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1991 Fall Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
Fall 1991 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is seventeen pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Omega Mu
University of Maine Orono
1991 Fall Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
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Dear Brothers,
Thank you for making my return visit to Orono as productive as possible. It was nice to be with
you again within five school days of my last visit.
Omega Mu has reached a plateau of relative stability; however, no chapter remains idle for long. In
fact, it is my belief that no entity actually "levels off," but either elevates itself or decreases its productivity.
As I said in the chapter meeting, now is the time to strike for Omega Mu. The personnel that exists in the
chapter today is capable of dominating the Omega Mu Greek System, and becoming a new force in Phi
Gamma Delta.
To keep Omega Mu on the rise I encourage you to focus your attention in the following areas.
The great thing about a new year is that it provides us with new energy. A freshness exists that
provides for tremendous optimism. I was incredibly impressed by the enthusiasm Ifelt duringmy threedays
with you, and I challenge each one of you to remain as excited about the chapter all year long. Assess your
role with the chapter and ask, "Have I done everything possible to makethis the bestexperience that it can
possibly be."
Success or failure in anything is simply dependent on getting things done, and there is no magical
formula to insure this. The biggest reason something fails is that no one checks to make sure the task has
been completed. Many times, great ideas are created on paper and never make itto completion. The cabinet
has made itapriority to meet with committee chairmen more frequently and hold those brothers accountable
for the objectives they need to meet. Also, keep the energy level high. Ifyou notice abrother doing agood
job, let him know. Positive reinforcement goes along way in making each other feel good and helps to reduce
^ ah a/t >
Congratulations on your grade improvement in the spring; however, being below '^he All Men s
average is no place to be, brothers. During the two group meetings we held, I was impr^sed by many ot
yourcomments. Many ofyou stated that grades were your number one priority dunng the 1991-92 academic
year, and why not? The reason you are at the University of Maine is to pursue knowledge and achieve
scholarship. Remember what you learned in pledge education; scholarship, fraternity, se .
tT. cn^.
By the time you receive this letter, rush will be over, or will it? Rush is acontinua prcxess^ i
aonce ayear thing; it is adaily thing! Even though the official rush period may have
needs to be working in this area every week. Invite men to the house for dinner,
post on campus, ask the sororities for prospects, and distribute informatiori on carnpus.
hey will not come to you! Take advantage of a tremendous situation and expan y
rushed someone for Phi Gamma Delta today?
Upon review of the program, it was apparent that three things need to
leading by example for the pledges, one hundred percent participation by the
increased organization of the program. The organization was completed
Have voii
These include-
'^^mTherh^^^^^ and
to each of you to lead by example, and consciously become involved mthe pledg p § ' '• .'successj.
or failure of the pledge class is your responsibility The success of the class will be proportional to your
involvement with them.
Brothers, I truly enjoy my visits to Orono. You are some of the friendliest
opportunity of meeting, and Icherish our time together. Take care and make this the year that counts tor
Omega Mu.
Nicholas M. Altwies
Field Secretary
The undergraduate involvement and participation at the Castle has been the critical key to our
success. Many substantial developments have occurred within the last semester. The collection of funds
have been successfully accomplished both semesters, leaving all dues to Internationals, Housing Corpora
tion and the University successfully paid. The Brothers of Phi Gamma Delta are taking great steps towards
excellence. We have established our chapter academic goal of a 2.6 or above. Through the many programs
that Doug Stewart, Scholarship chairman, has instituted we anticipate increased success with our
academics. Omega Mu has also revamped its pledge program starting this semester. Our current pledge
period is a developmentally sound program which strongly emphasizes the development of scholarship,
morality, service and excellence. If you did not meet our current pledges during Homecoming 1991, let me
assure you that they are a great bunch of young gentlemen ready for the challenge of brotherhood.
Nevertheless, the most recent chapter change has been the acquisition of our new chef, Ruth.
"Ruthy" is a tremendous lady who has won the brotherhood over with her humor, work ethic and cooking.
Ruth is interested in a long term relationship with us and we look forward to many fine meals and her warm
hearted personality. Many Brothers believe Ruth is giving J.T. a true run for his money. We'll see!
Phi Gamma Delta at the University of Maine has continued with its number one standing in
community relations, university standing and social service. Many of our Brothers are involved in a
plethora of activities for the betterment of the campus and community as a whole. Don Leonard '91 is
serving on the Judicial Board, Rich Spies '92 is serving as vice president of the American Marketing
Association and is also the vice president and director of advertising for the Guest Lecture Series. Jim
Tracey '92 , who served in the Gulf War with the Army Reserves, is lending his services to local veterans.
Brian Lawton is still at the forefront in Maine Golf leading the Black Bears for the third straight year. Tom
Hanson '92 is a volunteer firefighter with the OronoFire Department while Craig Coffinis servingon the
Guest Lecture Series, University Senior Council, Financial Management Association and the Alumni
Association with Bill Lathrop '91. Steve Kydd '91 is active in political science and government after
spending a semester working with House of Representative Olympia Snowe in Washington, D.C.
Further developments have caused concern among the Brothers regarding graduate involvement.
One step ineliminating some concern is toseemore support from theB.C.A andHousing Corporation. The
involvement hasbeen dwindling more andmore eachyearandit is timefor a changeofdirection. Isincerely
hope that many local and area graduates will stop by the Castle for a meal or toreminisce about the "good
ole days." I would also like topush for graduate involvement inour"Buy aBrick Program." This fundraiser
, in coordination with JeffStewart and the Castle Fund, will work towards the rebuilding of the Phoenix
Lounge. Graduate support and involvement will be the determinant in this projects success or failure.
Inclosing, I would like to thank the Brothers who participated in the memorial service for Edward
Keith. I would also like to thank the current undergraduates for their patience and corporation in making
my term as president a fun, challenging, and enlightening experience.
P. Quinn Perkson
Brothers, I hope everyone has had a great summer and is gearing up for the approaching winter. This
summer has been one full of brotherhood weddings. I would like to congratulate Andy and Lisa Bradford,
Jeff and Shirley Famsworth and Jeff and Heidi Stewart. May their lives be kind and their sons be Zobies!
Their weddings were most enjoyable, and I'm sure we will be seeing these couples for many years.
The undergraduates have gotten this semester off to a running start. The Cabinet has enforced some
critical By-laws concerning pledging and finance. The brothers have responded well and the house is
shaping up both in tone and in condition. The undergraduates have targeted scholarship as their primary
objective. The brothers have realized that without proper scholastic achievement, their years at the
University of Maine mat not result in future expectations.
I'm sure many of you have heard all this stuff before,and it probably seems like old news. To these
undergraduates it is all new material. These men need assistance and guidance of the graduate force. They
continually question me with what the B.C.A is doing and who they should contact for assistance. If any
of you wish to offer some time and effort please call me. If we could supply the undergraduates with a list
of brothers they can call for help in matters such as law, finance, pledging, construction, etc... we could
further strengthen this organization. It's not much time but the reward would be great.
I was going to talk about the "Buy a Brick" project but I believe that everyone else is covering that
one. I will mention that this money is targeted for the "Castle Fund" as well as the Phoenix Lounge. Jeff
Stewart and Scott Wallace are providing the graduate assistance for this fund raiser. This is project we can
all support!
In closing, I would like to congratulate the undergraduates on the recent condition of the "Castle".
I have paida few surprise visits and the entire house has been immaculate. Keep up the good work and strive
for scholastic achievement.
Alan E. Douville Jr.
Purple Legionnaire
NOV. 7, 1927-JUNE 3, 1991
A great sadness was experienced at the Castle when the brothers heard about the passing ad astra of
Edward Keith. A look into this brother's background shows he was an amazing man.
Edward H. Keith, 63, of Bangor, died unexpectedly June 3,1991, at a local hospital. He was bom
in Bangor, November 7, 1927, the son of Ballard F. and Frances (Harford) Keith. Edward was a Bangor
native, attending Bangor High School and New Hampton Preparatory School, before entering the University
atedinl949. At the University,
of Maine from which he gradunity of Phi Gamma Delta and at
he was a member of The Frater-
the time of his death, was presiing Corporation in Orono. Judge
from Cornell University in 1952
year in Bangor with his father,
joined James Mitchell, John
dent ofPhi Gamma Delta Hous-
Keith received his law degree
and began practicing law that
Ballard Keith. In 1974, he
Ballou, David Bower, and
Mitchell, Ballou, and Keith.
andNeedham, became Mitchell
was generous with his time and
Kevin Cuddy in the law firm of
This firm with Steams, Finnegan
andSteamsin 1980. Judge Keith
energies in many civic endeav-
the governance of the Bangor
ors including the American Red
with the local chapter and later
Advisory Committee. He had
Directors of the Bangor HuHe had long been involved with
Public Library and at the time
of his death was president of the
Library Board ofManagers and
Cross of which he was active
as a member of the Eastern Area
been a member of the Board of
mane Society for many years,
His impressive public service record also include his chairmanship of the Maine Labor Relations
Board. He served a term on Bangor City Council, had been trustee of the Bangor Water District, and was
chairman ofthe Bangor Urban Renewal Authority for a number ofyears. He was adirector ofthe Bangor
Center Development Corporation, He had been a member of the Board of Bar Examiners of the State of
Maine. Judge Keith had served as part time Unites States Magistrate for 18 years, before he was selected
in 1989 to be the first full time Unites States Magistrate in the Bangor office of the United States District
Court. He held that position known as Magistrate Judge until the time of his death.
Edward Keith was a pillar of the Castle who stuck with us through the good and bad times. His
faithfulness and dedication to us will be greatly missed. Hail Ed, brother of Phi Gamma Delta.
Eric Waterman
P.T.F. Chairman
Graduate Brother Steve Wilson has become the new Graduate Advisor. He graduated in 1984 and
is back to pursue his M.B.A in Business Management. He is originally from Portland Maine and has been
living there for the past seven years. Steve has a few comments as his new role as Graduate Advisor.
My first two months as Graduate Advisor here at the Castle have been both rewarding and refreshing.
I was intially apprehensive about taking the position because I had been away from the fraternity for seven
years and didn't think that the quality ofthe brotherhood would be as strong as in the early 80' s or that I would
fit in. Much to my surprise, I have discoveredjust the opposite. The Brotherhood is committed to such crucial
issues as scholarship, pledge education, and substance abuse matters. The chapter tone is very positive and
I see the Castle heading in a positive direction in achieving constructive goals.
I communicate regularly with former Graduate Advisor and present Purple Legionnaire, Alan
Douville. A1 live just up the street and is beneficial in assisting me with fraternity related matters. I look
forward to the remaining school year and anticipate Phi GammaDelta will excelis such areasas academics,
athletics and social service. I am proud to be actively affiliated once again with the fraternity and the
University of Maine.
Steve Wilson
Graduate Advisor
Hello Phi Gams! The Brothers here at Omega Mu have kicked off the 1991 fall semester with great
success. Byaddressing many areas ofconcern, wewere able tominimize anypotential problems. Fivenewly
initiated Brothers have recently received theircertificates and badges after successfully passing their Postinitiate training. These Brothers include: Peter Wrona, Jon Monti, Michael Roy, Adam Loovis, and Bd
Sharood. Congratulations Brothers! Homecoming weekend was accompanied with the memorial service
for our former Housing Corporation President, Edward H. Keith. It was pleasant to see Graduate Brother
Smith and Graduate Brother Hanson in attendance. Donated to our chapter recently, was a plaque with our
badge on it made out of a hide and neatly framed. This was donated to us by Graduate Brother Robert Irvine
and we will hold it close to our hearts.
Chris Dorr
The condition of the Castle financial wise is very sound and stable. Most of the current
undergraduates has either paid in full or are on a payment plan. All the payments are coming in as scheduled
with no problems. We are still striving to collect past debts from graduate brothers. This process in collecting
these outstanding bills is being run through our attorney, Ted Curtis Jr. It has proven to be quite successful
with $3500 being collected so far. The brothers have acquired a new chef, Ruth, who is doing a wonderful
job for us. She is maintaining a strict record of how much food is being bought and is keeping us on budget
food wise. I am running the house on a budget of around $58,000 and all looks quite well. By getting our
new chef and trying to meet her needs, the house had to purchase new cooking utensils, industrial pots and
pans, and other cooking related supplies. These supplies have not been purchased in the last five years and
they should have been. They get a lot of wear and tear and should be replaced every couple years as seen
fit. By having to purchase these supplies, coming off budget became a concern . Housing Corporation and
the undergraduates should be working together to find out what needs to be replaced and help us in doing
so instead of us taking it of our own pockets. Hopefully, with more added graduate support, the Castle could
run more smoothly. One of the other major tasks that I am undertaking this semester is attempting to do the
books from past years. By tying up some of these loose ends , it will make the New Cabinet's job easier and
will make the Castle a better place to live.
Jeff Labbe
The correspondenceof OmegaMuis increasinglyone of the most important aspectsof theFraternity.
Close relations with the University, Fellow Greeks, and the town of Orono are all invaluable functions of
which1perform daily. As Corresponding Secretary of our chapter,1try to aspire to the best of my ability
to the goalsthatbothhave setforme andthat1setfor myself. Suchtasksas writing Friday Letter submissions.
Thank You letters and Bi-annual brother lists are just a few of the many items that make up my position on
the chapter's Cabinet. 1try to stay up to date as much as possible with the chapter's correspondence. It is
essential to our image both out of simple courtesy and to continue our positive reputation.
1 would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Graduate Brother Robert Irvine from New
Castle, Me. Brother Irvine has donated a plaque displaying our Fraternity Badge. The plaque is beautiful
and is proudly displayed in the Castle.
My position is one that 1hold not forgraditude or applause but for my dedication to the Castle and
to theInternational Fraternity. ThisChapterhasdoneinfinite things for meas a personand1holdtheposition
ofCorresponding Secretary so that Phi Gamma Delta may maintain its prominence in the hopes that itmay
do the same things for many other brothers.
Greg Walsh
Corresponding Sec.
I'd like to open by first saying that the Pig Dinner 1991 was a huge success with many graduate
brothers coming back. J.T's dinner was a suberb as ever and the guest speaker, a Colonel from the Gulf War,
provided us with some interesting information and facts about the war. This years Homecoming was a good
time for those that were in attendance. Not as many graduate brothers shown up as what was anticipated but
that did not dampen the Homecoming spirit. A good feast of steak and lobster was prepared by our old cook,
Jeannie, and everyone appearedto have enjoyed it. A memorialservice was heldon SaturdayhonorEdward
Keithwhopassed awayin Juneof thisyear. Manygraduates attended as wellwithundergraduate topaytheir
respect to this incredible brother. All in all. Homecoming was a good time and no alcohol incidents took
Thisyears Norris PigDinner is scheduled for April 11,1992. We hope to have a bigger turnout than
we had last year. The guest speaker is Bill Zerman who was once the Executive Director/Editor of
International Headquarters of Phi Gamma Delta and is presently one of the seven Archons. I am pulling
together a fund raiser to help generate revenue to help rebuild the Phoenix Lounge. It is in sad shape and
is in desperate need of a "face lift." 1call it the "Buy a Brick Program" which involves graduates buying
a brick and having their name and graduating year engraved onit. The revenue and the bricks will be used
to fix the lounge and your name will be apartofthe Castle's heritage forever. Please see the insert for more
details. The brothers hope to see many graduates this year at the Pig Dinner. Plan ahead!
Jim Tracey
Graduate Relations
Preparing the pig for the Annual Norris Pig Dinner
\r\nTo get your PERSONALIZED FIJI BRICK on the
"Phoenix Lounge" behind The Castle, complete the
order form below, attach your check, and mail to;
Phi Gamma Delta Brick Fund
c/o Chapter Treasurer
79 College Ave.
Orono, ME 04469
The time has come to repair the patio behind The Castle, but we can't
do it without your help. With this offer, you can be a part of the
Omega Mu tradition forever, while giving something back to the
house which has given us so many memories. Mail in your
check...we'll order your brick...and it will be installed in the patio
when repairs are made.
This is your chance to live forever at 79 College Avenue!
Here's how to invest In the future of Phi Gamma Delta at the University of Maine:
1) List the name you want etched in brick(s) to be placed in the patio behind the chapter house (9 letter maximum—we
suggest last name or first initial and last name) in theblocks provided. Then listtheyear of graduation in the appropriate
2) Complete this order form, and make your check payable to the Phi Gamma Delta. Brick Fund for your investment amount:
Investment Cateoorv
Dollars per brick
Out of college 10 years or more
Out of college less than 10 years
Memorial to departed brothers
Inscribe my brick(s) with:
Grad. year
Grad. year
Grad. year
Order up to 3 bricks on this form
Brotherhood has always been one of our strong points. We have made it even more stronger by
creating a Brotherhood committee which creates events for us to partake it. In the beginning of the semester,
we set up a booth on the mall during Family and Friends weekend and served coffee to the parents of the
students. We had many inquisitive people asking us questions about fraternity life at Phi Gamma Delta and
we happily answered all of them. The whole event was success and showed good public relations.
Poker night and movie night are two of the favorite events which brings us all together. Sitting down in the
basement watching a movie or two brings joy to all the brothers. A fundraising drive is going on to help raise
money to purchase a new television for the basement. The one currently in the basement recently
malfunctioned and the cost to get it repaired is too great. So far, the fundraiser has been quite successful.
Having brotherhood activities creates more unite and makes the Castle a better place to live.
John Schnauck
Brotherhood Chairman
RT. Brothers having a
good time watching
last years Super Bowl
The social aspect of Phi Gam has been very positive this semester. The Brotherhood is stronger than
ever and are working together to make sure that the social scene is enjoyable and safe. With the help and
advice of our new Graduate Advisor, Graduate Brother Steve Wilson, we have achieved some very good
functions. We have had two Residential Life parties in which we drew crowds up to two hundred people.
That is primarily due to the live Bands that we get to play at these functions. Both ptmties have been a grand
success. Many brothers have told that these Res-Life parties were among the best ever thrown at the Castle.
We are in the process ofplanning aformal and the pledges are planning one for late inthe semester. We have
also thrown a couple happy hours which is meant for Brothers only. These have been a great success due
to the unity that itinstalls in us. Everyone has a good time and are very wonhwhile in attending. We have
had a great semester socially and the future holds the same.
John Cushman
Social Chairman
This year we are continuing our tradition of outstanding involvement in social service activities.
Every other Thursday afternoon, the Brothers gather together to visit the Orono Nursing Home for a few of
Beano.. This project truly helps bring afew moments ofjoy to the residents at the Nursing Home as well with
the Brothers. Along with Beano, we are sponsoring a free Haunted House with Delta Delta Delta sorority
for the area children on Halloween. The Brothers are very much looking forward to this event. In late
November we are once again running the 2nd Annual Fiji Food Drive. This is to benefit the deserving
families in the greater Orono area. Last year we were able to give over a dozen families abundantamounts
of food to make their Thanksgiving holiday a little brighter. With one hundred participation from the
Brothers, we hope to doublethat amount. Finally, plansare already underway for theAnnual FijiMarathon
which goes to benefit theAmerican Cancer Society. TheMarathon was a good success lastyear with many
Greeks as well as community teams participating. We have a tentative date for the marathon for the 15th
ofFebruary. These are justsome of the events that Phi Gamma Delta will be participating in this semester.
The Brothers here in Orono are making a difference in the community.
John Jamieson
Social Service
Proud to be a Phi Gam
Greg Walsh finishes his mile as Scott
Deschenes takes over
Intramurals have been outstanding in the fall semester. Brotherhood participation is at an all time
high. Everyone is enthusiastic and willing to compete in all the events. We reached the Finals in Flag
Football but barely lost to Phi Kappa Sig. We also reached the Finals in Soccer but lost in a shootout to Delta
Tau. We got into the Semi-Finals ofwaterpolo as well. Some of the upcoming events include indoor softball,
three on three basketball, floor hockey, the mountain bike race, and candlepin bowling. Currently, we are
ranked in the top three fraternities in overall point accumulation. If our progress continues, we will be in
contention for the B.C. Kent Award that is given to the Fraternity who has accumulated the most points at
the duration of the year. The Brothers have shown tremendous desire and motivation that has proven to
benefit our Intramural program. Our main concern at this point is to increase our sportsmanship which is
increasing on the point scale at a tremendous rate. Overall, Phi Gamma Delta is continuing to excel in the
Intramural program at the University of Maine and will always remain a respected leader in all events.
Clint Mulfeld
The team that got us to the Finals in
I ^
A few brothers in front of the Castle
getting ready for Intramuralsoftball
Intramural Flag Football
The fall pledge class of 1991 here at the Castle consists of ten quality men. They are Dana
Brackett from Hallowell, Me.,Bill Doyle from Weston, Ma., Gene Fadrigon from Milford, Me., Stephen
Hopkins from Mt. Vemon, Me., Rich Lombara from Beverly, Me., Rusty Merritt from Katonah, N.Y.,
Matt Monroe from Kansas City, K.S., Norm Sanbom from Cranberry Island, Me., Jeff Smith from
Wakefield, Ma., and Mike Vittacolona from Freedom, Me.
The pledges have jumped into the flow of things and have already set a date for their formal and
community service project. They have been tossing around ideas on fund raisers to help them pay for some
of the expenses that they will have this semester one of those being the Castle project. Some of their ideas
about this project include painting the kitchen, refmishing the floors, painting the bathrooms and painting
the upstairs hallway. The pledges are attempting to prepare for the Pledge-Brother football game in which
the brothers win every time!
The Brothers felt a need to improve the pledge program and it has been installed this semester. It has
been designed to increase the interaction that the brothers have with the pledges. This includes big brothers
taking them toahockey game, orhaving movie night together. Awhite water exercise isbeing planned which
will increase the amount of unity among the pledges. Unity is one of the major building blocks that keeps
the pledges together. 1feel that this program will be effective and will turnout better pledges.
If you have any questions about the pledges or the pledge program, please feel free to call or write
to me at the Castle.
Scott Deschenes
Pledge Educator
The Spring 1991 Pledge class finishing up their social service project
The fall rush of 1991 at the Omega Mu chapter proved to be a very beneficial time for both the brothers
and the rushees. Dinners consisting of steak and lasagna were prepared for the purpose of attracting quality
men down. On many occasions, sororities such as Delta Delta Delta and and Pi Beta Phi came down to
partake in volleyball and an outdoor barbecue. Having sororities down to help us in rush is vital due to the
power they have in making it a quality rush. After three weeks of rush, twelve rushees accepted their bids
and became pledges of Phi Gamma Delta. The success of this semester rush program was due to a more
percentage of participation among the brothers. The pledges will be led by Scott Deschenes who will teach
them the Purple Pilgrim and take them through a new and exciting pledge program. The Zobies will have
a tough time but I feel that they are capable to make it to the inner portals of Phi Gamma Delta.
Jon Henderson
Rush Chairman
Oneof the majorgoals of the fall semester of 1991 is to improve the scholarship of the Castle both
collectively and individually. The chapter goal is to achieve a 2.6 which can be reached if all the brothers
focus on scholarship and do their best. The brothers have also set personal goals for their own their
scholarship. Those brothers notachieving a minimum grade point average of 2.45, which is the All-Men's
Average, arerequired to attend mandatory Chapter study hours. A new scholarship program has also been
implemented to increase the grade point average of the brothers. I call the program the "Buddy System."
Itisapairingupofbrothers who have thesame major orasimilar major andthey arerequired tostudy together
with that brother twice a week for a minimum of three hours. Sofar, the program is quite successful with
agreat amount ofparticipation. Those brothers,that are paired up, who get the highest combined grade point
average will beawarded a fifty dollar prize to besplit among the two partners. This incentive will hopefully
drive brothers to focus on their scholarship with more determination. Our annual Faculty Dinner is being
plannedjust before Thanksgiving with a sorority coming down as well. This always attracts a good amount
of faculty members down. Remember, SCHOLARSHIP COMES FIRST!
Doug Stewart
Scholarship Chairman
The Brothers are trying to improve the image and value of the Castle by looking purchase some items
which can create this effect. The first thing is attempting to find a person who is able to make curtains. The
curtains have to be hand made due to the fact that curtains aren't sold in the dimensionsthat we are looking
for. The Brothers think that the curtains should be black in color and cover the first floor windows and the
big foyer window. If you know of anyone that can make or is willing to make these curtains for us, please
let us know and we can consider price ranges. We feel that curtains are of the highest priority right now.
Another item on the list is trying to find new furniture for the living room. In the past couple of years, the
furniture has taken a horrible beating and it is time to replace it with something newer and nicer. If you know
of anyone that can help us find furniture at a reasonable price, please contact us and let us know. The last
item is a computer. This would make the bookkeeping and report writing much easier and it also adds
organization which is always desired. If you can help us out in any way, it would be greatly appreciated. This
is one way that the graduates can get involved in the Castle. Please call the Castle at 207-866-4485 if you
are able to help us in this endeavor.
Eric Waterman
P.T.F. Chairman
A few Brothers are absorbing rays on the Phoenix Lounge. The Lounge is in
need for some repair
The B.C.A./Housing Corporation meeting, held on April 13,1991, was quite a successful one with
many graduates and undergraduates in attendance. The Housing Corporation presented the 1990 financial
results, a 1991 budget, a listing of completed projects done to the Castle and a list of proposed projects.
The 1991 operating budget, given by the Housing Corporation, was shown to be 22,050. The
completed projects done to the Castle have been the new carpet in the hallway and foyer, new bricks on the
front steps and smoke alarms in every room along with self-closing doors. The proposed projects to be
doneare to have a sprinkler system installed, new gutters/downspouts and to have the chimneys repointed.
These improvements will greatly enhance the Castle's appearance.
As of April 13,1991,2973.87 in interest has been accumulated in the Money Market account set up
by the Board of Chapter Advisors. In the future, the brothers welcome more added graduate involvement
and interest in the Castle.
Eric Waterman
P.T.F. Chairman
The Castle has been and is keeping in good shape this year. The Brothers want to see it clean and
fixed up sotheymake theextraeffort to getit done. The kitchenhasbeenour mainfocus of laborthissemester
primarily due to our new cook, Ruth. She has really changed the Brothersover by stressingcleanliness. She
is a strong believerin sanitation and bacteriaso everything from the meatcutter to the wood table has been
sterilized. The house hasn't been so clean since I was introduced to it two years ago. One problem that has
hauntedour househasbeen the breakingdownof appliances. First,the walk-in blewa motorwhich was soon
fixed and then our chest freezer mysteriously died beyond repair. The Castle is in the process of finding
another chest freezer at a low price. During the summer, the part of the ceiling in the basement was fixed.
It was falling down and is now in stable condition. Most of the major projects that are upcoming will be under
the direction and funds of the Housing Corporation and B.C.A.
1 would like to personally thank Graduate Brother Rob McKay for the time and services that he
rendered to the Castle a short time back. Rob was able to get his hands on an industrial strength carpet cleaner
and cleaned our carpets for an outstanding price. This made the carpets look like new which was what they
badly needed. Thanks Rob, it is Brothers like you who come back and contribute after graduation that keeps
the Castle running smoothly.
Matt Doyle
House Manager
M A&i-m
U.M.O. Fraternity Board
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Fall 1991 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is seventeen pages in length.