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2013 Spring Newsletter Epsilon Iota (University of Evansville)
Spring 2013 newsletter of the Epsilon Iota chapter at the University of Evansville. This newsletter is four pages.
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Epsilon Iota
University of Evansville
2013 Spring Newsletter Epsilon Iota (University of Evansville)
ace of diamonds
phi gamma delta
Dr. William Ridgeway
Leaves His Mark on UE
Cherry Pit
Spitting Day
July 7th
Nicolaj CostarWaldaus 43rd
July 27th
Anniversary of
an Independent
August 16th
Start of
September 1st
Pig Dinner
November 2nd
summer 2013
If Phi Gamma Delta never chartered a chapter at the
University of Evansville, UE would still have received
its own education on how seriously Phi Gam’s take
service. Brothers John H. Schroeder (Wabash 1942)
and Dr. William Ridgway (Indiana 1943), despite receiving no degrees from UE, both used their largesse
to significantly enrich the campus for generations of
students. Brother Schroeder passed away in April
2011, and now sadly, in March 2013, Dr. Ridgway has
also passed away.
A native son of Evansville, Dr. Ridgway left the city
for Indiana University, where he was initiated as a Phi
Gam. He continued his education at Northwestern,
leaving the university there as an ophthalmologist.
After a stint in the Navy and Korea, Dr. Ridgway
settled into his practice in San Francisco, where he
lived for the next 40 years.
Despite being on the opposite side of the country,
Evansville stayed on Dr. Ridgway’s mind. In 1986,
he purchased the Harlaxton campus in Grantham,
England, and promptly gave it to UE. Today, Harlaxton is a vital and attractive piece of the university,
burnishing its reputation among prospective students
while giving those who take advantage of its presence an unforgettable experience. Not satisfied with
this hugely substantial gift, Dr. Ridgway continued
in his generosity with a scholarship in his name for
Evansville natives, as well as a significant chunk of
the expense of building the university’s new campus
center. Named the Ridgway Center and opened in
2008, it currently serves as a campus gathering center
for students and faculty.
After Dr. Ridgway’s death, obituaries justly sang his
praises for all the great work he did for UE. However,
he was still not finished. One month after he passed
away, it was announced that Dr. Ridgway had left the
Dr. Ridgway on UE’s Campus
university an additional $39 million,
the largest single gift in the university’s
history. Five of those millions will be
used for faculty development, while
the rest will be deposited in a trust,
5% of which will be used every year, as
needed. With Dr. Ridgway’s final gift,
he has made himself the largest single
donor in UE history.
Dr. Ridgway also helped the Epsilon
Iota chapter in its early days. He contributed to our chartering fund, and
supported us well after by attending Pig
Dinners and other gatherings. As FIJI’s
and as UE graduates, we owe a debt to
Dr. Ridgway. His generosity, and the
generosity of Brother Schroeder, serves
as an inspiration for all Phi Gam’s to
embody service in all ways possible.
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Big Finish at 2013 EI Open
Spring conjures certain memories
for anyone who lives in the Midwest.
Porch sitting on metal lawn furniture.
Tornado watches/warnings. A thin
dusting of pollen on a car. New spring
traditions are being created on Clearcrest Pines golf course, as Phi Gam’s
once again have gathered on the links
in late April for the Epsilon Iota Open
to have it out amongst each other, and
maybe raise a little money for the Epsilon Iota chapter.
Much like the spring tradition of the
first Little League game of the season,
participants in the EI Open started
the day with a new tradition involving
a similar level of embarrassment. In
honor of the recently deceased Geoff
Keller (EI 2008), all golfers teed off on
the first hole using one of Geoff ’s old
clubs, nicknamed The Rattler. The rub
arises from the fact that The Rattler is
left-handed. Hilarity ensued, as golfer
after golfer flailed about for a few measly yards of fairway. All viewed this
custom as a wild success and we look
forward to it again in 2014.
No spring would be complete without
an Easter egg hunt, and in that spirit,
several teams found themselves foraging in the woods for lost balls. Tom
Topper (EI 2004), back at the Open
after missing 2012, could not shake off
the rust. Reunited with his usual teammates Sean Riley (EI 2005) and Joe
Setnor (EI 2007), they quickly reverted
to their historical habit of hanging out
around par despite their Kangol hats
and fancy cigars. Meanwhile, 2012
all-FIJI champions, led by Kevin Brown
(EI 2012) and Brandon Watkins (EI
2012), also could not get comfortable.
Watkins, in his usual 120-decibel voice,
could be heard cursing dignity itself,
and will be blazoning that sentiment
onto his family crest.
A newer spring tradition, but a tradition nonetheless, is the crowning of a
new American Idol, but the crowning
of a new EI Open champion would
prove to be much, much more interesting. Steve Sanders (EI 1999) joined
with 3 men more than a decade his junior in Daniel Kinser (EI 2009), Brandon Uzarek (EI 2010), and Ryan Cramer (EI 2012), but they found themselves
tied at the 18th green with a team led
by Rance Brown (EI 2006) and friend
of the chapter Nick Burch. A clutch
putt by Burch put his team in the lead
by one stroke, and Team Sanders could
not make up the distance. Despite
missing out on the title of Champions
of the World, Team Sanders was able
to claim the all-FIJI trophy. When
asked what it was about the age difference that led to such a strong showing,
Sanders remarked, “You know, I believe
the children are the future. If we teach
them well and let them lead the way,
they’ll show us all the beauty that they
have inside.” When asked if he just
quoted a Whitney Houston song, Sanders said, “No, I don’t think so.”
After all was said and done, nearly
$850 was raised for the chapter and a
good time was had by all. Threats of
rain never materialized, though threats
of going to Show-Me’s after sadly did.
We’re already anxiously awaiting the
next one.
to new
Jordan Chapman received a degree in
Business Administration – Marketing.
He is currently employed at State Farm
insurance in Evansville.
Brennan Girdler earned a BFA in Creative Writing. He resides in St. Louis,
where he is working remotely as a writer/
editor for the North Carolina company
Grammar Chic
Bryce Huff has completed the undergrad portion of his doctorate in Physical Therapy and will be continuing his
education at UE.
Dave Lustro received a BS in Exercise
and Sport Science. He is in the process
of deciding between a career and further
Derrick McDowell earned a degree in
Political Science.
George Oeth received a degree in Elementary Education and is looking for a
job in the Evansville area.
Sam Rodriguez studied Multimedia Production, Communications, and Marketing.
Jordan Stoltz received a degree in Computer Engineering and now works at ECS
Solutions in Evansville.
Tyler Tungate completed his major in
Electrical Engineering. He is temporarily interning at Ciholas, Inc in Evansville,
and will be attending the University of
Washington’s Electrical Engineering PhD
program in the fall.
All-FIJI Champs Cramer, Kinser,
Sanders, and Uzarek
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Have You Heard The Good News?
Eric Roberson (EI 2005) and wife Sara celebrated the birth of their son Evan in February.
Jessica Alexander, wife of Ricky Alexander (EI 2007) gave birth to their daughter Madison
in April.
Sara and Jim Moryl (EI 2000) were married in October.
David Devine (EI 2011) accepted an accountant position with Sysco in Houston.
Ryan Ebersole (EI 2010) and Jessie Kemp are engaged to be married.
Tyler Tynes (EI 2006) and fiancee Michelle welcomed their son Jackson in February.
Jeff Bennett (EI 2008) will be moving to California for six months to put out a shingle as a
traveling physical therapist.
Brad Kastrup (EI 2011) and Natalie Cross were married overlooking Lake Michigan in June.
Josh Zars and son Grayson,
doing what they love.
Josh Zars (EI 2006) and wife Paige celebrated the birth of their son Grayson in June.
Jard Black (EI 2007) is now engaged to Sarah Grey.
Jesse Miller (EI 2010) graduated from law school at Michigan State in May, and is now feverishly studying to pass the Bar exam.
Jeremy Tarr (EI 1998) and wife Katie welcomed their second daughter Kenley in April.
What’s Distracting FIJI’s?
This quarter, the Ace of Diamonds caught up with Baltimore physical therapist Josh Holland (EI 2005).
Mine and my family’s main distraction has been a big relocation. We’ve been looking to move
to a city that is less like the urban decay of Baltimore, as portrayed in the show , The Wire, and
more like the bright metropolis of Nashville, as portrayed in the show, Nashville. By the time
you read this, we will have moved to the Music City.
I’m also currently reading the Game of Thrones series. A cheery and delightful bit of literature.
I’ve been refamiliarizing myself with the brown liquors. Bourbon. Whisky. Generally, anything
80 proof and above that has had time to simmer it’s firey soul in a cozy barrel of charred wood.
As world-class man Ron Swanson would say, “Clear alcohols are for rich women on diets.”
Josh Holland and daughter Lilah,
killing zombies.
Lastly, I’ve just finished all the episodes of Parks and Recreation on Netflix. It’s the most quotable piece of media since Anchorman. Please see previous statement for an excellent example.
Epsilon Iota Feted by Easter Seals
On June 5, the Epsilon Iota chapter was honored at the annual Easter Seals Tribute Dinner, along with John C. Schroeder.
Easter Seals provided the chapter with a complimentary table for 8, highlighted our accomplishments in their program, and
created a tribute video highlighting Hot-Tub-A-Thon. Over 200 community members
attended the event which was held at The Crescent Room at Milestones. Over 200
community members, FIJI graduates and FIJI undergraduates attended the event.
The emcee of the program was Evansville mayor Lloyd Winnecke. Special guests for the
evening were Easter Seals Youth and Adult Representatives Kamree Anderson and Craig
Doninger. Both spoke on their gratitude for the services provided by Easter Seals and
their thankfulness for its donors.
Brother White proudly accepted the “Changing Lives” award on behalf of the chapter.
In his speech, Brother White explained that over the years, Epsilon Iota has raised over
$90,000. The 2014 HTOT should be the year we surpass $100,000. From humble origins
more than a decade ago, HTOT has grown into UE’s top-raising philanthropy by a wide
margin. Its past and continuing success is enabled by the generosity of graduates, and
Easter Seals and the city of Evansville thanks you for it.
\r\nA Letter From The President
Greetings Brothers,
I am extremely excited to tell you about the strides our chapter
has taken over the spring semester. First and foremost, we have
welcomed five new brothers in Nick Schuetz, Ben Potts, Levon
Gibson, and Anthony McDonald. Additionally, we continued the
yearly tradition of our Hot-Tub-A-Thon philanthropy in April to
raise money for Easter Seals. In a complementary yearly tradition, we again were responsible for the most successful campus
philanthropy, with a grand total of $9,250. Philanthropy chairman Austin White should be commended for a great job. For this
accomplishment and for the many thousands raised since HTOT’s
inception, the chapter was awarded the Easter Seals Mayor’s Award
during the telethon and was also just officially recognized by Easter
Seals with John C. Schroeder at a special banquet.
Academically, Epsilon Iota has just completed one of its most
successful semesters in our history. For the spring semester, we’ve earned the most improved GPA and highest fraternity GPA with
a 3.33 average. We are all also very proud of Jordan Stoltz (EI 2013), who won first place in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers SoutheastCon Hardware Competition in Jacksonville, Florida.
On campus, we placed first in two philanthropies: AOPi’s Survival of the Fittest and the TKE-DOZ Field Day. In intramurals, we
placed 1st in B league floor hockey and 2nd in ultra-competitive C league basketball. In the brotherhood development realm, to prepare us for the Epsilon Iota Open, we set up an in-house putt-putt course where each room created a hole. Brother Ben Broadhead
took home the green jacket after the 2nd playoff hole, and proceeded to give a tear-filled victory speech. However, what our chapter
is most proud of and what ended up being our most impressive accomplishment is undoubtedly John Gentry (EI 2014) wooing of a
female companion. Clearly, the extra year John is taking to graduate is well spent, and he will be receiving a Most Unbelievable Relationship award this August.
In my previous letter, I discussed establishing a point system where brothers will have to acquire a predetermined number of points
through chapter involvement to either live in the house or attend formal. I am happy to announce that 88% of the chapter met this
requirement, thus leading to a substantial increase in chapter involvement and dedication. We also reduced the number of registered
parties in order to increase the amount of time spent on improving our organization and our brotherhood as a whole. With regards
to recruitment, the chapter has decided to appoint two chairmen to distribute the heavy workload. Ben Broadhead and myself will
be stepping in to fill these positions. We have been in correspondence the past few weeks planning the recruitment schedule. We are
also reading recruitment books and exploring different strategies to create an official recruitment guide. This will allow us to lead the
chapter in a productive recruitment-training workshop. Hopefully, with more training, we can identify any stagnant methods and
maximize our success in the fall. The chapter is enthusiastic to continue developing our innovative approach to operations so that
Phi Gamma Delta and her legacy at Epsilon Iota continue to move closer to the excellence that we constantly and unceasingly strive
As always, feel free to contact me personally with any questions.
Austin Lauer (EI 2014)
(502) 777-7062
Jon Kissel, Ace of Diamonds editor
Austin Lauer, Chapter President
Hot-Tub-O-Thon information
Visit Epsilon Iota on the web at
Phi Gamma Delta
227 S. Lincoln Park Drive
Evansville, IN 47714
deepC is the musical alias of brother Geoff Keller.
His music can be found on iTunes, and for exclusive
deepC merchandise check out the new deepC shop:
Proceeds will be donated to the Malignant
Hyperthermia Association of the United States
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Spring 2013 newsletter of the Epsilon Iota chapter at the University of Evansville. This newsletter is four pages.