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2013 Spring Newsletter Beta Rho (Louisiana State University)
Spring 2013 newsletter of the Beta Rho chapter at Louisiana State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Beta Rho
Louisiana State University
2013 Spring Newsletter Beta Rho (Louisiana State University)
The Bayou Fiji
The Beta Rho Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at Louisiana State Univ. - Spring 2013 Edition
It is the proud honor of the
men of the Beta Rho Chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta to announce the 2013 Norris Pig
The undergraduate chapter
would like to extend our
warmest invitation to our
graduates to attend the traditional Phi Gam feast at the
Lod Cook Hotel here on our
campus on April 28, 2013.
As the tradition goes, the Pig
Dinner stems back to brother
Frank Norris (1894) of the
Delta Xi Chapter at UC Berkley.
At the 1893 university class
day exercises, the dispensator was Brother Ralph L.
Hathorn (1893). He used his
pulpit to mock two rival fra-
ternities for monopolizing campus activities, particularly the
"glee club".
Hawthorn's stunt
consisted in bringing
APRIL 28, 2013
on the platform a
barrel labeled "U. of
occasion and on May 18 at 6
C. Glee Club," tied with a cord
P.M., twenty Fijis made the
symbolic of the strangle-hold
Delta realm resound with "All
established by these two rival
Hail the Pig!" Hathorn, as massocieties. Out of this barrel
ter of ceremonies, then called
tumbled a squealing pig-- a
commentary on the rival frater- upon every member present to
renew his bond of allegiance,
nities’ singing ability.
fidelity, and alliance, and to
Some say the pig escaped and
seal his vow on the bended
was pursued by Fijis with murknee by the solemn ordeal of
derous intent. At any rate, that
kissing the pig's snout. After
night the suckling pig was inthe banquet, at the break of
carcerated at the Berkley Fiji
dawn, Frank Norris was inhouse. Norris wrote an elabospired to propose that they
rate mock ceremony for the
If you have not already
done so, please update
your contact info by
(Continued on page 3)
By: Ray Pryphun (2013) - Chapter President
It is my honor and privilege to
introduce myself as the newest President of the Beta Rho
chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
here at Louisiana State University.
I’m a third year finance major
with aspirations of business
or law school after the completion of my undergraduate
degree. I come from a small
suburb on the outskirts of the
Washington, D.C. metropolitan
I bring the experience of leadership and unwavering commitment to my position. I look
forward to leading Beta Rho to
its full potential this year with
the help of the very promising
and dedicated cabinet our
chapter has elected. I am confident that through our com-
bined efforts, we will continue
to raise this chapter to unseen
heights each and every semester.
We have a formidable task
ahead of us this semester, and
the attitude of the chapter has
never been better. Our members are committed to the
tasks set before them with the
ultimate goal of making Beta
Rho one of the best chapters in
the country. We have put in
place committee heads who
are ambitious, creative, and
hard working. All of them
share in the vision of the kind
of chapter Beta Rho can be.
We are aiming to reemphasize
community service in the
hopes to give back to the community we live in. We will be
putting together an exciting
brotherhood schedule that
aims to bring together the
chapter even more so than it
(Continued on page 2)
By: Patrick Malone (2014) - Graduate Relations Chairman
Throughout my pledgeship here at Beta
Rho, I was constantly reminded of the
FIJI motto, “Not for college days alone.”
I never quite grasped the magnitude of
the fraternal bonds that I was about to
make. As with most college freshmen, I
was under the false assumption that I
was merely joining a social club and that
the only real benefit was that I would
join a new group of friends. Of course, it
turned out to be much more. After talking to a few local graduates, I’ve learned
that Phi Gamma Delta is everywhere.
Wherever you go, you probably can’t
throw a baseball far enough where another Fiji wouldn’t be around to catch it.
The professional, social, and spiritual
connections that can be made through
the bonds of this fraternity are limitless.
Since I took the job as head of Graduate
Relations, my main objective has always
been to find ways to get you, the graduates, back to Beta Rho. From my conversations with some of the graduates, the
biggest concern is that most don’t know
what we’re all about and what our values
are. While we have been strong in our
comeback at LSU, the one thing we have
lacking is a large graduate presence surrounding the fraternity. I believe we have
been making strides recently in that regard, and we plan on turning it up with a
couple big graduate events this semester.
Our main event will be the Norris Pig Dinner Weekend, which will be held at the
Lod Cook Hotel LSU's campus Saturday,
April 28. Needless to say, we are all very
excited to host this experience. The dinner
will be part of a graduate weekend at
Beta Rho that we hope you can attend.
You are welcome to attend any or all
parts of the weekend. Save this date as
well and continue to check any emails
from us to receive more information.
If you have any questions, feel free to
email me at any time and I will be sure
to get back to you as soon as I can. Also,
if you plan to make a visit to the house,
please email me so I can be sure that
you are properly received. We would be
more than happy to show you around
the house and give you a meal from our
chef. Likewise, if you would like to attend a meeting or share stories and experiences with the chapter at a dinner,
we would love to have you.
(Continued from page 1)
already is, and to reaffirm what it really
means to be a brother in Phi Gamma
Delta. We will be building off the recent
successes of our newly established philanthropies in support of Our Lady of the
Lake Children’s Hospital here in Baton
Rouge as well as with the United Service
Organizations, our national FIJI philanthropy. Through hard work and dedication, I know we will live up to the Phi
Gamma Delta name passed down to us. I
invite any and all graduates to reach out
to the undergraduate chapter anyway
possible. We are still in the process of
finding our identity as a chapter and I
believe some of you can help us restore
many of the chapter’s old traditions. We
have had visits from a number of graduates this semester, both familiar and new,
and the undergraduate chapter has eagerly welcomed them as brothers should.
We have appreciated the increased support from the graduate chapter and will
The Cabinet and committee heads.
be striving to expand on our relations even
The success of a chapter does not rest on
the shoulders of a few individuals. It relies
on the cooperation of every brother linked
to this chapter. Beta Rho has a long way to
go, and through the combined efforts of
both the undergrad and graduate chapters, the end result is that much closer. I
am proud to have this unique opportunity to lead the proud chapter of Beta
Rho and I anxiously look forward to
what lies ahead.
\r\nP AGE 3
held at Denison, Wabash, and Indiana.
Within a few years, almost every chapter
had adopted the event.
(Continued from page 1)
perpetuate the memory of the occasion
with a perennial graduate chapter pig
dinner and rally.
brothers, relive fond memories and toast to
our most beloved fraternity.
From this small dinner when Delta Xi had
less than 50 members on its roster, has
An Exile's Toast was read at the Novem- come the Norris Dinner of all Fijidom to
symbolize the spiritual ideal of good felber 28, 1900 dinner. Frank Norris sent
lowship in the fraternity so perfectly exemhis poem from far away New Jersey in
response to the graduate chapter's invi- plified in Norris.
tation, which was signed "The CommitAnd in keeping with the tradition of Phi
Gamma Delta, we honor Brother Norris
with the pig dinner roast. We would love to
Frank Norris died in 1902. He was a
see all our graduate brother in attendance,
nationally-known author having pubespecially the ones that we may have lost
lished several highly-regarded novels
contact with throughout the years.
and short stories. Fittingly, the annual
Pig Dinner festivity was dedicated to
So we ask that you may join us for such a
him and began to spread across the Frajoyous occasion as to reunite with lost
ternity. In early 1903, Pig Dinners were
Brother Frank Norris.
By: Mike Moore (2015) - Chapter Treasurer
I’m very excited and blessed to be able
to introduce myself as the next Treasurer of Beta Rho.
I’m currently in my second year of
studying finance here at Louisiana
State University. Originally from the
greater-Boston area, my family moved
just outside of Houston, Tex., during
my early high school years.
as Treasurer of Beta Rho for the upcoming
spring and fall semesters. With the help of
my brothers, I look forward to placing this
chapter in the ideal position to accomplish
its goals of Friendship, Knowledge, Service,
Morality, and, most importantly, Excellence.
There are many goals I plan to accomplish
during my time here as Treasurer. The
most important goal to me is changing the
The enduring principles that my faith,
burden-like stigma that sometimes surfamily, friends, and fraternity have
rounds meeting financial obligations. I’m
instilled in me allow me to accept this
aiming to accomplish this task by showing
position with the utmost confidence.
the true value of participating in FIJI. In
When joining FIJI in the fall of 2011, I
addition to many other goals, the chapter
quickly saw how much potential this
seeks to be, at the very least, contenders in
freshly rejuvenated, and prestigious,
every chapter award granted by IHQ. We
chapter had. I was drawn to this place
are specifically aiming to bring home the
knowing that I could make a signifiCondon Cup for the most improved chapcant difference and ultimately leave it
ter. The implementation of many old tradiin a better condition than when I artions, such as the Norris Pig Dinner and
rived. Yearning to get involved early, I
this very newsletter, will help us in making
began developing my planning and
this vision a reality. As we continue to becollaboration skills by becoming a
come an even more predominate chapter,
member of the social committee during we look to increase our impact on Greek
my second semester here. I had the
Life and LSU's campus as a whole. If any
honor of being nominated and elected
graduates are interested in helping our
chapter by joining the 1848 club, contact
Patrick Malone at
The final area we hope to improve on is to
continue fulfilling the saying, "Not For College Days Alone.” Seeing our graduate relations grow over the recent semesters has
been a welcomed sight and we look forward
to the continued interaction through upcoming graduate events. Please do not hesitate to
stop by for dinner with the chapter when
you're in town or just stop by to relive some
old memories from 21 E. Fraternity Ln. Our
door is always open.
Let me close by thanking both the graduates
and Undergraduate Chapter for their continued commitment to this Beta Rho Chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta. Everyone’s past efforts
are becoming even more evident in the increased success of the chapter, and we look
forward to the many successes still to come.
These next few semesters are looking very
bright for Beta Rho, and we are excited to
carry on and expand the FIJI legacy established by those who came before us.
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta Fraternity
1201 Red Mile Road
Lexington, KY 40504
Nonprofit Org
US Postage
Lexington, KY
Permit # 540
LSU’s Beta Rho Phi Gams won the fraternity football championship in competition with over 20 fraternities.
Appearing in the picture are kneeling left to right: Ken Bass (1979), Field Long (1981), Bryan Lastrapes (1981),
Mike Bass (1982), Russel Moran (1982), Eddie Guidry (1979), Kenny Van Ameringe (1982), Shannon Slay
(1981). Standing from left to right: Chris Pettit (1978), Danny Worstell (1981), Steve Sessions (1980), J. R.
Shaw (1981), Johnny Fort (1979), Bill Dippel (1980), Bill Lastrapes (1980), Joey Bonin (1980) Frank
Deus (1982), Jay Luke (1980) and Coach Ken Robinson (1973).
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Spring 2013 newsletter of the Beta Rho chapter at Louisiana State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.