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2012 Winter Newsletter Sigma Omicron (Oklahoma State University) - partial
Winter 2012 newsletter (partial) for the Sigma Omicron chapter at Oklahoma State University. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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Sigma Omicron
Oklahoma State University
2012 Winter Newsletter Sigma Omicron (Oklahoma State University) - partial
Sigma Omicronicle
Oklahoma State University of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity - Winter 2012 Edition
By: Chris Neurohr (2003) - House Corporation Treasurer
ter house makes a great story.
From our beginnings in the
“Gingerbread House,” the fire,
and the purchase of the Kappa
House in 1966, to the addition of
the dining room and billiards
room in 1996, the house has seen
a lot in these 50 years.
Fifty years of Sigma Omicron… If we each had time to
sit down and share our stories and revisit those memories, there would be more
than enough material to complete a very large book.
Even the history of the chap-
The past year has been another
busy one for the Sigma Omicron
Housing Association (SOHA). As
always, there have been plenty of
repairs and maintenance projects
to keep us busy. We also have
been making plans and taking
steps toward the future of our
facility. We made time to have
fun recently too with the Cowboy
Football tailgates, Homecoming
and our quarterly meetings to
keep the bonds of brotherhood strong. All in all, it was
a productive year and satisfying on many levels. With the
50th Anniversary Pig Dinner
fast approaching, we have
much to be thankful for and
also look forward to a bright
As everyone already knows,
the house is in constant need
of attention. The wiring,
HVAC and plumbing systems
are antiquated by today’s
standards and security is also
a constant concern. Projects
(Continued on page 2)
Sigma Omicron had an amazing fall semester. We finished
first in grades among all of
the fraternities on campus
with a 3.277 GPA, making our
22nd year in a row with a
total GPA higher than the allmen’s average. All 31 pledges
passed the pledge requirement GPA of 2.5 with 26 of
the 31 achieving above a
3.0, qualifying for the
AAA Scholarship ($250)
and the highest GPA among
all fraternity pledge classes
(Continued on page 3)
Sigma Omicron earned
first place in grades
among all fraternities with
a 3.277 GPA.
26 of the 31 Sigma Omicron pledges earned a 3.0
GPA or better, qualifying
them for the AAA Scholarship ($250). As a group,
they came in first place
among all fraternity
pledge classes with a
3.348 GPA.
Celebrating 50 years...
what is better than that?
We hope to see you at Pig
Dinner! Register at
N OW ?
Psi Deuteron (Fall 2011) pledge class in study room.
Join “Sigma Omicron Fijis”
on Facebook!
Jack D. Hicks (1968) - Claims adjuster, married for 38 years with
two children and five grandchildren.
Dan Green (1987) - Living in Chicago, married, two girls, writing
motivational books under his Finish Strong brand and speaking to corporations and students on living the Finish Strong attitude.
Matthew Morgan (2009) - Working as the Gift Planning Coordinator for the OSU Foundation. Was appointed to the BCA in September.
Pictured: Max Pischel, Terrell Potts and Mike Hill met in the OKC
area the day before the homecoming football game for a round of
(Continued from page 1)
we look to accomplish in 2012 include
exploring the purchase of a security camera system, a new commercial refrigerator for the kitchen and upgrading the
house’s internet capabilities, along with
the regular maintenance and repairs.
These projects all added together could
easily top $40,000 or more in expenses.
The many repairs and maintenance projects that were completed in 2011 included: a minor renovation and some
new equipment for the kitchen ($3,000);
electrical repairs to emergency and security lighting and wiring ($1,500); many
plumbing repairs to toilets, sinks and
showers on the 3rd floor and basement
($3,500); HVAC repairs to the dining
room system and blowers throughout the
house ($1,600); fire system maintenance
($1,000); and cleaning of exterior downspouts and drainage system ($1,400).
These are just a few examples of the approximately $30,000 that was spent on
house maintenance, insurance, membership dues and administrative costs in
The kitchen had previously been locked
down during non-operating hours, but
this left the undergrads with nowhere to
prepare snacks and light meals. To alleviate this concern, a security door was
installed between the serving area of the
kitchen and the rear food preparation area.
This allowed for a snack area to be available in-between meals, which has been
well received. A new sink was also installed in the kitchen to allow for separate
areas for cleaning and food prep.
time and effort they contribute for the
good of the chapter. Eric particularly
has excelled in the role of PL. He deserves a lot of credit for helping guide
the chapter to its current level of success.
We would never be able to accomplish the
amount of repairs, maintenance and renovations that we have as efficiently or effectively without the tireless effort of our
Rena Sterling, SOHA
(1970), and
board members Kim
House Mom Rena Sterling
Cunningham (1975) and Secretary Michael
Martin (2005). Each has scheduled and
met with vendors, supervised work that
was done, and even completed the work
themselves at times. Kim in particular
goes to the house every summer and
makes as many repairs himself as he can.
These individuals deserve a very big thank
you for all the work they do for the house.
The house will not last forever in its
current state and will continue to deteriorate and become more and more of
an issue for our fraternity if nothing is
done. That is why we have been exploring our options and making plans
for what can be done to ensure our
members have a safe, competitive and
enjoyable living environment in the
coming years. We have considered all
the scenarios and believe we have a
solution. Come to Pig Dinner for more
information about what we envision for
the coming years. The future has never
looked better.
Additionally, Purple Legionnaire Eric
Knam (1993) and the entire board of
SOHA and the Board of Chapter Advisors
deserve many thanks as well for all the
We all have the opportunity to share
our memories and tell our stories as we
reunite for our chapter’s 50th Pig Dinner on February 25th! There will be
many stories shared and new memories
made by all in attendance and I hope to
see you all there. If there was ever a
year to go to Pig, this is it!!!
To register:
\r\nP AGE 3
(Continued from page 1)
on campus (3.348)! The following
brothers/pledges received at 4.0:
Jonathan Chandler, Chase Cutler,
Jordan Mayes, Taylor Mayes, Andrew Cole, Chris Easterly, Ryan
Tatum, and Jared Wheeler.
Five new initiates from the Chi Deuteron pledge class joined our fraternity
in the fall and 30 more initiates from
the Psi Deuteron pledge class joined in
the spring. One of our sophomores,
Nick Staples (2014), was named Top
10 Freshman of Oklahoma State University for the 2010-2011 school year
joining over a dozen predecessors in
Sigma Omicron’s history. We also had
three brothers who were named Seniors
of Significance, making them Top 40
Seniors: Shane Gibson, Jordan
Stivers, and Jonathan Chandler.
In November, Sigma Omicron participated in the Toys for Cowboys fundraiser, where Fiji made up 51 of the 117
total volunteers. The university raised
over $4,000 and collected just under
1,000 toys for underprivileged children
in the Stillwater area.
Phi Deuteron (Fall 2010) Pledge Class
Corey Vesey (2014) and Shane Rasch (2014)
With several accomplishments in this
past semester, we look forward to continually improving our committee system and structure to improve transitions from year to year. We have recently worked to refine many areas
such as recruitment and pledge education and are excited to see the organized benefits of our efforts.
Destination trip to Chicago - Fall Break
Why did you choose Oklahoma
I never did seriously consider attending
another school other than Oklahoma
State University. My father was a Lambda
Chi Alpha at Oklahoma A&M beginning in
the fall of 1926, so I have always had close
ties to OSU. We attended a lot of the OSU
football games when I was growing up,
especially in the early 1950s, so we could
watch one of Pond Creek’s own, Billy Joe
Halcomb, play the starting half back position. I was sold on OSU from the beginning.
Why did you pledge Phi Gamma
In the fall of 1960, I went through rush
and pledged another fraternity. I went
through pledge training, made my grades
and depledged right before initiation. I
have always been an independent thinker,
and I decided after all I had gone through,
it wasn’t the right fit. In the spring of
1961, I saw a notice in the O’Colly where
FIJI planned to colonize on the OSU campus, and any interested parties could attend a meeting. I did attend that meeting
held at an apartment on North Washington and did not know anyone there. I listened to the presentation and was thoroughly impressed. I wanted to be part of a
new and exciting opportunity. I promptly
was accepted and became a member of
the newly established Delta Colony. I was
fortunate to be elected as a pledge trainer
for two consecutive terms. I had been
involved in a pledge program which was
based on hazing and felt there could be a
better method. I am proud that we developed a pledge program based more on
education and respect, rather than hazing. It seemed to work well.
What is your favorite memory as
an undergraduate?
Several favorite memories come to mind.
I remember our first rush week in the fall
of 1961. Just as the rushees were arriving,
someone would yell “face men to the
front,” meaning if you looked like a movie
star, be on the front row to greet. Of
course we all thought we were “face men”
and proceeded to crowd each other to get
on the front line. It was hilarious, looking
back. Of course, all the early chapter Island Parties are fond memories, especially
cutting and installing the cane for a fence
that completely encircled the
“Gingerbread House.” There was always a
lot of curiosity about what was going on
behind that fence and some of those stories are best left untold.
What is your favorite memory as a
graduate so far?
As a graduate, I look back and appreciate
all the hard work and efforts made by the
original organizers of the chapter. I am
also very proud of the success of Sigma
Omicron today and its status as one of the
top rated chapters on the OSU campus.
That doesn’t all happen by chance.
What kind of influence has the Fraternity had on your life?
I really believe being a member of a fraternity teaches one the value of being part of
a group of individuals who come together
with a common purpose. Fraternities are
made up of a diverse group of individuals
who make sacrifices and adjustments necessary to achieve a common goal. This
adjustment process is beneficial to each
person for the rest of his life.
What activities were you involved
in during college?
I was involved in the Student Union Activities Board for a year or two, but fraternity activities and school work took most
of my time. Of course the intramural
sports activities were a lot of fun.
With whom do you stay in contact?
It is really difficult to stay in contact after
college due to each person’s family, community and job activities. Brother Mark
Birmingham (1967) and I talk on the
phone every so often and Mark comes to
Pond Creek for a visit a few times a year. I
get to visit every so often with Brother Bill
Thomas (1964) when he and his wife
come back to visit her dad in Enid. Most
JD with wife Jane
of the brothers I don’t get to see or visit
with very often, but when we do meet it’s
like we had not been apart very long.
There is just that common bond that
doesn’t go away.
Tell us about your family.
I married Miss Jane Ann Breckenridge
in Pond Creek on August 6, 1966. Jane
and I grew up together in Pond Creek
and didn’t really date until college. Jane
is a Kappa Delta and OSU alum, and
knows my Fiji brothers about as well as I
do. We have three children, Jana, Jill and
Jay. They all attended OSU. The girls are
both teachers, and I am very proud of the
influence and examples they have set for
the many students they have been in contact with. My son Jay is the branch manager for our bank’s Enid branch. He also
serves on the Bank’s Board of Directors,
along with my wife Jane. We have five
smart and athletic grandchildren (don’t
we all think so) who keep us very active
attending their school and athletic
events. The grandkids are Jalyn, Haley,
Rylie, Jevan and Derek, and range from a
freshman in college to the seventh grade.
Did you live in the chapter house?
If so, who were your roommates?
I lived in the “Gingerbread House” and
the detached adjacent apartment build-
\r\nP AGE 7
(Continued from page 6)
drunk I just told a joke and sat down.
few years?
Continue to be a consultant to the OSU
Foundation until the money is totally
raised for the new business school building.
What is your favorite Pig Dinner
I gave the short speech at the Oklahoma
City Pig one year and everyone was so
What are you famous for doing as an
Learning the names of two fellow students
every day and learning two new words.
What are you famous for outside of
Mentoring people who have been very successful professionally and having lots of contacts.
Contact Bob at
FIJI FLASHBACK - 11.10.1962
Fifty years ago, brothers gathered for the first Sigma Omicron installation at a luncheon on
November 10, 1962, at the Student Union. The event program is filed away in the International Headquarters vault as a part of our cherished Phi Gamma Delta history. Here is a
glimpse back in time as we prepare for our 50th anniversary celebration:
Sigma Omicron
Association, Inc.
President - Randall Whittaker 1970
Treasurer - Chris Neurohr 2003
Secretary - Michael Martin 2005
Directors & Members
Kim Cunningham 1975
Jim Quigley 1979
Steve Pittman 1975
Mike Hill 1968
Chris Day 1980
President - J. Littleton Daniel, Jr.
Treasurer - Daniel Lee McCarty
Historian - Max Wade Hampton
Recording Secretary - Michael Gene Crocker
Corresponding Secretary - Robert Lyle Williams
Aaron Wilson 2008
Purple Legionnaire
Eric Knam 1993
Mark Allan Birmingham
James Dale Boyer
Vaughn Sterling Bryan
Benjamin Franklin Cravatt
Michael Gene Crocker
Martin Evan Giasser
Max Wade Hampton
Frederick Mostrom
Daniel Lee McCarty
Jerry Milton Robinson
Rex David Stith
James Arthur Swagerty
John Weir Tway
Robert Lyle Williams
Richard Thomas Garrison
Sigma Omicron Board
Michael Bass LSU 1982
Master of Ceremonies - J. Littleton Daniel, Jr.
Invocation - Robert Persson
Introduction of Guests - J. Littleton Daniel, Jr.
Introductory Remarks - Dean Darrel K. Troxel, William Gurley
Guest Speaker - Gerald E. Veltmann “Fraternity Values”
Closing Remarks - William S. Zerman
of Chapter Advisors
Treasurer Advisor
Gentry Parker 1996
Historian Advisor
Race Clark 2010
CS/RS Advisor
Matt Morgan 2009
Risk Management Advisor
Recruitment Advisor
Jay List 1997
As of February 7, the following graduates have registered for Pig Dinner.
There is still time to register at
Michael G. Crocker 1963
James D. Boyer 1964
Martin E. Glasser 1964
Max W. Hampton 1964
Daniel L. McCarty 1964
John W. Tway 1964
Vaughn S. Bryan, Jr. 1965
Joe B. Pirkle 1965
J. Pat Gallagher, Jr. 1966
Thomas W. Lucas 1966
Russell E. McNew 1966
Robert B. Persson 1966
George H. Ramey 1966
James L. Thomas 1966
E. Valjean Wheeler 1966
Mark A. Birmingham 1967
Danny R. Deaver 1967
Harris J. Elder 1967
Duane W. Gagle, Jr. 1967
Richard C. Howell 1967
Robert B. Lindsly 1967
Robert W. Roper 1967
Charles M. Thomas 1967
Michael R. Wendel 1967
Michael C. Hill 1968
Max A. Pischel, III 1968
Terrell F. Potts 1968
Robert P. Varner, III 1968
Donald S. Boyd 1969
Prof. Bob C. Hamm 1969
Dan A. Lucas 1969
Charles A. Powers, M.D. 1969
William H. Teel 1969
Philip G. Bowersox 1970
Lynn D. Fees 1970
William D. Fowler 1970
Eric M. Jamison 1970
J. David Jensen 1970
Randall L. Whittaker 1970
Clyde E. Bogle, Jr. 1971
Victor D. Ferraro 1971
Ralph O. Heatly, III 1971
Mark A. Lobo 1971
J. Herschel Beard 1972
A. L Bennett, Jr. 1972
Mark H. Boler 1972
Stephen C. Bowersox 1972
Steven H. Dennehy 1972
R. Robert Keating 1972
Robert M. Murphy, Jr. 1972
Philip D. Webb 1972
Frank R. Crabtree, Jr. 1973
Gregory R. Dennis 1973
Michael A. Lucas 1973
Paul Parsons 1973
David S. Powers 1973
Anthony A. Tweedy 1973
Robert R. Bennett 1974
Steven W. Fooshee 1974
James L. Keating 1974
James T. Mott, Jr. 1974
Wayne C. Bland 1975
Kim W. Cunningham 1975
Roland J. Heatly 1975
Steven B. Pittman 1975
Dr. Gregory Z. Winters 1975
Mark K. Schlegel 1976
Dr. D. Scott Fooshee 1977
O. Dean Higganbotham 1977
Lon C. Kile 1977
Johnny B. Riter 1977
Martin R. Blazy 1978
Martin A. Muck 1978
Jules D. Roberts, IV 1978
David K. Goodwin 1979
W. Brendan Hayes, Jr. 1979
Kelly W. Johnson 1979
James P. Quigley 1979
Paul E. Slusher 1979
Christopher D. Day 1980
Mark H. Fritze, M.D. 1980
Michael L. Lanata 1981
G. Brent Russell 1981
James M. Wuerflein 1981
Michael T. Bass 1982
Kelly K. Kobs 1985
Daniel E. Green 1987
Robert A. Bauter 1991
Shannon L. Wilkerson 1991
Eric D. Knam 1993
F. Russell Knight, Jr. 1993
Jason W. Turner 1993
W. Brent Barker 1994
John H. Ha 1994
Jeffrey A. Jones 1994
Michael J. Knam 1994
Eric J. Lee 1994
Matthew S. Manfredi 1994
Jason R. Marrujo 1994
Peter R. Megna 1994
Jason M. Piter 1994
Erik S. Scott 1994
Shawn D. Thompson 1994
Ryan J. Bebee 1995
Jarrett R. Carter 1995
Brian B. Cohlmia 1995
Benjamin R. Evans 1995
Patrick E. Fabian 1995
Cason E. Grover 1995
Christopher R. Hobza 1995
Kevin J. Kinder 1995
Reid F. McHoul 1995
Michael J. Shaver 1995
Darren P. Turner 1995
James P. Boggs 1996
Matthew C. Briscoe 1996
Jason R. Jones 1996
Zachary R. Overton 1996
Gentry A. Parker 1996
Ryan C. Vogler 1996
Jay A. List 1997
B. Matthew Vassar 1997
Barton S. Waits 1997
Robert A. Cuthbertson 1998
Christopher M. Streich 1998
Travis R. Cambern 1999
Joel B. Embry 1999
Michael P. Moore 1999
Richard A. Rademeyer 1999
Paul E. Smith 1999
Jeremy J. Welter 1999
D. Adam Housley 2000
Michael J. Jaskowiak 2000
Robert E. Pinter 2000
Bradley P. Stumph 2000
Brian C. Blad 2001
Daniel R. Cahalan 2001
Steve B. Foster 2001
John R. McLaughlin 2001
Jeremy D. Wier 2001
Ryan E. Petersen 2002
Jeffrey R. Pinter 2002
Wesley B. Reed 2002
Casey R. Beeman 2003
James R. McCoy 2003
Derick P. Mesch, III 2003
Christopher R. Neurohr 2003
Robert S. Rademeyer 2003
W. Tanner Cooper 2004
Adam P. Hammack 2004
Randall T. Nerger 2004
C. Ryan Neurohr 2004
Johnny P. Nguyen 2004
Stephen J. Snider 2004
S. Brett Fry 2005
Robert C. Grinnell 2005
Michael P. Martin 2005
Michael R. Gilbert, Jr. 2006
Jacob E. Grinnell 2006
Jared K. Nutter 2006
J. Tyler Tate 2006
Blake W. Burger 2007
Justin A. Reed 2007
J. Christopher Rhoads 2007
Taylor N. Shinn 2007
Ryan C. Cunningham 2008
Matthew M. Drouhard 2008
Drew M. Fleck 2008
Tate W. Johnson 2008
Jared B. Starks 2008
Aaron V. Wilson 2008
Jeffrey Brueggen 2009
Brett L. Burger 2009
Ross L. Cortese 2009
Tyler A. Cunningham 2009
Jared M. Denny 2009
Zane M. Dubberstein 2009
Lucas B. Elwell 2009
Madison H. Freeman 2009
Daniel K. Hayes, Jr. 2009
Layne E. Horton 2009
Joel L. Hulsey 2009
Ryan K. Hunter 2009
Christopher D. Kinnamon 2009
Craig M. Lewis 2009
Ryan W. Manchester 2009
Evan W. Neph 2009
Joshua C. Osko 2009
Joseph K. Prochaska 2009
Graham E. Steen 2009
Grant N. Tarrant 2009
Benjamin J. Barker 2010
William G. Bowersox 2010
Cody R. Fees 2010
Terry J. Reavis 2010
Brian P. Kershaw 2011
G. Zachary Russell 2011
\r\nP AGE 9
Sigma Omicron would like to thank and recognize our SOHA donors for the 2011 calendar year.
Your generosity has resulted in contributions of over $13,000.
In Honor of Michael C. Hill 1968
Karen Hicks (widow of Craig Hicks)
In Memory of Craig H. Hicks 1972
James D. Boyer 1964
Joe G. Berry 1965
Vaughn S. Bryan, Jr. 1965
J. Pat Gallagher, Jr. 1966
Russell E. McNew 1966
Darrel D. Fry 1967
In Memory of James F. Tredway 1968
Robert B. Lindsly 1967
In Memory of Robert R. Lindsly (Nu
Omega 1932)
Robert W. Roper 1967
Michael C. Hill 1968
Max A. Pischel, III 1968
Terrell F. Potts 1968*
M. D. Tripp Fezler, III 1969*
Prof. Bob C. Hamm 1969
William H. Teel 1969
Philip G. Bowersox 1970
William D. Fowler 1970
J. David Jensen 1970
Fred C. Ringwald 1970
Randall L. Whittaker 1970
In Memory of Charles Abercrombie 1971
and John Shaw 1971
Mark A. Lobo 1971
J. Herschel Beard 1972
In Memory of Craig H. Hicks 1972
Mark H. Boler 1972
Stephen C. Bowersox 1972
Steven H. Dennehy 1972
Richard W. Hatter 1972
James S. Sheehan, USAF 1972
Philip D. Webb 1972
Frank R. Crabtree 1973*
Paul Parsons 1973
James L. Keating 1974
In Memory of Libby Keating
Kim W. Cunningham 1975
In Memory of James F. Tredway 1968
Roland J. Heatly 1975
Steven B. Pittman 1975
Dr. Gregory Z. Winters 1975
Martin R. Blazy 1978
In Memory of Michael C. Reynolds 1981
Jules D. Roberts, IV 1978
In Memory of James F. Tredway 1968
James P. Quigley 1979
James M. Wuerflein 1981
In Memory of Frank Anderson 1984
Kelly K. Kobs 1985
In Memory of Mark A. Rice 1983
Michael J. Frey 1988
Christopher K. Woosley 1991*
Stephen K. Boeckman 1992
Bradley S. Austin 1993
John R. Delano 1993*
Eric D. Knam 1993*
Jeffrey A. Jones 1994
Peter R. Megna 1994*
Joshua W. Randolph 1994*
Ryan J. Bebee 1995*
Jay Boatright 1995
In Memory of Lloyd C. Boatright (father)
Cason E. Grover 1995
Michael J. Morgan 1995*
Michael J. Shaver 1995
James P. Boggs 1996
Matthew D. Barnes 1997*
Mark H. Mayer 1998
Joel B. Embry 1999*
Jeremy J. Welter 1999*
Michael J. Jaskowiak 2000*
John R. Cooper 2001
Steve B. Foster 2001
Justin E. Boatsman 2002
Zachary R. Keller 2002
Christopher R. Neurohr 2003*
Adam P. Hammack 2004
Stephen J. Snider 2004*
Michael P. Martin 2005
Michael R. Gilbert, Jr. 2006*
Matthew M. Drouhard 2008*
Christopher R. Edmonston 2008*
Aaron V. Wilson 2008*
Lucas B. Elwell 2009
Joseph K. Prochaska 2009
* indicates a monthly recurring donor
As another year has come and gone, we still remember those brothers who left us too soon.
We remember these brothers with honor and respect.
To give a gift to the SOHA in memory of a brother below, go to
Monroe W. Kriegel 1939
Alvin L. Crable 1942
James T. Mott 1948
Kenneth T. Ricker 1952
James L. Daniel 1964
Dale A. Durfee 1965
Allen C. Neimeyer 1965
Ernest C. Young 1966
Monroe W. Kriegel 1967
Marshall F. Persson 1967
Robert L. Curtis 1968
Jack M. Smith 1968
James F. Tredway 1968
Patrick M. Aldredge 1969
John J. Vater 1970
Charles T. Abercrombie
William C. Douce 1971
Michael J. Farrell 1971
Albert H. Lucas 1971
John D. Shaw 1971
James M. Gober 1972
Craig H. Hicks 1972
S. L. Edwards 1973
Thomas L. Hardesty 1973
James H. Kopacka 1981
Michael C. Reynolds 1981
Mark A. Rice 1983
Frank Anderson 1984
Jay D. Reinking 1990
Wade W. Scruggs 2000
Corey E. Kaiser 2005
Jason M. Wright 2007
\r\nNonprofit Org
US Postage
Lexington, KY
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
1201 Red Mile Road
Lexington, KY 40504
Pig Dinner
March 7, 1964
Do you have old Fiji photos
lying around?
We would love to include
them in an upcoming edition
of The Sigma Omicronicle.
Scan and email to or fax to
I am pleased to make a contribution to Sigma Omicron of : $1,000 $500 $250 $100 $50 $25 Other $_______________
I would like my donation to be used in the following area: _______________________________________________.
Donations can be made on-line at, by phone at (859)255-1848 ext
136 or send checks payable to Phi Gamma Delta - Sigma Omicron to: Sigma Omicron/Oklahoma State Donations, PO Box 4599,
Lexington, KY 40544 and include this form.
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Winter 2012 newsletter (partial) for the Sigma Omicron chapter at Oklahoma State University. The newsletter is eight pages in length.