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1986 Fall Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
Fall 1986 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Omega Mu
University of Maine Orono
1986 Fall Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
OMEGA jjl;
FALL 1986
If Frank Norris were fortunate enough to witness Omega
Mu's celebration of the great tradition, which he started, he
would indeed have been proud. Overall, it was the outstanding
attendance which made possible one of the best Pig Dinners
in recent years.
Not only did more than fifty graduate brothers return
to the Castle, but the event itself revisited the Castle after
being held on campus for the past few years. John W. Mills
(R.I. 69), Section Chief, proved to be an excellent Toastmaster continuously providing laughter at Chapter President
Alan Douville's expense. However, Al "Fred Flintstone"
Douville regained some respect with a heartfelt version of the
Exile sToast. When itcame time for the conventional "Bringing
in the Pig" ceremony, once again Ted Curtis ('23) affectionately
planted one on the pig's nose while newly initiated Harry
Chip Taylor ('89) brought up the rear end of this tradition.
Both Chapter President Alan E. Douville Jr. and Purple
Legionnaire Donald H. Marden (Cornell '58) spoke with great
A full house—a sight for sore eyes.
insight and optimism in their addresses to the brotherhood.
Guest Speaker and Archon Councilor Lee C. Schmitt (Miami
63) accented the occasion with a memorable presentation
including his views and experiences on the national level of the
fraternity as well as some comparisons and suggestions con
cerning our own chapter. We were very fortunate to have him
Friday, October 10th
9:00 P.M.
Social Function at the House with a
Live Band
in attendance.
As usual, Ted Curtis was awarded as the oldest brother
Saturday, October 11th
in attendance while John "Popeye" Keneally was recognized
for his transcontinental trip from Alaska to Maine for the
1986 Norris Pig Dinner.
Everyone more than enjoyed themselves and were glad
to see the Pig Dinner return to the chapter house. Most sig
nificant was the presence of friends, old and new, enjoying
themselves until the wee hours of the night. Memories
refreshed, forgotten, and added to, the brothers in attendance
departed with great sorrow (or was it hangovers?), contem
plating the real importance that this fraternity had on their
collegiate and post-collegiate lives.
and Welcome
10:00 A.M.
B.C.A. Meeting, FFA Room, Memorial
11:30 A.M.
Pre-Football Game Tailgate Party
1:00 P.M.
Football Game: U-Mainevs
4:30 P.M.
Post-Game Happy Hour
J.T.'s Famous Buffet Dinner
Homecoming Party
6:00 P.M.
9:00 P.M.
Sunday, October
Coffee and Doughnuts
T)rtTA^c olo«o. he
Published throughout the school year by Omega
of Phi Gamma Delta for
Its brothers and
Stephen Cosgrove ('87)
Robert Hardy ('87)
Scott Wallace ('86)
Scott Wallace ('86)
Robert Hardy ('87)
Donald Marden ('87)
Alan Douvllle ('87)
Stephen Cosgrove ('87)
Dear Graduate Brothers—
Well it's the beginning of another school year for us
undergraduates, and because of your contributions spirits are
high. As most of you know, because of graduate contribu
tions, the Castle now has all new windows. The improvement
these quality windows make is incredible. We cannot begin
to thank you enough for your generous contributions.
The undergrads were not dormant this summer either.
Chapter Officers:
Treasu rer
Recording Sec.
Corresponding Sec.
Alan Douvllle ('87)
Joseph McCluskey ('88)
Joseph Harnan ('87)
Brian Smith ('89)
Paul Heslam ('87)
The entire Castle kitchen has been completely rebuilt. From
the floors to the celling It Is a sight to behold. Our goal is
to have all the main living area upgraded. The back stairwell
from the kitchen to the basement has been reconstructed as
well, for safety and sanitary's sake.
This summer was also the time for the 138th Ekklesia.
For myself and the other brothers in attendance, it was a
House Corporation Officers:
Ed Keith ('49)
Bill Oliver ('55)
very profitable and enjoyable trip. We were priviledged
to see the consecration of our new international headquarters
and to say farewell to our highly regarded William Zerman
who retired this summer. To conclude a fine trip, Omega Mu
was the recipient of a top 5 placement of the Archon Trophy
Purple Legionnaire:
Don Marden, Sr. ('58)
which we are all very proud of.
Another goal of Omega Mu this semester Is to partici
pate even more in community service. We are planning week
Graduate Advisor:
Iim McLellan ('83)
Board of Chapter Advisors:
end programs with day care centers, local religious groups,
and other needy organizations. We feel that this is a fan
tastic way to help others while reestablishing our brother
Rob Leatherbee
There are still a few areas that we must concentrate on.
Joel Gardner ('83)
Tom Hicks ('82)
J im Kane ('76)
Jack MacBrayne ('69)
Jon Oakes (•77)
The foremost of these is grades, we had slipped in the past
Cliff Abbott
Steve Swan (•82)
Dave Sposato ('74)
Dave Smith ('61)
Gary Jacobson ('81)
Todd Jacobson ('85)
Ed Keith ('49)
Ray Audie ('83)
Stephen Perry (•83)
Sean Flathers (•84)
Tim Ames (•80)
David Rand (•58)
Bruce '^'errill
and are now trying to increase our house G.P.A. The attitude
change alone on academics Is very encouraging. Rush is also a
main topic of concern, we have 17 seniors who will be joining
your ranks this year, and we are looking for a pledge clan of
25 men to fill their vacancies.
In closing, this is my last semester as President, and I
want to leave this house better than when I took office. If
we keep going on track, this goal will be met. I also see a
closer relationship between grads and undergrads and this
can only make us stronger.
Take care of yourselves, and may your life out there
be as fulfilling as ours is here.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Alan E. Douvllle Jr.
Dear Fiji Brother—
ter, why not make the trip this year. The success of the Omega
Mu chapter of Phi Gamma Delta in the years to come is com
pletely determined by the inter-relationship between pledges,
As always, the warm, carefree days of summer have
swiftly passed and the halls of Omega Mu are once again abun
dant with enthusiasm and excitement for the upcoming semes
ter. With fall quickly approaching, thoughts turn to colorful
foliage. U-Maine football, tailgate parties, and, of course, the
University's annual HOMECOMING WEEKEND!
Homecoming, along with the Norris Pig Dinner, are
announce the installation of over $30,000 worth of double-
our chapter's two major events per year by which the under
graduates become personally acquainted with you, our GRAD
pane insulated windows, a renovated kitchen, and a rebuilt
back stairwell. These physical improvements were made pos
UATE BROTHERS. At the same time, these events allow you
to maintain ties with old friends, reacquaint yourself with the
sible by YOUR donations. Those of us living in the Castle are
going to be warm this winter for the first time in years, and we
progress of the chapter, remain young in outlook and continue
intend to CELEBRATE.
undergraduates, and graduate brothers.
Why is this Homecoming going to be any different from
those previous?, you might ask. This year we are proud to
So pjease, bring your wives, families, and friends to the
a meaningful part of your life, as well as enjoy a nicely pre
pared meal, dancing, singing, and socializing at the Castle.
house on October 10, 11, 12 and join in the celebration. We
In return we ask you for a favor. Graduate Relations
will commence on Friday night at 9:00 p.m. featuring a band
and plenty of refreshments. The big day on Saturday begins
begins in our fraternity with the pledge class. As these men
with the Board of Chapter Advisors meeting at 10:00 a.m. in
the FFA Room of the Memorial Union. We encourage any and
all brothers to attend this important meeting
After this, the fun starts with the pre-football game
become members, or links in our chain, they take on a com
mitment and responsibility. As undergraduates they enjoy the
fruits of Phi Gamma Delta as it molds them into men with
common ideals. Upon graduation, their responsibility does not
end, it is only the beginning. As these men go on in life, their
priorities change to their careers, families, clubs, hobbies, etc.
Yet the responsibility remains. Phi Gamma Delta, and Its
tailgate party at 11:30 a.m. The highlight of the weekend will
be the football game with Maine scheduled to play North
eastern at 1:00 p.m. After the game there will be a happy hour
at 4:30 p.m. followed at 6:00 p.m. by renowned brother and
chef, John "J.T." Thomas ('86), and his famous buffet dinner.
influence on their lives, must never be forgotten.
We as undergraduates, both individually and as a brother
At 9:00 p.m. the party begins and the socializing goes on into
the night. On Sunday morning we will have coffee and dough
nuts for those spending the night.
Brothers, we are making every effort to make this a
memorable afid enjoyable homecoming. Won't you attend?
hood, have innumerable benefits to gain through graduate
contact. We receive Continuity and Advice on all areas of
chapter operations (Let's face it, you've been through it and
we haven't!). We improve Public Relations and a strong
image for our fraternity through your continued identification
Please fill out the attached form, include a $12.00 donation
with the chapter and your work on its behalf. Your Rush
Recommendations provide us with quality men and needed
to help us defray costs, and return it as soon as possible.
Once again thank you and hope to see you in October!
numbers. We receive Financial Support, made most evident
through the Castle '85 fund. And finally, we get Career
Advice and Assistance foilthose brothers looking for jobs and
building their futures.
For those brothers |vho can say that they have lived up
to any one of these responsibilities over the past few years.
Omega Mu thanks you tremendously for all the help. For
those brothers who can't remember their last visit to the chap
Very Fraternaiiy,
Donaid H. Marden, Jr.
Graduate Reiations Chairman
Please R.S.V.P. to help in the planning of this great event. THANK YOU!
Class Year
$12.00 Check Enclosed
Number of people attending Homecoming besides myself.
Return care of Donald H. Marden, Jr.. Graduate Relations Chairman.
In Deep Appreciation
The sound of plastic snapping to-and-fro on a windy
day has been silenced.
So have the windows the plastic once covered. It used
to be on a stormy day you could count the number of times
per minute a window smacked its frame, the result of loose
hinges whose screws would no longer fasten
The ravages of time—just as real as they
had at last taken a toll. Still, a friend in the
word, is someone you can count on when
Your support has made this first objective of the Castle
'85 Fund possible.
But doors and windows were not the only area to
this summer.
Kitchen renovations were
completed by three undergraduate brothers.
to rotting holes.
were inevitable-
The efforts of Mark Russell ('87), John Jansen ('86),
and Brian Smith ('89), should be recognized. With money
true sense of the
raised by the undergraduate treasury, the brothers demon
strated the meaning of "Persistence."
times are tough.
It is a truth every Phi Gamm who ever spent his under;
graduate days beneath the slate roof can appreciate. So when
times took a turn for the worst for Omega Mu, the golden
rule came through.
Thank you for your support.
The energy efficient windows installed this past summer
will greatly reduce the Castle's operating costs. Our new
Pella brand windows are made of wood and include storm
windows for a maximum warmth.
We have recently completed the job of staining and
adding a protective layer of polyurethane to the wooden
interior of each window. This procedure was recommended
to us by the Robert Noyes and Sons Construction Company
of Bangor, the firm that did the project.
Each window comes with screens and is equipped with
a roll-out hinging system that opens the sash toward the
A new side door off the kitchen was also installed,
and at the time of this publication it is anticipated that a
They spent the last three weeks of their sumrher vaca
tion hammering, painting, and sawing to improve an area
once reviled the worst room in the house.
Clean, freshly painted walls, a refinished floor, and
tiled countertops enchance the kitchen area tremendously.
Yet a description of house improvements alone would
not complete the picture of Omega Mu's growth. During the
138th Ekklesia this summer, the Maine chapter received an
honorable mention in the Archon Trophy. We were among
five other chapters across the country to receive this award.
The national award recognizes chapters that show strong
campus involvement and leadership.
In closing, we detect a growing relationship emerging
..between grads and undergrads. We believe that relationship is
Again, thank you for your support and we ho^e to see
you at Homecoming, October 11.
French door will soon be built on the back bofc^ering the
Phoenix Lounge.
Robert QMardy
Memorial Union
Orono, Maine 04469
Address Correction Requested
National Galleni
QoY. Q5' 7?
If /our son IS not living at home and thus not receiving this newslet
ter please send his new permanent address to the PHI GAMMA
DELTA HOUSE, Orono, ME 04473 Thank you very much.
tCehi (A ClyFl rr- 1 1
AfJSWJlRED OEC 19 1986
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Fall 1986 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is four pages in length.