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2012 Spring Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
Spring 2012 newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is six pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
DePauw University
2012 Spring Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
Chapter Continues to Strive Toward Greatness
The 2011-2012 year has begun well
academically—very well! We are so pleased
that the undergrads have done; they topped
the grades of every living unit on campus!
Neither of us can remember any frater
nity ever achieving this. Frankly, the firstsemester house average of 3.426 is right up
there with the highest grade averages posted
anywhere in Phi Gamma Delta—even the
"grade-inflated" campuses! We are so very
proud of your accomplishments, brothers.
2011-2012 has also begun well organi
zationally. Starting in spring 2011, Lambda
was blessed with about eight enthusiastic—
and mostly young—volunteers who activated
our board of chapter advisers, with guidance
from Caleb Beasley '06, who has taken on
the Purple Legionnaire's position. The thriv
ing chapter that Kit and I enthused about in
the summer 2011 Tiger Fiji has now gained
new depth in its graduate oversight, a key
aspect of maintaining an enduring chapter.
The house corporation continues to pur
sue enhancing our 47-year-old, but wellmaintained, chapter house. New bathrooms
on the first and second floors are complete.
We now expect to see architectural drawings
by Alumni Weekend that will make the FIJI
house competitive with any other facility on
campus. Improvements in study rooms, a
larger chapter room and Lortz Library, and
a fitness center are just a few of the intend
ed improvements, along with substantial
replacement of internal wiring and plumbing
facilities, which will put Lambda's house in
order for years to come.
So come see your chapter! The annual Pig
Dinner is scheduled for April 14, and more
than 100 FIJIs will be there to greet you!
Doug Mitchell '70 and Kit Lortz '62
Presidential Letter: Lambda Reaches New Heights
We now number 91 men with the new class,
established during the past year with the
Putnam County Community Foundation,
has now started accruing interest. This means
that we can now guarantee philanthropic
organizations like the American Red Cross a
preset annual donation. And so you all know,
which makes Lambda the third-largest house
donations to the fund are tax deductible.
on campus.
J.D. Floover, a sophomore brother,
recently assumed office as the vice presi
dent of risk management on the univer
sity's Interfraternity Council. Jared Norman,
a senior brother in the School of Music,
The start of 2012 has marked an exempla
ry period of progress for Lambda Chapter. In
early February, we pledged another diverse
class of 25 men with members from as far
away as China, as well as several legacies.
We also recently learned of our academic
success during the fall semester, when we
topped all other fraternities and sororities
for the highest CPA on campus with a 3.426.
This is a distinction that has never been
achieved by a fraternity in known memory.
A $14,000 endowment fund, which we
claimed the title of Homecoming King dur
ing Old Gold Weekend. Brothers Matthew
Cecil '12 and William Calderwood '14 were
each distinguished as runner-ups for "most
outstanding member" and "most outstand
ing new member", respectively, during the
fraternity's recent State Day.
Jared Norman '12 was elected
2011 Old Cold King.
The men of Lambda Chapter also serve in
a variety of other prominent leadership roles,
including vice president of the student body,
editor-in-chief of The DePauw newspaper.
Republican Club president, president of the
DePauw University Competitive Knowledge
Squad, and much more.
We lay claim to varsity athletes as well
as members of Phi Beta Kappa and Mortar
Board. Our brothers have studied abroad
this year in Great Britain, Greece, Germany,
Scotland, Rome, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia,
China, and Brazil.
With respect to the John Templeton
McCarty award, we have achieved superior
status for the past nine years. We also main
tained a zero-dollar balance with IHQ.
(continued on page four)
Rrotherh(u)d around the world: FIJIs share a meal abroad in Southeast Asia.
\r\nFriendship, Brotherhood, and Good Eats
What never fails to bring a group of
young men together? Classes? Homework?
Chapter meetings? Well, maybe ... but how
about a homemade meal served nice and
hot? Wait, there is more—how about all
you can eat?
the needs of the brothers. This is undoubt
edly helped by her years of experience
in food preparation and management
Here at Lambda, food plays a vital
role in fraternity life. In spring 2011,
University President Brain Casey
joined us for our scholarship
dinner and led a thoughtful
a decade is no simple task! Although Patty
has not been with us quite as long, she
performs her daily kitchen routine with an
uncommon understanding and patience for
discussion on intellectual life
at the university while we all
enjoyed a three-course meal cre
ated and served by our staff. During
recruitment, the three rounds revolved
around the foods each house offers. We
topped the competition with unique, highquality offerings—and at least one gour
positions. Both Maria and Patty
work with the brotherhood (repre
sented by the food committee) to
put together weekly menus that
cater to vegetarians, track stars,
and scholars alike.
Over the past year, we became
familiar with the challenge of
DePauw's efforts to alter campus life.
As the university makes student hous
ing and dining options more attractive to
product we "sell" here at Lambda: a college
experience unmatched by any other.
The kitchen reaches out and influences
the brotherhood in a variety of ways. Maria
can often be seen in the dining room (freshly
painted by the new pledge class under the
leadership of Andrew Muth '12) keeping on
track with brothers' academics or love lives.
Patty often refers to us as her "nephews"
and keeps up a lively banter in the dining
room. She also works with our brothers
from abroad to prepare large portions of
authentic cultural foods for the whole chap
ter to enjoy. Employment in the kitchen (as
dishwashers and cleaners) gives some broth
ers the chance to pay their bills—and learn
the quality of honest, hard work! The end
result of our kitchen staff's hard work sets
both Greek and non-Greek students, some
the stage for the success that so many broth
ers achieve here at Lambda.
to converse, catch up, and sometimes debate
brothers (upperclassmen in particular) have
a hard time passing up the opportunity to
"live out" in spacious duplexes that offer
more privacy. The quality of our food and
the presence of our strong brotherhood at
the finer points of their college experiences.
Maria Miner (our house manager) and
ers to maintain their connection with the
met meal. Perhaps most importantly, meals
remain a time for bonding in the midst of
our hectic schedules. They are an opportu
nity for brothers who rarely see each other
Patty Fultz work together to make all of
these events a huge success. Maria provides
her knowledge of recipes and business exper
tise along with almost 10 years of experience
as our house "mom." Let's face it, catering
the Norris Pig Dinner for the better part of
mealtimes remains a reason for these broth
chapter and preserve its ideals and values.
Our meals also help to convince freshman
that our chapter is the best on campus. In
my own experience, it was the first thing
If you are at all interested to see us at
work, I proudly invite you to attend the
annual Norris Pig Dinner in the coming
spring. You will see the culmination of
years of continued support from Graduate
Brothers through the success of the chapter.
You will have the opportunity to reunite
with old friends and share the enjoyable
memories of your college years. But most
importantly, you won't go home hungry.
that started to make DePauw feel more like
a home. Food is an important staple of the
Nick Meiners '12
Lambda Chapter Welcomes 25 New Members
The Lambda Chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta is proud to welcome the 2012 pledge
class! This year's class comprises 25 individu
familial ties. The class contains a set of
of brothers currently live in the house, in
twins and the younger brother of another
FIJI who's already in the house. Three sets
and Adam Cecil '14. Also, FIJI added five
addition to active members Matt Cecil '12
als who maintain an
international students,
active role not only in
the fraternity, but also
contributing to the
in the DePauw com
substantial of diversity
in the house.
FIJI'S 2012 pledge
munity as a whole.
New members are ath
class is a well-rounded
letes, musicians, and
everything in between,
playing roles in all
group of individuals.
Over the
next four
years, they will con
tinue to uphold the
sorts of on-campus
clubs, groups, teams,
long-standing tradi
and ensembles. It is
tion of excellence in
important to FIJI to
attract campus leaders,
and this pledge class
exemplifies that goal.
Phi Gamma Delta. It
is the honor on behalf
of the 2012 pledge
class to be welcomed
to the brotherhood of
It is fair to say that
being a FIJI runs in
the family—not only
through the brother
hood, but also through
the Lambda Chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta.
Pledges show their excitement about joining Lambda Chapter on Bid Night.
Leif Anderson '15
\r\nJudson Green '74 on "Leadership and Creativity:
Lessons Extracted From Jazz"
Judson Green '74 used his musical talents
to demonstrate leadership and creativity in
music and business through lessons extract
ed from jazz during DePauw Discourse on
September 30, 2011. World-renowned cel
list Yo-Yo Ma was the featured guest for
"Empowering Society through the Arts."
Judson and his ensemble educated an
audience of over 200 on jazz and how
Judson applied lessons learned from jazz to
successful business leadership positions first
at Disney Theme Parks and Resorts and later
as CEO of NAVTEQ. Using jazz composed
by Judson, he explained the importance of
improvisation, never being overwhelmed or
intimidated, practicing creativity every day,
and an environment leading to collabora
tion and discovery. Judson composed all
music played during the program,except for
"Giant Steps" by John Coltrane, the legend
ary jazz saxophonist and composer.
Improvisation is a rich source of leader
ship, creativity, and innovation in jazz and
organizations. Leadership, whether of a jazz
quintet or a large organization, begins with
works of corporations—
people given real problems
vision, mission, culture.
Improvisation is the
that had not been solved.
The group was given three
months to propose a solu
tion and a plan to execute,
and they always produced.
At NAVTEQ, internet
portals were implemented
so everyone could react to
topics posted and respond
heart of jazz. At age 8,
Judson had his first lesson
in improvisation watch
ing Jose Mendez, musical
conductor on Jack Paar's
Tonight Show. Mendez
used telephone numbers
from the audience to com
pose tunes! In 1972, while
at DePauw, Judson wanted
to learn to improvise bet
with ideas and ideas sub
(Photo by Marilyn Culler)
mitted by others. This cre
a steady stream of
Judson Green '74
Collaboration is essential to creativity,
ter. He took lessons from David Baker at
Indiana University and was advised to learn and may be most difficult because it requires
one tune, "Giant Steps." It was a "simple
many people. Creating an environment of
lesson" about jazz, according to Judson. ideas and building on the ideas is complex.
Studying the patterns of "Giant Steps" Infrastructure and shared values are cru
"demystified the most difficult artist and
cial for people to trust each other, create
most difficult solo in jazz history."
a framework with similar values, set the
The lesson learned: "Never be over
right expectations, and show appreciation.
whelmed or intimidated by complexity or The same applies to jazz quintets and large
something you don't understand." Judson
organizations alike.
headed Disney Resorts "without hospitality
a foundation of "shared agreements." Just
experience." He became CEO of NAVTEQ
as jazz musicians have a series of "agree
ments" on key, tempo, chords and more, so
do organizations. Creativity in jazz means
adhering to these underlying agreements.
without technology education or experience.
From the down beat in jazz, everyone has
to be creative. At Disney, Judson implement
ed "action learning initiatives" to institution
Note: As most of you know, Judson
underwent a stem-cell transplant for leuke
mia in May 2011. Recovery has been a lon
ger road than expected, but Judson seems
to have turned a major corner, based on the
The same applies to the operational frame
alize creativity. These initiatives involved 10
most recent report.
Brothers Strengthen Commitment to Philanthropy
The Lambda Chapter of
able to restart its activities in
Phi Gamma Delta had a very
the future. We organized a
and we really believe that we could make this
event much bigger than we have in previous
successful semester in terms
barbecue event to raise funds
years. We also found a lot of help from the
of philanthropy. We had two
major philanthropic events
that were organized by the
chapter. The first event this fall
was the FIJI-Theta Bark-B-Q.
We have always held this event
with the ladies of Kappa Alpha
and received tremendous sup
port from the DePauw student
body and the community to
local farmers who helped us by donating
pumpkins for the event. We are definitely
improving our relations with the community
through our philanthropic events.
The brothers from the chapter were also
involved in actively supporting other phi
lanthropies on campus. They participated
and supported events such as Ring Sing,
Mr. University, Chiland, a fashion show,
toy drive, and more, helping to raise money
for various philanthropic organizations. The
brothers were also exercising their service
duties, and they performed approximately
1,000 hours of service through their volun
tary activities. We are hoping to have success
ful philanthropies in the spring semester, and
we will be actively working on improvements
based on our experiences and promoting par
Theta with a goal of raising
money for the Pumam County
Humane Society. However, we
further our cause.
Our second event for the
fall was the FIJI Pumpkin
Bash. We raised money for the
American Red Cross through
Pumpkin Bash 2011
faced some challenges for this event, as the
Putnam County Humane Society was shut
ting down soon after the event due to finan
cial difficulties. After understanding that our
donations to the Humane Society would not
this event. This event was
organized over two days. We
had a pumpkin-carving event in the middle
of campus where a bunch of students and
professors bought pumpkins and enjoyed the
carving experience. On the second day of the
event, we organized a few games for all the
sororities. Every sorority at DePauw support
be sufficient to keep it from shutting down,
we decided to go ahead with the event and
raise money for the Indiana Humane Society.
We also used this opportunity to make a
ed our cause enthusiastically and helped to
make the event very successful. The event fol
lowed into the actual pumpkin-bashing event
statement of support to the Putnam County
Humane Society with hopes that it will be
in our backyard. All the brothers were heav
ily involved in making this event a success.
ticipation in serving the community.
Ashwin Upasani '12
William R. "Bill" Nesbit '52 sends greetings
from 504 Lewis Isle Ln., Prospect Heights,
IL 60070. {
Edward "Ted" Bruce '54 recently updated
his email address:
Say "hello" to him at 19 Saint Andrews Dr.,
Michigan City, IN 46360.
Drop Kurt Mahrdt '56 a line at his new
email address——
or send "snail mail" to 209 Willowgate Ln.,
Indianapolis, IN 46260.
Holub '87, David Qua '94 (the best man),
and Bob Farris '81.1 ran my second Marine
Corps Marathon in October 2010 and
raised nearly $8,000 in honor of William N.
Orn '81 for the American Cancer Society.
Thank you to all the FIJIs who contributed
ent of the 2011 Helen Gratz Rockefeller
Classic Auto Gtoup in Cleveland. After hon
Outstanding Volunteerism Award presented
eymooning in Paris and Florence, my wife
by Family Centers, which offers educational
and I reside at 3701 Traynham Rd., Shaker
Heights, OH 44122." Keep in touch with
Paul via email at
and human services in Fairfield County,
Catch up with Stanford K. McCoy '93 by
writing to his new email address: Cheltenham Dr.,
Dr., #12, Terre Haute, IN 47802; donald.
Bethesda, MD 20814)
Send greetings to Frank Green '64 at 6747
Wilton Dr., Oakland, CA 94611; or email
Robert B. Holland '65 can now be reached
via email at (1184
Mistwood Ct., Downers Grove, IL 60515)
Catch up with John R. Tolle '70 by writing
to his new email address (johntolle@aol.
com) or his postal address (4002 38th PI. N,
Arlington, VA 22207).
Connecticut. Also a member of DePauw
University's board of trustees. Brother Wells
has been a part of Family Centers for more
than a decade. He coordinated the develop
ment of a new communications plan that
brought increased visibility to the organiza
tion. Brother Wells exemplifies the dedica
tion to service that Phi Gamma Delta aims
"I can't believe it's been 17 years," writes
Robert P. Malik '94. "I want to let you
guys know that you are all doing a great
job. Thank you. As I have a family now, I
look back, time goes by so quickly, I realize
these are days you will not have again, to
make an impact that you guys are having
on the community, academics, athletics,
and the great personal relationships you are
forming, will last forever. I can't thank you
enough for continuing to send me the Tiger
FIJI. I am so proud to be a part of FIJI. You
will have your memories and friends that
will last forever. Thank you for keeping the
FIJI family alive. Perge!" Write to Rob at
36 Riverchase Dr., Rensselaer, NY 12144;
We misprinted the email address for Colin
C. Cress '03 in the previous issue of Tiger
FIJI; the editors apologize for the error.
Reach Colin at,
or send postal mail to 1584 Wells Dr.,
Plainfield, IN 46168. He writes: "Be nice
William Arends'72 has a new email address:
Brother Bob Wells '66 was the recipi
to this fund. I continue to work in sales at
Get in touch with Donald R. Mighell (Texas
'56) by writing to him at 5235 E. Greenbriar
"Thanks to the Tiger FIJI, I was able to
connect with Bob Erickson '58 and enjoy
a great day at Monmouth Golf Club in
New Jersey," writes Jim "Kels" Kelly '57.
"To top off the day. Bob introduced me to
a fellow member—Lawrence 'Yogi' Berra,
one of my favorite Yankees!" Stay in touch
with Bob by writing to him at 2 Pilgrim Rd.,
Darien, CT 06820;
Bob Wells '66
Receives Award
to KKG—my sister is a sophomore there."
to instill in its members and continues to
work with Family Centers. Congratulations!
David Garrett '13
Presidential Letter
(continued from page one)
Collectively, Lambda donated over 1,000
hours of community service and hosted sev
eral successful philanthropies on campus and
in the local community. Our annual philan
thropy for the Humane Society of Putnam
County, Bark-B-Q, played a crucial role in
ensuring all shelter animals were adopted
before the group closed down. With our
contributions, we hope to aid the Humane
Society in getting back on its feet over the
next school year.
As I enter my term as president, I am
honored to inherit the chapter in such
good standing and look forward to leading
Lambda to further excellence. He's still at 715 S.
Sangamon Ave, Gibson City, IL 60936.
"My wife, Shelia, and I have moved to
the Rough River Lake area of Kentucky,"
reports Michael D. Ricks '78. "I am current
Michael Knight '06 is now an attorney
Michael Osborn '13, President
with Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. in
Matthew Cecil '12, President Emeritus
Carmel,Indiana. Catch up with Mike at 9351
Cameron Ridge Ln., Apt. 127, Indianapolis,
IN 46240;
ly the business manager for Rough River
14515 Falls Of Rough Rd., Falls of Rough,
Paul Taylor '09 reports a new email address: Send mail to 8025
KY 40119;
NW 20th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73127.
Paul B. Qua '82 writes, "Christine Bretz
and 1 were married on July 23, 2011.
Several Lambda FIJIs were in attendance:
Wade Nichols '72,John Axelberg '83, David
3709 N. Bosworth Ave., Apt. 2F, Chicago,
IL 60613. (
is published regularly by Lambda Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta. News, photographs, and chang
es of address are welcomed and encouraged at all times and should be sent to Alumni Records
Office, Lambda Chapter, Phi Gamma Delta, P.O. Box 40.167, Indianapolis, IN 46240-0.167.
Dam State Resort Park." Contact him at
Find Andrew Porter '10 at his new address:
Vernon C. Dahlstrom '57
June 2, 2011
Thomas G. Lueder '86
March 29, 2011
\r\nstay connected with FIJI!
□ White Star Donor (first five years out of college)
□ Black Diamond Donor (more than five years out of college)
□ Delta Donor (recognizing gifts of $75-$99)
□ Tiger Fiji Donor (recognizing gifts of $100-$249)
□ "Gamma" White Owl Donor (recognizing gifts of $250 or more)
□ Other (any amount other than those suggested above)
Total amount enclosed
Please make check payable to "Lambda
Contributions are not deductible as charitable
donations forfederal income tax purposes.
You may have already contributed to our an
nual appeal, but any additional participation
would be greatly appreciated.
Grad. year.
Init. year.
Cell phone #.
□ preferred
Home address.
Home phone #
Home email address
Company name.
Business title
□ preferred
Business address
Work phone #.
Work email address.
Date filled out:.
Please return this entire form to Alumni Records Office, Lambda Chapter, Phi Gamma Delta, P.O. Box 40367, Indianapolis, IN 46240-0367.
\r\nLambda Chapter
Phi Gamma Delta
P.O. Box 40367
Indianapolis, IN 46240-0367
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Spring 2012 newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is six pages in length.