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2013 May Newsletter Iota Sigma (Indiana State University)
May 2013 newsletter of the Iota Sigma chapter at Indiana State University. This newsletter is seven pages. This newsletter is about the chartering of the chapter.
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Iota Sigma
Indiana State University
2013 May Newsletter Iota Sigma (Indiana State University)
May 2013 Issue
Lorem Ipsum
Leaders, Scholars, Athletes, and Gentlemen
Iota Sigma Chapter Pressing On!
Iota Sigma Back on the Map officially as a Chapter
The weekend of February 11th was a FIJI filled weekend for the Iota Sigma Colony
transitioning into the Iota Sigma Chapter. On Thursday, February 14th, The Iota Sigma brothers
had a campus wide reception for the Colony’s return to campus as a Chapter. On Friday, the 15 th,
38 brothers were pledged into the Iota Sigma Chapter followed by White Star reception. Don
Mighell was induced as the Legate for the coming weekend festivities. Bright and early on
Saturday morning, Iota Sigma gained 35 initiated members. They also initiated a graduate into
Iota Sigma, Chis Yano, who was pledged into the ranks of Iota Sigma in 1997. Saturday night
was the banquet for all of the brothers, where Don Mighell presented the president, Josh Cox,
with the Iota Sigma’s new Charter.
Continued on Page 4
Iota Sigma Chapter
May 2013 Issue
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Inductees were just announced for the Honorary
Greek leadership, Order of Omega. Phi Gamma Delta
now has five members in it. These men are as follows:
Antonio Cervantes, Josh Cox, Kris Koll and Ryan
Webster. They are joining existing member Mark
Rosario. Less than 3% of Greeks are asked to Join
Order of Omega. Congrats to those men!
During the recent Order of Omega Awards – Iota
Sigma received 10 awards placing it in the top three
chapters on campus. More details in a future
Archon President, Scott
Mikulecky (left) and
Former Archon President
Bill Miller (right)
Ryan McFarland (left) and Tom
Barlow (right)
Iota Sigma Chapter
May 2013 Issue
Don Mighell served as Legate for the
Chartering Committee member Paul
Lawson presents a Distinguished
Service award to Tracy Machtan
Eight members of the
original founding class
along with Don
Mighell and Bill Miller
in attendance at the
Iota Sigma Chapter
Head table at banquet
Wayne Mark (Rho Phi graduate)
with son Spencer Mark
Newest FIJI Sire and Son members
May 2013 Issue
The original charter
Table set for the evening
Iota Sigma Chapter
May 2013 Issue
Ed Gabe, Fraternity Ritualist
Right: Larry Watson receives
Distinguished Service Award from
Archon VP Mike Lucas
Below: Graduates in attendance at
the banquet
Iota Sigma Chapter
May 2013 Issue
Above: Chapter’s Cabinet Officers, Ryan
McFarland (PL), Joe Weist (Section Chief),
Scott Mikulecky (Archon President), Mike
Lucas (Archon VP)
Left: Both “first” chapter
presidents – Josh Cox (left) and
TextMike Schell (right)
New members of Iota Sigma!
Iota Sigma Chapter
May 2013 Issue
Iota Sigma Chapter Returns…
Scott Mikulecky was the keynote speaker that evening. Once the charter was regained and
pictures were taken, the Ball began and Phi Gams danced the night away. On Sunday
morning, at 10 am, it was time for the Founder’s and Parent’s Brunch. Awards were given
out as well with some speakers including Josh Laufenberg, J.B. Goll, Joe Weist, Ryan
McFarland, and Dustin Ogle. There was a special award given out to Wayne Mark and his
son, Spencer Mark, who was induced into Sires and Sons. A special thanks to everyone who
attended the special weekend! That wrapped up the Chartering weekend for the Iota Sigma
Chartering Weekend Quotes
Here are a few quotes from brothers about the amazing experience that they had at Chartering.
Josh Brewer says, “It was a great sight to see undergraduates and graduate brothers from all
over come to this special event. It was a great feeling and a weekend that I’ll never forget.”
Daniel Barry quotes, “It was one of the most amazing experiences ever, so many moments I
will never forget.”
Mark Rosario states, "For almost two years the brothers of the Fiji colony of Indiana State
University have worked to make the charactering weekend a reality for undergraduates and graduates
of this proud fraternity. It was amazing to make that happen!”
Cody Strain says, “It was a wonderful weekend that none of us will ever forget! The amount of
support we had from our graduate brothers to the Rho Phi chapter all came together at a time that
some of us, at times, thought may never come. Chartering weekend may have been the end for the
colony, but it marked the beginning for our great chapter!
Mark Your Calendars – Upcoming FIJI Events
FIJI Homecoming 2013
will begin
September 23
When: October 5, 2013
Where: Memorial Stadium
If you know a
current or future
IUPUI student or
want to help,
contact Joe Weist at
FIJI Pig Dinner 2014
Summer 2014
When: April 5, 2014
Where: Meadows Banquet Center
Created by Mark R. Thurow
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May 2013 newsletter of the Iota Sigma chapter at Indiana State University. This newsletter is seven pages. This newsletter is about the chartering of the chapter.