Ritter, Eli Foster

From collection Member List

Ritter, Eli Foster
Private, 14th Indiana Infantry [for one year]; captain and adjutant, C. K, 79th Indiana Infantry; reportedly commanded regiment during Atlanta campaign. Later Colonel, 1st Regiment, Indiana State Guards. (Unfinished Catalogue; 1870 catalogue reads "Major U.S. Vols.") (PGD magazine reads 16th Indiana and 79th Indiana; initiated fall 1859.)


DAR #223: "Lawyer. A.B. 1863; A.M., 1866; LL.B., 1866, Indianapolis Law School. Born, 1838, Hendricks county, Indiana [son of James Ritter and Rachael Jessup]. Captain Indiana Volunteer Infantry; commissioned colonel of First Veteran Regiment in the Indiana State Militia. Married, July 13, 1865, Miss Narcie L. Lockwood. Father of 1137, 1382, 1460, 1681, 1904, and Hermon. Died, December 11. 1913, Indianapolis, Ind." Initiated October 28, 1859. Departed school April 1861 with the Asbury Guards, enlisting in (depending on the source) the 14th or 16th Indiana Infantry, and later becoming captain, Co. K, 79th Indiana. President of 1872 and 1878 conventions in Indianapolis. Prohibition Party National Chairman, 1885. DePauw Trustee 1888-1893.

Ritter's nephew Ben W. Ritter (1879) joined Phi Gamma Delta.  His daughter Mary wed Charles A. Beard (1898).