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1912 June Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
June 1912 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Omega Mu
University of Maine Orono
1912 June Newsletter Omega Mu (University of Maine)
POSTMASTER: If not delivered in
tea dfty», please notify Phi Gamma
De]ta» University of Maine, Orono, Me.
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\r\nMaine Fiji
Vol. VI
June, 1912
No. 3
Clifton E. Chandler, 1913
Carl S. Cleaves, 1912
Ralph W. Weatherbee, 1913
Theodore W. Haskell, 1914
Robert F. Thurrell, 1915
Fernando T. Norcross
j Editors
Business Manager
Issued —When there is news enough.
Purpose—To advance the interests of cur
No articles in this paper are to be publish
ed in publication except those of the Phi
Gamma Delta Fraternity, unless special per
mission is secured
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Three weeks remain and then the college
year of 1912 will go down in history as some
thing of the past. To the Seniors these three
remaining weeks will pass as a day and then
all will be over, their college life, with all its
free and happy days, will be at an end. They
have nearly reached another turning point
and in a short time they will be striving, like
the rest of our graduates, to live and to win
out in the battle of life.
What the future
has in store for them, like the past, is but a
question of time. For four long years our
Senior brothers have lived together, bearing
each others joys and sorrows, and now they
are on the verge of parting. We, as under
classmen, cannot but help express our sincere
sorrow that these men
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will be
with us no
longer as active members for they have been
the nucleus about which the whole chapter
has been building itself and have been the
means of raising the chapter to the high
standard that it now attains. They have been
men true to their college, true to their fra
ternity, and true to themselves, what more
can be expected? They have set a shining
example and it is our only hope they will be
as successful and progressive in the future as
they have been in the past.
To brothers William R. Ballou, Charles B.
Cleaves, Carl S. Cleaves, Philip Garland,
Clifford H. George.
Benjamin Haskell,
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Warren McDonald, Ralph B. Pond, Luther P.
Russell and Leon W. Smiley of the class of
1912 we pay this tribute.
As for you Brother Alumnus, are you com
ing back to see these men receive their much
coveted diplomas? Aren't you coming back
and re-new old acquaintances?
ment is a time when you should forget all
\r\nother cares and come back to your Alma
Mater and live over the days that you once so
pleasantly passed here.
This Commencement
is going to be the greatest Commencement
ever celebrated here.
There are at least four
anniversary dates that are to be commemor
ated, the most important being that of the
40th anniversary of the establishment of
Agriculture Colleges under the Merrill Act.
Besides these inducements a cup is to be pre
sented this year to the fraternity having the
largest number of Alumni in attendance.
have without any doubt the largest number ^f
Alumni of any fraternity on tbe Campus but
tbis will count for nothing if we do not have
the largest number registered at tbis great
event. Thus, there are three reasons why
you should be here for Commencement, firstly,
you should come back and show your .Alma
Mater that you still have its interests at
heart; secondly, you should come back out of
respect to your Fraternity; and thirdly, you
should comeback for your own good, to renew
your acquaintances, to renew your college and
fraternity spirit, and even to renew yourself.
Preparations are on foot for the Thirteenth
Annual Commencement Banquet of Omega
Mu. This year this banquet will be of great
very successful manner, the Senior team final
ly winning out. Bros. C. S. Cleaves, Smiley
and Garland played on the Senior team. Bros.
Long and Bradbury played on the Junior team
Bro. Bradbury was also manager. Bros. Hall,
Abbott, and Haskell were on the Sophomore
team, Bro. Hall was captain and Bro. Thomas
was manager.
Bro. P. M. Hall was our only
representative on the Freshmen team. The
relay team at the B. A. A. meet, Boston ran
a fine race and was beaten by only a few feet
by the fast Vcmnnt team. This spring the
track and baseball teams started early prac
tice, at the State track meet at Brunswick,
Maine was represented by a well balanced
The meet was a close one. Bates Col
lege winning first place from Maine by a close
margin of 4 points. Bro. Thomas was the
only "Fiji" representative on the team and
captured third place in the pole vault. The
baseball team, under the leadership of Bro.
"Artie" Abbott, '14, has been, so far, more
successful, winning five games out of six.
The possibilities, at the present writing, of
winning the championship are fine. Bates
has played two games, both with Maine, she
lost the first game but won the second. She
has four games more to play and the best she
can do, providing she wins them all, is to tie for
the Championship with Maine.
"Come Back To Commencement"
interest to everyone for it is held in honor of
old Q. T. V. Society from which the Omega
Mu Chapter of the fraternity of Phi Gamma
Delta was formed. We are looking forward
for all the members of that society to be
The social life at Maine was opened for the
the gala event of the week, come and be one
spring by the Sophomore
sity Gymnasium on April
one of the best dances
University and much of
of the happy numbers. Return postal cai'ds
will be sent out in a short time informing you
Bro. Norcross, '14.
present that can possibly be here and also all
members of Omega Mu. This is going to be
of this event, be sure you are numbered with
the rest.
Hop at the Univer
12. It was said to be
ever given at the
the success was due
to the decorations designed and executed by
Bro. Hanson, '14 was
one of the aids at the reception.
On April 26 the Annual Military Hop took
place and was well attended by everybody.
The company
This year has been one of the most succes-
drills were up to
the usual
standard; Company A commanded by Bro.
Ballou doing the Guard Mount in a creditable
ful years in the history of the institution.
manner, while Company B commanded by
Under the safe guidance of President Robert
Bro. Hanson had the firings.
The best social event of the year was the
J. Aley, the year was launched off and its
course has been a safe and prosperous one.
With plenty of material to pickfrom the foot
ball team started on its carreer and when the
season ended, Maine had won the Champion
ship or the State.
Bro. "Jock" Cleaves, '12,
played a superb game at quarterback all
through the season and unanimously chosen
as All-Maine quarterback.
ey, '12,
Bro. "Cat" Smil
worked hard at left half back and
made his letter. Bro. "Tracy" Thomas, '14,
made the squad. Following the football sea
son came indoor track and basketball.
interclass basketball games were run off in a
Junior Prom, which took place on May 3 dur
ing Junior Week. Bro. Brewer, '13, served
on the Junior Prom, committee and Bro.
Weatherbee, '13, acted an aid at tbe dance
During intermission, we returned to tbe bouse
wbere hot coffee and salad was served and a
social time enjoyed for about a half an hour.
During Junior Week we were fortunate to
have several young ladies staying at the
house and their company was enjoyed by all.
Bro. Chandler, '13, served on the Junior
Week committee which conducted the festivi
ties of the week without a break.
On Thursday, May 30, we had our sixth an-
\r\nnual boat ride.
Following our usual
plans, we left Bangor at 9 a. m. and sailed to
Verona Park where dinner was enjoyed. In
the afternoon we headed for Penobscot Park
where supper was to be served.
On the way
C. B. Cleaves, 40 Beckett St., Portland, Me.
C. S. Cleaves, Bar Harbor, Me.
Phillip Garland, Old Town, Me.
Benjamin Haskell, Westbrook, Me.
C. H. George, S. Brewer, Me.
many new games and songs were introduced
Warren McDonald, 10 Crosby St., Woodfords,
by the committee which kept the ride from
being monotonous. Everybody enjoyed them-
R. B. Pond, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
sJves—especially during the return trip up
the riyer by moonlight.
Bro. Charles W. Mullen, '83 has again been
re-clected Mayor of Bangor. This only goes
to show that Bro. Mullen is held in high es
teem by his fellow citizens.
Bro. Frank Fellows, Law; '12 is now prac
ticing law in in Portland and is getting along
Bro. Walter K. Hanson, ex-'12, and Bro.
Guy Bachelder, ex-'14, wei'e recently at the
house for a short visit.
Bro. ''Bob" Ingersoll, ex-'ll, made us a
call recently.
Bro. Charles C. Elwell, '78, was made a
member of this fraternity a little over a
month ago by the Yale Chapter, Nu Deuteron.
L. W. Smiley, Skowhegan, Me.
I. M. Bradbury, Gorham, Me.
W. G. Brewer, Peaks Island, Me.
C. E. Chandler, 9 Wescott St., Portland, Me.
G. L. Christy, Providence, R. 1.
Harold Hamlln, Orono, Me.
L. 1. Harvey, Bangor, Me.
P. C. Leonard, Frankfort, Me.
M. S. Pope, East Machias, Me.
R. W. Weatherbee, Hudson, Mass.
A. W. Abbott, 12 Charles St., Portland, Me.
H. W. Hall, Rockland, Me.
E. F. Hanson, Gorham, Me.
T. W. Haskell, Westbrook, Me.
P. H. Martin, Fort Fairfield, Me.
F. T. Norcross, Portland, Me.
V. H. Shields, Vinalhaven, Me.
P. W. Thomas, Portland, Me.
H. H. Towle, Jr., 14 Hill St., Portland, Me.
L. P. Carle, North Raymond, Me.
M. J. Creighton, Thomaston, Me.
Bro. Elwell was a former member of the Q-
P. M. Hall, 11 Harrison Ave., Taunton, Mass.
T. V. Society. Omega Mu extends her sincerest congratulations to Bro. Elwell and
R. B. McCloy, Buffalo, N. Y.
J. S. Randall, Whitman, Mass.
hearty appreciation to Nu Deuteron.
Bro. Jeff Davis, '11, was here for the Jun
ior Prom.
Bro. "Scrapper" Waite, '11, who has been
stationed at Fort Leavenworlh, Kansas, has
beendetailed to report for duty at Plattsburg,
N. Y. "Scrapper" states in his last letter
that he likes the life so far and is getting
along finely.
The latest news from the front is that Dro.
Chauncey S. Robinson, ex-'ll, has deserted
the ranks of bacheldorhood. Hisengagement
to Miss Charlotte P. Mooers of Carmel
has been recently announced. Greetings to
Bro. Hosea B. Buck, '73, has been re-elec
ted to the republican committee of Bangor
and has been made chairman of that commit
Bro. Ray P. Stevens, '98, is President and
General Manager of the Lehigh Valley Tran
sit Co. and is located in Allentown, Pa.
The rushing season of 1912 has commenced
in earnest and it is hoped that if any of the
brothers know of any good men who are plan
ning to enter Maine next fall they will let us
know at once. The following list contains the
summer addresses of the active members o
our chapter.
W. R. Ballou, 1006 High St., Bath, Me.
P. F. Slocum, 115 Milton St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
R. F. Thurrell, 70 Gray St., Portland, Me.
Edward Woodman, Jr., 75 Vaughant St.,
Portland, Me.
R. D. Long, North Raymond, Me.
The annual Freshmen Smoker was held here
at the house on March 23rd. By 8.15 that
evening the guests began to arrive and by the
next half hour about thirty-five freshmen
were seated around the various tables and
amid the clouds of smoke, smoked some more,
played cards, drank (Mums the the word, not
extra dry,) and eat and when all were filled,
gathered around the fire place. Amid the
crackling of logs and peanut shells, stories
were told and enthusiasm tor the distant Frog
Pond Scrap was aroused. About 12 p m
the Smoker wound up with a sing, three
cheers for 1915 and a return three cheers for
Phi Gamma Delta re-echoed from the porch
Bro P. M. Hall, '15, acted as Toastmaster
The evening of May 23rd was devoted'to
one of the best Alumni Smokers ever held
ere. Every Fiji Alumnus in ihis vicinity re
dS' r
tim r
„ snish.It was
We sureone
su,el° nf,e.
\r\nrealized that we had such a jolly bunch of
Alumni in the vicinity until we gathered
around the old fire place and heard of the
good old days, etc. The occasion was much a
success and now that we have started the ball
a-rolling we are going to keep it in motion.
You, who were not here this time, see that
you don't miss the next one.
The sleuths reported that the letter "C" stood
for "Crab" "Marvellous." This announce
ment was greeted with fear and astonishment
by us and we could not believe it, until the
following notice appeared on the bulletin
Be ye known that on this day of our Lord,
one thousand nine hundred and twelve, the
We are glad to learn that Bro. Daggert
(Brown '02', will return to his position as
Professor of Public Speaking at Maine next
His absence from College this year has
been felt moi-e by us than we realize
are looking forward to his return
and we
Bro. White, (Dartmouth '12), spent a few
days with us last month and his company was
greatly enjoyed. We hope that "Doc" will be
around again soon as we feel well acquainted
with him.
It is seldom the house and grounds have been
in as good condition as they are this spring.
The steam heating plant installed the first
of the year has given excellent service, the
interior of the house has been repaired in many
places, and the exterior is to have a new coat
of paint soon.
At the recent election of the Musical Fed
eration, Bro. Brewer, '13 was elected presi
dent of the combined clubs.
Bro. Brewer was
also re-elected leader of the Glee Club and Bro.
Thomas '14 re-elected leader of the Mandolin
The House Officers for next year are as fol
C. E. Chandler, W. G. Brewer, M. S. Pope,
R. D. Long and R. W. Weatherbee. Bro.
Martin was elected steward and Bro. T. Has-
kell was elected as editor of the "Fiji"
Great preparations are on foot here at the
house for the banquet on the evening of June
Don't miss the good time.
Like a thunderbolt from
the clouds, there
has come within our midst a newly formed
organization whose title bears the four letters
A. O. O. C.
At first we were at loss as to
just what was the mystic meaning of these
four letters.
The first three were discern-
able but that last letter was a sticker.
means available was used to discover the
dreadful interpretation of that last letter but
in vain. Finally, as a last resort, we sent our
renowned "Sherlocko" and "Dr. Watso
the trail.
These two famous detectives while
sleeping in the same room with "Hoss
heard him say in his sleep, "Crab! Crab! Who
wants to be a member of your old club, any
way, I would'nt be with you for anything.
undersigned have banded together for mutual
protection and the furthering of crabbed feel
We shall be known at the Ancient Order
of Crabs and our object is twofold; (1) To
look on the dark side of everything, (2) To
attempt to prevent "Hoot" and "Uncle Mun"
from being always cheerful.
"Spike" Brewer
Crabbus Supremus
"Windy" Shields M. D. * Crabbus Secundus
"Count" Norcross
Crabbus Inthemorningus
"Bug" Weatherbee
Crabbus Nextibus
"Shorty" Long
Crabbus Lastibus
•^Chief consulting physician of all Crabs.
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June 1912 newsletter for the Omega Mu chapter at University of Maine. The newsletter is six pages in length.