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2013 April Newsletter Epsilon (University of North Carolina)
April 2013 newsletter of the Epsilon chapter at the University of North Carolina. This newsletter is four pages.
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University of North Carolina
2013 April Newsletter Epsilon (University of North Carolina)
April 2013
In This issue…
Undergraduate Update . . . .
17th Anniversary of
Tragic Fire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Annual Fund Update. . . . . . .
Graduate Brother Outreach. .
From the Archive. . . . . . . . . . .
Graduate Brother Spotlight
Honoring Phi Gam Veterans for their Service
Graduate Officers
David Batten
Charles Bell
Alumni Treasurer
John Maddison
Fund-Raising Chairman
John Hughes
House Maintenance Chairman
Matt Vaughan
Communications Chairman
Oliver Wheeler
Graduate Communications
Jeff Cooke
Communications Chairman
Have you recently
reconnected with fellow
Phi Gams?
Share your stories and photos
or email them to content@
(mention Phi Gam at UNC).
The Epsilon Owl
With Memorial Day approaching, we asked
veteran graduate brothers to share their experience
serving our country. Brother Robert Wright ’68
“I served three years in the US Army
(1968‑1971). My story is a bit boring (nobody
ever shot at me), but here it is: I had planned
on spending those three years in law school, but
in 1968 President Johnson suddenly did away
with all graduate school deferments except for
med school. So after graduation I enlisted a few
days before I was due to be drafted. After a year
I was commissioned a second lieutenant in the
Field Artillery in 1969. Although the Vietnam
War was going on and two friends had already
been killed there, Uncle Sam had a different
plan for me. I was sent to ballistic missile officer
school at Fort Sill, Ok. and then shipped off
to West Germany. The first year I was there,
I spent one month out of every four sleeping
in a bunker in the Black Forest next to three
40‑foot‑long Pershing P1A ballistic missiles that
were counted down and ready to fire at Soviet
targets in Eastern Europe. Then at the start of
my second year in Germany, I was promoted
to 1st Lieutenant and wound up commanding
a special weapons storage site in Mutlangen,
Germany. I must have done a decent job, as I
was offered a promotion to captain if I would
just re‑up for one additional year. I turned that
promotion down to come back to the States
and start law school in 1971.”
Share your own stories or honor a fellow
brother this Memorial Day at
In Your Words
Brothers Share Updates and Opinions
Thanks to the Graduate Brothers below for sharing their updates and thoughts! If interested in
reconnecting with graduate brothers by way of
publication in this newsletter, please go to:
Graduate Brother Marvin J. Carver ’75 shares
on this year’s Pig Dinner and the use of “Graduate
Brother” versus “Alumnus”:
“This year’s Pig Dinner was a great success.
We had over 200 there and our Head Football
Coach Larry Fedora spoke. I hope someone will
provide pictures.
I served as Archon President of Phi Gamma
Delta from 2004-2006 and I used to cringe
when other Phi Gam’s called themselves ‘alum‑
ni.’ Our motto, ‘Not for College Days Alone,’
is something we take very seriously. Other
Fraternities do not have events remotely like
our Pig Dinner. We take pride in BEING a Phi
Gam, not having BEEN a Phi Gam.”
Graduate Brother Josephus L. Mavretic ’56 dishes on what he misses most about life at UNC-CH
“I miss getting up at O-Dark Thirty so I could
walk across campus to an 8 O’Clock class.
I miss the Quarter System that went away after
my freshman year.
I miss my Faculty Advisor whom I saw once in
four years.
I miss sweating out my last exam in my senior
I miss sweating out just about every exam I ever
I miss Blue-Books!
I miss the Goody Shop!
I miss Paul and Albert and Ms. Mingle.”
\r\nUndergraduate Chapter News
Upward and Onwards
Annual Barbeque Cook-Off Raises $5k, Fiji Island Formal Brings Fraternity Together with Success
By President Kevin DePopas
We have 14 senior brothers that will be
graduating this May. Sims Richardson will
be working as a business analyst at Live Oak
Bank in Wilmington, N.C. Andrew Bock will
be working as a tennis pro in Wilmington,
N.C. Smith Marks will be acting as a liaison
between a research institute and a developing
resort in the Bahamas. Phi Gam affiliate Ben
Shuford will be working as an investment
banking analyst for Morgan Stanley in
Manhattan. Others are either actively engaged
Graduate Brother David Bock ’80 poses next to
son and Phi Gam legacy member Andrew Bock
’13. Andrew will graduate this May!
in the job search process or
plan on continuing their
Our new cabinet is com‑
prised of brothers Wilkins
Zollicoffer (Treasurer) from
Durham, Gil Templeton
(Recording Secretary)
from Greensboro, Sam
Duckett (Corresponding
Secretary) from Winston
Salem, Nicholas Graham
(Historian) from the Outer
Banks and me as president
Guests enjoy the day at the Annual Barbeque Cook‑Off
from Greensboro.
In other news, we
have tallied to approximately $5,000.
recently held our annual Barbecue Cook‑off
We also held our Fiji Island formal
to raise money for the Chapel Hill Fire
recently. After building the venue for nearly
Department. The event is a competition
two weeks and barely finishing on time,
between participating IFC fraternities to see
Friday night started off well as we welcomed
who can produce the best chopped or pulled
the freshman to Fiji Island with open arms.
pork BBQ. While we have held the event
For Champagne Cocktail on Saturday, we
in the past, this year we strove to drastically
rented out the great room at Top of the Hill
increase the scale of the event by partnering
for dinner. This was the first time that we
with Delta Delta Delta sorority and signing
have ever organized all four classes together
on a record number of competing fraternities. for dinner before a cocktail. As you know, it is
Ultimately we had 11 fraternities compete in
always fun to get the entire fraternity together
the event and estimate attendance in excess of at a single venue. The weekend was ultimately
350 individuals. Net proceeds from the event
a success.
The Past and Present of Phi Gam UNC
May 2013 Marks the 17th Anniversary of Tragic House Fire
The Legacy of Those Who Perished Continue to Live On through the Activism of Phi Gam Brothers
Just 17 years ago this May, the age of many
freshman pledges each fall, a tragic house fire
at Phi Gamma Delta claimed the lives of five
students: Mark Strickland, Josh Weaver, Ben
Woodruff, Joanna Howell and Anne Smith.
Amidst the heartbreak and tragedy, families,
students and Phi Gam brothers rallied
together to make sure that the event and their
lives were never forgotten. Today, their legacy
lives on in the activism that has resulted in
changed fire safety legislation on the campus,
local, and state levels.
For instance, since 2001 all Greek houses
and dorms on campus are mandated to have
sprinkler systems installed. In 2011, these very
sprinkler systems helped put out a fire at the
Sigma Chi house, saving the lives of those
brothers present in the house at the time.
The fire caused $15,000 in damage and all 19
brothers were forced to temporarily relocate.
However, not a single life was lost due to
the quick action of the sprinkler systems!
In 2009, 40 UNC students and parents of
the students killed traveled to Washington
D.C. to lobby for legislation that would
eventually establish October as Campus Fire
Safety Month in the state of North Carolina.
This effort was organized primarily by US
Representative David Price (D‑NC) and
Phi Gam brothers. In 2010, Governor Bev
Perdue campaigned to increase the mandate
for sprinkler systems in greek houses to
include all off‑campus housing, as well. This
campaign was a part of the larger program
created to commemorate the tragic fire, called
“Help Save a Life, Get on the Truck.” Perdue’s
son, Garrett, was a Phi Gam brother at UNC
the year the fire happened.
Phi Gam brothers have brought the
campus, local and state community together
to work towards fire prevention over the years.
As such, the lives of those lost continue to be
honored 17 years later.
April 2013
\r\nAnnual Fund Report
2012‑2013 Fundraising Efforts
Give Back and Make the Most of your Alumni Experience!
As of April 2013, Phi Gams have raised over
half this year’s goal, but we still have a ways
to go to hit our $25,000 mark! The money
raised will go toward essential house repairs
and improvements, continued alumni network
communications via efforts like this newsletter
publication and maintenance of our website,
and alumni reunion events. If you would like
to help Phi Gams reach this year’s goal, you
can donate by calling 1‑800‑975‑6699 or
going online to our website at
We appreciate the loyal support that we’ve
had this year from the brothers listed below.
But we can’t rely on their support alone. We
need participation from all our graduate
brothers in order to ensure the continued
success of the Phi Gamma Delta chapter at
Raised to Date:
Honor Roll List of Donors
A Special Thank You to the Following Brothers
Your Help is Felt by All of Phi Gamma Delta!
Epsilon Legacy Circle ($1,000+)
Norman S. Goode III 1963
White Owls ($500-$999.99)
Eugene E. Record Jr. 1963
John W. Hughes III 1966
Stephen L. Cornwell 1974
J. Dixon Fleming Jr. 1976
William E. Chesson 1977
Charles R. Hardee 1978
Purple Club ($250-$499.99)
Joe Lamb Jr. 1956
Laurence B. Maddison Jr. 1965
Charles A. McLaughlin 1969
Richard W. Zollinger 1973
David C. Burkhardt 1991
Thomas F. Darden III 2002
Russell E. Byrd 2003
1848 Society ($184.80-$249.99)
Douglas Dillard 1946
Thomas P. Stratford 1948
Harry G Walker Jr. 1949
James M. Dillon 1953
Josephus L. Mavretic 1956
W Victor Venters II 1958
James B. Sloan 1962
John B. Beall 1970
Charles C. Green 1992
Laurence B. Maddison III 1992
Gregory P Wilson 1992
David G. McClure 1993
The Epsilon Owl
Hut Club ($100-$184.79)
E. Claiborne Irby 1948
James C. Lanier Jr. 1948
Alfred W. Griffin Jr. 1950
F. Rockwell Poisson 1950
Horace E. Stacy Jr. 1950
John S. Whichard 1950
Henry N. Lee Jr. 1952
William C Brewer Jr Jr. 1953
E Lewis Bryan 1953
Emsley A. Laney Jr. 1953
Joseph H. Nelson 1953
Howard A. Penton Jr. 1953
Rowland Burnstan Jr. 1954
Charles W Higgins Jr. 1954
Gene F. Lyon 1954
James W. Maynard 1954
Leon W. Sylvester Jr. 1954
Kenneth F. Anderson Jr. 1956
James Allen Hill Jr. 1956
Fredric C. Byrum 1957
William H. Redding Jr. 1958
Marvin E. Ward 1958
Welton Curtis Sewell 1959
Wayne C. Anderson 1960
Hugh L. Patterson 1960
Jack H. Spain Jr. 1960
W. Ward Marslender 1962
Cleveland P. Cherry 1963
Burt Aycock Jr. 1964
William C. Nelson Jr. 1965
Frank C. Cloyes 1967
James M. Tanner Jr. 1968
Charles P. Gaskins Jr. 1969
Hart Lee 1970
Ben G. Irons II 1971
John T. Stanley 1971
Edgar E. Woodward 1973
Edmund T. Buckman III 1975
Marvin J. Carver III 1975
Fairfax C. Reynolds 1975
Larry F. Smithwick 1975
Jeffrey R. Headlee 1976
Robert P. Hortman 1976
William S. Creekmuir 1977
Richard H. Barnhardt Jr. 1981
Ronald A Batchelor 1981
John H. Coffman 1981
Robert P. Holmes IV 1981
John D. Marriott Jr. 1982
Joseph Buckley Strandberg 1982
Stephen L. Wheeless 1982
Henry M. Kidd 1983
Curtis H. Hathaway Jr. 1984
Michael B. Holder 1984
Julian R. Williamson 1984
James M. Lilley 1985
William P. Mayo Jr. 1987
Stephen P Covington 1988
Edwin D. Miller 1988
Robert L. Edwards Jr. 1989
J. Franklin Wood Jr. 1989
Christopher H. Hunter 1991
George A. Worrell 1998
Benjamin Kyle Saylors 2001
Christopher Addison Nuckols 2002
Travis B. Moser 2003
William Randolph Robins Jr. 2005
Fijis ($50-$99.99)
Ted E. Haigler Jr. 1946
Thomas B. Lathrop 1947
William P. Mayo 1948
William G. Quarles 1952
R. Bryant Hare III 1953
Kenneth Frank McCain 1956
Richard C. Pattisall 1960
Hugh E. Eagleton 1966
William Holton Wilkerson Sr. 1970
Bruce W. Sharpe 1972
Kevin A. Shwedo 1978
Blair D. Shwedo 1979
Raiford Garrabrant 1989
John Isaac Southerland 2000
Jeffrey H. Cooke 2001
Wood Beasley Gibbs 2001
Matthew D. Vaughan 2001
David Avery Sparrow 2002
Edwin M. Braswell III 2003
Wood J. Farless 2003
Mark Breckenridge Gibbs 2004
Kyle H. Woodruff 2005
Thomas Ragsdale 2006
Alexander Christopher Bean 2007
Baker Hatcher 2007
Mitchell Culbreth Guy 2008
Graduates Club (Up to $49.99)
Thomas L. Stockwell 1946
John K. Hoyt Jr. 1956
Edward Harvie Hill Jr. 1964
Wesley Hastings Elden 2000
Lewis C. Deans 2003
David B. Strickland 2003
Elliott Burton Farless 2008
William Presnell Keesler 2008
Michael Ryan Linden 2008
*as of April 10, 2013
\r\n778‑168 SN MH
Graduate Brother Outreach: Lost and Found Email Addresses
Epsilon Graduates without Active
Email Addresses in Our Database
Graduate Brother Lost Contact Information Update
Still missing 47% of graduate brother email addresses
In the last newsletter, we ran a story about missing 47% of the up-to-date email addresses
for graduate brothers! Since then, we have been unable to improve that percentage at
all. In order to communicate with graduate brothers, it is essential to have their contact
information. Since this newsletter also publishes monthly via email, accurate email
addresses allow graduate brothers to stay on top of the most recent chapter news.
That means, therefore, that 47% of the graduate brothers in our database still have
incorrect or missing email addresses. If you are in touch with any brothers that would
like to be added to our contact list, or who use an address that we might not have on file,
please encourage him to contact us with the most up-to-date information. Help us to
reconnect graduate brothers that have for all intensive purposes become “lost” members of
Phi Gamma Delta at UNC!
Epsilon Graduates with
Active Email Addresses in
Our Database
Total living graduates: 900
From the Archive
Do You Remember this Class of 1969 Photo?
Please visit or email to share your memories from this day or any of the members in the photo!
Bottom Front Row (L-R): H. Gurkin, H.
Mayo, B. Boseman, B. Everett, J. Merrit,
S. Manning, J.O. McCall, C. Gaskins, S.
Edwards, R. Taylor, B. Byrd, T. Nisbet,
S. Taylor, P. Greene, B. Reynolds, T.
Caldroney, Treas., H. Lee, Pres., J. Elmore,
Historian, C. Dunn Middle Rows (L-R):
B. Wilkerson, C. McLaughlin, A. Aycock,
G. Morehead, R. Carter, R. Honeycutt, J.
Venters, J. Stanley, W. Perry, J. Hamilton,
D. Balance, B. Patterson Top Row (L-R):
J. Beal, Rec. Sec., F. Weed, Cor. Sec., S.
Richardson, B. Griffen, R. Howard, G.
Paschall, W. Woodward.
776‑168 SN
Graduate Brother Speaks About His Service to Our Country
Undergrad Chapter Continues to Impress
17th Anniversary of Tragic Fire Remembered
And More!
In this Issue...
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April 2013
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April 2013 newsletter of the Epsilon chapter at the University of North Carolina. This newsletter is four pages.