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1911 June Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
June 1911 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is ten pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Omega Mu
University of Maine Orono
1911 June Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
© 55
If not delivered in
' - , -r >
ten days, please notify Phi Gamma
Delta, University of Maine, Orono, Me,
. _
• JUN24.-A
8-3OP I
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JUNE, 1911
Vol. V.
No. 4
Clifton E. Chandler, 1913
Sumncr Waite, 1911
Carl S. Cleaves, 1912
Ralph W. Wetherbee, 1913
Fernando T. Norcross, 1914
Chester A. Meriott, '13
Business Manager
Issued—When there is news enough.
Subscription Price—The hearty cooperation
of our Alumni.
No articles in this paper are to be published
inany publications except those of Phi Gamma
Delta Fraternity, unless special permission is se
Brothers, as this is the last issue of the Maine
Fijifor this college year, we find no better chance
of showing our appreciation of the noble work
done by our Senior Brothers than right now.
i-or four long years these brothers have trodded
along, side by side, bearing each others burdens
and cares, as brothers should. They have made
thp° f ^ ' and have brought the standard of
°a high. They have worked
tl"°"gh their
a fin sate. We
know has
they are into
world nnH
spirit into the outer
be successful '^The
mond W Davis
brothers are Ray-
Nelson N. Scales''11 s
E. Stiekney, 'u
W^ite,'il, Charles
Harry P. Carle,'li and Wm
May they always b^tn mJnd'"
Are fade'd'wRh^"?®
When Sol's swift wL"??®""'®
And college lifp-o , ?
Brother Alumnus w
probably hard at work^
life's battle but nevern ,
you will spare us a litti
your ^gb' »"
^'c do hope that
Some of the brothers T ""^^ndcomeand see us.
of visiting us annual/v^^ already got the habit
will always receive a 1
hearts and home
few visits from the "
welcome into our
received quite a
you can feel assured th ^oys" this year and
but we want more r
Habit" and come and°sefus.
appreciated them
Our fraternity of PHI GAMMA DELTA has
no better asset, no better inducement to liold
of the convention will be at Hotel Shenley.
Alumni Association at Pittsburgh has been very
active in making plans for this event and it is
the hope of the whole fraternity that this con
before the eyes of the prospective Fijis, when
rushing them, than the PHI GAMMA DELTA
vention will be the most successful ever held.
graduates of this chapter will attend this grand
" Fiji Gathering."
This club has done
noble work and has raised the standard and
strength of our fraternity to a greater heighth
since its establishment.
During the club's recent troubles, every Fiji,
active members, and old Alumni, responded to
the call for aid and by the sincerity of the re
sponse, showed their appreciation of the club
and saved it for the fraternity. But we can not
rest on our oars and do nothing,-' now that the
club is tided over its troubles. If we did, other
troubles would soon follow. What we must do
is to take an active interest in the club. The
best way to do this is to become a member.
A rule has recently been passed allowing non
If it is possible, we sincerely hope that the
The graduate members to represent this chap
ter are Bros. James G. Scales, '10 and A. G.
Mitchell, '75. The undergraduate member is
Bro. "Ben" Haskell, '12, with Bro. Charles
B. Cleaves as alternate.
The rates at the hotel will be on the American
Room and bath for one
Room and bath for two
Room without bath for one....
Room without bath for two....
Two rooms and bath for four...
resident members to vote for officers the same
as regular resident members, thus increasing the
benefits to be derived from it. Surely every
Fiji who possibly can should take out a non
resident membership.
It may seem that a great deal of stress is laid
on this point, but if this is so, it is because we
realize what a fine thing the club isfor us and,
in the words of the poker shark, "when you've
got a good thing, keep it agoing."
The social functions held by Omega Mu during
the past yearhave been in every way successful.
The chapter has held two house parties, a Facul
ty Smoker, a Freshman Smoker, and, to cap
the climax, one of the finest annual boat rides
that the chapter has ever held. Besides these
important events the chapter has entertained
continuously during the year in the way of in
formal dinner parties and the like.
Owing to the fact of our having a new
dormitory and the desire of the faculty to fill
issued to each fraternity stating that they could
take into their houses only a specified number
Bro. Harry Sutton, '09, was at the house
several days ago.
We were more than glad to see Bro Bi
It as soon as possible, an edict was recently
of freshmen next year. Under such restrictions
the question of rushing freshmen is more vital
t lan ever. This fact is our reason for again
as ing every Alumnus to aid us in our choice of
prospective men. What we want, is for you to
inform us of any good men who are coming to
MAINE next fall. By doing so you will material
ly aid our chances in securing good men. This
matter is an important one, for on our freshmen
Hall again. "Bill" always visits us nt least
once a year and we all wish that more of our
Alumni would do the same.
^Bros. "Steve" Farwell, '09 and "Mike
I'lint, ex-'12, were with us on our annual boat
A visit from Bro. E. L. Morey, '90 and wife,
recently was very much appreciated.
Congratulations are in order to Bro. "Pat"
depends the future of our chapter.
Every Alumnus should make it a personal
rnatter and feel a personal responsibility to do
his bit towards getting the best possible
men for old OMEGA MU. If every one does
Collins who recently had a daughter born tohim.
Bro. L. C. Southard, '75, and son recently
feel this responsibility and act accordingly, we
shall have a freshman delegation second to none.
In speaking of this matter address communica
tions to Chester A. Wescott, Phi Gammar Delta
House, Orono, Me., or to any of the addresses
given in another part of this little book.
Haskell, '72, A. J. Harvey, '77," High" Dow, '08,
"Humpy" Bragg, >io, H. D. Whitney, '03, and
made us a visit.
At the Section Convention held here we were
glad to see the familiar faces of Bros. E. J"Jim" Eaton, '10.
Bro. N. N. Scales, 'II, has been with us for
a month or so.
the sixty-third EKKLESIA at PITTS
The Ekklesia of 1911 is to be held at Pitts
burgh on July 5, 6, 7, and8. The headquarters
Fijis at Omega Mu celebrated Junior Week,
June 7, 8, 9, and 10, with characteristic hos
pitalities. With beautiful weather and a host
of "lovely girls" as our guests the pleasant
\r\nlypast and Sunday dawned on a tired but happy
more favorable turn from that of last year can
not be conceived. The faculty and student
body are working together. Athletics under
memories of the joyous week.
the new system is on the improve. New im
provements to the athletic field with better
events of Maine's liiggest social week sped cpiick-
crowd, in whose minds will linger long the fond
^ ^^
Coniinencement with all its gay festivities
followed on the heels of Junior Week. Sunday,
June 11, President Robert J. Aley, delivered a
athletics are in sight.
The Association will soon be reaping a revenue
day. Alumni mcefings. Class Day Exercises and
from their college store. Only a bright future
can be seen ahead. President Aley is interested
in all student activities and gives them his
varied events. On Tuesday was the Com
support. The new dormitory is near com
pletion. With all this every Maine man has
the Fraternities, Lunches and the like. Wednes
see a promising outlook for the future.
fine Baccalaureate Sermon. Monday was a busy
the' President's Reception were among the
mencement Dinner in the Gym. Reception of
day was the last day and most important to the
seen satisfaction in the year just passed and can
Seniors for on that day they received their
degrees. In the evening was the Commence
ment Ball. Thus, ended the University year
of 1911. one of the most successful in its history.
On Tuesday evening, the 13th, the Annual
Fiji Commencement Banquet took place and was
a complete success.
A very successful athletic year has been
passed at Maine this year and due in no small
measure to the sy.stem under the direction of
E. R. Wingard. Maine won the State Irack
Meet this year at Waterville, with 41 points.
Bates was second with 39, while Colby scored 20
and Bowdoin brought up the rear with 16 points.
The meet was the most closely contested inyears
ond Maine won because it wasthe best balance
team on the field. The house wasreprescnte
by Waite, '11, in the dashes. Smiley, '12 m t ie
weight events and Thomas, '14, in the po ®
From the beginning of the year until the very
end every Fiji of the chapter has endeavored to
do something for the welfare of his AlmaMater,
and, as a result of this earnest effort, Fiji boys
have been prominent in most every activity.
The chapter started the year with pledging
twelve freshmen. Every one of whom has
shown that he was worthy of being a true mem
ber of Phi Gamma Delta.
In the Freshman and Sophomore contests
Bros. Abbott, Shields, Daniels and Hanson won
their numerals as members of the Freshman
nine. Bro. Abbott was also captain of this
team. Bros. Wescott and Pope won their
numerals on the Sophomore team. In track
Bros. Hodgkins, Thomas and Martin won their
numerals for the Freshmen and Pope, Hamhn,
and Wetherbee for the Sophomores. Bros.
vault. "Bro." McDonald as manager, took t le
Hodgkins and Abbott made their numerals on
team to Vermont and defeated U. of V.
bee on the Sophomore team.
brought out the men and rounded them mc
the Freshman team were Bros. Abbott, Hall, and
Haskell, on the Sophomore team Bro. Wescott,
good margin. Two dual meets with o^^^
dition for the state meet. The usual
meet was held in the winter with the e
taking first place.
..t follow
Our Baseball team this spring did n ^
expectations. They played Harvar
Abbott, '14, held down second base
made the Mandolin Club, of which Davis, '11,
Brewer, '13, Hodgkins, '14, and Hanson, '14,
taste. Both Fijis were high men on
In the social world we also took a prominent
interest uP°"
stand. Cummings, 'n, member of Senior
Assembly Committee, Ballon, '12 Chairman of
py team
Junior Week Committee and Curator for Ivy
day; Cleaves, '12, on Junior Prom. Committee;
Tennis has aroused renewed i"'-
medals. "Bro." Smiley made the
that competed in the State te
^eet ^
in both
doub ^ gjngles^
'Phe atmosphere has cleared.
St. .h.o,,por;u«.ies
Maine and are pushing U. of M.
was leader. Bros. Garland, '12, Haskell, '12,
were in the Glee Club.
the campus this spring and as a
Mu has six teams out for the
In the Musical Clubs we were well represented.
Bros. Garland, '12, Haskell, '12, Thomas, '14,
list. Abbott will be next year's back
out question.
Bros. Cleaves and Smiley on the Junior team
and Bro. Scales on the Senior team. Bro.
ball team.
The team was eratic and did not
games. Scales, '11, played right
In basketball all the classes participated. On
Scales was captain elect of the varsity basket
the lead set by last year's chainpioiis up
4-3 score and then lost four of
the Freshman football team. Pope and Wether
Thomas, '14, member of Military Hop Com
mittee. For Commencement honors, Davis 'II,
was chairman of Class Day Committee; Waite,
11, class historian; Pinkham, 'II, on Senior
Ball Committee. Hamlin, '13, and Chandler, '13
on Sophomore Hop Committee; C. S. Cleaves,
12, was class orator for Junior Week; Garland,
12, class poet; C. B. Cleaves, '12, McDonald,
\r\n'12, and Garland, '12, were listed among the
Junior Prize Speakers.
On the varsity football squad were Bros.
Waite, '11, Smiley, '12, and Hodgkins, '14.
These men worked hard and, although they did
not the make the eleven, they materially aided
it through their earnest endeavor.
As a con-
Brother Hart came outand greeted the Fijis,and
they went inside where a most haijpy hour was
spent in singing and incidentally in eating up
the iee-eream.
Our matron and foster-mother, Mrs. Jeanette
A. Harrington, is to be with us again next year
much to our hearty appreciation.
sequenee of four yearsof hard work on this squad
Bro. "Scrapper" Waite was awarded the Mfor
whom we wish to introduce to the brothers.
faithful service.
Brother Flarvey is a prominent member of the
In varsity track we also had men represented
We have a new Fiji, Leigh Irving Harvey,
University of Maine Law School where he has
in Bros. Waite, '11, Smiley, '12, and Thomas, '14.
Bro. Waite succeeded in making his much-prized
studied for two years.
letter in running on the relay team at the B. A.
A. meet. The other brothers have not, as yet,
made their M but they have the same loyal
managing editor of the Law School Review, and
Maine spirit and Fiji grit as Bro. Waite had and
it is hoped that before long they will succeed
training table here at the chapter house. The
following brothers, who have been training for
On the varsity baseball squad were Bros.
Shields, '14, Daniels, '14, and Hanson, '14,
while Bros. Scales, '11, and Abbott, '14, played
on the nine.
In the past year he has
been captain of the Law School baseball team,
Vice President of the Assembly.
During the spring semester we have had a
baseball and track, have eaten at this table:
Ned Scales, "Scrapper" Waite, "Art" Abbott,
" Bid" Thomas, "Cat" Smiley,"Cupid" Daniels,
and "Windy" Shields.
editor-in-chief of the Campus for the ensuing
year, Norcross, '14, one of the associate editors,
During the past month or so the house has
been thoroughly cleaned and put in first class
condition. The dining room has been burlapped
and Wetherbee, '13, assistant business manager.
and a new system of lights installed. All the
Ballon, '12, and McDonald, '12, were elected
study rooms have been thoroughly cleaned and
to the honorary senior society. Senior Skulls;
George,'12, and Cleaves,'12, made the national
honorary engineering society of Tau Beta Pi;
in some of them a new system of lighting has
In the literary line McDonald, '12, was elected
Haskell, 11, national honorary chemistry society
of Alpha Chi Sigma, and Weseott, '13, and
Chandler, '13, were elected to the Sophomore
Owl Society.
Ihe Maine Masque was managed by George,
12; Haskell, 14, and Norcross, '14,. took
character parts. For next year George, '12, is
Vice-President of the Masque, Norcross, '14,
also been installed.
The tennis court was dug up this spring and
rolled. We now can boast of one of thefinest
courts on the campus. The lawn all around Die
house has been well looked after and at t us
writing everything is beautiful about the house
assistant manager, and Haskell, '14,-stage
j Me
.Harry P. Carle, 165 Pearl St.,
I'or next year Ballou, '12, is President of the
Athletic Association and McDonald, '12, is
Vice President and also a senior member on the
Athletic Board.
Phis summary is but a brief oneof the work
done during the college year. We all hope we
can do better next year for Maine's sake and fo""
our fraternity Phi Gamma Delta.
Niles C. Pinkham, 17 Hill St., Portland,
Nelson N. Scales, Guilford, Me.
New York, N. Y.
, j Me.
Sumner Waite, 196 Newbury St., Po""!
covered that May 22nd was Dean Hart's birth
day, and so secret preparations were made to
celebrate the event.
lee-cream and cake were
made in the afternoon, and by seven-thirty
everything was ready. It was a wild band of
F'ijis, with coats discarded and each with a dish
^Charles B. Cleaves, 40 Beckett St.,
Clifford H. George, South Brewer, Me.
enjamin Haskell, Westbrook,
^Warren McDonald, 10 Crosby St., ^0°
Leon W. Smiley, Skowhegan, Me.
house at eight o'clock. As the brothers neared
the Dean's home not a word was spoken till
Warren G. Brewer, Peaks Island,
all joined in singing "Just a Song at Twilight."
Cari S. Cleaves, Bar Harbor, Me.
Pliilip Garland, Old Town, Me.
and spoon in his hand, which left the chapter
they had gathered under the window, and then
Charles E. Stickney, 147 Union Ave- J
William R. Ballou, Bath, Me.
A short while ago one of the brothers dis
Nathan C. Curnmings, Gorhani,
Raymond W. Davis, Guilford, Me.
•William O. Haskell, Westbrook, Me.
Me '
. radbury Gorham, Me.
^ Chandler, 9Weseott St.,
Harold Hamlin, Qrono, Me.
\r\nMorrill S. Pope, East Macliias, Me.
graduates are scattered in many nooks and cor
Chester A. Weseott, 10 High St., Bar Harbor,
ners and this of course is the reason for the small
attendance. Expense and business aPairs are
certainly matters that have to be taken into con
Ralph W. Wetherbec, Hudson, Mass.
Brother Windsor P. Daggett, Brown, '02,
Arthur W. Abbott, 2 Charles St.,
acted as toastmaster in a very creditable man
ner. Mayor Charles W. Mullen of Bangor, was
the first speaker and he in turn was followed by
Rev. Alva R. Scott of Purdue, Edward J.
Guy S. Bachelder, Bangor, Me.
Clyde P. Daniels, Thomaston, Me.
Howe W. Hall, Rockland, Me.
Haskell, '72, and Section Chief Penfield Mower,
Ernest P. Hanson, Gorhani, Me.
Dartmouth, '04.
Theodore W. Haskell, Westbrook, Me.
E. Marshall Hodgkins, 13 Plorida St., Dor
The delegates brought messages from their
respective chapters and spoke in the following
order: Alpha Chi, Amherst, George W. Williams,
chester, Mass.
Preston H. Martin, Port Pairfield, Me.
Pernando T. Noreross, Doering, Me.
Vietor H. Shields, Vinalhaven, Me.
Philip W. Thomas, OGO Congress St., Portland,
Pavored by an ideal May day the chapter
held on May 30th, one of the most enjoyable
boat rides in its history. Starting from the
Boston Boat wharf on the sturdy Castine we
set off down the river. The first stop was made
Pi Rho Brown, Edward R. Handy, Delta Nu,
Dartmouth, L. D. Hockridge, Iota Mu, Mass.
Tech., Claude P. Cairns, Pi Iota, Worcester,
E. Donald Beach.
The following alumni andothers were present.
Edward J. Haskell, '72, Prof. E. P. Hitchings,
'75 Dr. Austin I. Harvey, '77, Mayor Charles
W.' Mullen, '83, Prof. James N. Hart, '85,
Tershak P. Bye, '07, Harry D. Whitney, '03,
Owen O. Dow, '08, Lester M. Bragg, '10, James
M. Eaton, '10, Ralph Flint, ex-'I2, Willard O.
Pratt, Brown, and Rev. Alva R. Scott, Purdue.
at erona Park where fish chowder was served
and a pleasant hour was spent in dancing and
rambling about the picturesque shores of the
eno jseot.
ajoar and amid scrambling confusion the
Ai B K
to .net
hesound of the whistle summoned
bound for Belfast,
was at the wharf
Allen, Bert J., 'SO, Middleboro, Mass.
Anderson, Thomas, A., '02, Pittsfield, Me.
Atkinson, W. H., '92, 14 Melrose St., South
vlad 1to be ™
with the bunch for was
at least
a few
lours After a two hours stop in Belfast captain
Pramingham, Mass.
5 oclock the nose of the little steamer was
pointed homeward. The trip back thru the
was enhanced
the use of aandperfect
and with
songsMawe slowly
the river.was on the
job as chaperon every minm^ and she is said to
have dispensed with a whole box of matches in
her various trips about the "crowded" decks.
It was with a feeling of regret that the ligMs of
Bangor, Me.
Coombs was ready to return to Bangor and at
Bangor were sighted and with many a sigh the
happy party was broken up, clearing and
avowing that another gathering of Phi Gam
caliber had gone down among the records of
Anderson, William A., ex-'09, 7 Boynton St.,
Bacon, P. H., '70, 2A Park St., Boston, Mass.
Bixby, John H., '01, 263 Prospect St., Ashtabula, Ohio.
Bixby, Oscar M., '01, 60 W. 128th St., N. Y.
Blaekwell, Chas. E., '99, Madison, Me.
Brastow, Win. T., '97, American Bridge Co.,
Ambridge, Pa.
Brown, Amon B., '07, Rupert, Idaho.
Burns, Win. B., '07, Mars Hill, Me.
Bowles, Clayton, '05, Glendive, Mont.
Baker, Robert C., ex-'04, Copperhill, Tenn.
Bartlett, Prof. James M., '80, Orono, Me.
Bennett, Waldorfl, '01, 5 Water St., Newport,
. ,
Bodge, Byron H., ex-'02, 8 Philbrick St.,
jqorwood. Mass.
Brown, Albert H., '80, Oldtown, Me.
happy occasions.
Assembled at the Colonial, inspired by t^e
strains of Pullen's Orchestra, revelling in
Fiji songs and bound together by college and
fraternity spirit, the convention banquet held
by Omega Mu took place in Bangor, on May
20th. It is with regret that we look back upo"
this affair and think that a large body of alumni
was not present.
Aborn, E- B.,ex-'05, 46 Bumbleeom St.
However, we realize that our
Bragg, Lester M., '10, 213 High St., Pall River,
Buck, Hosea B., '93, Room I, Columbia Bldg.,
Bangor, Me.
Bunips, Wilber A., '75, 22 Spring St., Dexter,
Bunker, Stephen S., '97, La Paz., Bolivia.
T. P., ex-'07, Besse-Ashworth Co., Dan-
got; Me.
\r\nGarland, C. L., '04, Box571, Bangor, Me.
Campbell, Dudley E., '88, Prin. Caddington
Gould, Joseph P., '82, Oldtown, Me.
School, Nevvjiort, R. I.
Carter, William S., ex-'13, Madison
Gill, William E., ex-'04, 656 Main St., Worces
ter, Mass.
and 49th St., N. Y.
Gihnorc, A. L., ex-'07. West Side Y. M. C. A.,
Catherson, Lewis J., ex-'12, South St., Need-
318 West 75th St., N. Y.
ham, Mass.
Goodwin, Bertram W., '03, Ridlonville, Me.
Chandler, Robert P., '03, Poison, Mont.
Goodwin, George P., '07, 47 St. Botolph St.,
Chaplin, Caroll S., '04,125 Western Promenade,
Boston, Mass.
Portland, Me.
Gould, Samuel W., '77, Skowhegan, Me.
Glidden, Everett, '96, 34 Elder St., Schenectady, N. Y.
Clnirehill, Raymond P., cx-'12, 240 Pranklin
St., Cambridge, Mass.
Cimpher, Orman,ex-'03,SullivanScp Terminal,
Greene, James N., '02, 70 Chapman St., Put
Charlestown, Mass.
nam, Conn.
Clark, Edmund, '91, 37 Warren St., West
Medford, Mass.
Edward C.,
Porest Service,
Missoula, Mont.
Crorvell, William H., '00, 254 Main St., New
Britain, Conn.
Cummings, Robert L., '08, 511 Lebanon St.,
Melrose, Mass.
Hall, William D., '09, Presque Isle, Me.
Hammond, Arthur K., ex-'12, 101 Main St.,
Wallingford, Conn.
Hanscom, Arthur S., '08, Wagner, Mont.
Hanson, Walter K.,ex-'12, French St., Bangor,
Harvey, Austin 1., '77, 6 Summer St., Bangor,
Harvey, Leroy H., '01, State Normal School,
Chamberlain, Charles E., ex-'02, Wilton, Me.
Clark, Bcrtrand E., '87, Bar Harbor, Me.
Kalamazoo, Mich.
Clarke, Wilkie C., '00, Skowhegan, Me.
• Haskell, Ralph W., '05, Westbrook, Me.
Collins, A. W., '05, Hemakaupoko, Mani lei,
Hitchings, Prof. Edson S., '75, Orono, Me.
Hamlin, Geo., '73, Orono, Me.
Hancock, William J., '88, Erasmus Hall High
Colesworthy, C. P. '75, 112 East High St.,
School, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Hardison, Allen C., '90, Ottawa, Kansas.
Hart, Prof. James N., '85, Orono, Me.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Davis, Harry W., cx-'85, Guilford, Me.
Day, Eugene G., '04, Antigo, Wis.
Harvey, B. T., '05, Independence, Iowa.
Decker, Wilber P., '79, 304 Andrews Bldg..
Hart, Malcolm C., '10, 5532 Ridge Ave., St.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Dunning, James A., '84, Broad St., Bangor, Me.
Louis, Mo.
Doak Marthon, ex-'13, Belfast, Me.
Harvey, Clifford D., '90, Port Pairfield, Me.
Dow, Pred T., '90, Bangor, Me.
Dow, Owen, O., '08, Hiram, Me.
Harvey, Willis, ex-'02, Ocolla, Pla.
Haskell, E. J., Westbrook, Me.
Hayes, Clarence M., '99, p. O. Box 107, Cos
Drew, Irving P., '99, 47 Morse St.. Portland,
Cob, Conn.
Haywood, G. E., '07, 27 W. 24th St., N. Y.
Eastman, Pred L., '88, 316 Beale St..
Flill, W. A., '08, Suite A, 98 Hemenway St.,
Wollaston, Mass.
Boston, Mass.
Ellis, Merton E., '95, 25 Peabody Ave.,
Hill, William E., ex-'04, 656 Main St.,
Beverly, Mass.
Worcester, Mass.
Eaton, Russell W., '73, Brunswick, Me.
Hilliard, E. K., '05, 21 Milk St., Boston, Mass.
Eaton, James M., '10, Y. M. C. A- ® ®''
Pall River, Mass.
Passctt, Malcolm E., '10, 140 Concord
Portland, Me.
Hilliard, John H., '03, 220 Broadway, N. Y-
Flilliard, Stanley T., '08, Oldtown, Me.
Flinchliffe, John H., '03, 4 Garan St., East
Hartford, Conn.
Parrington, Herbert O., '02, 33 Sndth
Portland, Me.
gj. ^
Pellows, Prank, cx-'12, 144 Exchang®
Bangor, Me.
bellows, Raymond, '08, 144 Exchang®
Bangor, Me.
Plint, Ralph J., ex-'12. West Baldwin.
Parwcll, Howard L., '09, 44 Harves
Dorchester, Mass.
Parwell, P. Poster, Jr., ex-'ll. 2713 n
Eve., Chicago, 111.
b'ifield, R. H., '05, Malta, Montana.
Fitz, Guy B., '03, Auburn, Me.
b'iint. Prof. Walter, '82, W. Baldwin.
French, Flaywood G., '86, care J.
Si Co., 083 Atlantic Ave., Boston.
Frost, W. O., '06, Rockland, Me.
Garland, Charles C., '82, Oldtown, Me.
Hodgkins, R. L., ex-'09, 678 East 37th St.,
Oakland, Calif.
Houghton, Austin D., '97, Soquel, Calif.
Hurd, Prof. W. D., Massachusetts Agricul
tural College, Amherst, Mass.
Hutchinson, George W., '93, Grcensburg, Palllingsworth. Miles W., '07, Lock Box 518,
Worcester, Mass.
Ingersoll, Frederick M., ex-'ll. Auburn, Me.
Jordan, Whitman H., '75, Geneva, New York.
Jose, Wallace H., '94, 142 No. Front St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Joyce, Shirley S., ex-'12, Dartmouth College,
Hanover, N. H.
Keyes, Austin H., '85, Dover, N. H.
Keith, Alfred J., '82, Oldtown, Me.
\r\nPatterson, John C., '78, care G. N. Railway
Keith, Ballard F., 'OS, Jesus College, Oxford,
Co., St. Paul, Minn.
Powers, Fred W., '80, 104 Brighton Ave.,
Keyes, Prcscott Jr., '91, Westbrooh, Me.
Portland, Me.
King, Fred W., P. O. Box 21, Sclieneclady,
Perkins, Frank J., '78, Oldtown, Me.
Perkins, Newell R., Skowhegan, Me.
Pierce, William B., '90, 7 Cliflord Ave..
Beverly, Mass.
N. Y.
Little, Leslie, '04, 63 Logan St., Denver, Colo.
Lyon, Alpheus C., '02, care M. C. R. R-i
Portland Station.
Plummer, A. B., ex-'07. No. New Portland,
Lislierness, Ernest, '07, Exehange St., Bangor,
Pond, Rali)h B., ex-'ll, Ehuwood Ave.,
Libby, Herbert I., '98, 12i Oak St., Biddeford,
Providence, R. L
Pooler, J. PL, ex-'05. Brewer, Me.
Porter, Byron, '97, Lincoln, Me.
Powell, Morris M., '99, Orono, Me.
Lord, Robert \V., '91, Skovvbegan, Me.
Lynn, Robert W., '01, Hartland, Me.
Maddocks, Harold L., '00, 504 Irust Bldg.,
Quiney, Frederick G., '90, 499 State St.,
Newark, Ohio.
Marston, Frank L., '96, Stockton .Springs, Me.
Means, Otis W., '08, 20 Lawton Ave., Lynn,
Margesson, Chas. W., '02, 634 11th St.,
Brooklyn, N. V.
Mitchell, A. E., '75, 50 Church St., N. Y.
Mitchell, A. G., '75, 6007 Walnut St., Pitts-'
burg. Pa.
Merriam, Willis H., '86, 858 Colenddlene Ave.,
Spokane, Wash.
Mitchell, Fred C., '00, 75 Bartlett Ave., Arling
ton, Mass.
Mitchell, Frank H., '00, Rielunond and Tioga
St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mitchell, Robert L., '07, 75 Treniont ,St.,
Boston, Mass.
Mullen, Chailes W., 'S3, 59 Broadway, Ban
gor, Me.
Murray, Herbert, '94, P. O. Box 48, Haileybury. Out.
Martin, B. C., '01, Watertown, N. Y.
Martin, C. H., '07, 100 Montague St., Brook
lyn, N. Y.
McDonald, Frank, '00, Eastport, Me.
Merrill, Clyde H., cx-'ll, 107 Winter St.,
Auburn, Me.
Mitchell, Charles A., '01, New Glasgow, Nova
Merrill, John N., care Hadquarters Philippines
Constabulary, Manila, P. I.
Mitchell, Ezra C., '02, 1,817 F. St., N.W.
Washington, D. C.
Mitchell, Lester PI., '05, Vandalia, Mont.
Montgomery, Carroll, ex-'03, Woodfords, Me.
Nason, C. J., ex-'09, Bowdoin College, Bruns
wick, Me.
Nealley, Colvin PL, '92,224 Broad St. Newark,
N. J.
Oliverbauni, John E., '04, 45 N. 7th St.,
Planiilton, O.
Oak, Charles E., '76, 149 Cedar Stt, Bangor,
Owen, George S., '06, Thomas St., Portland,
Paine, S. R., ex-'09, 209 W. Newton &i..
Boston, Mass.
Patten, James H., '82, Bar Harbor, Me-
Bangor, Me.
Reed, John, '89, Bcnton Falls, Me.
Rollins, Kenneth A., '09, So. Berwick Falls,
Rollins, Dean W., '07, Stonington, Me.
Russell, Prof., '85, Fremont St., Orono, Me.
Russell, Leo B., '00, Farmington, Me.
Reynolds, T. PI., '06, Turners Falls, Me.
Richardson, F'red J., ex-'OS, R. F. D. 1,
Corinna, Me.
Rogers, Allen, '97, Pratts Institute, Brooklyn,
N. Y.
Small. James R., '94, 20Holborn St.,Roxbury,
Smith, C. D., '05, 40th and Butler Sts., Pittsburg, Pa.
Scales, James G., '10, care Penn. Rubber Co.,
Jeanette, Pa.
Scwall, Herbert W., '02, Wilton, Me.
Smith, C. F., '10, 103 Edmund Place, Detroit,
Smith, D. F., '05, 269 Madison Ave., Skow
hegan, Me.
Smith, Lewis E., '03, Passadena, Cal.
Smith, R. J., '08, 432 Thompson S., Ann
Arbor, Mich.
Soderstrom, Godfrey L., '04, Hill and Edwaid
Ave., Memphis, Tena
Soper, Henry M., '03, W. S. Glue Co., Mil
waukee, Mis.
Southard, Louis Carver, '75, 73TreniontSt.,
Boston, Mass.
Stevens, Kay P., '98, care Lehigh Valley Tran
sit Co., Allentown, Pa.
Sutton, Harry E., '09, 19 St. James Ave.,
Boston, Mass.
• Sargent, Paul D., '96, Dept. of Public Roads,
Washington, D. C.
Scott, Walter A., '04,careChicago, Milwaukee,
& St. Paul Railway Co., Lind, Wash.
Small, Frank L., '98, 177 Linden Ave., Hamp
ton, Va.
Stanley, H. A., '05, care General Electrical
Co, Sehenectady, N. Y.
Stevens, Fred L., '84, 34 Winter St., Bangor,
Stewart, R. K., '08, 701 W, Illinois St., Urbana
\r\nClary, Justin R., '97, East Wilton, Mass.
Stevens, Roy F., ex-'lO, Wcstbrook, Me.
Coburn, Lewis F., '75, Yreka, Cal.
Siurlevant, Geo. W., Jr., 81,1208 Fisher Bldg.,
Crosby, Oliver, '76, 801 Goodrich Ave., St.
Chieago, III.
Sutton, Geo. A., '83, Orono, Me.
Paul, Minn.
Cowan, Edward H., '94, Marion, Ohio.
Thompson, Prof. G. A., Orono, Me.
Crosby, Robert A., ex-'Ol, 97 Exchange St.,
Tovvle, E. L., '09, 5081 National Ave., West
Portland, Me.
Allis, Wis.
Danforth, Edward F., '77, Skowhegan, Me.
Van Horn, Horace M., ex-'ll, 5103 Chester
Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Walker, Perley,
'96, 1301
Dole, Asher, '85, Sufl'olk, Va.
Drew, Albert W., '90, care N. Y. S. Co.,
Camden, N. J.
Lawrence, Kansas.
Dunton, Oscar H., '82, Circleville, Ohio.
Elliott, P'red B., '88, Auburn, Me.
Elwell, Charles C., '78, N. Y. N. H. & H. R. R.,
Weseott, Arthur C., '99, Rutherford Rubber'
Co., Rutherford, N. J.
Weston, Benjamin T., '00, 303 Common
wealth Bldg., Jackson, Mich.
White, Frank M., '07, Vinalhaven, Me.
Wilson, Nathaniel E., '88, 123 Maple St.,
New London, Conn.
Reno, Nev.
Weston, Wallace A., '00, 21 No. Front St., Sm'
Wheeling, West Va.
Wharff, Edward M., '03, Winterport, Me.
Weymouth, Arthur P., '06, 730 Board of
Trade Bldg., Boston, Mass.
White, L. H., '98, Newport, Me.
Whitney, Harvey D., '03, Auburn, Me.
Whittier, Charles C., '99, 1121 The Rookery,
Chicago, 111.
Williams, Boardman S., ex-'ll, Devonshire
St., Boston, Mass.
Young, Bert Harvey, Ex-'03, Bar Harbor, Me.
Young, George E., ex-'13, Skowhegan, Me.
Allen, Chas. M., '80, Pratt Institute, Brook
lyn, N. Y.
Gay, Geo. M., '89, Damariscotta, Me.
Gilbert, Walter J., ex-'97, Calais, Me.
Greenwood, Elmer E., '87, Skowhegan, Me.
Gurney, John L, '74, Highland St., Dorchester,
Haggett, Eben R., '89, 1102 American Bldg.,
Baltimore, Md.
Hamilton, Harry E., '76, 125 Marlborough St.,
Boston, Mass.
Hatch, John W., '88, Bangor, Me.
Hayes, Austin D., '94, 185 High St., Belfast,
News, Va.
Hill, John E., '84, St. Cloud, Minn.
Hine, Thomas W., '82, Eureka, Minn.
Bowden, Geo. I., '00, Elm St., Hingham, Mass.
Brown, Chas. L., 49 Washington St., Rumford, Me.
Hodgkins, B. C., Bangor, Me.
Horton,J. B., '81, 6441 Howard Ave., Chicago,
Bryer, Chas. S., '97, 236 Cumberland Ave.,
Holmes, Geo. W., '81, Norway, Me.
Hunter, Rodney D., '74, 535 25th St., Oak
Auburndale, Mass.
Barker, Geo. G., '86, 219 Forest Ave., Spring
land, Call.
Jack, Walter D., '93, 411 Westfield Ave.,
field, Ohio.
Bartlctte, Joshua li., ex-'12, Asliland, Me.
Bisbee, Fred M., '76, LaJunta, Colo.
Blaekington, Alvah D., '77, Hotel Jennyon,
Seranton, Pa.
Farrington, Mellen A., '92, Bangor, Me.
Frost, Charles A., '95, 40 Grant St., South
• Framingham, Mass.
Freeman, Geo. G., '89, Cherryfield, Me.
Fortier, Arthur H., Los Angeles, Cal.
Fuller, Osgood E., ex-'80, Rockland, Me.
Gannett, C. H., '93, 53 State St., Boston, Mass.
Gould, Geo. P., '90, 9 Poplar St., Bangor, Me.
Heath, Elmer F., '90, 222 48th St., Newport
Andrews, Henry H., 'SI, Galloway, Neb.
Bartlett, Chas. S., '97, ISO Turner St., Auburn,
Blanding, Edward M., '72, 172 Kenduskeag
Ave., Bangor, Me.
Boynton, Jacob L., '82, 12 University Terrace, Lynn, Mass.
Brick, Francis S., '88, Uxbridge, Mass.
Brown, Henry W., '81, Literary Institution,
New Hampton, N. H.
Burleigh, John H., '87, 93 Main St., Waterville. Me.
Calderwood, Isaac G., '95, care St. L. R- ^
Co., Missina Springs, N. Y.
Caldwell, Andrew J., '78, Newburgh, N. Y'.
Clark, Irving M., '87, 148 E. 34th St., N. YClarke, Rcscoe C., '92, 61 Park St-.
Elizabeth, N. Y.
Jordan, A. T., '93, 184 George St., New Bruns
wick, N. J.
Keith, William E., '91, Wichita, Kansas.
Kenniston, ITederick, e.x-'82, Colfax County,
Vermejo, New Mexico.
Ladd, Edwin F., '84, North Dakota Ag. Col
lege, Fargo, N. D.
Lenfest, Elmer, 'SO, Snohomish, Wash.
Lord, Ihomas G., '88, Skowhegan, Me.
'79, Dept. of Geology, U. S.
Washington, D. C.
F., '85, Bushy, Va.
D., '75, 2015 Elliot Ave.,
Merrill, Geo. P.,
National Museum,
Moulton, Joseph
Mayo, Edward
Minneapolis, Minn.
Mayo, R. J., 'GO, 129Lisbon St., Lewiston,Me.
Merriam, Charles H., '86, 327 The Rookery,_
Spokane, Wash.
Merrill, Dennis D., '85, Acme, Wash.
\r\nWeleh, Warren E., '98, Windber, Pa.
Williams, John S., '87, Guilford, Me.
Williams, John H., '79, Elk River, Minn.
Wiswell, Carl C., '98, East Machias, Me.
Wood, Edward B., '94, Danville, Va.
The addresses of the following men are wanted:
Alexander, John F., '92; Bacon, F. F., '76; and
Bailey, E. M.; Boadway, L. A., '91; Bryer, T.
Merrill, Fenton, '87, Acme, Wash.
Merrill, T. L., '91, Acme, Wash,
Morrill, Edmund N., '90, Warren, N. H.
Morse, Charles A., '79, 827 Harrison St.,
Topeka, Wash.
Morrill, Stephen,'GO, 56 Congress St., Portland
Murphy, Charles C., '93, Rangeley, Me.
S.; Cochraiie, B. H., '70; Dalst, A. J., '97
Day, H. E.; Douglass, R. L.; Drew, I. H., '99
Ferguson, W. E., '79; Freeman, G. W., '93
Nason, Walter H., '82, Hampden, Me.
Oak, Willis L., '80, Caribou, Me.
Cakes, Frank J, '78, 114 Liberty St., N. Y.
Otis, A. M., '90, Andover, Me.
Owen, John W., '90, 101 Milk St., Boston,
Kittredge, C. D., '03; Goodridge, Ehner O.
'85; Flanson, S. W., ex-'07; Higgins, R. E., '05
Jones, D. S., '80; Knight, Fred, '00; Lyford
A. L.; Moore, C. R., '84; Morey, Elmer L., '90
Pattee, A. Clifford J., '95, Belfast, Me.
Noyes, H. F., '99; Rich, G. A., '85; Ridley, W
J., '91; Robinson, W. C., '90; Soule, S. S.
'75; Tilden, W. R., '81; Walker, R. M., '00
Page, Arthur D., '86, Chicago, 111.
Parks, Geo. D., '76, Lafayette, Indiana.
Patten, Franklin R., '80, Mesa Ave., El Paso,
Patten, Truman H., '83, Glasgow, Montana.
Pease, Charles F., '80, 2533 William St.,
Montrose, Col.
Pierce, Hapwood, '76, Frankfort, Me.
Pillsbury, C. I, '76, Rockland, Me.
Pillsbury, Geo. M., '90, Lowell, Wash.
Potter, Frederick D., '79, Cortland St., N. Y.
Porter, Joseph W. H., '97, Caribou, Me.
Powers, Tom S., ex-'Ol, Everett, Mass.
Putnam, Charles E., '83, Jamaica Plains, Mass.
Rackliffe, Joseph R, '90, 619 Edmond St.,
St. Joseph, Mo.
Rogers, Charles W., '76, 25th Place and
Stuart Ave., Chieago, III.
Shaw, Geo. M., '75, 49029th St., Oakland, Cal.
Starrett, Henry V., '91, Warren, Me.
Saunders, Addison R., '87, 362 Essex St.,
Lawrence, Mass.
Seabury, Geo. E.. '88, 110 No. Pine Ave.,
Albany, N. Y.
Sears, Cassius A., '87, Los Angeles, Cal.
Shaw, Orrin J., '93, Ludlow, Vt.
Snow, Gleason C., '82, Orrington, Me.
Starr, John A., '96, 54 Irving St.,Watertown,
Stevens, Charles A., '87, Fort Fairfield, Me.
Stevens, Moses B., Box 124, El Paso, Texas.
Stevens, Thomas J., '77, 22LakeSt., Auburn,
Stone, Frank P.,'77,143 Main St., Norway, Me.
Sturtevant, Charles F., '87, 2249 ShermanAve.,
Evanston, 111.
Trask, Frank E., '87, 421 Homer Laughlin
Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
Tarr, Roderick D., '98, 4 Oak St., Biddeford,
lebbetts, C. M., '79, Gardiner, Me.
True, Joseph S., ex-'88, R. F. D., No. 1.
Lewiston, Me.
Todd, Frank FI., '82, Hacozani Sonora, Mexico.
Webber, William, '84, 889 S. Sawyer Ave.,
Chicago, 111.
Whitteniore, Geo. A., '98, 49 Union St.,
Worcester, Mass.
Webster, John M., '93, 3364 F. St., San Diego,
Webb, F. H., ex-'90.
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June 1911 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is ten pages in length.