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2013 Spring Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
Spring 2013 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Chi Iota
University of Illinois
2013 Spring Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
C hi I ota C hronicle
University of Illinois - Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity - Spring 2013 Edition
On April 20, Chi Iota
held its Frank Norris Pig
Dinner at the IHotel
Conference Center. After much hard work by
the chapter to put everything in place, the dinner was successful. We
began the evening’s festivities at 5:30 with an
opening video presentation compiling some of
the better memories
between the brothers.
Shortly after, the Master
of Ceremonies Jon
Knazur (2008) was
introduced to carry out the
rest of the night’s presentations. Former Chapter President and IFC President,
Josh Moore (2011), recited
the traditional “Exile’s Toast”
and he was then followed by
our Keynote Speaker, Chris
• Pig Dinner was another
great success, with over
40 graduate brothers in
• Chi Iota donated over
$3,000 to the American
Red Cross from its Fiji
Fright Fest event in the
• The 2013 Fiji Open will
be held on August 24.
Details will be coming
Senior brothers at Pig Dinner.
Tuttle. Chris is the current
director of the Varsity “I”
Association, and was also a
founder and former president of Orange Krush. Chris
gave the chapter insight as
to how we as an organization need to unite to achieve
the goals we want. Through
Orange Crush and the Varsity
“I” Association, the $160 million Assembly Hall renovation has become possible.
His video showed us just how
incredible of an experience
seeing Illini Basketball will be
in the near future.
After singing the doxology,
we ate dinner that was followed by cheesecake, however, we had a few younger
(Continued on page 2)
By: Erik Sproat (2015) and Jon Tatlock (2015)
This past fall, with a lot of
hard work from the Chi Iota
Chapter, Fiji Fright Fest was
a complete success. On behalf of the American Red
Cross, Fiji held a week long
philanthropic event which
was three phased, the first of
which was a pumpkin carving
contest involving 20 teams
from 5 different sororities
and numerous brothers. Following this, we hosted a spaghetti dinner which drew
hundreds in attendance.
Lastly, we hosted Diamond
Dash in which 7 sororities
sent 10 teams for a hungry
hungry hippo like game.
With the constant support
and participation of the
brothers, Chi Iota was able to
raise $3,365.00 on behalf of
the Central Illinois Chapter
of the American Red Cross.
During the spring, Fiji will be
putting on Phi Jamma Delta,
a wheelchair themed event
capped by a wheelchair basketball tournament on behalf
of Keep On Keeping On.
Keep On Keeping On is an
(Continued on page 2)
\r\nChi Iota Chronicle
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members forget to ‘preserve the delta,’
but they’ll learn in time.
Our current Chapter President, Kurt
Zellner (2015), gave his state of the
chapter, which recapped all aspects of
Chi Iota including service, philanthropy,
social, scholarship, recruitment, and
campus involvement. These chapter
recognitions led to the David Kinley
scholarships for those who excelled in
academics, and shortly thereafter the
chapter awards including the Brotherhood Award, New Member of the Year,
Senior of the Year, Athlete of the Year,
the Scholarship Award, the Philanthropy
Award, and the Fiji of the Year.
The late Tristan Joseph (2012) was
awarded Fiji of the Year, and we followed that with a presentation dedicated
to our fallen brother. We had brothers
give their fondest memories of Tristan
and how he profoundly impacted our
lives, then we closed the dinner.
Overall, we had 40 graduate brothers in
attendance and had an incredible time
either catching up or getting to know
each one of them. Although this Pig
Dinner just ended, we anticipate planning for the next year’s soon.
(Continued from page 1)
organization that assists those living
with severe physical disabilities and
educating and empowering others to
make a difference in their communities.
In addition to Phi Jamma Delta, the Chi
Iota Chapter will be hosting our now
annual 24 hour run. The goal of the 24
hour run is to raise awareness of our
philanthropy and Keep On Keeping On
Pledges from the University of Illinois
and Phi Gamma Delta community will
be graciously accepted. Lastly, a spaghetti dinner will also be held to generate more money for Keep On Keeping
On. With the generous contributions of
the Panhellenic Council, Phi Gamma
Delta has already raised $1,000.
We have also been close to our goal of
having at least one service event every
week. So far, Chi Iota has documented
nearly 350 service hours as a chapter in
various events throughout the semester. Some of the events we have participated in so far are help setting up the
monthly food drive at Wesley Church,
building a house in Champaign for
Habitat for Humanity, and running
bingo events at local nursing homes.
Chi Iota brothers with some ladies of Alpha Gamma Delta running a
bingo event at the Illini Heritage Rehab & Health Center.
We are continually striving for our goal
of 10 hours of service per brother each
semester, which we hope to reach for the
first time this semester. We can do this
more effectively by setting up chapterwide events, so more brothers can participate and a bigger impact can be felt
by the organization we are volunteering
for. Some of these larger events this se-
mester included throwing the first ever
"Senior" Prom at the Meadowbrook
Health Center and participating in
Boneyard Creek Community Day.
\r\nPage 3
Chapter President - Kurt Zellner (2015)
I’m from Dunwoody, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta. My major is economics with the hope of pursuing a
career in money management. Along with Phi Gamma Delta, I am involved in Younglife, a missionary
organization that ministers to teens. In particular, I work with middle school students in a branch of
Younglife called Wyldlife. My goal as president is to maintain our values while increasing the magnitude
to which we create better men. I believe that the sole manner of bettering our chapter is hard work. That
is to say, I am a firm believer in the idea that, “actions speak louder than words.” That being said, we
must never forget that we are a product of those who came before us and an example for those who will
come after us.
Chapter Treasurer - Matt Fisher (2015)
I am a sophomore studying finance and economics, and a proud member of the Xi class. My interests
include hockey, football, and movies. Outside of class and FIJI, I participate in Alpha Kappa Psi professional business fraternity and Illinois Investment Group. My motivation for becoming a cabinet member
was the fact that FIJI has given me so many opportunities to grow as an individual, and I feel the need to
give back to the chapter. Now that I have been elected, I hope to improve collection strategies as well as
housing projects. I see the chapter having the financial means to prosper on the University of Illinois
Chapter Historian - Peter Jorjorian (2015)
I am a sophomore majoring in history and secondary education and I am originally from Glenview, IL.
On campus, I am also involved in The Other Guys which is a men's a cappella group, I am a campus tour
guide and also I work at a local restaurant. As historian, my goals are to increase brotherhood amongst
the chapter, as well as keeping our precious traditions and rituals alive.
Recording Secretary - Scott Farnan (2015)
Unlike the rest of the cabinet, I am the one proud member of the Omicron class. I am a sophomore
studying Special Education with a Speech and Hearing Science minor. Prior to graduation, I hope to become a teacher for a Life Skills elementary or high school class. Aside from FIJI, I am the Treasurer-Elect
of Epsilon Delta, which is a professional teaching organization. I also have two jobs on campus - I am a
childhood assistant at the Child Development Lab and a personal assistant at Beckwith Residential Support Services. I was inspired to become a member of cabinet because I want to be represented as a face of
the fraternity and give back to the one thing that has given me so many opportunities. My main objectives as Recording Secretary is to keep consistent communication throughout the chapter, expand
our philanthropy and service involvement and improve our scholarship achievement.
Corresponding Secretary - Sam Pille (2015)
I am a member of the Xi class. I am currently undecided but attempting to transfer to Recreation, Sport,
and Tourism in the College of Applied and Health Sciences. I am a student manager on the Illinois Fighting Illini football team. Sports are a major hobby and interest of mine. Phi Gamma Delta has given an
endless amount of opportunities as well as morals to live by, so I felt it is only right that I give back by
serving my brothers as a cabinet member. I hope Chi Iota continues to succeed in all aspects of our fraternity, and we are internationally recognized for our excellence. Until further Correspondence!
\r\nNonprofit Org
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The Fiji Open - August 24
Details coming soon...
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Spring 2013 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. The newsletter is four pages in length.