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2013 Spring Newsletter Beta Chi (Lehigh University)
Spring 2013 newsletter of the Beta Chi chapter at Lehigh University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Beta Chi
Lehigh University
2013 Spring Newsletter Beta Chi (Lehigh University)
Spring 2013
Lehigh University
Letter from the President
Inside this:
Letter from the
Members Update
Chapter Update
Contact Info
Matthew P. Lyons ‘14, Chapter President
The brothers of Beta Chi have
continued to extend our progress
from the fall into the spring semester.
We successfully recruited 21 new
members during the first few weeks of
the semester; one of the largest
pledge classes in recent years. We are
confident these men have much to
add to the brotherhood and know
they are equally enthusiastic about the
impression FIJI will undoubtedly have
on their lives. FIJI has continued to
develop our service initiative with the
Victory House in South Bethlehem,
we have assembled a team to
participate in the campus-wide Relay
for Life event, and are actively
planning the third annual Squash
Tournament in memory of our late
brother, Bruce Bogenrief. All graduate
brothers should have received a
postcard detailing the location and
date for the upcoming Frank Norris
Pig Dinner on April 27th at the
Comfort Suites in Bethlehem. In light
of all that has happened this year, we
hope to see a large turnout so that we
may celebrate all that FIJI has
accomplished over the years. The
undergraduate brotherhood would
like to thank Doug Paige, the Beta Chi
Trustees, and all other alumni for
their unswerving support as we
continue to reaffirm our faith in FIJI’s
values and traditions. Please help us
keep on fighting the good fight and
remember “FIJI is not for college days
Save the Date!
For all of the brothers that attended the 2012 Norris Pig Dinner, thank you! For
all who couldn’t make it, we missed you and cannot wait to see you this year.
The date has been set and scheduled for April 27th, 2013. This year’s Norris Pig
Dinner will be held at Comfort Suites in Bethlehem. We are honored to host our
special guest speaker Ted Muendel ‘64 (co-founder of Stanton Chase
International). Once again, mark your
calendars for April 27th, 2013 and we hope
to see you at this year’s Pig Dinner! To the
brothers who are unable to attend the
event, you are always welcome stop by the
house and we hope to see you at the next
\r\nPage 2
Communication from the Board of Trustees
Graduate Brothers,
The Fiji Men are marching again. They have made great progress and shown significant improvement this academic year.
The Fall GPA was over 3.0 and Fiji ranked 12th among 18 fraternities. Obviously, further gains are expected, but last
spring they were 18th so this interim achievement should be applauded. Similarly, the whole house was active during the
successful January Rush which resulted in the addition of 21 new members. There will be no occupancy issue next year,
but more importantly these are all quality men who make us proud to be a Fiji.
The recent Phi Gamma Delta Field Secretary report highlighted a number of areas where improvement was noted and we
continue to receive positive updates from the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs. The feedback I get in my discussions
with OFSA staff has been consistently complimentary of both the effort and the results of our undergraduate brothers.
However, the fall semester was a difficult time for us all. The chapter is still in Graduate Trusteeship status and in
November we completed a Member Review which resulted in 6 Brothers being expelled from the House. These were
difficult decisions the Trustees felt were necessary to move the House forward, but the separations were nevertheless
painful for many of the remaining brothers. I hope with the passing of time the men better appreciate why these actions
had to be taken.
The annual Fraternity Accreditation process is underway. A panel of Lehigh officials use multiple, specific criteria to judge
the progress and achievements the fraternity has made during the year. While we are in a much stronger position this
year, an improved accreditation rating is a critical milestone for Fiji. Last year the panel rated Phi Gamma Delta as “Poor.”
Two consecutive years at this level is cause for being removed from campus. I know the brothers have worked hard to
put together a comprehensive report and to prepare for the upcoming presentation. We are confident things will be much
better this year....Good luck, men!
This Newsletter is being distributed both digitally and through the regular mail. We are doing this to ensure we reach the
broadest audience possible, but we also want to manage the expense. You’ll find in this issue a way to “opt in” and
request to continue receiving a paper copy of future Newsletters. Thanks for your support to let us know your
I hope to see as many of you as can make it to the upcoming Pig Dinner on April 27th. It will be a great opportunity to
meet a fine group of young men who have worked hard to ensure the continued success of Phi Gamma Delta at Lehigh.
Of course, it is also a chance to renew old friendships that are “Not for College Days Alone.”
Douglas Paige ‘71
The BC Fiji will be produced twice annually. The preferred distribution method is via email, but we recognize that this is
not the best option for everyone. If you want to continue to receive the paper-based Newsletter, please let us know
using the contact information below.
Timur Chernykh ‘14
Corresponding Secretary
(813) 409 7280
\r\nSpring 2013
Page 3
Distinguished Members
Paul Baxter Lanius IV
From New York, NY
Class of 2013
Major: Finance
GPA: 3.68
Member of Fiji Standards Board
Defenseman on the Lacrosse Team
Member of Lacrosse Leadership
Dean’s List (2009-2013)
Ground ball specialist
Hayden A. Harrell
From Charlotte, NC
Class of 2014
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Minor: Economics
GPA: 3.21
CoOp with BMW in Fall 2012
Tour Guide
Nicholas R. Barr
From New York, NY
Class of 2013
Major: Finance
Minor: English
GPA: 3.40
Treasurer (2011-2012)
#1 on Lehigh Squash Team
Nationally ranked in squash
Representative of Fiji on the FMA
Dean’s List (2010-2013)
Mitchell F. Petersen
From East Grand Rapids, MI
Class of 2015
Major: Finance and Accounting
GPA: 3.50
Rush Chairman
Member of the Varsity Tennis
Second Team All Patriot League
Emerging Leaders Program
New Cabinet Member
In order to replace the Historian who has been let go, the brothers of the Beta Chi chapter elected a new
Historian, Reid Chisholm. Reid hasn’t been at Lehigh for a year and a half because of severe medical issues. He has
always been a passionate brother and an active member of the Fraternity. Reid was supposed to be a Corresponding
Secretary for 2011-2012 academic year but was replaced by Matt Lyons when it became clear that he wouldn’t be
back in time. The Beta Chi chapter is proud to introduce the new Historian.
Reid H. Chisholm
From Shaker Heights, OH
Class of 2013
Major: Accounting and Finance
Minor: History
GPA: 3.18
Creative editor of the Accounting Club
Hobbies: Squash and golf
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Chapter Update
This semester, spring 2013, the Beta Chi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta invited 21 gentlemen to go through the
fraternity’s new member process. The new members are a very outgoing group with great backgrounds that lead the
brothers of Beta Chi at Lehigh University to believe that they will be great members of the chapter and Phi Gamma Delta
as a whole. These guys formed a mix of freshmen and sophomores, and came from both within and outside of the United
States. One new member is from Argentina and two are from Canada— this adds to the great diversity that we already
have in the house today. All of these gentlemen have good grades, and experiences from high school including
employment, student government, athletics, and volunteer opportunities. These guys have a wide variety of interests and
are all involved in different activities at Lehigh. Fifteen of our new members are on the varsity lacrosse team, which greatly
increases the amount of athletes that we have in the house. Throughout our new member process these men have
proven to be great future members. As the pledge class of 2010 prepares to graduate this spring, the Beta Chi chapter
gained 21 outstanding gentlemen to continue the success of the chapter and contribute to the well being of the Fraternity.
Please welcome the pledge class of 2013: Chris Appell, Steve Brodeur, Julian Copeland, Patrick Corbett,
Alex Eaton, Casey Eidenshink, Corey Eppley, Kyle Garland, Julius Heftler, Klay Heston, Kurtis Kaunas, Sam
Lawrence, Ray Mastroianni, Will McKee, Jason Pitonyak, Nick Santamarina, Dan Taylor, Tripp Telesco, Nick
Urban, Ben Warren, Reid Weber.
Community/Philanthropy Service
My name is Samuel S. Reznik ’15 and as the current Community Service Chairman of Phi
Gamma Delta’s Beta Chi chapter, I am proud to report a successful continuation of the previous
semester’s community service and philanthropic endeavors. We have continued our participation in
the Reading Rocks program—a university-sponsored event, through which Lehigh students teach
local elementary school children the fundamentals of reading and writing. So far this semester, we
have successfully sent at least five brothers to help out every Wednesday afternoon that the
program was in session. I am also pleased to report our continued contribution to the Victory
House homeless shelter. Through this semester-old initiative, we have sent 10 brothers to prepare
and serve dinner to the men residing at the shelter once a month. We also remained a part of the
University’s efforts (in conjunction with Lehigh Valley’s Habitat for Humanity) to raise money to
build a home in Easton for hurricane Sandy victims, later this spring.
Now, it is my even greater pleasure to report our new community service and philanthropic initiatives for the
spring semester. Our Philanthropy Chairman, Stormont R. Mahoney, kicked the semester off right when he set up our
Relay for Life event, “Keep the Goose Open Late,” with the Gamma Phi Beta sorority. Members from both Greek
organizations were encouraged to grab a sandwich at Bethlehem’s popular Goosey Gander Delicatessen. Proceeds went
to cancer research and topped $1,000! Next, we participated in Alpha Chi Omega’s fundraising Dodgeball tournament.
We paid $25 to enter a team consisting of five of our brothers and, although we did not come out victorious, I can
confidently say that our participants thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to interact with members from other fraternities
and sororities. Benefits for this event went to the Turning Point Foundation—a non-profit organization that supports
women and children in states of domestic crisis. Our most recent undertaking was our entrance into Gamma Phi Beta’s
“Crescent Classic Volleyball Tournament.” For $30 we entered a team to participate in the event along with other houses
on the hill. All proceeds went the Girls on the Run Foundation—a program that strives to promote self-esteem and
healthy living for young girls.
While we are excited about all that we have accomplished thus far, we continue to look forward. Brother
Mahoney and I have been in contact with members of our sister sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, in an effort to set up a jointphilanthropy or service event in the near future.
A firm scholarship plan has been established to encourage young brothers to pursue excellence through
scholarship. The chapter has displayed continual improvement throughout the previous semester and got above 3.0 GPA.
But we believe that there is still room for improvement. With a firmly implemented scholarship plan, the brothers hope to
recruit more quality young men who exemplify the fraternity’s emphasis on scholarship.
\r\nSpring 2013
Page 5
Brothers at Adopt-A-Family event at a local elementary school
Scholarship, Fraternity, Self
Brother Christmas Party
Warm welcome back for brother Chisholm
Brothers playing Jeopardy!
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta
Congratulations to our graduating seniors
Send stories and
updated contact
information to this
postal and email
Nicholas R. Barr
David W. Root
Aidan J. Fennelly
Daniel J. Rosen
Bowman B. Johns
Ernesto Vargas
Paul B. Lanius IV
Brendan E. Ambrose
Wyatt A. Linder
Mark A. Nasby
104 Hill Road
Bethlehem, PA
Corresponding Secretary
Timur Chernykh
(813) 409-7280
Remember your undergraduate days and share your stories
with us!
As an undergraduate:
What was your Fiji experience like?
Where are you?
What are you doing?
Have you met with any chapter brothers lately?
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Spring 2013 newsletter of the Beta Chi chapter at Lehigh University. The newsletter is six pages in length.