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2013 October Newsletter Chi Eta (Western Kentucky University)
October 2013 newsletter of the Chi Eta chapter at Western Kentucky University. This newsletter is fifteen pages.
Date/Date Range:
Chi Eta
Western Kentucky University
2013 October Newsletter Chi Eta (Western Kentucky University)
October 2013
Volume 4 Issue 3
Purple Run 5K Raises Money for
Alzheimers Research
Service Trip
pg. 3
Fall 2013
pg. 4
Kyle Allen
pg. 11
Pictured above, all the runners and volunteers celebrated and danced at the end of the run by throwing all the
remaining paint into the air simultaneously, making sure everyone was covered. Pictured below is the start of
the run, when almost 160 runners started the 3.2 mile course at Keriakes park. (Photos by Evan Pennington)
Chi Eta
pg. 12
News and
pg. 13
\r\nOctober 2013
Volume 4 Issue 3
Purple Run Raises over $3,200
By Brent Stephens (2016)
On October 12, the men of the
Chi Eta chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
hosted their second annual “Purple
Run” at Keriakes Park in Bowling
Green. The Purple Run, named the
“Color Run to Remember” last fall,
is similar to the 5K race known as
the Color Run.
In a Color Run the runners are
doused with all colors of powdered
paints while running; creating a
messy and fun atmosphere for everyone involved with the proceeds going
to benefit charity.
Chi Eta built off this idea this
year and specialized it for Alzheimer’s Awareness, using purple paint
(the color of Alzheimer’s awareness)
to throw. All the proceeds benefitting
the Alzheimer’s Association.
This year’s run was successful,
with 159 runners participating in the
3.2 mile course, about 30 more run-
ners than last year’s inaugural event.
The run pulled in not only support
from the greek system at WKU, but
a lot of community involvement
as well as graduate brother support
from brothers Joshua Amos and Will
Over 75% of the chapter was in
attendance, with 61 brothers at the
event. Some brothers ran, while other
brothers threw paint on the runners
and volunteered in numerous ways.
This year’s run raised $3,200
before expenses. After providing the
runners with paint and t-shirts, Chi
Eta donated more than $700 for the
Alzheimer’s Association. Once the
run concluded, all the runners were
gathered up as all nine members
from the 2012 Bike4Alz trip presented a check totaling $32,718.69 to the
National Alzheimer’s Association.
Following the check presentation,
Luke Sparks (2015) talked about the
2014 Bike4Alz trip. Sparks said this
year’s group will travel east across
the United States, starting in Oceanside, CA, ending in Washington D.C.
The Bike4Alz team has set a goal
of $100,000 to benefit Alzheimer’s
Ending the event, all the runners and volunteers grabbed bags of
leftover purple paint and threw them
in the air simultaneously, creating a
cloud of purple.
Overall, the morning went extremely well for its second year, creating a fun atmosphere and has high
potential for growth in the upcoming
years. The brothers are excited to
continue this event next year.
Pictured below left, are participants running on the 3.2 mile long gravel trail that goes around all of Keriakes park. Below right are the nine
members of the 2012 Bike4Alz trip presenting their check to a representative from the Alzheimer’s Association. (Photos by Evan Pennington)
\r\nOctober 2013
Volume 4 Issue 3
Fall Break Community Service Trip
Focuses on House Reconstruction
By Matt Lawson (2015)
The Chi Eta chapter has
annually sought to use fall break
as an opportunity to serve the
community. In the past, brothers
have helped with repair from
Hurrican Katrina and Isaac in New
Orleans. This year, the chapter
partnered with the Fuller Center for
Housing in Louisville, KY.
“The Fuller Center is an
organization that was started by
Millard Fuller, who also started
Habitat for Humanity,” said
Community Service Committee
Chair Zack Van Zant (2015). “They
do much of the same work that
Habitat does, except for lower
income families and individuals.”
During the trip, brothers
Chi Eta sent a total of 30 brothers to west Louisville over Fall Break to help an organization called
worked in various abandoned
“The Fuller Center”, where brothers did house reconstruction. (Photo submitted)
homes in west Louisville. These
homes are renovated and then are
(2012), John Hellams (2011),
brothers enjoyed cookouts and
allocated to families and people
Clay Simpson (2012), and Purple
bonfires at the homes of local
in need in the area. The Fuller
Legionnaire Bob Anderegg (GA ‘10).
brothers Zack Van Zant (2015) and
Center works with many homes at
For all it was a great opportunity to
Kyle Stewart (2015).
once, therefore much help is often
connect with brothers while working
In the end, the trip was
toward the good of the community.
rewarding for all people involved
At the Fuller Center
“I loved the service trip because
as much was accomplished over the
headquarters brothers organized
I got to do a lot of hard labor and
two-day trip.
construction equipment that will
interact with homeowners,” Will
“The Fuller Center was
be used for future repairs. At
Garcia (2014) said. “That was very
extremely grateful for the service
other locations brothers replaced
encouraging to see where our efforts
of our brothers and said that they
flooring, took down a chimney, and
are going.”
would love for us to come back
cleaned out rooms in local church.
The trip was free for all the
again,” Van Zant said.
In total, there were 30 brothers
brothers. Lodging was provided
in attendance along with four
by Hotel Louisville, sponsored by
graduate brothers, Tyler Jury
Wayside Christian Mission, and
\r\nOctober 2013
Volume 4 Issue 3
Chi Eta Welcomes the Lambda Pledge Class
By Taylor Ruby (2016)
The Chi Eta chapter of Phi Gamma Delta began the 2013 fall semester
on a great note with the addition of 14
exceptional new pledge brothers.
As Chi Eta began to transition
back into an academic environment
after a long summer break, we were
all antsy about starting recruitment
week. We did not waste any time
getting started with our recruitment
events, seeing as our first event was
the first night of Master Plan--a orientation week for the new freshman.
We began with a late night dinner at
Steak-n-Shake for the Potential New
Members (PNM’s).
The various events that followed
throughout the week were sand volleyball, soccer, football, Hot Rod’s
baseball game, and several other
brotherhood events on the brand new
back deck at Ft. Armstrong.
This year we were blown away
by the amount of guys that expressed
interest in our Fraternity throughout
recruitment week. Chi Eta experienced the largest turn out the chapter
has ever seen, with a number totaling to about 60 guys. We knew that
we were about to face a long, restless
week ahead.
As rush week was under way, we
felt very fortunate to have local restaurant Hilligan’s, sponsor the chapter
by providing free pizza and chicken
wings each night of formal recruitment.
The selection process for choosing new brothers is always difficult,
but the qualities of our new members helped them to stand out amongst
the 254 men participating in formal
Finally, the day we were all anxiously awaiting for arrived—bid day.
We were all very eager to wrap up
this exhausting week by welcoming
in the 14 new guys into our brotherhood. After the PNM’s received their
bids, the 14 young men that made up
the Lambda class, made their way up
to the beautiful Van Meter Overlook
to meet chapter president Dylan Ward
After a few motivating words
from Ward, the new Lambda pledge
class was quickly swarmed and
greeted by the entire chapter with loud
chants and cheers.
Later that evening, the brothers
were given the opportunity to get to
know the new guys even better during
a night full of snacks, billiards, poker,
ice cream, and Xbox.
The Chi Eta chapter is delighted
to have 14 diverse, new additions to
our chapter. We look forward to see
what the future holds for each one of
them. Our new members are already
involved and are exhibiting leadership
on campus through organizations such
as SGA, Chinese Flagship Program,
Honors Club, CRU, Club sports, and
Overall, fall recruitment turned
out to be a huge success for our
chapter. With the addition of our new
brothers, Chi Eta now rests as the
third largest Fraternity on campus
with 79 young men. We are looking
forward to seeing our new members
achieve scholarship, serve their community, and pursue excellence over
the course of their college career as a
Chi Eta Fiji.
\r\nOctober 2013
Volume 4 Issue 3
Meet the Lambda Pledge Class
Joseph Aroh
Age: 19
Grade/class: Freshman/2017
Hometown: Louisville, KY
College/high school activities: Rock Climbing, Playing Bass Guitar, Backpacking
Big brother: Joe Starks
Major/Minor: Mechanical Engineering
Why did you join Fiji? I wanted a band of brothers that I could get close to and be challenged
What has been you favorite memory? The pledge retreat.
Joey Badinger
Age: 18
Grade/class: Freshman/2017
Hometown: Crestwood, KY
College/high school activities: Soccer, flag football, Kuna
Big brother: Parker Kuhn
Major/Minor: Biology
Why did you join Fiji? Because I saw that they had the best brotherhood on campus in my
opinion. They treated everyone as equal which really stood out to me because it showed that
they respected us before they even knew us unlike most other fraternities this quality isn’t always expressed. Also I saw that they didn’t fall into that fraternity stereotype and stood for more
things other than partying.
What has been you favorite memory? My favorite memory so far has been the pledge retreat
when Davis Church and I went cliff jumping off some crazy high cliff.
Andrew Boyles
Age: 19
Grade/class: Sophomore/2017
Hometown: Rineyville, KY
College/high school activities: HS-Baseball- 5 year letterman, Bowling- 1 year letterman, National Honor Society, Beta Club, Future Business Leaders of America President, Y-Club
College-Honors Club, Intramural sports, will be working in President Ransdell’s office starting
Spring 2014, FIJI
Big brother: Sam Cherry
Major/Minor: Finance
Why did you join Fiji? When I looked at FIJIs, I saw something different than the other fraternities on campus. A genuine brotherhood where you were put in an environment to chase after your
passions and grow as a man.
What has been you favorite memory? Meeting up at the fountain in front of Van Meter on Bid
day and being welcomed by all the guys and then the Pledge Ceremony that night.
\r\nOctober 2013
Volume 4 Issue 3
Davis Church
Age: 19
Grade/class: Freshman/2017
Hometown: Louisville, KY
College/high school activities: College- Club lacrosse, intramural sports, CRU, sewing pocket
T’s HS- lacrosse, snowboarding, soccer
Big brother: Bradley Ledford
Major/Minor: Business Marketing
Why did you join Fiji? The guys truly cared about me and didn’t try to sell their fraternity to
me like other stereotypical fraternities did. They were different from other fraternities and it was
apparent from the beginning. I liked that... no actually, I loved it.
What has been your favorite memory? The pledge retreat with my new brothers. Many memorable moments went down that weekend.
Brandon Ernstes
Age: 20
Grade/class: Sophomore/2016
Hometown: Petersburg, KY
College/high school activities: Sports, hunting, fishing, and anything outdoors.
Big brother: Ryan White
Major/Minor: Geology
Why did you join Fiji? Joined Fiji to meet great guys, get involved and be part of something
bigger than myself.
What has been you favorite memory? Favorite memory has probably been the pledge retreat
just getting closer with the pledge class.
Trent Erps
Age: 19
Grade/class: Freshman/ 2017
Hometown: Louisville, KY
College/high school activities: Sports, sewing, and fantasy football
Big brother: Zachary Van Zant
Major/Minor: Business
Why did you join Fiji? I had heard about it (FIJI) a lot over the summer from a good friend,
when I came to Western and got to meet many of the guys I was very impressed with the attitude that they had, and the true care they showed when getting to know me.
What has been your favorite memory? Bonding together with my fellow Pledges at the
Lambda class Pledge Retreat.
\r\nOctober 2013
Volume 4 Issue 3
Jacob Hodges
Age: 18
Grade/class: Freshman/2017
Hometown: Tompkinsville, Kentucky
College/high school activities: Participated in multiple clubs, played football
Big brother: Daniel Brussell
Major/Minor: Economics/ Pre-law focus area
Why did you join Fiji? Because FIJI represents a group of men that will help me to grow into a
man that my mother will be proud of.
What has been you favorite memory? Growing closer to my pledge class at the pledge retreat.
Taylor Leigh
Age: 19
Grade/class: Freshman/2017
Hometown: Liberty, KY
College/high school activities: Basketball, tennis, track, VICA, Science club, and FBLA
Big brother: Matt Lawson
Major/Minor: Mechanical Engineering
Why did you join Fiji? To be a part of a fellowship of men who together strive to be excellent.
What has been you favorite memory? Shenanigans has been my favorite memory so far.
Trent Marcum
Age: 18
Grade/class: Freshman/2017
Hometown: London, KY
College/high school activities: Academic Team, Beta Club, and National Honors Society
Big brother: Wes Trail
Major/Minor: Film Studies
Why did you join Fiji? I joined FIJI because I met a few guys at H4 that were really awesome.
They were mostly all a part of FIJI. After this I met up with Trip, Kyle, and Mason for lunch,
and they all convinced me to rush. During Rush Week I saw the same values in most of the FIJI
guys that I myself have. I basically saw this fraternity as a great way to build relationships with
awesome people and a good venue for me to help others.
What has been you favorite memory? ? My favorite FIJI memory, so far, was introducing my
family to a lot of the guys during Parent’s Weekend
\r\nOctober 2013
Volume 4 Issue 3
Austin Richards
Age: 19
Grade/class: Freshman/2017
Hometown: Owensboro, KY
College/high school activities: CRU, Bridges International, Living Hope Baptist Church HS:
Tennis, Cross Country, Student Council, National Honors Society, Beta Club, Academy for
Young Leaders, Kentucky Youth Assembly, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Big brother: Seth Bland
Major/Minor: Spanish, Asian Religions and Cultures, Chinese Flagship Program
Why did you join Fiji? I really wanted to get in with a great group of guys and join to help out
the community. And that’s what I found.
What has been you favorite memory? ? Just recently we returned from the fall service trip in
Louisville. We had an incredible time investing in the community by demolishing old houses,
planting gardens, and clearing overgrown areas. At night it was great to just chill and hang with
the brothers as we fellowshipped and watched WKU football.
Jay Todd Richey
Age: 18
Grade/class: Freshman/2017
Hometown: Glasgow, KY
College/high school activities: Student Government Association, Young Republicans, Government and Politics Society, Drama Club, BETA Club
Big brother: Sean Jacobson
Major/Minor: Political Science & Economics
Why did you join Fiji? Friendship, Knowledge, Service, Morality and Excellence are all values
that I want to exemplify daily and honor most highly; not only did I want to affiliate myself with
a group of young men who I love to be with and who share these same values, but I also wanted
the honor of calling myself a brother in Phi Gamma Delta for the rest of my life.
What has been you favorite memory? My favorite memory has been going to Louisville with
a few of the brothers to help with the Fuller Center, a housing organization for Louisville.
Grant Rohleder
Age: 18
Grade/class: Freshman/2017
Hometown: Louisville, KY
College/high school activities: Baseball, Beta, NHS, Student Government, FBLA
Big brother: Drake Riley
Major/Minor: Chinese, Business, Political Science
Why did you join Fiji? I got to hang out with the brothers my first few weeks at WKU and they
were awesome, unique, driven guys and were guys I wanted to surround myself with to help
make me a better man.
What has been you favorite memory? Shenanigans.
\r\nOctober 2013
Volume 4 Issue 3
Connor Slade
Age: 20
Grade/class: Sophomore/2016
Hometown: Louisville, KY
College/high school activities: Played golf in high school
Big brother: Dallas Wilson
Major/Minor: Communication/Business
Why did you join Fiji? I knew FIJI would better my life and that I would have brothers who
will always have my back and be there for me and that FIJI would bring the best out of me.
What has been you favorite memory? My favorite memory was the pledge retreat at the lake
getting to know my brothers better.
Skyler Wright
Age: 19
Grade/class: Freshman/2017
Hometown: Liberty, KY
College/high school activities: Ogden College of science and engineering, High school activities: sports and clubs
Big brother: Seth Haga
Major/Minor: Mechanical Engineering
Why did you join Fiji? Because the guys are great/awesome with spectacular morals, and my
brother Spencer was having a blast and made me want to be a part of Fiji so bad!!!
What has been you favorite memory? Going to the cave with the Fiji guys and exploring
where they had never been.
Graduate Brother Josh Amos’s advice to the Lambda’s:
Pledgeship is one of the most unique opportunities you will have in college. Many young men in college pledge
fraternities for the shallow things: parties, letters, girls... but not you. The genius of Chi Eta is that it seeks to bring in
fine young men of greater caliber every semester. A pledge, in my opinion, is the most important man in the chapter.
Why? Because your enthusiasm and your potential will always drive the older men to work harder. The love that you
will grow to have for this fraternity will reignite the flame for the chapter. I encourage you to always fuel that fire.
Always keep your hands busy, and always remember, you represent each brother who spoke up for you. Everything
you do, positive and negative, will reflect back to them. Walk this campus proud to wear those letters. Walk the community proud of the love your brothers have for you, and walk this world proud that you are exemplifying our five
values. By the end of your collegiate journey, I encourage you to look back on the time you spent as a Chi Eta. Did
you work enough? Did you love enough? Did you seek to better yourself as a man? Did you love the glamour of being a Fiji or did you love the thirty minutes you drove to help a brother stranded on the roadside? When the sun sets
on your undergraduate life, I hope you rejoice in all the good you have done to take this chapter to a new level.
\r\nOctober 2013
Volume 4 Issue 3
Chi Eta Welcomes Families to House
for Annual Weekend
By Parker Kuhn (2016)
Parent’s Weekend is an annual
event hosted by the Chi Eta Chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta. Occuring on
the same weekend as WKU’s family
weekend, it serves as a great time for
parents to meet each other and see
the fraternity house. And for the new
parents, it is a chance to get a general
understanding of what Chi Eta means
to the brothers involved.
This year’s event was highlighted by a number of great guest
speakers. Nanette Wright, mother of
Spencer Wright (2014) and Skyler
Wright (2017), gave great insight
into a parent’s perspective of a fraternity and how that perspective can
change over the course of a year.
Following this, Chi Eta’s Purple
Legionnaire (chapter advisor)
Bob Anderegg helped unveil the final
addition to the chapter’s new stone
In appreciation of his hard work
and effort towards the newest addition to the house, Anderegg asked
David Aroh, father of Ben Aroh
(2014) and Joseph Aroh (2017), to
speak and followed his words with
the presentation of an engraved
stone that will soon be placed into
the patio itself.
The patio, which was finished
over the summer, served the fraternity well during recruitment, and other
social events and makes events like
parent’s weekend more efficient and
more enjoyable for everyone.
Chapter President Dylan Ward
(2013), also spoke on behalf of the
chapter and expressed his thanks
and gratitude to every parent in attendance. Ward specifically spoke
about how the five core values Fiji
teaches: friendship, knowledge, service, morality, and excellence, are all
values our parents brought upon and
instilled in us.
After a large lunch catered by
Whitt’s barbeque, brothers and their
parents were invited to attend the
fraternity’s tailgate at the old alumni
building. The turnout for this was
great and many of the fraternity’s
families gathered in fellowship with
one another and enjoyed hot dogs
and baked goods before WKU defeated Morgan State later that night.
In all, parent’s weekend was a
huge success. As all of Chi Eta’s parents and brothers shared an afternoon
together, this day once again was a
wonderful time of thanks and appreciation for all that our parents have
done and still do for us.
Families and loved ones of the brothers of Chi Eta watched and listened to several speakers as
they share their experiences with Chi Eta. Speakers included chapter president Dylan Ward,
Purple Legionnaire Bob Anderegg, Nanette Wright, and David Aroh. (Photo by Evan Pennington)
\r\nOctober 2013
Volume 4 Issue 3
Graduate Spotlight: Kyle Allen
Compiled by Brent Stephens (2016)
Upon graduation in the fall of
2011, Chi Eta founding father and
graduate brother Kyle Allen has
become one of the most successful
graduates from Chi Eta. After working for more than five years in the
WKU athlectic communications department, Allen worked his way up to
Assistant Director of Athletic Communications. Allen handled football,
baseball and tennis during his tenure. Brent Stephens (2016) recently
caught up with Kyle and talked with
him about his new endeavors.
What is your company and
what is your position?
I am now the president of S&K
Powder Coating here in Bowling
Green, a business that has been in
existence for around two years. My
dad’s machining company here in
Bowling Green (CGS Machine and
Tool) purchased the powder coating
business after the original owner was
looking to shut it down and sell it. I
came on board and officially took the
company over in May of this year.
What kind of challenges has this
new job presented to you? What
have you liked better about this job
than your job at WKU?
Every day is a different challenge, especially jumping back and
forth from dealing with large corporations and individual customers. The
challenge is balancing the business to
keep everyone happy, and getting
more with less. We currently are on
the low end as far as employees are
Kyle and Suzanna walk under a shower of sparklers. (photo by Dallas Wilson)
concerned, so it is definitely an “all
hands on deck” approach to keep
things running smoothly. Since May,
business has increased every month,
and October is looking to be the
best month in company history by
more than 20 percent. So hopefully
that trend continues! As far as what
I like better, I think obviously the
opportunity to run my own business
was something I always wanted to
do. I will always miss working with
coaches and student-athletes on a
daily basis, but controlling my own
future in a business setting was a
great opportunity for me, and most
importantly my family.
Recently getting married to Suzanne in July, what has that been
like and what kind of transition has
it been for you two?
Marrying Suzanne was definitely
the best day of my life. I feel like I
am spending every day with my best
friend, which makes life that much
more enjoyable! Obviously it takes
time to get adjusted to certain things,
but so far so good! We are happy to
be in the Bowling Green community
and are really looking forward to
making an impact in the community
for years to come.
What do you remember the most
about your time as Chi Eta?
Chi Eta provided some unbelievable memories and allowed me to
meet lifelong friends. Six of the 10
men in my wedding party were from
the fraternity, which is something that
I am grateful for. It always seemed
like wherever I lived the “gatherings” seemed to follow, but looking
back on it I wouldn’t trade it for
anything, especially the year living
at the Cabell Castle. I still miss that
place! Working in athletics I was
usually unable to attend a majority
of the events, but it was always nice
to come home to a packed house at
the Castle on the weekends. Living
in Bowling Green I am really looking
forward to seeing this chapter grow
over the years.
\r\nOctober 2013
Volume 4 Issue 3
Chi Eta’s Awards: “Unprecedented”
The Chi Eta Chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta has won its fraternity’s
highest chapter award for the second
time in three years.
The International Fraternity of
Phi Gamma Delta announced October
11th that the Chi Eta Chapter is the
2012-13 recipient of the Cheney Cup.
Phi Gamma Delta’s most prestigious
award is presented annually to the
chapter that exhibits the greatest
all-around efficiency in scholarship,
fraternity relationships and general
collegiate activities. The chapter also
won the Cheney Cup in 2010 and
received honorable mention in 2011.
The chapter placed first in five of
the six chapter awards they applied for
and second in the final award.
“The Chi Eta Chapter’s recognition
in Phi Gamma Delta’s awards program
is unprecedented, particularly for a
chapter that is just three years old,”
said Bill Martin, Executive Director of
Phi Gamma Delta. “Their outstanding
performance is a reflection of the
quality of men they recruit, the support
of dedicated graduate brother advisors,
and the environment provided by
Western Kentucky University.”
“The Cheney Cup is the highest
honor that any Chapter can receive in
Phi Gamma Delta,” Chapter President
Dylan Ward said. “The men in our
Chapter are extremely humbled to
have won this coveted award for the
second time in just our three years as a
The Chi Eta Chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta, also known as Fiji, ar-
Pictured above is the Chi Eta chapter of the award winning 2012-2013 academic year. at their
fourth annual Pig Dinner last April. (Photo by Brandon Bowman)
-rived at WKU in the fall of 2008, and
received its charter May 1, 2010.
The chapter won the Coon Plaque
(best chapter publications) for the
third-straight year and has placed
in the Jordan Bowl (Achieving
the highest scholarship among
undergraduate chapters) each of the
last three years, including this year’s
first place.
In 2012, Chi Eta initiated 21 new
brothers, donated over $100,000
in philanthropy money, performed
over 5,000 service hours, and held
the highest cumulative GPA among
fraternities at WKU with a GPA of a
Since the Water4Life Trip to
Haiti in the Summer of 2012, Chi
Eta has been active on WKU’s
campus. Brothers have held various
leadership roles in a variety of campus
organizations, including Spirit
Masters, the Honors Toppers, the
College Heights Herald, and multiple
campus ministries.
In the past year, its members
have raised over $60,000 to support
the Alzheimer’s Association through
Bike4Alz and Chi Eta’s inaugural
Purple Run. They raised an additional
$40,000 to install water purification
systems in Haiti through Water4Life,
and finally another $2,500 for the
Bowling Green Independent School
Systems through the Bowling Green
Spring Luau.
Chi Eta also partnered with
Operation Blessing over WKU’s Fall
Break to perform service work in
areas of Baton Rouge, La. that was
affected by Hurricane Isaac.“While
we are truly honored to receive these
recognitions, our Brothers desire more
than just
\r\nOctober 2013
Volume 4 Issue 3
Continued From Page 12
awards, they desire to better
themselves, their campus, their
community, and ultimately the
world,” said Ward.
Chapter advisors Dr. Ray
Blankenship and Bob Anderegg
and current Chapter President
Dylan Ward were all honored with
individual awards.
Ward received an Honorable
Mention for the Wilkinson Award,
recognizing the most outstanding
graduating senior. During his
time on campus, he served as
chapter president and treasurer,
Spirit Master, and Ogden College
Blankenship, who received first
place in Crowder Cup (outstanding
faculty advisor), serves as Associate
Professor in the Computer
Information Systems program at
WKU. He also received first place in
2010 and second place in 2011.
Anderegg received first place
in Coulter Cup (graduate brother
with greatest contribution to chapter
other than Purple Legionnaire)
has served the Chi Eta chapter
in several graduate capacities
including primary advisor and house
corporation president.
“These advisor awards are a
testament to the graduate support
that our Chapter receives,” said
Ward. “Without strong graduate
support, we would never have made
it this far. They truly exemplify
our motto, ‘Not For College Days
“We are also very grateful
for 2012 Chapter President Nick
Burnett, 2012 Primary Advisor
Jeff Baynham, and 2012 Cups and
Awards Chair Brian Campbell,
for their help in realizing these
successes,” added Ward.
The chapter will be recognized
for their awards in January at the
annual Fiji Academy in St. Louis.
Representatives of Chi Eta received
these individual awards:
1st, Crowder Cup – Outstanding
faculty advisor, Ray Blankenship
1st, Coulter Cup - Graduate
brother with greatest
contributions to chapter (other
than Purple Legionnaire), Bob
Honorable Mention, Wilkinson
Award – Outstanding Graduating
Senior, Dylan Ward
Homecoming: Bright Lights, Red City
Compiled By Kyle Stewart (2015)
WKU Homecoming will be
Saturday, October 26th. Fiji is paired
with the the ladies of Sigma Kappa,
and the gentlemen of Phi Beta Sigma.
There are multiple graduate events
planned for the weekend beginning
on Friday evening.
• At 7:30 PM on Friday,
October 25th, there will be a
Chi Eta graduate event at Jeff
Baynham’s house with dinner
• Also at 7:30 PM there will
be a “FIJI Girls” event for
all graduate wives, fiancés
and girlfriends. This dinner
will be at Mickey’s on Main
Saturday morning, there will
be a casual breakfasat at JD’s
Bakery downtown which
everyone is invited to.
The football tailgate begins
at 11:30AM and the game
against Troy will begin at
Jordan Minton will be
featured at the new Alumni
Center from 12:30 to 2:30
playing music from his new
album that was recently
The annual Homecoming dance
will be hosted at the Brickyard Cafe
and will begin at 9PM. Brothers are
encouraged to bring a date. Attire for
the event is semi-formal (suits are
encouraged). Light food and cake
will be provided.The undergraduate
chapter looks forward to welcoming
all graduates back to Bowling Green.
We are looking forward to a great
weekend on October 25th and 26th!
\r\nOctober 2013
Volume 4 Issue 3
Chi Eta Wins Shenanigans, Mud Volleyball
Pictured above are the 21 brothers, paired with Chi Omega, that brought home first place in Kappa Delta’s annual philanthropy event, Shenanigan’s.
Pictured below left Oldham County native Luke Sparks (2015) returns volley during the championship round of AOII’s and Farmhouse’s mud
volleyball philathropy with proceeds going to the Arthritis Foundation and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Below right, from left to right is
the championship team comprised of Drake Riley (2016), Dylan Ward (2013), Blake Neumann (2014), Sparks, Grant Rohleder (2017) and Ryne
McMullen (2015).
\r\nOctober 2013
Volume 44 Issue
Issue 33
Graduate News
Weddings & Engagements
Kyle Allen (WKU ‘11) married Suzanna Deevers on
July 13, 2013.
John Hellams (WKU ‘11) married Jessica Paulsen on
July 27, 2013.
General Updates
Mitch White (‘11) will be starting a job with the Boston
College Athletic Development office in November.
Chaz Vittitow (WKU ‘11) and wife Karinne welcomed
into the world a baby girl, Elsie Pearl, on October 15,
Jake Ryle (WKU ‘12) moved from Anchorage, AK
to Johnson City, TN.. Accepted a Weekend Sports
Anchor position at WJHL-TV (CBS affiliate).
Joshua Amos (WKU ’13) accepted a job at the
Kentucky Transportation Department.
Nick Burnett (WKU ‘13) accepted a job as a recruiter
with TEK systems, an IT staffing company.
Chi Eta Wins Highest
Chapter Award
The Chi Eta Chapter was recently recognized by the
international headquarters for oustanding achievement
in the following areas:
1st, Cheney Cup – Greatest all-around chapter
1st, Coon Plaque – Best chapter publication
1st, Zerman Trophy – Promoting the involvement of
brothers in student government, the campus newspaper and
extracurricular activities
1st, Baker Cup – Focusing on religious, ethical and social
service activities
2nd, Brightman Trophy – Maintaining and improving relations
between the chapter and graduates
1st, Jordan Bowl – Achieving the highest scholarship among
undergraduate chapters
1st, Crowder Cup – Outstanding faculty advisor, Ray
1st, Coulter Cup - Graduate brother with greatest contributions
to chapter (other than Purple Legionnaire), Bob Anderegg
Honorable Mention, Wilkinson Award – Outstanding
Graduating Senior, Dylan Ward
Chris Kinney (WKU ‘13) accepted a job as a recruiter
with TEK systems.
Brad Stephens (WKU ‘13) accepted a job as the
Sports Editor of the Oldham County Era.
Undergrad News
Chi Eta by the Numbers
Learn about the WKU Excellence Fund and how you can
support Chi Eta at
Chi Eta was founded at WKU
Current Supporters
Bob Anderegg (USC `71, WKU GA `10)
Jeff Baynham (WKU `10)
Ray Blankenship (Kentucky `84, WKU GA `10)
Brandon Bowman (WKU `10)
Dr. Craig Cobane (WKU Faculty `10)
George and Janie Pennington (Parents)
Blaine Routt (WKU `11)
Chaz Vittitow (WKU `11)
Josh Wiseman (WKU `12)
Graduate brothers
Undergraduate brothers
Studying abroad
Have graduate news? Send an email to!
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
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October 2013 newsletter of the Chi Eta chapter at Western Kentucky University. This newsletter is fifteen pages.