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1984 Fall Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
Fall 1984 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Omega Mu
University of Maine Orono
1984 Fall Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
TH^^NE tree Tijl
:ac OLONO, ME.,
FALL 1984
Fall at UMO has inspired students throughout
the years with UMO's beautiful campus, Fall
activities, and with thoughts of the coming
school year. As has been the case in the past,
Maine Black Bears' contest with Lafayette.
Maine defeated Lafayette in a close 22-20 vic
tory on the coldest day of the month.
After the game, a crowd of some ISO stu
Fiji quarterback Jeff Farnsworth then pro
ceeded to lead the offense down-field with
'date are Parent's Weekend, the Mudbowl,
rorities of Delta Delta Delta and Alpha Phi.
just under 5 minutes left to play. After a run
ning play to midfield and a pair of incomplete
passes, the drive culminated with a long pass
to Ed Simmons ('85) in the end zone on the
game's last play. Ed was immediately sur
rounded by overjoyed brothers following the
and Homecoming.
Parent's Weekend was the Frst event of
This VICIOUS rivalry ended in a 0-0 tie. As has
been tradition in recent years, the men of Phi
Cote ('81) scored in the Fall '80 Mudbowl.
the Fall, held on September 22. Although the
25 parents and friends that showed up for the
Gam did battle with the brothers of Delta
Ed's touchdown allowed Fiji to maintain its
Tau Delta. The game started on a sour note
festivities was down from last year's number,
the enthusiasm that lasted throughout the
first possession. The remainder of the first
34-year unbeaten streak. After the game, the
boys all made their way to the Stillwater for a
refreshing dunk before adjourning to the chap
day and into the evening more than made up
for the reduction in numbers. Saturday after
half was a stand-off and Fiji was still down by
7. As the second half opened. Omega Mu
ter house and later that night to a party held
at Delta Tau. Special thanks are given to Bob
noon, many of the parents patiently watched
the Rams of Rhode Island soundly defeat the
drove to midFeld only to have an unfortunate
Russell ('85) and Mike Klein ('86) for their part
turnover. Delta Tau then mounted an im
in Mudbowl preparations.
Homecoming Weekend held October 2021, saw over 80 graduates and friends return
to the house to talk about days gone by and
to reacquaint themselves with their chapter.
the enthusiasm shown at UMO is also found
in Omega Mu. Enthusiasm is the keynote to
Phi Gam activities this semester. FHighlights to
dents, parents and faculty made their way to
the "Castle" to watch the 34th Annual Fiji
Classic. The opening game featured the so
with the Delts scoring on a left side sweep on
Black Bears of Orono 27-0. Afterwards, cock
pressive drive to the Fiji 2-yard line, where a
tails were served at the Chapter house, giving
hard hit by Todd Jacobson ('85) forced a
everyone a chance to socialize.
needed fumble which was smothered by the
Fiji defensive unit.
Our chef, John Thomas, prepared another
one of his excellent meals featuring chicken
cordon bleu. After dinner, j.T. completed a
dual role by serving as "social pianist" as he
entertained parents and guests with his musical
ability. As usual, many parents joined in with
their own musical talents. A good time was
had by all and was evidenced by the smiles of
first touchdown scored by Fiji since Buddy
continued on page 6
departing parents as they left "the Castle"
the following day.
The Fiji Mudbowl, held on October 6, was
by far the most exciting and tense Mudbowl
in recent years. Fhe afternoon began with the
Phi Gam on the offensive attack at this year's Mudbowl
Published throughout the school year by
Omega Mu of Phi Gamma Delta for its
Dear Graduate Brothers,
Hello! This has been a very productive se
brothers and friends.
Jeff Farnsworth ('85)
Joe Golucci ('84)
Don Harden ('86)
Greg Newall ('85)
Etienne Emmons ('84)
Scott Wallace ('85)
Chapter Officers
mester at Omega Hu and one during which
the brothers and pledges have risen to many
As stated in the last issue of the "Pine Tree
Fiji," we have had to cope with a stricter
university alcohol policy. As a result we have
implemented our first "dry rush" program.
Rush Chairman Dave Brown('86) has worked
Jeff Stewart ('85)
Joe Golucci ('84)
Todd Jacobson ('85)
free environment for our rush functions. The
Corresponding Sec. Scott St. Amand ('85)
success of the program has been vital to our
compliance with university policy. Also, we
have eliminated I I-2 weekday parties and are
Recording Sec.
Don Harden ('86)
House Corporation Officers
Purple Legionnaire
Ed Keith ('49)
Bill Oliver ('55)
with the brotherhood to create an alcohol
fully complying with university regulations
concerning alcohol. The brotherhood has ris
en to the challenge and we have promoted
Don Harden, Sr. ('58)
Graduate Advisor
Jim HcLellan ('83)
Board of Chapter Advisors
Rob Leatherbee ( 76)
Dave Smith ( 61)
Cliff Abbott ('77)
Tim Ames ('80)
Gary Jacobson ('81)
Jim Kane ('76)
John HacBrayne ('69)
John Oakes ('77)
David Rand ('58)
David Sposato ('74)
Charles Stickney ('44)
Steve Strand ('77)
Bruce Verrill ('77)
John Wallace ('81)
Joel Gardiner ('83)
Steven Swan ('83)
Andy Files ('83)
Steve Perry ('82)
Tom Hicks ('82)
our success to the rest of the UHO Greeks!
The brotherhod is awaiting the initiation of
12 men from the last pledge class. Harold
Flynn ( 87) has done a great Job with these
zobies as Pledge Educator. Pledge Class Pres
ident Andy Huller ('86) has led an enthusiastic
Plans are already underway for the 6th An
nual Fiji Harathon. Social Service Chairman
Greg Newell ('86) is busy organizing the broth
erhood for an event which has brought over
$20,000 to the American Cancer Society.
Finally, the BCA has started the Castle '85
Fund and all indications are positive. Ihope all
of you can make it to the "Castle" to see the
deteriorating physical shape of the house. This
fundraiser is an essential effort ifOmega Hu is
to keep its Castle inhabitable. Thanks to all
those who have already shown support and to
those who will do so in the near future!
The best to all and your families.
Jeff Stewart
April 6
Pig Dinner
January 16
Haine Basketball vs. New Hampshire
January 20
Haine Hockey vs. Boston University
February 23
Haine Hockey vs. Boston College
This Fall, the boys of Omega Mu have some
thing to celebrate—the appointment of a new
Purple Legionnaire. The new advisor is Don
ald H. Marden, Sr, (Cornell '58).
Brother Marden pledged the Omega Mu
chapter at Maine (Spring '55) and then trans
ferred and was initiated in November of 1955
at Kappa Nu chapter of Cornell. In the Spring
of his Freshman year at Maine he was invited
to be a Sophomore Owl but could not accept
because he transferred. He graduated with a
pre-veterinary major and a B.S. degree from
the School of Agriculture. While in the house
he was involved as Social Chairman, Pledge
Trainer (or Master as it was called then), and
active intramurally in football ano track. He
was also the Fraternity Coordinator for the
Campus Conference on Religion, which was
responsible for setting up menribers of differ
ent religions and beliefs to speak at the var
ious fraternities. He also spent time as the
Editor of the Cornell Desk Book which re
sembles the UMO student handbook.
A few of Brother Marden's favorite mem
ories of Fijiland include that one weekend in
the Spring when the brothers and dates would
"black up" and don loin cloths for the annual
Fiji Island Party. At around 7:00 they would
visit four houses on campus who were having
formal coat and tie dinners. I think you can
brothers somehow bought an old fire truck
and the Fijis were continually trying to ah . . .
"borrow" it. Kappa Nu's intramural teams
were affectionately nicknamed the "Snowy
White Nads," thus creating some interesting
cheers (i.e., Co-Nads!).
After college. Brother Marden spent sever
al years on active duty with the Army. He
was stationed in Germany where he ran a pe
troleum depot. Upon returning to the States
he matriculated at Boston University Law
School and graduated in 1964. After another
six months' active duty in Fort Knox, Ky. He
settled in Waterville, Me.
He became active in community politics,
serving as City Alderman ('66-'67), Mayor
('68-'70). Assistant County Attorney ('71'72), and County Attorney ('73-'74). He is a
member of the American, Maine, and Kenne-
in Augusta. An interesting fact about Brother
Marden is that he was initiated as a Mason in
1966 in the Waterville Chapter. The two
things that all of the immortal six founders
have in common are that they all studied law
and were Masons. Brother Marden currently
resides in Waterville as an attorney concen
trating on bankruptcy cases'and legislative
lobbying. Don has four sons, one of which,
Don, jr., IS presently serving as House
Historian at Omega Mu. Don, Sr. is looking
forward to this coming year, working with the
house and helping Omega Mu improve in all
aspects of brotherhood.
Working closely with Brother Marden this
year will be James "Spanky" McLellan ('83).
Spanky will be acting as a graduate advisor for
the chapter. He graduated in 1983 with a ma
jor in Civil Engineering. While in the house he
bec County Bar Associations and was Pres
contributed as steward for two semesters and
ident of the Waterville Bar Association. He
as Pledge Trainer for one. As Pledge Trainer
Jim compiled a manual for the pledges contain
ing all pertinent information including sample
test questions and house history. Jim is work
ing as a graduate research assistant on cam
pus, studying the treatment of toxic waste in
has served on the Republican city and state
committees. Brother Marden spent ten years
as the President of the Downeast Chapter of
Cystic Fibrosis and four years on the Public
Policy Committee of the National Cystic Fi
brosis Foundation. He was active in the Boy
Scouts, serving on the Executive Board of the
Pine Tree Council and as President of the
picture the scene: fifty barefoot Islanders car
rying spears, screaming their way into a for
mal dinner and running up and down the
tables. Another fond remembrance relates to
Kennebec Valley scouts. He served on the
board of Unity College for seven years and
spent three years as president.
Currently, Brother Marden is a full Colonel
in the National Guard. He is the State judge
the nearby Alpha Delta Phi house. One of the
Advocate assigned to the State Headquarters
Maine. Because he is spending this semester
so close to the house and has always had an
avid interest in the fraternity we will benefit
greatly by his advice and guidance. Spanky
presently lives in Brewer and spends much of
his spare time cycling and playing golf.
We anxiously await the welcome contribu
tions of Brothers Marden and McLellan to our
This past Spring, Jack Orr, our previous Sec
tion Chief, retired after several years of ser
vice to Omega Mu and the fraternity of Phi
Gamma Delta. We would like to take this op
from 1965-68 and received a M.Ed, in Sec
Superintendent of the Falmouth public school
ondary Education with a minor in History.
From there he took Advanced Graduate
In his spare time Ted enjoys canoeing, gar
Study Courses in School Administration at
both the University of Maine at Orono and
the University of Southern Maine.
dening, cross country skiing, racquetball and,
of course, History. He is married and has
The brothers of Omega Mu would also like
Ted's career started as a Social Studies
to announce the selection of a new Section
teacher in Bourne, Mass. From there he
Chief. He is Theodore "Ted" C. Sharp (Get
moved to the great state of Maine and be
came Chairman of the Social Studies Depart
Once again we would liketo thank Jack Orr
for his assistance in the past and welcome
Brother Sharp as our new Section Chief.
Omega Mu is proud to have these two men
portunity to sincerely thank him and wish him
the best of luck in the future.
tysburg '64). Brother Sharp was chosen from
a list of highly qualified applicants and should
be congratulated on his appointment.
Ted attended Gettysburg College from
1960-64 where he received an A.B. degree in
History with a minor in Political Science. He
then went on to Bridgewater State College
ment at Cape Elizabeth High School. He then
spent a year as Assistant Principal of Deering
High School after which he moved to Falmouth, Maine where he presently resides. He
worked from 1978-1981 as Falmouth High
School Principal and in 1981 was promoted to
three children.
serving our fraternity and to be able to hail
them as brothers.
Respectfully submitted,
Once again the undergraduate brothers of
strength and pride so closely associated with
Phi Gamma Delta. Omega Mu's future is de
pendent on your support financially and
spirituallyand with your help we can continue
very serious, but we feel that these needs are
The undergraduates today, strapped by ris
ing educational costs and stricter student loan
distributions, cannot be expected to handle
this financial burden by themselves. Upkeep
of the Castle is becoming a constant battle,
immediate and justifiable. The 'Grand Old
but with collective action we can maintain the
sionally, and fraternally.
Omega Mu, is accordance with the Board of
Chapter Advisors, are tapping your wallets
for contributions. As usual the situation is
this chapter's success academically, profes
Castle' IS getting older and sixty years of
fraternal life has visibly worn down this
beautiful structure. As you all know, our
house is the most unique example of architec
tural design on the UMaine campus. It would
be shameful to lose this proud status.
The windows are our primary concern. It
has been determined that we are presently
wasting approximately $4000 dollars worth
of heat per year. The cold winters at UNO
are not easily forgotten and those of you who
get the opportunity to visit us in the cold sea
son know that our present system of sheet
plastic insulation on the windows is not only
inefficient but extremely unattractive. The
estimated cost of the proposed window re
placement project IS $38,500. Triple insulated
crank windows very similar in appearance to
those we have now have been chosen by the
BCA to replace our present windows.
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Other important projects included in the
"Castle 85 Fund" are: renovation of the kitch
en; chimney pointing and brickwork: replace
ment of gutters, down spouts and hardwood
floors; pavement of the driveway and parking
lot; and the rebuilding of the back stairs. The
projected cost of these projects is $52,100.
This large sum is not insurmountable. All that
IS needed is a cooperative effort from the
whole graduate sector of Omega Mu.
Blueprints of the west wall of the living room (top) and east wall in the library (bottom).
In the Spring of 1907 the current issue of the
paper should contain 60% graduate news,
"Phi Gamma Delta" reported the birth of
Omega Mu's "Pine Tree Fiji." This makes it
one of the oldest publications of Fraternity
30% undergraduate news and 10% campus
Chapter News.
warded. It received honorable mention for
news—100% tradition.
The quality of the paper has not gone unre
Its origin was sparked by interest in other
the Coon Plaque in 1967 and 1968 under co-
newspapers brought to the attention of
editors Edson Travers Smith and James Mi
Omega Mu--presumably by its original editor
Robie L. Mitchel '07. Originally it was known
chael Turner. The paper came in second for
the Coon Plaque honor in 1982 under editors
as the "Maine Fiji."
Pete Tirschwell, Joe Colucci, and Jeff Farns-
The original purpose of the "Maine Fiji"
We sincerely hope that upcoming issues will
was to arouse interest in the alumni and keep
them them in contact with the active mem
bers. This has been the continued tradition of
Can any ofyou enlighten us to the identity of these
dedication as they have in the past. Here's to
the "Pine Tree Fiji." Numerically speaking the
the "Pine Tree Fiji!"
become as much a part of our tradition and
1927 Andrew WiswdLi| currently residing in
Rockport, Me. at 209 North Mam St.
Andy is a retired record producer for
Muzak Capitol for RCA. Brother Wiswell played freshman and varsity foot
ball while at UMO before transferring
played varsity tennis as well as being
sargeant of arms while earning his de
gree in Education. Hugo's father and
grandfather are both Omega Mu Fijis.
St. in Machias, Me. Brother Murphy is
married to Cathy Lewis, a graduate of
the University of Maine at Machias.
1956 Donald Shields resides at 43 Grant St. in
1979 R. Scott Sawyer currently lives at 360]
to Yale for his last two years. While in
his record producing days, Brother Wiswell had a hand in 10gold records and 5
Bangor, Me. Brother Shields is a selfemployed salesma'n in the Bangor area.
Don played football while at Maine
while earning his degree in History and
Grammy Awards.
Government. Don also worked for IBM
1933 Frank "Bubby" Hagon has lived on and
run his own farm since earning his de
gree in Agricultural and Animal Science.
Brother Hagon currently lives at 1302
in sales from 1956-71.
High Street in Bath, Me. Bubby was the
Intramural Boxing Champ in 1931.
1956 John Nivision II is a teacher and athletic
director at Winslow junior High in Winslow, Me. "jack" was house treasurer in
1954 and was on the varsity track team
his sophomore and junior years. Broth
1940 Bill Vest jr. is a retired teacher, having
er Nivision lives in Winslow at 4 Bow-
taught in schools in Maine, Massachu
den St. with his wife jo Ann Williams.
setts, Connecticut and New York. Bill
served as our Treasurer from 1938 until
1940 and was a member of the "Maine
Campus" staff and President of the
Maine Christian Assoc.
1946 John "Bambi" Whalen is a retired mar
keting researcher for Kendall Co. and
now lives at 16 Lafayette Circle in
Wellesley, Mass. While in school.
Brother Whalen was a member of the
1969 Raymond O'Keefe is a Major in the U.S.
Army and is stationed at HHC 3rd Infan
try Division APO New York, N.Y.
Brother O'Keefe served as Chapter His
torian as well as being his class presi
Regis Paper Co. and lives at 14 Dublin
Allen Parkway in Houston, Tex. and i^
an attorney for the law firm of Foreman
and Dyess. Brother Sawyer is a member
of Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Beta Kappa
honorary societies and served a term as
Treasurer of the chapter.
1982 Steve Farrar is currently residing at 38
Sherri-Ann Ave. in Nashua, N.H. Broth
er Farrar is a Quality Control Inspector
for Facit Inc. Steve served as Pledge Class
President as well as Pledge Educator
and Intramural Representative. Steve
notes that he is also a past recipient of
the coveted jello Award!
1983 Andrew "Grand Dad" Files is a Process
Engineer for Fairchild in Portland, Me.
Brother G.D. lives at 333 Western Ave.
in South Portland, Me. Andrew served
dent, a Senior Skulls member. Vice Pres
as both Treasurer and President during
ident of the Student Body and in ROTC.
his undergraduate years. Andrew is also
a member of our Board of Chapter Ad
1979 Robert Murphy, also known as "Side
Winder" is an assistant engineer for St.
"Maine Campus" staff, was a frosh
football manager, and was also a
member of the International Relations
1949 Frederic Libby is now living at 145 Mi
mosa Blvd. in Morehead City, N.C.
Brother Libby is a retired employee of
Eastman Kodak. Fred is also a member
of Tau Beta Pi and Sigma Pi Sigma
honorary societies. Brother Libby
received his B.S. degree in Engineering
Physics prior to working for Eastman
1952 Gerard Vigue says that he sees Hugo
Cross ( 52) quite often. Brother Vigue is
a payroll auditor for Travelers Insurance
Co. in Hartford, Conn. Gerard lives at
294 Griswold St. in Glastonbury, Conn.
1952 Hugo "Baron" Cross is a retired teach
er and coach and lives in Waldoboro,
Me. on Friendship Rd. Brother Cross
From left to right, Chapter President Jeff Stewart ('85), 1984 Fiji Marathon Chairman Jeff Famsworth ('85), and Greg Newall ('85), this year's upcoming Marathon Chairman at the American
Cancer Society Banquet this past September.
Within the past few years, Omega Mu has
undergone significant changes in chapter tone.
As recently as a year ago there were serious
rifts in the brotherhood that made a feeling of
unity something not often achieved. As cliques
within the chapter formed, the stairway be
tween the rooms on, the first floor and those
on the second seemed interminable. This in
tangible divorce caused an uncomfortable
withdrawal between brothers that made peo
We are very proud to say that no such rift
exists now. The chapter has pulled together
and the phenomenon is visible. An example
that springs to mind is the floor hockey game
we played against Phi Eta Kappa the other
night. We knew it would be the toughest,
most physical game of the season. The whole
The Omega Mu brothers are very conscious
of this remarkable change in chapter tone. We
are also proud to say that it has not been at
the expense of our top-seated campus rating.
We have the tightest brotherhood in recent
memory, and we continue to be the number
one fraternity at UMO.
house was there. We had four full lines that
We invite any and all of our graduate
were psyched to play, and the remaining
brothers along with the little sisters packed
the small grandstand at the fieldhouse. Being
a Fiji hockey veteran of four years, this editor
brothers to stop by the Castle and share in
ple hesitant to express frqternal spirit or
can remember playing Phi Eta with seven skat
brotherly love.
ers in an empty arena.
our new-found warmth. You'll see what we
The Editors
continued from page I
A party on Friday night got everything off to a
great start, with many of the younger grad
uates returning that evening.
The following day began with the Board of
on the excellent state of the chapter and the
pleasure they"received by coming back to re
live their college days. The support of our
graduates, as always, is truly a crucial part of
the chapter and something we hope contin
ues in the near and in the distant future. The
brothers of Omega Mu hope to see you all at
Pig Dinner '85 this Spring.
Chapter Advisors meeting at the Memorial
Union. The lengthy meeting included such top
ics as chapter status, ideas for the future, and
most importantly, the Castle '85 Fund for cap
ital improvements to the house. It was by far
the most productive BCA meeting of recent
years with many graduates expressing deep
interest in the future of Omega Mu. Following
the meeting, most of the brothers advanced
to Alumni Field to watch the Black Bears de
feat the University of Massachusetts 20-7, be
fore a festive Homecoming crowd.
Afterwards, the grads returned to the house
for happy hour. A dinner of baked stuffed
chicken was prepared by our Steward Joe
Colucci ('84) in the absence of "J.T." The re
mainder of the evening was spent meeting old
and new friends, exchanging stories, and, of
course, drinking. Many graduates commented
The boys celebrating the last second touchdown iieing pass at this year's Mudbowl.
Memorial Union
Orono, Maine 04469
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Fall 1984 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is six pages in length.