socializ
ing and conversation to be followed by dinner.
Attesting to the popularity of this event,
of young men in residence at the Castle. They
are eager to become part of the grand tradi
we were pleased to see 14 professors attend
out of the 15 invitations passed out. Among
tion of Phi Gamma Delta at Maine. You are,
those who visited was Dr. Paul Silverman.
of course, a vital part of that tradition. Why
not drop a line to the undergraduates in care
our University president. It was the first time
of President Joel Gardiner to express your
tion at Phi Gamm and we were especially
pleased to have him with us.
support for the wonderful job they are doing,
guarding your memories and keeping the flame
of Fiji brotherhood alive at the Castle by the
Brothers, please note. We are
still very interested in those
ffll C3C!1®M forms.
Omega Mu has always considered the schol
arship dinner important because it allows the
brothers to meet with their professors on an
informal, non-classroom basis. Many of the
first-time visitors were impressed with the
Castle's upkeep, both inside and outside. We
also learned that many of the faculty members
present had been active in fraternity life when
in college and that our Fiji castle is recognized
ties. that the University wants to control
first few weeks of the semester that the ad
more than it has done in the past. Thus, every
ministration was initiating a program to make
fraternity keg party has become a two fused
the campus "dry". ButWilliam Lucy. Dean of
Student Activities and one of the leading com
municators of the University's new efforts for
stronger liquor law enforcement, stresses that
time bomb as the University has made it clear
that policemen and undercover people will
be used to identify the offenders.
Obviously, the administration realizes that
the administration is not out to eliminate drink
the students at UNO cannot exist outside the
ing on campus. Rather, it has committed itself
to fostering responsible drinkingthrough prop
law. Dean Lucy points out that there is little
er enforcement.
conservative legal climate. Few students have
Although the Maine State Liquor Laws are
clear and simple, the fraternities, sororities,
and dormitories at UNO have regularly bro
succeeded in refuting this argument.
Nevertheless, the laws are still being bro
ken the laws over the years. Specifically, indi
viduals under twenty have enjoyed the liberty
of drinking at campus parties with little risk of
being caught. The traditional "keg party" has
always been the best and cheapest alternative
to a night out on the town. Until a couple of
parties. This is because many party organizers,
especially the fraternities, have found more
years ago, few fraternities worried about the
fact that it is illegal to sell alcohol or to charge
admission to a keg party, and then give away
free drinks. The law states that the charge of
admission constitutes a sale. It is these two il
legal activities, underage drinking and keg par
fraternities such as ours are needed and
wanted on university campuses because they
promote brotherhood and create an environ
ment of leadership which will aid society in
the coming nuclear age.
Dr. Silverman had been able to attend a func
as the home of several campus leaders.
Many believed the rumors circulating the
After a Stuffed Chicken Supreme dinner,
prepared by chef John Thomas. President Sil
verman gave a speech concerned with UNO's
role as a growing educational institution among
American colleges. He went on to say that
room for a double standard in today's growing
President Silverman at the Fallfaculty dinner.
All is well in this department. Throughout
the semester our fall pledge class of nine
worked toward their goal of brotherhood un
der the guidance of Bruce Foley ('83). Among
their more notable accomplishments as a
class was the installation of barnboard on the
remainder of the basement wall. Meanwhile,
Jim Fassett ('82) was busy recruiting a new
pledge class. After several rush parties and
dinners, a spring class of sixteen was estab
lished. Jim McLellan ('83) will take over the
reins as pledge'trainer.
ken. Minors continue to drink at the illegal keg
discreet money collecting and admission meth
We hope to see you at
ods that seem to be keeping the police and
undercover people away. What irks Lucy and
other administration officials and faculty isthat
most of the law breakers do not seem to
realize the legal ramifications of the risks they
are taking. Perhaps this attitude will change
with stronger enforcement. If it does not. the
threat of a dry campus may become a reality.
April 16, 1983
Editor's Note: Much of the research for
this article was done at the Special Collections
Department of Fogler Library. This section
of the. library not only has many fine collec
tions of books, including the extensive collec
tion of Brother Phil Taylor ('24), but in its
stacks it contains the thousands of bits and
pieces of information which make up the his
tory of our fostering institution. Phi Gamma
Delta, I soon discovered, has in many ways
played an integral part in this history. The
building honoring our alumni provide some
and a judicious guide in the fields of literature,
in which fields he rendered doubtless his high
est educational service." (from The History
of the University of Maine, M.C. Fernald,
Estabrooke Hall was built in 1940 as a result
of a federal grant at the cost of $340,000. The
dormitory houses 172 students and is now the
home of many graduate students. Interesting
ly, a small building, previously used as a dining
evidence for this. Because most of these men
commons was remodeled in 1918 to house the
were brothers in our forerunner, it should be
English Department and was renamed Esta
noted that upon the installation of the Q.T.V.
brooke Hall. However, it was soon destroyed,
becoming one of the many buildings to fall vic
tim to the expanding university.
It IS worth noting that at the time of the
the New York and Midwest Stock Ex
As mentioned above. Brother Crosby
left $400,000 to the University for a
new mechanical engineering build
ing. Although construction began
in 1924, the structure was not
completed until 1928 because
of a reluctance on the part of
the Governor and his council
to appropriate the funds
needed for its comple
tion. Nevertheless,
sidered to be our brothers inevery sense. The
article before you, and another that will ap
construction of the new Arts and Sciences
pear in a subsequent issue of the 'Pine Tree
siderable debate as to the name it should be
Crosby Hall now
proudly stands
adjacent to Little
Hall as the prin
cipal laboratory
facility of the
Fiji' are an attempt to outline this deep, his
torical relationship between Omega Mu and
given. Letters indicate that many professors,
including President Little, favored the name
of Estabrooke Hall, although it was decided
that it should bear the name of the former
Secret Society as a chapter in Phi Gamma
Delta in 1899, all of the Q.T.V. alumni be
came brothers in our order, and are con
the University of Maine.-PT
building (now Stevens Hall), there was con
Estabrooke Hall provides us with an inter
esting example, for it was named officially in
Oliver Crosby (Q.T.V. '76) was surely one
of the most successful men to matriculate
honor of Mrs. Kate Clark Estabrooke, a ma
from our fraternity or even from the Univer
tron at Phi Kappa Sigma and, for many years,
sity. Brother Crosby acquired a large fortune
the beloved Superintendent of the Mount
Vernon House, an early women's dormitory.
in his lifetime, evidenced by his bequest of
$400,000 to the University for the construc
tion of a new mechanical engineering facility.
It was the Trustee's intent that the new wom
en's dormitory follow tradition and bear the
These fortunes were achieved as a direct re
name of a woman, but they recognized that
Of all
the name would, in essence, serve as a dual
sult of his ingenious capacity for innovation.
Brother Crosby went into business in 1882,
tribute to her and her husband, Horace Mel-
opening a small machine shop in St. Paul, Min
sible can
vin Estabrooke (Q.T.V. '76).
nesota, which soon became incorporated as
the American Hoist and Derrick Company.
Despite small beginnings, the business expand
Kate Clark Estabrooke is remembered
mostly for her many years of service at the
the pos
didates in
1955, it was
quite fitting
Mount Vernon House. Horace's career ran
ed rapidly due in part to the invention and
that the new
parallel to hers in the realm of academia, span
subsequent patent of the "Crosby Wirerope
Clip". This device is still famous today maybe
be named after
death in 1908. Before assuming professorship
because of its catchy ad slogan: "No man was
brother james Norris
at the University, he had done some post
graduate work at Illinois V\/esleyan and for
many years taught common and high schools.
ever killed because a Crosby Clip slipped".
Under the management of Oliver Crosby,
the Company soon filled many large govern
was a dedicated teach
In 1883, he was named the First Assistant
Master at the State Normal School in Gor-
ment contracts which laid its reputation for
the future furnishing of machinery for the con
ham. As a result of these above teaching ex
struction of the Panama Canal, and for the
periences, he was well groomed to accept
military buildup of 1912-14.
ning the years from 1891 until his untimely
the Chair of the Department of Rhetoric and
Modern Languages at UMO (then the Maine
State College). In 1895, he became the Col
lege's first Professor of English and it was this
position that he held until his death.
•'It IS but |ust to say of Professor Estabrooke,
that he possessed those qualities of mind and
heart that made him an illuminating teacher
The inventive genius of Brother Crosby led
to the development of many mechanical de
men's dormitory
Hart (Q.T.V. '85), who
er, scholar, and adminis
trator of the University of
Maine for fifty years.
Brother Hart entered college
in 1882 when the institution had
but eighty-six students and ten
faculty. His student years were
vices manufactured by the company such as
marked by excellence, as he was very
the American Log Loader, the American Rail
road Ditcher, the American Locomotive
Crane and numerous other devices used in
the hoisting business. American Hoist and
active in student organizations, earned
high grades, and spoke at the Sophomore
Prize Declamations and at graduation.
After graduation, he served for one year
Derrick is now a multi-million dollar operation
as the principal of the Dennysville High School
with offices all over the world, and traded on
and for one year as the principal of the
Machias Grammar School before being
hand as it should be done, hoping to be
prepared for the next one." •
Although the Board of Trustees voted in
1913 to name the new women's dormitory
new facility, which would provide the founda
tion for this expansion, was named in honor
dictated that the building be named after a
of Brother Joseph Murray ('25), who served
the university for many years as Chairman of
the Zoology Department, Dean of the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences and Acting President
(see PTF, Summer '82, June '68). It was partly
for this reason and partly because of the pro
woman. The Trustees heeded tradition, al
found impact that he had on the university
community and especially the department of
Zoology that this honor was bestowed upon
mittee, Director
though it was clear that the name would sym
bolically pay tribute to the two beloved fig
ures of the university.
Elizabeth was considered the leading wom
an figure at the university around the time of
the turn of the century. Although she was not
involved directly in academia, she held several
different administrative positions such as Sec
retary of the President, Secretary of Faculty,
Secretary of the University and Registrar. She
of Admissions,
was married to Brother Balentine from 1882
member of the
until his early death in 1894. At her funeral.
Dean Hart, speaking on behalf of the Faculty
said that "her industry will be our inspiration,
her courage our cheer, and her unselfish life
will compel our admiration while memory en
dures." Her close and intimate relationship
with the university community for nearly
elected to the position of Instructor of
Mathematics and Drawing at the Maine
State College. In 1890, just five years
after his graduation, Brother Hart
was appointed Professor and Chair
man of the Department of Mathe
matics. Thirteen years later, due
to his outstanding teaching and
research, he was appointed
Dean of the University.
During his years at the
university. Brother Hart
kwas very active, serving
as Chairman of the
Admissions Com
tion Com
after Walter and Elizabeth Balentine, custom
twenty years made her death a monumental
loss to the college.
Walter Balentine's career at the University
of Maine began in 1881, after he had held two
positions. Assistant Chemist at the U.S. De
partment of Agriculture and Professor of
Chemistry at Kansas State since his gradua
him. John Kenealy ('83), a zoology major, de
scribes this impact, "While teaching, studying
or researching, the Zoology department is al
ways aspiring to the high standards set by Joe
Murray. He will always be a motivating force
in the department."
Murray Hall was constructed to modernize
and expand the department in teaching and
research. Thisgoal was of course realized, yet
a considerable amount of momentum in re
cent years has caused the department to ex
pand beyond the walls of the building. Never
theless UMO now boasts the leading aquatic
biology research program in the Northeast.
Currently, the department is involved with
forty-nine research grants (totaling 2.6 million
dollars) for such institutions as the National
Science Foundation, NATO, the National In
stitute of Health and several private founda
tions. To aid in this research Murray Hall is
rigged with an x-ray facility, an electron mi
croscope, and a well in the basement to help
feed and care for several laboratory animals.
Currently the department has twenty-five fulltime faculty and nine research assistants, a far
tion in 1874. Brother Balentine came back to
the university as the first Professor of Agri
culture, and he held that job for the remainder
of his life. At Maine he became a very success
Only once
during his five
of authority, control and respect. Upon his
The building, constructed at a cost of
$1,700,000 ($800,000 from the federal gov
ful teacher, possessing an unusual command
decades was he
death, the President of the Board of Trustees,
absent from the
Henry Lord spoke of him, "He brought to his
college for more
duties as Professor of Agriculture superior fit
than a semester.
ness, rare ability, and a noble manhood. Re
Hart Hall was built in
1955, capable of hous-
'ing 248 students. The total
cost of the building was
markably successful in his teachings, ever loyal
to his work and the college, he died when his
influence was greatest.
One section of Balentine Hall was construct
$800,000, one-half of which
ed in 1914 and the second wing was finished
was appropriated by the state
legislature with the balance
two years later. The construction was funded
being financed through bank loans
to be paid off from the operating
commodate one hundred and seven students.
''income from the UMO dormitory sys
tem. Hart Hall has been occupied by
women since 1964 and next fall it will go
coed. Brother Hart was always a hard
working man and this spirit is captured in his
'philosophy on life', as quoted by an anony
mous faculty member; "To do the job at
by the State Legislature of 1913 and it can ac
The hall remains one of the most distinctive
on campus because of the diamond motif
which orbits it.
Upon the completion of Murray Hall in 1968.
the University of Maine Zoology program en
tered a new era. one that would see it go from
a rather limited department to one of the top
research institutions in. the Northeast. The
cry from the seven faculty that existed in the
early sixties, before the erection of the new
ernment, $900,000 from the State) is located
at the central part of the campus and is strik
ingly different from the customary red brick
architecture evident in most other structures
at the university. Some fifty-five white, ver
tical piers, each forty-eight feet long give Mur
ray Hall an impressive appearance.
PICTURES (top to bottom):
Crosby Hall
Hart Hall
Estabrooke Hall
Balentine Hall
Murray Hall
\r\nTHE pIKIE tree Fiji
1922 Oliver Spurgeon English, M.D. writes
We are very proud of the fact that many
of our Omega Mu brothers have gone on to
achieve great heights in their careers. In this
and future articles we will present to you the
15 still active.
stories of some of these men, starting with
Brother Gordon Heath ('35).
After graduation and a wedding the follow
1926 We have recently heard from Gerald S.
Wheeler who was one of the few broth
ers to live in two Fiji houses while at
ing day, Gordon went off to Arizona to work
for the U.S. Forest Service as a foreman in the
UMO. jerry is a retired forester, having ^
worked on various assignments for the
US Forest Service. He is now living at
239 Holmes St. in Laconia, New Hamp
Civilian Conservation Corps, which was one
of the many "New Deal" programs initiated
by the then President, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Gordon worked with the Forest Service for
seven years, first as a CCC foreman and then
1927 Andrew Wiswell is retired, having been
a Ranger until 1943 when he enlisted as a Pri
a record producer for Muzak, Capitol,
and RCA Records. Andy has been in-^^
vate in the Marines. He returned three years
later in proud possession of the gold bars of a
Second Lieutenant. During this time, he learned
a great deal about the use and interpretation
of aerial photographs, a skill that he would use
volved with several albums over the
years such as "Hair", "Fiddler on the
Roof", "Hello Dolly", and the "Music
Gordon remembers that although the discov
ery was very distressing, it was not very diffi
cult because they had been analyzing similar
photographs taken over the Soviet Union over
tists as Judy Garland, Guy Lombardo,
and Harry Belafonte.
the last few years. Each night during the crisis.
1930 Before his retirement in 1974, E. Philip
Heath was head of the nuclear team, which
Sawyer served as an engineer, and as an
along with others, made careful studies of the
automobile sales and serviceman. Phil
this "contract" was a preliminary for a secret
day's photographs over Cuba and observed
steady progress in the production of the mis
sile bases. After the crisis was put to an end
by the Kennedy Administration, Gordon was
writes that the tallpine trees at the front
of the driveway were planted as a result
of his attempts as president to divert
reconnaissance program that was to take pho
awarded a Certificate of Commendation from
tive activities.
tographs over China and the Soviet Union. It
the CIA, and a Presidential Citation.
in the Forest Service and later in his work
with the CIA.
After the war, Gordon went back to work
with the Forest Service, applying his knowl
edge of aerial photographs to the production
of timber and land surveys. As a result of his
work in this area, he was pulled into Washing
ton to work on a contract that the Forest Ser
vice had with the Air Force. As it turned out,
may be interesting to note here that at this
A few years later when he was made chief
point, the tension that existed between the
of the NuclearBranch, Gordon was pleasantly
United States and the Soviet Union was ex
surprised to find out that Katherine Carslisle,
daughter of one of our Omega Mu Brothers,
tremely intense and thus this was a highly se
cretive and alsoa keynoteprogram of the U.S.
intelligence. Knowing this, Gordon decided to
join the CIA and was one of a few people to
see the first photographs taken by a U-2 air
pledges from hazing to more construc
1934 The house president in 1933, James H.
Page is a Vice President with the James •—
W. Sewall Company in Old Town. Bill
has previously served as the Chairman
of the Board of Trustees of the Univer
Gordon retired from the CIA in 1970 and
went to work at the Houston Space Center,
sity of Maine and the Cary Memorial
Hospital inCaribou. He was a recent re
cipient of an honorary Doctor of Laws
degree and Distinguished Engineering
Academic Award from the University.
of his life because not only was he involved in
top level intelligence work, but he was directly
involved in every crisis around the world, in
cluding the Cuban Missile Crisis, in 1962.
was an important means to this end.
Living beside Galveston Bay near Houston,
Gordon became interested in sailingand when
For a few months, the CIA had been receiv
ing information from Cuban dissidents that
he retired for good, he sailed his thirty foot
sloop back up to Maine. Sailing in the Maine
there was a steady rise in Soviet activity on
the island. When the CIA used the U-2 planes
waters, he soon fell in love with the old Down
East schooners and was not satisfied until he
that this was one of the most exciting periods
Man" and he has worked with such ar
George Carslisle ('35) was one of his editors.
where he was involved with space and agri
cultural photography. At this time, the gov
ernment was in the process of assessing the
Soviet agricultural capacity and space imagery
craft behind the "Iron Curtain". He recalls
that he is still practicing medicine in Narberth. Pa. It's good to hear the "doc"
Bill has raised two children and lives in
1934 Kenneth E. Taylor is a former school
principal. He is now retired and lives in
Anson, Maine.
to investigate the reports, the photographs
could trade in his plastic boat for an old time
1938 "Duffy Dunlage and I got locked up in
the Bangor jail one Saturday nightwhen
trying to talk the police out of arresting
were sent to CIA, and Brother Heath was one
wooden schooner. "I sailed it for two and a
two friends from UMO. Hosea Buck had
of the group that made the discovery of mis
siles which led to one of the most thrilling
showdowns in the history of U.S. diplomacy.
half delightful years until my wife, who doesn't
us sprung in about 3-4 hours. He came
to dinner at the Castle for Sunday Din
ner, the next day and told everyone
take to the water, couldn't stand it any longer
and so I had to sell her, the boat, I mean."
\r\nTHE PINE Tree fiji
living room set were donated by the
Eatons. The dining room table and
benches, by the way, are still enduring
the punishment.
how nice it was to be able to help some
of the 'wayward' brothers again." This
tale comes to us from Elwood P. "Daz-
zy" Addition, retired senior vice presient of the Dravo Corp. He and his wife
1951 John B. "Jack" Leet is currently execu
Elizabeth (UNO '38) live in Pittsburgh,
tive director of Maine Association of
Retirees Inc. The former executive di
rector of the Maine Criminal Justice
1938 Raymond P. McGlnley recently retired
Planning and Assistance Agency has
as a paper and waste treatment engi
neer with the James W. Sewall Company
been a resident of Augusta for thirty
years. He and his wife Mary have three
in Old Town. Prior to his work there,
Ray held numerous engineering posi- .
tions at such companies as Diamond In-' 1968 A former house historian and recording
secretary, Michael Mclnnis is the New
ternational and Standard Packaging. He
and New Jersey sales manager for
is a member of the Steam and Power
the Universal Underwriters Insurance
Committee and of the Technical Asso
ciation of the Pulp and Paper Industries.
Group. Mike sends his congratulations
on the Pine Tree Fiji and is glad ot see
that the house is "back on top".
Ray tells us that he remains in touch
with James Page ('34) and with Merrill
"Pappy" Bradford ('39).
1969 John M. MacBroyne III, a former house
treasurer lives with wife Bonnie in
1938 Ernest Merrill Frost has had a distin
Bucksport, Me. "Jack" is presently
working as a pulp mill superintendent
guished career asa fund raising director
for many large non-profit organizations.
"Bud" is presently living in North Myrtle
Beach, North Carolina andwould surely
for the St. Regis Paper Co.
1977 John B. "Skip" Osolln is presently V
be a contender for this year's Lewis
and Clark Award, given to the' Brother
traveling the farthest to Pig Dinner.
What do you say, Ernest?
1940 From Sumpter, South Carolina comes
the news ofWilliam Francis West Jr. In
1980, Bill retired from a career as an
elementary school teacher and adminis
trator. He now has four grown children.
1949, From North Carolina, Frederic C. LIbby 'v'
informs us that he is now retired from
Eastman Kodak. He and his wife live in
Morehead City.
1950 Hugh W. Hunter, a previous house his
torian is now teaching at the Narragan-^
sett Regional High School in Baldwinville,
Mass. Hugh is a former service manager
and is the father of five children.
1950 William Whitlock is the Executive Se- ./
cretary of the town of Belchertownf
Mass. The Rebel , a former lumber
salesman, is the President of the Massa
chusetts Salesman Association and the
Massachusetts Legion of Cities and
Towns. Brother Whitlock reminds us
that the dining room furniture and the
working as a marine engineer for the
Gulf Oil Corporation. He and his wife
Jayne live at 356 Gray Road in Falmouth.
Skip writes that he often sees Bud Rand
('77) and Bill Horr ('78).
1977 Bruce Alexander
Buck is a
chemistry lab technician with Bath Iron '
1979 Robert Kent Murphy, alias '^'Sidewind
er" is an assistant engineer for St. Regis
V-Paper Company in Wesley, Me. Robert
was married on May 27 to Cathy Lewis
and they now reside at 14 Dublin St. in
1980 David C. HIgglns is a laboratory assis
tant at the Jackson Laboratory. The
former house President can be found at
18 Kennebec St. in Bar Harbor.
1981 Eugene D. "Buddy" Cote, House Pres
ident in 1981, is a field secretary for Phi
Gamma Delta. His route takes him to
many of our southwestern chapters
where he advises, recommends, sug
gests, and gives the Omega Mu per
spective on how a Chapter should be
One problem that frequently emerges when
undergraduate brothers communicate with
their graduate counterparts is that, however
much information is included and however
Bangor Company to the University Press
here on campus, which has enabled us to pro
duce a more creative and professional cost ef
fective publication. We have also increased
our production staff, which we think has re
many "great" things are described, still only a
part of the story is told. The part that is often
left out is the house spirit, the intangible ele
The brothers feel, however, that what is most
ment which makes the Brotherhood strong
important is not the information included, nor
sulted in a much higher quality newsletter.
even the final product—the newsletter itself—
but the underlying house spirit which empha
sizes this and all of our other activities; for
that's what really makes our chapter what it
is. The "Pine Tree Fiji" is the embodiment of
this spirit.
, Perge!
Peter Tirschwell
and proud of its PhiGamm and UMO heritage.
This is, in essence, something completely dif
ferent from the measurements which are usu
ally employed to describe and convey it.
For instance, when we tell you of all the
tangible things we are doing, such as rush,
pledge education, faculty dinners, and social
service, and how well they are all going, we
are completely missing out on an entire di
mension: unless you can feel the pride and
sense of dignity beneath our words, you can
be reading all the information (and it may
sound great) but the most important part
would still be missing.
We feel that this vitality and enthusiasm is
evident in all of our activities, including the
"Pine Tree Fiji". As I'm sure you have noticed,
many changes have recently been made in the
newsletter. We have changed printers from a
The Fiji mudbowl on Sept. 18. Once again, the boys successfully defended out undefeated record, tieing Delta Tau
Delta 0-0 (the mud was a bit too deep).
u.M.o. fraternity board
Memorial Union
Orono, Maine 04469
Address Correction Requested
15107373 30
MICH 1949
If your son is not living at home and thus not receiving this newslet
ter, please send his new permanent address to the PHI GAMMA
delta house, Orono, ME 04473. Thank you very much.
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Fall 1982 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is eight pages in length.