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2012 Winter Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Winter 2012 newsletter of the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Indiana University
2012 Winter Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
The Hoosier Fiji
Indiana University ‐ Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity ‐ Winter 2011 Edition
The Zeta Chapter enjoyed a
fantastic fall intramural season. We are currently in 1st
place among all fraternities
at 1825 points, leading by
950 points over the second
place Pi Kapps. The abundance of brothers participating was our greatest strength
in building our large lead.
FIJI came in first or second
in points for every event this
fall. Every FIJI football team
scored points this fall, and
the A team advanced to the
final four.
The Zeta Chapter enjoyed
tremendous individual experiences in both team and
individual sports. Junior
Steve “Baby D” Harton
won championships in both
Volleyball and Co-Ed Flag
Football. The Largest Contributor to the success of the
Phi Gams was Junior Grant
“Gordo” Gordon. Grant
won individual championships across the campus in
both Tennis and Racquetball.
Intramurals here at IU are
having a tough time operating
because of the lack of facility
space. The Wildermuth Athletic Center (Old HPER) had a
fire over the summer and hasn’t been operable for the entire year. The intramural football and baseball fields are
being torn up this spring because of construction for the
new baseball and softball stadiums.
Training for the Little 500 is
in full swing here at Beechwood. FIJI expects to put together another excellent team
of riders. Juniors Matthew
“U-Haul” Andress and
William “Gizmo” Boeglin
are returning Little 500 riders
along with sophomore Charlie “Little Boy” McClary,
last year’s race alternate. The
(Continued on page 2)
The pledge class of 2015
continued the Zeta FIJI tradition of excellence last fall
by demonstrating superior
scholarship and leadership
skills among their peers and
throughout campus.
The newest members of the
chapter followed up last
year’s record breaking academic semester by achieving
an average GPA of 3.39.
Most notable individual performances among the pledge
class included Nick Kolar
(4.0), Blake Roytek
(3.94), Jack Dooling
(3.94), Michael Serbin
(3.931), and Zach DiCarlo (3.931).
The class of 2015 went above
and beyond its fundraising
goals last semester for the
Indiana University Dance
Marathon, crushing the previous fundraising record by
raising over $51,000 “For the
Kids.” On top of that, all 33
members of the class met
their individual goals of $500
each allowing them to dance
the full 36 hours. Ross Lubbers and Matt Parmenter
participated as Dancer Group
Representatives. Their group
was recognized as the top
fundraiser. Also, Matt Parmenter ($8,700) and Jack
Dooling (over $4,000) were
recognized as the top two
individual fundraisers of the
entire marathon. Thank you
to all who donated!
A member of the new pledge
class had an opportunity to
represent the chapter as a
Division I athlete. Jack
Dooling wore the number 66
for IU’s varsity football squad
as a long snapper last fall.
The new members have already begun to serve the
chapter by taking up house
positions. Nick Kolar was
elected to serve as a Judicial
Board Member and Scholar(Continued on page 2)
\r\nThe Hoosier Fiji
Page 2
Zeta would like to recognize the following brothers for their commitment to campus involvement.
Sam Alderfer (2014)
IU Student Foundation Alumni Affairs Chair
Gene Barrett (2013)
Director of Riley Development
Joe Moheban (2014)
Director of Corporate Relations
Zach Barrett (2013)
Treasurer of SRSA
Curt Ginder (2013)
Director of Operations IUDM
John-Mike Block (2014)
Director of Recruitment IU Real
Estate Club
Russell Walker (2013)
Vice President of events for IUDM
Seth Biggerstaff (2012)
VP and Director of membership of
IU real estate club
Adam Burns (2014)
Student Advisory Council for
School of Public Health
Tyler Zipes (2014)
SRSA Board-Special Projects Director
Steve Harton (2013)
Indiana Men’s Volleyball Club
team member
Dillon Wiley (2013)
Director of Morale IUDM
Andrew Black (2012)
Investment Banking Seminar
Chris Williams (2013)
Director of Alumni Affairs IUDM
John Eckert (2012)
Investment Banking Seminar
Eshaan Arora (2012)
Investment Banking Workshop
Michael Cheng (2013)
Vice President of Internal Events
David Ellis (2012)
Investment Banking Workshop
Will Boeglin (2013)
Little 500 rider
Corbin Frye (2013)
Ethics Board
Charley McClary (2014)
Little 500 rider
Matthew Andress (2013)
Little 500 rider
Mark Dunbar (2012)
IUSF Steering Committee
(Continued from page 1)
three other riders on the team are freshmen. Samuel Reed,
Michael Khamis and John Hunzicker joined the other three
members along with cooks Jay Weddle, Zach Dicarlo and
Scott Hedges for the team’s annual Winter Training trip.
The team spent 11 days in Southern Tampa Bay, Florida
(pictured), gaining a base for the Little 500 in March. The FIJI
bike team would spend as much as six hours a day on the bike. As
spring looms closer, the team will begin conducting speed workouts in preparation for race day.
PLEDGE CLASS 2015 continued...
(Continued from page 1)
ship Chair. Jack Dooling was also elected
Scholarship Chairman and John Trudeau
was elected Co-Intramural Chairman. Other
members of the pledge class are very eager to
take up even more positions in the spring.
Pictured right: Pledge class 2013 went
to Fort Myers for spring break.
\r\nPage 3
Scholarship is one of the five points on
the Fiji star and is said to be the number
one priority for all brothers of Phi
Gamma Delta nationwide. The brothers
of Zeta couldn’t have made better on the
expectations of academic excellence in
the past year. For the spring 2011 semester, Zeta once again had the #1 chapter GPA of all Indiana University fraternities, with an incredible 3.38. Pledge
class 2014, then freshman, had the highest Pledge Class GPA with a 3.40. For
that spring 2011 semester, brothers who
had a personal GPA of 3.8 higher are
PC ‘11: Garret Iden (4.0), Robert
Zink (3.93), Peter SerVaas (3.92),
Ted Boeglin (3.88), David Berry
(3.85), and Michael Mahoney (3.85).
PC ‘12: Jon Repka (3.94), Daniel
Mattingly (3.94), Alex Swider (3.87),
David Ellis (3.85), Craig Brown
(3.85), Jason Seward (3.80), and
John Eckert (3.80).
“For the spring 2011
semester, Zeta once again
had the #1 chapter GPA
of all Indiana University
fraternities, with an
incredible 3.38.”
PC ‘13: Corbin Frye (3.91), Steve
Harton (3.88), Eshaan Arora (3.87),
Will Boeglin (3.85), and Matt Andress (3.80).
PC ‘14: Robb Cozad (3.94) and Peter
Krusing (3.87).
More recently, the Zeta Chapter was
awarded the Jordan Bowl at the 2012
Fiji Academy. The Jordan Bowl is given
to the chapter with the highest GPA of
all Phi Gamma Delta chapters in the
nation! This award just adds to the
amazing academic history that the Zeta
Chapter has strived toward for the past
141 years.
To ensure the continued scholastic success of Zeta, the Scholarship Committee
has been hard at work. We have revamped the reward system for academic
achievements, created a new academic
monitoring program for brothers in
need of academic help, and planned a
new pledge scholarship program to ensure that pledges start their collegiate
careers with academic excellence.
To say the least, Zeta is continuing its
strong academic legacy, striving for
scholastic excellence day after day!
Indiana University Dance Marathon is
the second-largest student-run philanthropy in the world, raising almost $12
million for the Ryan White Infectious
Disease Center at Riley since it was
founded in 1991. More than 500 committee members work year-round, raising money and planning events to raise
awareness of the miracles that take
place at Riley. In November, they are
joined at the marathon by more than
1600 other IU students to spend 36
hours awake and on their feet. They
stand in honor of the Riley patients and
Phi Gamma
Delta has been
extremely involved in the
past 10 years
with this organization. Dance
Marathon has an executive council consisting of 20 members who work year
round and oversee all that goes into the
marathon. This past year Dance Marathon raised a record-breaking $1.8 million, beating the previous year by over
The executive council contained four Fijis
(President, Director of Morale, Director
of Operations, and Director of Special
Events). These council members put in at
least 20 to 25 hours weekly with their
respective responsibilities. FIJI raised
over $100,000, making us the top fund-
raising organization for the second biggest student-run organization in the
Seven Fijis are filling the following positions for the 2012 council:Vice President of Event Coordination, Vice President Internal, Director of Operations,
Director of Riley Development, Director
of Alumni Relations, Director of Corporate Relations, and Director of Morale.
This is the first time in the history of
Dance Marathon for Zeta to have 7 of
the 20 council seats. To be on council
one must contain a variety of organizational, social, time management, and
leadership skills. These types of skills go
hand in hand with what Fiji teaches the
brothers in this house on a daily basis.
\r\nNonprofit Org
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
1201 Red Mile Road
Lexington, KY 40504
US Postage Paid
Lexington, KY
Permit # 540
One of the most important functions of the Zeta Chapter is its recruitment
process for potential brothers during the second semester. As the Zeta Chapter
excels to new heights academically, athletically, philanthropically,
and throughout campus groups, the selection process for potential Zeta
Fijis will continue to seek out rushees who have succeeded in various aspects of
life and will contribute to the strong reputation of Phi Gamma Delta.
This year’s Recruitment Chairmen are comprised of three outstanding
sophomore brothers: Kevin Smith, Tyler Zipes, and Chris Knoff.
Rush weekends are February 24 and April 15.
If you have any recommendations for this three gentlemen, please send
your information to them at
Recommendations from graduate brothers have always and will continue to be
highly regarded throughout the entire process.
Stephen M. Lindley
Curtis Ginder
Jason R. Batliner
Corresponding Secretary
Matthew P. Andress
Recording Secretary
William L. Boeglin
I am pleased to make a contribution to the Zeta Chapter of : $1,000 $500 $250 $100 $50 $25 Other ________
Send checks to: Zeta Chapter, 631 E 3rd Street, Bloomington, IN 47406 and include this form.
Please make checks payable to Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Winter 2012 newsletter of the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.